Module MemCsharpminor

Require ArithLib.
Require ListAdom.
Require Mconvert.
Require Pun.
Require AbMemSignatureCsharpminor.
Require DebugCshm DebugAbMachineEnv.


Require Import Annotagen.

Open Scope string.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Elimination Schemes.

Definition injective_map {A B} (m: Aoption B) : Prop :=
  ∀ x x' a,
    m(x) = Some am(x') = Some a
    x = x'.

Definition stacks_tmp (stk stk': list (temp_env * env)) : Prop :=
  map snd stk =
  map snd stk'.

Lemma stacks_tmp_in : ∀ stk stk',
  stacks_tmp stk stk' →
  ∀ t e,
    In (t, e) stk' →
    ∃ t', In (t', e) stk.
  unfold stacks_tmp.
  induction stk as [|(t, e) stk IH]; intros stk' H.
  generalize (map_nil_inv _ _ (eq_sym H)). intros -> ? ? ().
  destruct stk' as [|(t', e') stk'].
  apply map_nil_inv in H. eq_some_inv.
  simpl in H. eq_some_inv.
  intros t0 e [?|H]. eq_some_inv. subst. vauto.
  edestruct IH. eassumption. eassumption.

Lemma get_stk_tmp : ∀ stk stk',
  stacks_tmp stk stk' →
  ∀ f,
  option_map snd (get_stk f stk) =
  option_map snd (get_stk f stk').
  unfold stacks_tmp.
  induction stk as [|(t, e) stk IH] using rev_ind; intros stk' H.
  generalize (map_nil_inv _ _ (eq_sym H)). intros -> ?. reflexivity.
  assert (∃ pre q, stk' = pre ++ q :: nil)%list as X.
  { exists (removelast stk'), (last stk' (t, e)).
    rewrite (@app_removelast_last _ stk' (t, e)) at 1.
    intros ->; destruct stk; simpl in H; eq_some_inv. }
  hsplit. subst. rewrite ! map_app in H. simpl in H.
  unfold get_stk. rewrite ! rev_app_distr. simpl.
  apply snoc_eq_inv in H. destruct H as [ H -> ].
  specialize (IH _ H).
  intros [ f | f | ].
  exact (IH (xO f)).
  exact (IH (Pos.pred_double f)).

Remark block_of_ablock_tmp ge : ∀ stk stk',
  stacks_tmp stk stk' →
  ∀ ab, block_of_ablock ge stk ab = block_of_ablock ge stk' ab.
  unfold stacks_tmp.
  intros stk stk' H.
  intros [f x|b]; simpl; auto.
  generalize (get_stk_tmp H f).
  destruct (get_stk f stk') as [ (t, e) | ];
  simpl; intros X; eq_some_inv.
  destruct X as ((t',e') & X & <-). rewrite X. reflexivity.
  destruct (get_stk _ _); auto; simpl in *; eq_some_inv.

Module N := Nconvert ACTree.
Module PT := N.PT.
Export PT.

Definition lvarset : Type := PSet.t.
Definition tvarset : Type := PSet.t.
Definition stack : Type := list (lvarset * tvarset).

Instance fname_leb : leb_op fname := flat_leb_op Pos.eqb.
Instance fname_join : join_op fname (fname+⊤) := flat_join_op Pos.eqb.
Instance lvarset_leb : leb_op lvarset := flat_leb_op PSet.beq.
Instance lvarset_join : join_op lvarset (lvarset+⊤) := flat_join_op PSet.beq.

Definition sizes : Type := ABTreeDom.t (Z * (permission * bool)).
Definition sizes_gamma ge stk : gamma_op sizes mem :=
  λ sz m,
  ∀ b hi perm vol b',
    ABTreeDom.get b sz = Just (hi, (perm, vol)) →
    block_of_ablock ge stk b = Some b' →
    Mem.range_perm m b' 0 hi Cur perm
 ∧ Bool.leb vol (Senv.block_is_volatile ge b').

Instance BoolEqDec : EqDec bool := eq_dec_of_beq _ Bool.eqb_true_iff.
Definition permission_beq (x y: permission) : bool :=
  match x, y with
  | Freeable, Freeable
  | Writable, Writable
  | Readable, Readable
  | Nonempty, Nonempty
    => true
  | _, _ => false

Lemma permission_beq_iff x y : permission_beq x y = truex = y.
split. now destruct x, y; intros; eq_some_inv. now intros <-; destruct x. Qed.
Instance PermissionEqDec : EqDec permission := eq_dec_of_beq _ permission_beq_iff.

Instance PermissionToString : ToString permission :=
  λ perm,
  match perm with
  | Freeable => "Freeable"
  | Writable => "Writable"
  | Readable => "Readable"
  | Nonempty => "Nonempty"

Instance sizes_leb : leb_op sizes :=
  leb (leb_op:=ABTreeDom.leb_tree (flat_leb_op eq_dec) _).
abstract now unfold leb, flat_leb_op; intros x; rewrite eq_dec_true. Defined.

Instance sizes_join : join_op sizes sizes := ABTreeDom.join_tree (flat_join_op eq_dec) _.
abstract now unfold join, flat_join_op; intros x; rewrite eq_dec_true. Defined.

Definition sizes_widen : sizes -> sizes -> sizes := join.

Instance sizes_top_correct ge stk : top_op_correct sizes mem (G:=sizes_gamma ge stk).
  intros x b hi b'. unfold top. rewrite ABTreeDom.get_top. inversion 1.

Instance sizes_leb_correct ge stk : leb_op_correct sizes mem (G:=sizes_gamma ge stk).
  intros a1 a2 H m G b hi perm vol b' B B'.
  specialize (G b hi perm vol b').
  unfold leb, sizes_leb, sizes in H. rewrite ABTreeDom.leb_le in H.
  specialize (H b). rewrite B in H.
  destruct (ABTreeDom.get b a1); simpl in H. discriminate.
  unfold leb, flat_leb_op in H. InvBooleans.
  subst. exact (G eq_refl B').

Instance sizes_join_correct ge stk : join_op_correct sizes sizes mem
                            (GA:=sizes_gamma ge stk) (GB:=sizes_gamma ge stk).
  intros x y a H b hi perm vol b' G B'.
  unfold join, sizes_join in G. rewrite ABTreeDom.get_joinwiden in G.
  destruct (ABTreeDom.get b x) eqn: Bx. discriminate.
  destruct (ABTreeDom.get b y) eqn: By. discriminate.
  unfold flat_join_op in G. simpl in G.
  destruct (@eq_dec _ _); subst; simpl in *; inv G.
  destruct H as [H|H]; specialize (H b hi perm vol b');
  first [ specialize (H Bx) | specialize (H By) ];
  exact (H B').

Lemma ptset_gamma_tmp ge : ∀ stk stk',
  stacks_tmp stk stk' →
  ∀ bs, ptset_gamma ge stk bsptset_gamma ge stk' bs.
  intros stk stk' H bs v.
  intros (b' & Hb' & K).
  exists b'. split. exact Hb'.
  erewrite <- block_of_ablock_tmp; eassumption.

Lemma type_gamma_covariant :
  ∀ (G G': gamma_op BlockSet.t block),
  (∀ bs, G bsG' bs) →
  ∀ ty, type_gamma G tytype_gamma G' ty.
  intros G G' M ty v.
  case ty; try exact id;
  (intros [ | bs ]; [ exact id |]);
  destruct v; try exact id;
  apply M.

Lemma points_to_gamma_tmp ge : ∀ stk stk',
  stacks_tmp stk stk' →
  ∀ ptr, points_to_gamma ge stk ptrpoints_to_gamma ge stk' ptr.
  intros stk stk' H ptr ρ Ρ c.
  destruct (ACTreeDom.get c ptr) as [ | ty ]. exact id.
  apply type_gamma_covariant, ptset_gamma_tmp, H.

Lemma sizes_gamma_tmp ge stk stk' :
  stacks_tmp stk stk' →
  ∀ sz, sizes_gamma ge stk szsizes_gamma ge stk' sz.
  intros H sz a A b hi b' B B' ofs Hofs.
  apply (A b hi b'); auto.
  rewrite (block_of_ablock_tmp ge H).

Section num.

    {num num_iter: Type}
    `{numToString: ToString num}
    `{numIterToString: ToString num_iter}
    (NumDom: ab_machine_env (var:=cell) num num_iter).

  Lemma gamma_num_ext :
   ∀ ρ ρ' : cellmach_num,
   (∀ x : cell, ρ x = ρ' x) → ∀ m : num +⊥, γ m ρ → γ m ρ'.
    intros ρ ρ' H [|m]. intros (). replace ρ' with ρ. exact id.
    apply Axioms.extensionality. exact H.

  Definition compat := (λ ρ ρn, N.compat _x, x) ρ ρn).

  Variable ge : genv.
  Local Instance AblockToString : ToString ablock := AblockToString ge.
  Local Instance CellToString : ToString cell := CellToString ge.

  Record invariant (cs: concrete_state) : Prop :=
    { localFreeable :
        ∀ t e, In (t, e) (fst cs) →
          ∀ b hi, In (b, 0, hi) (blocks_of_env e) →
                  Mem.range_perm (snd cs) b 0 hi Cur Freeable
    ; localNotGlobal :
        ∀ t e, In (t, e) (fst cs) →
             ∀ x b y b' z,
               Genv.find_symbol ge x = Some b
               e ! y = Some (b', z) →
    ; localInj :
                  do t_e <- get_stk (fst x_v) (fst cs);
                  fmap fst ((snd t_e) ! (snd x_v)))
   ; globalValid:
   ∀ x b, Genv.find_symbol ge x = Some b
          bMem.valid_block (snd cs)
   ; localValid:
       ∀ t e, In (t, e) (fst cs) →
                ∀ x b z,
               e ! x = Some (b, z) →
               bMem.valid_block (snd cs)
   ; noIntFragment:
       ∀ ab b,
         block_of_ablock ge (fst cs) ab = Some b
         ∀ o, match ZMap.get o (Mem.mem_contents (snd cs)) !! b with Fragment (Vint _) _ _ => False | _ => True end

  Lemma invariant_tmp : ∀ stk stk',
    stacks_tmp stk stk' →
    ∀ m, invariant (stk, m) → invariant (stk', m).
    intros stk stk' H m INV.
  - intros t e H0.
    apply (stacks_tmp_in H) in H0. hsplit.
    generalize (INV.(localFreeable) t' e H0). auto.
  - intros t e H0.
    apply (stacks_tmp_in H) in H0. hsplit.
    generalize (INV.(localNotGlobal) t' e H0). auto.
  - intros (f, x) (f', x') b.
    generalize (INV.(@localInj _) (f, x) (f', x') b). clear -H.
    generalize (get_stk_tmp H f').
    generalize (get_stk_tmp H f).
    destruct (get_stk f stk') as [ (t, e) |]; simpl; intros X; eq_some_inv;
    hsplit; subst; rewrite X.
    2: intros; eq_some_inv.
    destruct (get_stk f' stk') as [ (t', e') |]; simpl; intros X'; eq_some_inv;
    hsplit; subst; rewrite X'.
    2: intros; eq_some_inv.
  - exact INV.(globalValid).
  - intros t e H0.
    apply (stacks_tmp_in H) in H0. hsplit.
    generalize (INV.(localValid) _ _ H0). auto.
  - intros ab b. rewrite <- (block_of_ablock_tmp ge H). apply INV.

  Lemma invariant_block_of_ablock_inj stk m :
    (stk, m) ∈ invariant
    ∀ abbabb₂,
      block_of_ablock ge stk ab₁ = Some b₁ →
      block_of_ablock ge stk ab₂ = Some b₂ →
      ab₁ ≠ ab₂ →
      b₁ ≠ b₂.
    intros INV [f x|b] b₁ [f' x'|b'] b₂; simpl.
    - generalize (INV.(localInj) (f, x) (f', x')). simpl.
      destruct (get_stk f stk) as [(t, e)|]. 2: intros; eq_some_inv.
      destruct (get_stk f' stk) as [(t', e')|]. 2: intros; eq_some_inv.
      destruct (e!x) as [(b, ?)|]. 2: intros; eq_some_inv.
      destruct (e'!x') as [(b', ?)|]. 2: intros; eq_some_inv.
      simpl. intros H H0 H1 H2 ?. eq_some_inv. subst. apply H2. specialize (H _ eq_refl eq_refl). congruence.
    - destruct (get_stk f stk) as [(t, e)|] eqn: A. 2: intros; eq_some_inv.
      simpl. destruct (e!x) as [(b, ?)|] eqn: Hx. 2: intros; eq_some_inv.
      destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b') as [q|] eqn: Q; intros; eq_some_inv.
      subst. apply not_eq_sym.
      exact (INV.(localNotGlobal) t e (get_stk_in A) _ _ (Genv.invert_find_symbol _ _ Q) Hx).
    - destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) as [q|] eqn: Q; intro; eq_some_inv.
      destruct (get_stk f' stk) as [(t', e')|] eqn: A. 2: intros; eq_some_inv.
      simpl. destruct (e'!x') as [(b', ?)|] eqn: Hy; intros; eq_some_inv. subst.
      exact (INV.(localNotGlobal) t' e' (get_stk_in A) _ _ (Genv.invert_find_symbol _ _ Q) Hy).
    - destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) as [q|] eqn: Q; intro; eq_some_inv.
      destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b') as [q'|] eqn: Q'; intros; eq_some_inv.

  Lemma assign_const c i (nm : num) :
    ∀ ρ, ρ ∈ γ(nm) →
    match AbMachineEnv.assign c (me_const_i _ i) nm with
    | Bot => False
    | NotBot nm' => (upd ρ c (MNint i)) ∈ γ(nm')
    intros ρ H.
    assert (eval_mexpr ρ (me_const_i _ i) (MNint i)) as V
    by (repeat econstructor; reflexivity).
    generalize (AbMachineEnv.assign_correct c nm H V).
    destruct AbMachineEnv.assign; exact id.

  Definition tnum : Type := (points_to * num)%type.
  Definition tnum_iter : Type := (points_to * num_iter)%type.

  Section TNUM_GAMMA.

  Context (stk: list (temp_env * env)).

  Instance tnum_gamma : gamma_op tnum (cellval) :=
    λ τ_ν ρ,
    let '(τ, ν) := τ_ν in
    ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge stk (τ) ∧
    ∃ ρ',
      ρ' ∈ (compat ρ ∩ γ ν).

  Instance tnum_iter_gamma : gamma_op tnum_iter (cellval) :=
    λ τ_ν ρ,
    let '(τ, ν) := τ_ν in
    ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge stk (τ) ∧
    ∃ ρ',
      ρ' ∈ (compat ρ ∩ γ ν).

  Instance tnum_leb_correct : leb_op_correct (points_to * num) (cellval).
    - intros (τ,ν) (τ',ν'). unfold leb, WProd.leb_prod. rewrite andb_true_iff.
      intros [H K] ρ (TP & ρ' & NC & NM).
      split. eapply leb_correct; eauto.
      exists ρ'. split. exact NC.
      eapply leb_correct; eauto.

  Instance tnum_top_correct : top_op_correct ((points_to * num)+⊥) (cellval).
    intros ρ. unfold top, WProd.top_prod_bot, top, top_bot. simpl.
    eapply botbind_spec. intros.
    - split. apply top_correct.
      exists (N.compat_fun ∘ ρ). split. 2:eauto.
      intros c. apply N.ncompat_compat_fun.
    - apply top_correct.

  Instance tnum_join_correct : join_op_correct (points_to * num) ((points_to * num)+⊥) (cellval).
    intros (τ,ν) (τ',ν') ρ.
    unfold join, WProd.join_prod_bot, join, join_bot_res. simpl.
    intros [(TP & ρ' & H & K)|(TP & ρ' & H & K)].
    - eapply botbind_spec. intros. split.
      apply points_to_join_correct; eauto.
      exists ρ'. split. assumption. eauto.
      eapply join_correct. eauto.
    - eapply botbind_spec. intros. split.
      apply points_to_join_correct; eauto.
      exists ρ'. split. assumption. eauto.
      eapply join_correct. eauto.


    Definition is_int (tp: points_to) (c: cell) : bool :=
      ACTreeDom.get c tpJust TyInt.

    Lemma is_int_intro (tp: points_to) (ρ: cellval) (TP: ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge stk tp) (c: cell) (P: boolProp):
      (P false) →
      ((∃ i, ρ c = Vint i) → P true) →
      P (is_int tp c).
      intros F T.
      generalize (TP c).
      unfold is_int.
      case (ACTreeDom.get). intros _; exact F.
      intros (); try (intros _; exact F);
      try intros [ | bs ];
      try (intros _; exact F);
      destructc); try (intros (); fail);
      intros Hi; apply T; vauto.
    Global Opaque is_int.

    Definition realize_u8_from_κ (κ: typed_memory_chunk) (ab: ablock) (base: Z) (shift: Z) (tp: points_to) (nm: num) : tnum+⊥ :=
      let uc : cell := cell_from ab (base + shift, exist _ Mint8unsigned I) in
      let c : cell := cell_from ab (base, κ) in
      do nm' <- assign uc (MEbinop Oand (MEbinop Oshru (MEvar MNTint c) (MEconst _ (MNint (Int.repr (8 * shift))))) (MEconst _ (MNint (Int.repr 255)))) nm;
      NotBot (ACTreeDom.set tp uc (Just TyInt), nm').

    Definition tnum_mono (x y: tnum) : Prop :=
      ∀ ρ, Pun.pun_u8 ρ →
           ρ ∈ γ x
           ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge stk (fst y) ∧
           ∀ ρ',
             compat ρ ρ' →
             ρ' ∈ γ (snd x) → ρ' ∈ γ (snd y).

    Lemma tnum_m_stronger :
      ∀ x y, tnum_mono x y
          Pun.pun_u8 ∩ γ (x) ⊆ γ (y).
      intros (tp, nm) (tp', nm') M ρ (Hpun & TP & ρ' & CPT & NM).
      destruct (M ρ Hpun (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM)))) as (TP' & K). vauto.

    Lemma tnum_mono_refl x : tnum_mono x x.
      destruct x as (tp, nm).
      intros ρ Hpun (TP & NM). auto.

    Lemma tnum_mono_trans y x z :
      tnum_mono x ytnum_mono y z
      tnum_mono x z.
      unfold tnum_mono.
      intros Hxy Hyz ? Hp Hx.
      destruct (Hxy _ Hp Hx) as (Hy1 & Hxy').
      assert (ρ ∈ γ y) as Hy. destruct y; split. auto.
      destruct x, Hx. hsplit. eauto.
      destruct (Hyz _ Hp Hy) as (Hz1 & Hyz').

    Definition tnum_mono' (x: tnum) (y': tnum+⊥) : Prop :=
      ∀ ρ, Pun.pun_u8 ρ →
           ρ ∈ γ x
           match y' with
           | Bot => False
           | NotBot y =>
             ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge stk (fst y) ∧
             ∀ ρ',
               compat ρ ρ' →
               ρ' ∈ γ (snd x) → ρ' ∈ γ (snd y)

    Lemma realize_u8_from_κ_sound (κ: typed_memory_chunk) ab base shift (tp: points_to) (nm: num) :
      (Archi.big_endian = false) →
      (align_chunk (proj1_sig κ) | base) →
      0 <= shift < size_chunk (proj1_sig κ) ∧ size_chunk (proj1_sig κ) <= 4 →
      let c : cell := cell_from ab (base, κ) in
      is_int tp c
      tnum_mono' (tp, nm) (realize_u8_from_κ κ ab base shift tp nm).
      intros LE AL Hshift c Hint ρ Hpun (TP & ρ' & CPT & NM).
      assert (Int.ltu (Int.repr (8 * shift)) Int.iwordsize) as Hshift'.
        set (s := Z.of_nat (seq 0 4)).
        apply (forallb_forallx, Int.ltu (Int.repr (8 * x)) Int.iwordsize) s).
        unfold s. exact eq_refl.
        unfold s. apply in_map_iff. exists (Z.to_nat shift). split.
        apply easy.
        apply In_seq. Psatz.lia. zify. rewrite; Psatz.lia.
      unfold realize_u8_from_κ. fold c.
      set (uc := cell_from ab (base + shift, exist _ Mint8unsigned I)).
      assert (∃ i, ρ c = Vint i) as Hi.
        revert Hint. apply (is_int_intro TP); intros Hint.
        exact (false_not_true Hint _). intros _.
        exact Hint.
      clear Hint. destruct Hi as (i & Hi).
      assert (ρ' c = MNint i) as Hi'.
      { specialize (CPT c). rewrite Hi in CPT. auto. }
      set (me := (MEbinop Oand
                          (MEbinop Oshru (MEvar MNTint c)
                                   (MEconst cell (MNint (Int.repr (8 * shift)))))
                          (MEconst cell (MNint (Int.repr 255))))).
      set (n := Int.and (Int.shru i (Int.repr (8 * shift))) (Int.repr 255)).
      assert (eval_mexpr ρ' me (MNint n)) as MEV.
      { econstructor; vauto. econstructor; vauto. }
      generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom uc me ρ' (MNint n) nm NM MEV).
      destruct (assign _ _ _) as [ | nm' ] eqn: Hassn. exact id.
      intros NM'.
     assertuc = Vint n) as Huc.
       unfold n.
       change (Int.repr 255) with (Int.repr (two_p 8 - 1)).
       erewrite <- Int.zero_ext_and. 2: Psatz.lia.
       destruct (Hpun ab κ base AL) as (bytes & Hnof & Hbytes & Hlen & Huc).
       assert (NPeano.ltb (Z.to_nat shift) (Datatypes.length bytes)) as LT.
       { rewrite Hlen. apply NPeano.ltb_lt. zify. unfold size_chunk_nat.
         rewrite !; Psatz.lia. }
       specialize (Huc (Z.to_nat shift) LT).
       rewrite in Huc. 2: easy. fold uc in Huc. rewrite Huc.
       fold c in Hbytes. rewrite Hi in Hbytes.
       revert Hlen Hbytes. clear -LE Hshift Hnof.
       Opaque Z.mul.
       unfold decode_val.
       destruct bytes as [ | b₀ [ | b₁ [ | b₂ [ | b₃ [ | bbytes ] ] ] ] ].
       - (* length 0 *) discriminate.
       - (* length 1: Mint8signed Mint8unsigned *)
       destruct κ as [()]; try discriminate; intros _; simpl in Hshift;
       assert (shift = 0) by Psatz.lia; clear Hshift; subst shift;
       rewrite Int.shru_zero;
       destruct b₀; try discriminate; intros X; inv X;
       simpl; f_equal.
       rewrite Int.zero_sign_ext_narrow. reflexivity. Psatz.lia.
       rewrite Int.zero_ext_narrow. reflexivity. Psatz.lia.
       - (* length 2: Mint16signed Mint16unsigned *)
       destruct κ as [()]; try discriminate; intros _; simpl in Hshift;
       assert (shift = 0 ∨ shift = 1) as Hs by Psatz.lia; clear Hshift;
       destruct Hs; subst shift;
       destruct b₀; try discriminate;
       destruct b₁; try discriminate;
       intros X; inv X;
       simpl; f_equal.
       rewrite Int.shru_zero, Int.zero_sign_ext_narrow. 2: Psatz.lia.
       rewrite decode_int_1, (decode_int_LE_2 LE).
       rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply z8.
       apply (decode_shift_1s LE).
       rewrite Int.shru_zero, Int.zero_ext_narrow. 2: Psatz.lia.
       rewrite decode_int_1, (decode_int_LE_2 LE).
       rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply z8.
       rewrite <- (decode_shift_1u LE). reflexivity.
       - (* length = 3 *) destruct κ as [()]; discriminate.
       - (* length = 4: Mint32 Mfloat32 Many32 *)
       assert (shift = 0 ∨ shift = 1 ∨ shift = 2 ∨ shift = 3) as Hs by Psatz.lia; clear Hshift.
       destruct κ as [()]; try discriminate;
       intros _;
       destruct b₀; try discriminate;
       destruct b₁; try discriminate;
       destruct b₂; try discriminate;
       destruct b₃; try discriminate;
       try (rewrite ! andb_false_r; discriminate);
       intros X; inversion X; clear X; subst;
       simpl; f_equal.
       repeat (destruct Hs as [ Hs | Hs ]); subst shift.
       simpl. f_equal. rewrite Int.shru_zero.
       unfold decode_int, rev_if_be. rewrite LE. simpl. rewrite Z.add_0_r.
       apply z8.
       simpl. f_equal. apply NS1, LE.
       simpl. f_equal. apply NS2, LE.
       simpl. f_equal. apply NS3, LE.
       exfalso. revert H0 Hnof. clear. bif. destruct v; intros X; inv X. exact false_eq_true_False.
       exfalso. revert H0 Hnof. clear. bif. destruct v; intros X; inv X. exact false_eq_true_False.
       - (* length ≥ 5 *)
       destruct κ as [()]; try discriminate;
       exfalso; simpl in Hshift; clear -Hshift; Psatz.lia.
      - intros c'. unfold fst, upd. rewrite ACTreeDom.gsspec.
        case (ACTree.elt_eq). intros ->.
        rewrite Huc. exact I.
        intros _. apply (TP c').
      - clear ρ' CPT NM Hi' MEV NM'.
        unfold snd.
        intros ρ' CPT NM.
        assert (ρ' c = MNint i) as Hi'.
        { specialize (CPT c). rewrite Hi in CPT. auto. }
        assert (eval_mexpr ρ' me (MNint n)) as MEV.
        { econstructor; vauto. econstructor; vauto. }
        generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom uc me ρ' (MNint n) nm NM MEV).
        rewrite Hassn.
        assert (ρ' +[ uc => MNint n ] = ρ') as EXT.
        { apply Axioms.extensionality. intros c'.
          unfold upd. case eq_dec. intros ->.
          generalize (CPT uc). rewrite Huc. exact id.
          reflexivity. }
        setoid_rewrite EXT. exact id.

    Definition cell_mem_rect {T: Type} :
      (ablockZtyped_memory_chunkT) →
      cellT :=
      λ b r c,
      match c with
      | AClocal f x ofs κ => r (ABlocal f x) ofs κ
      | ACglobal g ofs κ => r (ABglobal g) ofs κ
      | ACtemp _ _ => b

    Definition cell_mem_rect_intro {T: Type} (P: cellTProp) :
      ∀ b r,
        (∀ f r, P (ACtemp f r) b) →
        (∀ ab ofs κ, P (cell_from ab (ofs, κ)) (r ab ofs κ)) →
        ∀ c, P c (cell_mem_rect b r c) :=
      λ b r B R c,
      match c with
      | AClocal f x ofs κ => R (ABlocal f x) ofs κ
      | ACglobal g ofs κ => R (ABglobal g) ofs κ
      | ACtemp f r => B f r
    Global Opaque cell_mem_rect.

    Definition optimistic_realization_one (c: cell) (tn: tnum) : tnum+⊥ :=
      let '(tp, nm) := tn in
      match ACTreeDom.get c tp with
      | Just _ => NotBot tn
      | All =>
          (NotBot tn)
          (λ ab ofs κ,
           match κ with
           | exist Mint8unsigned _ =>
             let (base, shift) := Z.div_eucl ofs 4 in
             let base := 4 * base in
             let c32 := cell_from ab (base, exist _ Mint32 I) in
             if is_int tp c32
             then realize_u8_from_κ (exist _ Mint32 I) ab base shift tp nm
               let (base, shift) := Z.div_eucl ofs 2 in
               let base := 2 * base in
               let c16u := cell_from ab (base, exist _ Mint16unsigned I) in
               if is_int tp c16u
               then realize_u8_from_κ (exist _ Mint16unsigned I) ab base shift tp nm
               let c16s := cell_from ab (base, exist _ Mint16signed I) in
               if is_int tp c16s
               then realize_u8_from_κ (exist _ Mint16signed I) ab base shift tp nm
               let c8s := cell_from ab (ofs, exist _ Mint8signed I) in
               if is_int tp c8s
               then realize_u8_from_κ (exist _ Mint8signed I) ab ofs 0 tp nm
               else NotBot tn
           | exist Mint8signed _ =>
             let c := cell_from ab (ofs, κ) in
             let c8u := cell_from ab (ofs, exist _ Mint8unsigned I) in
             if is_int tp c8u then
               do nm' <- assign c (MEunop Ocast8signed (MEvar MNTint c8u)) nm;
               NotBot (ACTreeDom.set tp c (Just TyInt), nm')
             else NotBot tn
           | exist Mint16signed _ =>
             if ArithLib.divide ofs F2 then
             let c := cell_from ab (ofs, κ) in
             let c16u := cell_from ab (ofs, exist _ Mint16unsigned I) in
             if is_int tp c16u then
               do nm' <- assign c (MEunop Ocast16signed (MEvar MNTint c16u)) nm;
               NotBot (ACTreeDom.set tp c (Just TyInt), nm')
             else NotBot tn
             else NotBot tn
           | exist Mint32 _ =>
             if ArithLib.divide ofs F4 then
             let c := cell_from ab (ofs, κ) in
             let c8 shift := cell_from ab (ofs + shift, exist _ Mint8unsigned I) in
             if is_int tp (c8 0) then
             if is_int tp (c8 1) then
             if is_int tp (c8 2) then
             if is_int tp (c8 3) then
               do nm' <- assign c
                   (MEbinop Oadd (MEvar MNTint (c8 0))
                   (MEbinop Oadd (MEbinop Oshl (MEvar MNTint (c8 1)) (MEconst _ (MNint (Int.repr 8))))
                   (MEbinop Oadd (MEbinop Oshl (MEvar MNTint (c8 2)) (MEconst _ (MNint (Int.repr 16))))
                   (MEbinop Oshl (MEvar MNTint (c8 3)) (MEconst _ (MNint (Int.repr 24)))))))
               NotBot (ACTreeDom.set tp c (Just TyInt), nm')
             else NotBot tn
             else NotBot tn
             else NotBot tn
             else NotBot tn
             else NotBot tn
           | _ => NotBot tn

    Lemma optimistic_realization_one_sound (c: cell) (tn: tnum) :
      tnum_mono' tn (optimistic_realization_one c tn).
      destruct tn as (tp, nm).
      intros ρ Hpun (TP, NM). simpl.
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get _ _). 2: auto.
      apply cell_mem_rect_intro. auto.
      clear c.
      intros ab ofs [() ()]; auto.
      - set (c8u := cell_from ab (ofs, exist _ Mint8unsigned I)).
        apply (is_int_intro TP). auto. intros (i & Hi).
        destruct NM as (ρ' & CPT & NM).
        match goal with
        | |- appcontext[ assign ?cx ?mex _ ] =>
          set (c := cx); set (me := mex)
        assert (∀ ρ', compat ρ ρ' → eval_mexpr ρ' me (MNint (Int.sign_ext 8 i))) as MEV.
          clear ρ' CPT NM. intros ρ' CPT.
          generalize (CPT c8u). rewrite Hi. simpl. intros Hi'.
          unfold me. econstructor.
          constructor. symmetry. exact Hi'. constructor. vauto.
        generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom c me ρ' _ nm NM (MEV _ CPT)).
        destruct (assign _ _ _) as [ | nm' ] eqn: Hassn; simpl. exact id.
        intros NM'.
        assertc = Vint (Int.sign_ext 8 i)) as Hc.
          destruct (Hpun ab (exist _ Mint8signed I) ofs) as (bytes & Hnof & Hbytes & Hlen & Huc); simpl in *.
          exists ofs; Psatz.lia.
          exact Hbytes. clear Hbytes.
          destruct bytes as [ | b₀ [ | ? ? ] ]; try discriminate.
          clear Hlen.
          generalize (Huc 0%nat eq_refl). simpl. rewrite Z.add_0_r. fold c8u. rewrite Hi.
          destruct bas [ | i₀ | ]; try discriminate. intros X; inv X.
          unfold decode_val. simpl.
          rewrite ! decode_int_1.
          rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. reflexivity. reflexivity.
        * intros c'.
          unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. case (ACTree.elt_eq).
          intros ->. rewrite Hc. exact I.
          intros _. exact (TP c').
        * clear ρ' CPT NM NM'.
          intros ρ' CPT NM.
          generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom c me ρ' (MNint (Int.sign_ext 8 i)) nm NM).
          rewrite Hassn.
          assert (ρ' +[ c => MNint (Int.sign_ext 8 i) ] = ρ') as EXT.
          { apply Axioms.extensionality. intros c'.
            unfold upd. case eq_dec. intros ->.
            generalize (CPT c). rewrite Hc. exact id.
            reflexivity. }
          setoid_rewrite EXT. intros X; apply X.
          apply MEV, CPT.
      - elim_div. intros (-> & [ Hrem | ? ]). Psatz.lia. 2: Psatz.lia.
        apply realize_u8_from_κ_sound; auto.
        simpl. eexists; apply Z.mul_comm.
        simpl. Psatz.lia.
        split; assumption.
        elim_div. intros (Hdiv & [ Hrem' | ? ]). Psatz.lia. 2: Psatz.lia.
        apply realize_u8_from_κ_sound; auto.
        simpl. eexists; apply Z.mul_comm.
        simpl. Psatz.lia.
        split; assumption.
        apply realize_u8_from_κ_sound; auto.
        simpl. eexists; apply Z.mul_comm.
        simpl. Psatz.lia.
        split; assumption.
        apply realize_u8_from_κ_sound; auto.
        simpl. eexists; symmetry; apply Z.mul_1_r.
        simpl. Psatz.lia.
        split; assumption.
      - assert (Hdiv:=ArithLib.divide_ok ofs F2). destruct ArithLib.divide. 2: auto.
        set (c16u := cell_from ab (ofs, exist _ Mint16unsigned I)).
        apply (is_int_intro TP). auto. intros (i & Hi).
        destruct NM as (ρ' & CPT & NM).
        match goal with
        | |- appcontext[ assign ?cx ?mex _ ] =>
          set (c := cx); set (me := mex)
        assert (∀ ρ', compat ρ ρ' → eval_mexpr ρ' me (MNint (Int.sign_ext 16 i))) as MEV.
          clear ρ' CPT NM. intros ρ' CPT.
          generalize (CPT c16u). rewrite Hi. simpl. intros Hi'.
          unfold me. econstructor.
          constructor. symmetry. exact Hi'. constructor. vauto.
        generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom c me ρ' _ nm NM (MEV _ CPT)).
        destruct (assign _ _ _) as [ | nm' ] eqn: Hassn; simpl. exact id.
        intros NM'.
        assertc = Vint (Int.sign_ext 16 i)) as Hc.
          destruct (Hpun ab (exist _ Mint16signed I) ofs) as (bytes & Hnof & Hbytes & Hlen & Huc); simpl in *.
          exact Hbytes. clear Hbytes.
          destruct bytes as [ | b₀ [ | b₁ [ | ? ? ] ] ]; try discriminate.
          clear Hlen.
          destruct (Hpun ab (exist _ Mint16unsigned I) ofs) as (bytes' & Hnof' & Hbytes' & Hlen' & Huc'); simpl in *.
          destruct bytes' as [ | b'₀ [ | b'₁ [ | ? ? ] ] ]; try discriminate.
          clear Hlen'.
          unfold typed_memory_chunk in Hbytes'.
          fold c16u in Hbytes'.
          rewrite Hi in Hbytes'.
          destruct b'₀ as [ | i'₀ | ]; try discriminate.
          destruct b'₁ as [ | i'₁ | ]; try discriminate.
          unfold decode_val in Hbytes'. simpl in Hbytes'. inv Hbytes'.
          generalize (Huc 0%nat eq_refl).
          rewrite (Huc' 0%nat eq_refl). simpl.
          destruct bas [ | i₀ | ]; try discriminate.
          generalize (Huc 1%nat eq_refl).
          rewrite (Huc' 1%nat eq_refl). simpl.
          destruct bas [ | i₁ | ]; try discriminate.
          unfold decode_val. simpl.
          rewrite ! decode_int_1, ! decode_int_LE_2; auto.
          assert (∀ x y, Vint x = Vint yx = y) as vint_inj.
          exactx y H, let 'eq_refl := H in eq_refl).
          assert (∀ x y, eqb (Int.eq (Int.zero_ext 8 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned x))) (Int.zero_ext 8 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned y)))) (Byte.eq x y)) as ze8rbu_inj'.
          intros x. apply (for_all_byte_correct).
          revert x. apply (for_all_byte_correct).
          vm_compute. reflexivity.
          assert (∀ x y, (Int.zero_ext 8 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned x))) = Int.zero_ext 8 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned y)) → x = y) as ze8rbu_inj.
          { intros x y H. generalize (ze8rbu_inj' x y). rewrite H, Int.eq_true.
            generalize (Byte.eq_spec x y). simpl.
            case Byte.eq; easy. }
          intros Hi₁. apply vint_inj, ze8rbu_inj in Hi₁.
          intros Hi₀. apply vint_inj, ze8rbu_inj in Hi₀.
          rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. congruence. reflexivity.
        * intros c'.
          unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. case (ACTree.elt_eq).
          intros ->. rewrite Hc. exact I.
          intros _. exact (TP c').
        * clear ρ' CPT NM NM'.
          intros ρ' CPT NM.
          generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom c me ρ' (MNint (Int.sign_ext 16 i)) nm NM).
          rewrite Hassn.
          assert (ρ' +[ c => MNint (Int.sign_ext 16 i) ] = ρ') as EXT.
          { apply Axioms.extensionality. intros c'.
            unfold upd. case eq_dec. intros ->.
            generalize (CPT c). rewrite Hc. exact id.
            reflexivity. }
          setoid_rewrite EXT. intros X; apply X.
          apply MEV, CPT.
      - assert (Hdiv:=ArithLib.divide_ok ofs F4). destruct ArithLib.divide. 2: auto.
        destruct Hdiv as [Hdiv _]. specialize (Hdiv eq_refl).
        set (c8 shift := cell_from ab (ofs + shift, exist _ Mint8unsigned I)).
        fold (c8 0). fold (c8 1). fold (c8 2). fold (c8 3).
        apply (is_int_intro TP). auto. intros Hint₀.
        apply (is_int_intro TP). auto. intros Hint₁.
        apply (is_int_intro TP). auto. intros Hint₂.
        apply (is_int_intro TP). auto. intros Hint₃.
        destruct NM as (ρ' & CPT & NM).
        match goal with
        | |- appcontext[ assign ?cx ?mex _ ] =>
          set (c := cx); set (me := mex)
        set (n := Int.add i2 (Int.add (Int.shl i1 (Int.repr 8))
           (Int.add (Int.shl i0 (Int.repr 16)) (Int.shl i (Int.repr 24))))).
        assert (∀ ρ', compat ρ ρ' → eval_mexpr ρ' me (MNint n)) as MEV.
          clear ρ' CPT NM. intros ρ' CPT.
          generalize (CPT (c8 0)). rewrite Hint₀. simpl. intros H₀.
          generalize (CPT (c8 1)). rewrite Hint₁. simpl. intros H₁.
          generalize (CPT (c8 2)). rewrite Hint₂. simpl. intros H₂.
          generalize (CPT (c8 3)). rewrite Hint₃. simpl. intros H₃.
          unfold me.
          constructor. symmetry. eassumption. constructor.
          constructor. symmetry. eassumption. constructor. vauto. vauto.
          constructor. symmetry. eassumption. constructor. vauto. vauto.
          constructor. symmetry. eassumption. constructor. vauto. vauto.
          vauto. vauto. vauto.
        generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom c me ρ' _ nm NM (MEV _ CPT)).
        destruct (assign _ _ _) as [ | nm' ] eqn: Hassn; simpl. exact id.
        unfold n in MEV.
        intros NM'.
          assertc = Vint (Int.add i2 (Int.add (Int.shl i1 (Int.repr 8)) (Int.add (Int.shl i0 (Int.repr 16)) (Int.shl i (Int.repr 24)))))) as Hc.
            clear NM'.
            destruct (Hpun ab (exist _ Mint32 I) _ Hdiv) as (bytes & Hnof & Hbytes & Hlen & Huc).
            exact Hbytes. clear Hbytes. simpl in *.
            destruct bytes as [ | b₀ [ | b₁ [ | b₂ [ | b₃ [ | bbytes ] ] ] ] ];
              try discriminate.
            clear Hlen.
            generalize (Huc 0%nat eq_refl). simpl. fold (c8 0). rewrite Hint₀.
            destruct bas [ | i₀ | ]; try discriminate. intros X; inv X.
            generalize (Huc 1%nat eq_refl). simpl. fold (c8 1). rewrite Hint₁.
            destruct bas [ | i₁ | ]; try discriminate. intros X; inv X.
            generalize (Huc 2%nat eq_refl). simpl. fold (c8 2). rewrite Hint₂.
            destruct bas [ | i₂ | ]; try discriminate. intros X; inv X.
            generalize (Huc 3%nat eq_refl). simpl. fold (c8 3). rewrite Hint₃.
            destruct bas [ | i₃ | ]; try discriminate. intros X; inv X.
            unfold decode_val. simpl. rewrite decode_int_LE_4. 2: auto.
            rewrite ! decode_int_1.
            rewrite Int.add_unsigned. f_equal.
            rewrite ! Int.shl_mul_two_p.
            change (two_p (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 8))) with 256.
            change (two_p (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 16))) with 65536.
            change (two_p (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 24))) with 16777216.
            rewrite ! Z.mul_add_distr_r.
            assert (Int.unsigned (Int.mul (Int.zero_ext 8 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned i₂))) (Int.repr 65536)) +
                      (Int.mul (Int.zero_ext 8 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned i₃)))
                               (Int.repr 16777216)) < Int.modulus).
            { clear.
              generalize (mul_byte1 i₂).
              generalize (mul_byte2 i₃).
              change Int.modulus with 4294967296.
              Psatz.lia. }
            rewrite unsigned_add. f_equal.
            clear. apply Z.eqb_eq.
            revert i₀. apply (for_all_byte_correct). vm_compute. reflexivity.
            rewrite unsigned_add. f_equal.
            clear. apply Z.eqb_eq.
            revert i₁. apply (for_all_byte_correct). vm_compute. reflexivity.
            clear. apply Z.eqb_eq.
            revert i₂. apply (for_all_byte_correct). vm_compute. reflexivity.
            clear. apply Z.eqb_eq.
            revert i₃. apply (for_all_byte_correct). vm_compute. reflexivity.
            rewrite unsigned_add. 2: auto.
            generalize (mul_byte0 i₁).
            generalize (mul_byte1 i₂).
            generalize (mul_byte2 i₃).
            change Int.modulus with 4294967296.
            clear. Psatz.lia.
          * intros c'.
            unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. case (ACTree.elt_eq).
            intros ->. unfold typed_memory_chunk. fold c. rewrite Hc. exact I.
            intros _. exact (TP c').
          * clear ρ' CPT NM NM'.
            intros ρ' CPT NM.
            generalize (@assign_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom c me ρ' (MNint n) nm NM).
            rewrite Hassn.
            assert (ρ' +[ c => MNint n ] = ρ') as EXT.
            { apply Axioms.extensionality. intros c'.
              unfold upd. case eq_dec. intros ->.
              generalize (CPT c). rewrite Hc. exact id.
              reflexivity. }
            setoid_rewrite EXT. intros X; apply X.
            apply MEV, CPT.
    Global Opaque optimistic_realization_one.

    Definition optimistic_realization (cells: CellSet.t) (tn: tnum) : tnum+⊥ :=
      CellSet.foldc tn, bind tn (optimistic_realization_one c)) cells (NotBot tn).

    Lemma optimistic_realization_sound cells tn:
      tnum_mono' tn (optimistic_realization cells tn).
      destruct tn as (tp, nm).
      intros ρ Hpun (TP & NM).
      unfold optimistic_realization.
      apply CSO.foldspec; auto.
      clear - Hpun NM.
      intros cells cells' tn tn' c Hc Hrem TN.
      destruct tn' as [ | tn' ]. exact TN.
      destruct TN as [TP' NM'].
      generalize (optimistic_realization_one_sound c tn' Hpun).
      destruct (optimistic_realization_one _ _) as [ | (tp', nm') ].
      intros X; apply X.
      destruct tn' as (tp', nm'). split. exact TP'. hsplit. eauto.
      intros [ TP'' NM'' ].
      destruct tn'. split. auto. hsplit; eauto.
      split. exact TP''.
      intros ρ' CPT NMx. simpl. apply NM''; auto.
    Global Opaque optimistic_realization.



  Variable max_concretize : N.

  Section CONVERT.

Current function.
  Variable μ : fname.

Set of local variables.
  Variable ε : lvarset.

  Definition is_local (v: ident) : bool := PSet.mem v ε.

  Definition addr_of (v: ident) : BlockSet.t :=
    if is_local v
    then BSO.singleton (ABlocal μ v)
    else match Genv.find_symbol ge v with
         | Some b => BSO.singleton (ABglobal b)
         | None => BlockSet.empty

  Variable sz : sizes.

  Definition me_of_pe (tn: tnum) (pe: pexpr cell) : nconvert_t annotation_log (mexpr cell) :=
    let '(tp, nm) := tn in
    do me <- N.nconvert _ ge μ _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz nm tp pe;
    do _ <- assert _ (AbMachineEnv.noerror me nm)
       (λ _, "me_of_pe(" ++ to_string pe ++ "): error " ++ to_string me);
    ret me.

  Definition check_align (nm: num) (sz: Z) (me: mexpr cell) : bool :=
    match is_one sz with
    | false =>
           is_bot (AbMachineEnv.assume
              (MEbinop (Ocmp Cne)
                 (MEbinop Omodu me (me_const_i _ (Int.repr sz)))
                 (me_const_i _
              true nm)
    | e => e

  Definition join_cellsets (cs: list (CellSet.t+⊤)) : CellSet.t+⊤ :=
      (λ acc cells,
       match acc with
       | All => All
       | Just acc => fmap (CellSet.union acc) cells
      (Just CellSet.empty).

  Lemma join_cellsets_correct cs :
    match join_cellsets cs with
    | All => In All cs
    | Just cells =>
      (∀ s, In s cs → ∃ s', s = Just s') ∧
      (∀ s, In (Just s) cs → ∀ c, CellSet.mem c sCellSet.mem c cells) ∧
      (∀ c, CellSet.mem c cells → ∃ s, CellSet.mem c sIn (Just s) cs)
    elim cs using rev_ind; clear cs.
    - split. intros _ (). split. intros _ (). intros c X; elim (CellSet.mem_empty X).
    - intros s cs IH. unfold join_cellsets. rewrite fold_left_app.
      fold (join_cellsets cs). simpl. destruct (join_cellsets _).
      apply in_app; left; exact IH.
      destruct IH as (IHall & IH & IH').
      destruct s as [ | s ].
      apply in_app; right; left; reflexivity.
      split; [ | split ].
      + intros s' H. apply in_app in H.
        destruct H as [ H | [ <- | () ] ]; eauto.
      + intros s' H c Hc. apply in_app in H.
        rewrite CellSet.mem_union.
        destruct H as [ H | [ H | () ] ].
        specialize (IH _ H _ Hc). bleft. exact IH.
        bright. congruence.
      + intros c H. rewrite CellSet.mem_union in H.
        apply orb_prop in H. destruct H as [ H | H ].
        destruct (IH' _ H) as (s' & Hs' & H').
        exists s'. split. exact Hs'. apply in_app; left; exact H'.
        exists s. split. exact H. apply in_app; right; left; reflexivity.

  Definition has_type_VP (pe: pexpr cell) : bool :=
    match pexpr_get_ty pe with
    | VP => true
    | _ => false

  Definition itv_of_me (nm: num) (me: mexpr cell) : mach_num_itv+⊥ :=
    get_itv me nm.

  Definition int_pair_of_nvi (nvi: mach_num_itv+⊥) : (int * int)+⊤ :=
    match nvi with
    | Bot => All
    | (NotBot r) =>
      match r with
      | MNIint (Just (ZIntervals.ZITV lo hi)) => Just (Int.repr lo, Int.repr hi)
      | _ => All

  Definition depth (f: ident) : nat :=
    (Pos.to_nat μ - Pos.to_nat f)%nat.

  Definition mk_log (α: Annotations.annotation) (nm: num) (ptr: BlockSet.t) (me: mexpr cell) : Annotations.annotation :=
    (fst α,
     match int_pair_of_nvi (itv_of_me nm me) with
     | All => nil
     | Just rng =>
         (λ b,
          match b with
          | ABlocal f x => Annotations.ABlocal (depth f) x rng
          | ABglobal b => Annotations.ABglobal match Genv.invert_symbol ge b with Some g => g | None => xH end rng
         (BlockSet.elements ptr)

  Definition am_log (a: annotation_log) : nconvert_t annotation_log unit :=
    (tt :: nil, (nil, a :: nil)).

  Definition deref_pexpr (α: option _) (tn: tnum) (κ: typed_memory_chunk) (lpe: list (pexpr cell)) : alarm_mon annotation_log (CellSet.t+⊤) :=
    let al := align_chunk (proj1_sig κ) in
    do cells <- ((
    do pe <- (ret lpe : nconvert_t _ (pexpr cell));
    do _ <- assert _ (has_type_VP pe)
       (λ _, "deref_pexpr: maybe not a pointer (" ++ to_string pe ++ ")");
    let aptr := pt_eval_pexpr ge μ (fst tn) pe in
    do me <- me_of_pe tn pe;
    do _ <- assert _ (check_align (snd tn) al me)
       (λ _, "bad align (" ++ to_string (proj1_sig κ) ++ "): " ++ to_string me);
    let offs := concretize_int max_concretize me (snd tn) in
    match aptr with
    | Just (TyPtr (Just ptr) | TyZPtr (Just ptr)) =>
      do _ <- match α with None => ret tt | Some α' => am_log (mk_log α' (snd tn) ptr me) end;
      ret (set_product ptr κ offs)
    | _ => ret All
    end) : alarm_mon _ (list (CellSet.t+⊤)));
    ret (join_cellsets cells).

  Lemma deref_pexpr_inv α tn κ lpe cells :
    am_get (deref_pexpr α tn κ lpe) = Some cells
    let al := align_chunk (proj1_sig κ) in
    ∀ pe, In pe lpe
          pexpr_get_ty pe = VP
          ∃ lme,
            am_get (me_of_pe tn pe) = Some lme
            ∀ me, In me lme
            check_align (snd tn) al me = true
            let ofs := concretize_int max_concretize me (snd tn) in
            match cells with All => True | Just cells =>
            ofsNotBot All
            ∃ ptr,
            (pt_eval_pexpr ge μ (fst tn) pe = Just (TyPtr (Just ptr)) ∨
             pt_eval_pexpr ge μ (fst tn) pe = Just (TyZPtr (Just ptr))) ∧
            ∀ b i,
              BlockSet.mem b ptr
              i ∈ γ(ofs) →
              CellSet.mem (cell_from b (Int.unsigned i, κ)) cells
    unfold deref_pexpr.
    set (al := align_chunk (proj1_sig κ)).
    intros H. apply am_get_bind in H. destruct H as (lme & H & Hcells).
    rewrite am_get_ret in Hcells; apply some_eq_inv in Hcells; subst cells.
    simpl in H.
    apply flat_map_a_correct in H.
    destruct H as (lpe' & Hlpe' & H).
    apply some_eq_inv in Hlpe'. subst lpe'.
    apply (flat_map_a_spec_assert) in H.
    destruct H as (Hty & H).
    intros pe Hpe. split.
    generalize (Hty _ Hpe). clear.
    unfold has_type_VP. case pexpr_get_ty; auto; intro; eq_some_inv.
    generalize (fma_in' _ _ _ _ H _ Hpe). clear H.
    intros (cells & Hcells & Hcells_lme).
    unfold bind in Hcells. simpl in Hcells.
    apply flat_map_a_correct in Hcells.
    destruct Hcells as (lme1 & Hlme1 & Hcells).
    exists lme1. split. exact Hlme1.
    intros me Hme.
    generalize (fma_in' _ _ _ _ Hcells _ Hme). clear Hcells.
    intros (cells' & Hcells & Hcc).
    apply flat_map_a_correct in Hcells.
    destruct Hcells as (ttt & Httt & Hcells).
    destruct (check_align _ _ _); simpl in Httt; eq_some_inv; subst.
    split. reflexivity.
    apply flat_map_a_spec_cons_inv in Hcells.
    destruct Hcells as (cells'' & nil' & Hcells & -> & Hnil).
    apply flat_map_a_spec_nil_inv in Hnil. subst nil'.
    generalize (join_cellsets_correct lme).
    destruct join_cellsets. easy.
    intros (Hall & Hj & Hj').
    destruct (pt_eval_pexpr _ _ _ _) as [ | [ | | | | | [ | ptr ] | [ | ptr ] | ] ] eqn: Hpt;
      try (
    apply flat_map_a_correct in Hcells;
    destruct Hcells as (ttl & Hlog & Hcells);
    assert (ttl = tt :: nil) by (destruct α; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; eauto); subst ttl; clear Hlog;
    apply flat_map_a_spec_cons_inv in Hcells;
    destruct Hcells as (cells''' & nil' & Hcells & -> & Hnil);
    apply flat_map_a_spec_nil_inv in Hnil; subst nil');
    simpl in Hcells; eq_some_inv; subst;
    specialize (Hcc _ (or_introl _ eq_refl));
    specialize (Hcells_lme _ Hcc);
    specialize (Hall _ Hcells_lme);
    try (hsplit; discriminate);
    destruct Hall as (s' & Hs');
    (split; [
       destruct concretize_int; [ easy | ];
       intros X; inv X;
       simpl in Hs'; discriminate
     exists ptr; split; [ vauto | ];
     intros b i H H0;
     generalize (set_product_correct ptr κ (concretize_int max_concretize me (snd tn)) b i H H0);
    rewrite Hs' in *; eauto

  Definition constant_of_constant (c: Csharpminor.constant) : constant :=
    match c with
    | Csharpminor.Ointconst i => Ointconst i
    | Csharpminor.Olongconst i => Olongconst i
    | Csharpminor.Ofloatconst f => Ofloatconst f
    | Csharpminor.Osingleconst f => Osingleconst f

  Definition convert_err (e:expr) msg :=
    ("convert(" ++ to_string e ++ "): " ++ msg ++ new_line ++
     "Function: " ++ to_string μ ++ new_line ++
     "Locals: " ++ to_string ε ++ new_line ).
  Opaque convert_err.

  Definition convert_t A := tnum -> alarm_mon annotation_log (tnum * A).
  Local Instance convert_monad : monad convert_t :=
      ret A := λ a tn, ret (tn, a);
      bind A B := λ m f tn, do (tn', a) <- m tn; f a tn'

  Let get_tnum : convert_t tnum := λ tn, ret (tn, tn).
  Let lift {A} (m: alarm_mon annotation_log A) : convert_t A :=
    λ tn, fmapx, (tn, x)) m.

  Local Notation "'alarm' e" := ((λ tn, (((tn, tt), ((λ _, e) :: nil, nil)))):(convert_t _)) (at level 100).

  Definition typ_of_type (ty: type) : typ :=
    match ty with
    | TyFloat => VF
    | TySingle => VS
    | TyLong => VL
    | TyZero | TyInt => VI
    | TyPtr _ => VP
    | TyZPtr _ | TyIntPtr => VIP

  Let convert_var (e: expr) (c: cell) : convert_t (list (pexpr cell)) :=
    λ tn,
    let '(tp, nm) := tn in
    match ACTreeDom.get c tp with
    | Just ty => ret (PEvar c (typ_of_type ty) :: nil) tn
    | All => (do _ <- alarm (convert_err e ("bad temp in " ++ to_string μ)); ret nil) tn

  Let realize (cells: CellSet.t) : convert_t (list cell) :=
    λ tn,
    match optimistic_realization cells tn with
    | Bot => ret nil tn
    | NotBot tn' => ret (CellSet.elements cells) tn'

  Definition typ_eval_constant (cst: constant) : typ :=
    match cst with
      | Ointconst n => VI
      | Ofloatconst n => VF
      | Osingleconst n => VS
      | Olongconst n => VL
      | Oaddrsymbol s ofs => VP

  Definition typ_eval_binop (op: binary_operation) (arg1 arg2: typ): typ :=
    match op with
    | Oadd =>
      match arg1, arg2 with
      | VP, VI
      | VI, VP => VP
      | VI, VI => VI
      | _, _ => VIP
    | Osub =>
      match arg1, arg2 with
      | VP, VI => VP
      | VP, VP
      | VI, VI => VI
      | _, _ => VIP
    | Omul | Odiv | Odivu | Omod | Omodu | Oand | Oor | Oxor | Oshl
    | Oshr | Oshru | Ocmp _ | Ocmpu _ | Ocmpf _ | Ocmpfs _ | Ocmpl _ | Ocmplu _ => VI
    | Oaddf | Osubf | Omulf | Odivf => VF
    | Oaddfs | Osubfs | Omulfs | Odivfs => VS
    | Oaddl | Osubl | Omull | Odivl | Odivlu | Omodl | Omodlu | Oandl
    | Oorl | Oxorl | Oshll | Oshrl | Oshrlu => VL

  Remark eval_constant_wt {c} :
    type_of_constant c (typ_eval_constant c).
case c; intros; exact eq_refl. Qed.

  Remark eval_binop_wt {op ty ty'} :
    type_of_binop op (typ_eval_binop op ty ty').
    destruct op; try reflexivity;
    destruct ty; try exact I; destruct ty'; exact I.

  Fixpoint convert (e: expr) : convert_t (list (pexpr cell)) :=
    let err := convert_err e in
    match e with
    | Evar v => convert_var e (ACtemp μ v)
    | Eaddrof i =>
      if is_local i
      then ret (PElocal _ i :: nil)
      else match Genv.find_symbol ge i with
           | Some _ => ret (PEconst _ (Oaddrsymbol i VP eq_refl :: nil)
           | None => do _ <- alarm (err "bad global variable");
                     ret nil
    | Econst cst =>
      let cst := constant_of_constant cst in
      ret (PEconst _ cst (typ_eval_constant cst) eval_constant_wt :: nil)
    | Eunop op e1 =>
      do e1' <- convert e1;
      ret (rev_mape, PEunop op e (t := type_of_unop op) eq_refl) e1')
    | Ebinop op e1 e2 =>
      do e1' <- convert e1;
      do e2' <- convert e2;
      ret (map2e1 e2,
                 PEbinop op e1 e2
                         (typ_eval_binop op (pexpr_get_ty e1) (pexpr_get_ty e2))
                ) e1' e2')

    | Eload α κ e1 =>
      do e1' <- convert e1;
      do κ <-
        match κ return convert_t (option typed_memory_chunk) with
          | Many32 | Many64 =>
            do _ <- alarm (err "Many32 or Many64"); ret None
          | κ => ret (Some (exist _ κ I:typed_memory_chunk))
      do tn <- get_tnum;
      do cells <- match κ with Some κ => lift (deref_pexpr (Some α) tn κ e1') | None => ret All end;
      match cells with
      | All => do _ <- alarm (err "too many cells"); ret nil
      | Just cells =>
        do cells <- realize cells;
        λ tn,
        let '(tp, nm) := tn in
        lift (
      am_map' annotation_logc, match ACTreeDom.get c tp with
                    | All => Error None (err ("bad cell: " ++ to_string c))
                    | Just ty => Result (PEvar c (typ_of_type ty))

  Definition me_of_pe_list (tn: tnum) (lpe: list (pexpr cell)) : alarm_mon annotation_log (list (mexpr cell)) :=
    flat_map_a annotation_log (me_of_pe tn) (ret lpe).

  Definition nconvert (e:expr) : convert_t (list (mexpr cell)) :=
    do lpe <- convert e;
    λ tn, lift (me_of_pe_list tn lpe) tn.

  Definition deref_expr_err (tn: tnum) (e: expr) (κ: typed_memory_chunk) (lpe: list (pexpr cell)) :=
    ("deref_expr(" ++ to_string e ++ ", " ++ to_string (proj1_sig κ) ++ ") " ++ to_string lpe )%string.
  Opaque deref_expr_err.

  Definition deref_expr α κ (e: expr) : convert_t (list cell) :=
    do lpe <- convert e;
    λ tn,
      lift (
      do cells <- deref_pexpr α tn κ lpe;
      match cells with
      | All => do _ <- alarm_am (deref_expr_err tn e κ lpe);
                ret nil
      | Just cell_set => ret (CellSet.elements cell_set)
      ) tn.

    Context (e: env) (tmp: temp_env) (m: mem).
    Context (stk: list (temp_env * env)).
    Context (Hstk: μ = plength stk).
    Let ρ := mem_as_fun ge ((tmp, e) :: stk, m).
    Hypothesis E: ∀ i, is_local i = truee ! iNone.
    Hypothesis INV : invariant ((tmp, e) :: stk, m).
    Hypothesis SZ: msizes_gamma ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) sz.

    Lemma Tmp: ∀ i v, tmp ! i = Some v → ρ (ACtemp μ i) = v.
      intros i v H.
      subst ρ.
      simpl. rewrite Hstk, get_stk_length. simpl. now rewrite H.
    Hint Resolve Tmp.

    Lemma me_of_pe_correct (tp: points_to) (nm: num) (ρn: cellmach_num) (NM: ρn ∈ γ(nm)) pe lme :
      am_get (me_of_pe (tp, nm) pe) = Some lme
      am_get (N.nconvert annotation_log ge μ _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz nm tp pe) = Some lme
      ∀ me, In me lme → ¬ error_mexpr ρn me.
      unfold me_of_pe.
      intros H. unfold bind in H. simpl in H.
      apply flat_map_a_correct in H.
      destruct H as (lme' & Hlme' & H).
      assert (lme' = lme).
      { clear -H. elim H; clear H. easy.
        intros a bs H q r Hqr ->.
        apply flat_map_a_correct in H.
        destruct H as (q' & H & H').
        destruct (noerror _ _); simpl in H; eq_some_inv; subst.
        apply flat_map_a_spec_cons_inv in H'.
        destruct H' as (? & ? & H' & -> & H'').
        apply flat_map_a_spec_nil_inv in H''. subst.
        simpl in H'. eq_some_inv. subst. reflexivity.
      subst lme'.
      split. exact Hlme'.
      intros me Hme.
      assert (noerror me nm = true) as NB.
      generalize (fma_in _ _ _ _ H _ Hme). clear.
      intros (me' & Hme' & r & Hr & Hme).
      apply flat_map_a_correct in Hr. destruct Hr as (q' & Hq' & Hr).
      simpl in Hr.
      destruct (noerror me' _) eqn: X; simpl in Hq'; eq_some_inv; subst.
      apply flat_map_a_spec_cons_inv in Hr.
      destruct Hr as (? & ? & ? & -> & Hr).
      simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst.
      apply flat_map_a_spec_nil_inv in Hr. subst.
      destruct Hme as [ <- | () ].
      exact X.
      exact (noerror_correct _ NM NB).

    Ltac with_me_of_pe q :=
      repeat match goal with
      | H : appcontext[ me_of_pe ?nm ?pe ] |- _ =>
        generalize (me_of_pe_correct pe);
        destruct (me_of_pe nm pe); q

    Lemma me_of_pe_list_correct nm lpe lme log :
      me_of_pe_list nm lpe = (lme, (nil, log)) →
      flat_map_a_spec _ (me_of_pe nm) lpe lme.
      intros Hlme.
      generalize (@flat_map_a_correct _ _ _ (me_of_pe nm) (ret lpe) lme (f_equal _ Hlme)).
      intros (lpe' & Hlpe' & H).
      simpl in Hlpe'. apply some_eq_inv in Hlpe'. subst lpe'.
      exact H.

    Lemma pexpr_get_ty_ok (pe: pexpr cell) v :
      eval_pexpr ge m ρ e pe vvVundefv ∈ γ(pexpr_get_ty pe).
      intros V D. eapply pexpr_get_ty_ok; eauto.

    Lemma check_align_correct (nm: num) (ρn: cellmach_num) (NM: ρn ∈ γ(nm)) al me :
      al = 1 ∨ al = 2 ∨ al = 4 ∨ al = 8 →
      check_align nm al me = true
      ∀ n, eval_mexpr ρn me (MNint n) →
           Int.unsigned n = al * Int.unsigned (Int.divu n (Int.repr al)).
      unfold check_align.
      apply is_one_intro. intros _ _ n _. rewrite Int.divu_one. Psatz.lia.
      clear al.
      intros al Hz Hsz AL n EV.
      clear -AL EV NM Hsz.
      pose proof (AbMachineEnv.assume_bot NumDom _ _ AL NM) as K. simpl in K.
      assert (Int.eq (Int.repr al) = false)
      by intuition (subst al; reflexivity).
      destruct (Int.cmp Cne (Int.modu n (Int.repr al)) eqn: L.
      elim K. econstructor; vauto.
      replace Ntrue with (of_bool (Int.cmp Cne (Int.modu n (Int.repr al))
      vauto. rewrite L. reflexivity.
      simpl in L. apply negb_false_iff in L.
      generalize (Int.eq_spec (Int.modu n (Int.repr al)) rewrite L. clear L.
      assert (0 < al <= Int.max_unsigned).
      { destruct Hsz as [|[|[|]]]; subst; compute; split; auto; discriminate. }
      assert (Int.repr as Hal.
      clear -Hsz. repeat destruct Hsz as [ Hsz | Hsz ]; rewrite Hsz; discriminate.
      rewrite (Int.modu_divu_Euclid n (Int.repr al)) at 1; auto. rewrite H0, Int.add_zero.
      unfold Int.mul. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr, Z.mul_comm, Int.unsigned_repr. auto.
      unfold Int.divu. rewrite !Int.unsigned_repr; try Psatz.lia.
      assert (0 <= Int.unsigned n / al).
      apply Z.div_pos. pose proof (Int.unsigned_range n). omega. omega.
      assert (Int.unsigned n / al * al = Int.unsigned n - Int.unsigned n mod al).
      { rewrite Zmod_eq; omega. }
      rewrite H2. pose proof (Int.unsigned_range n). unfold Int.max_unsigned.
      destruct (Z_mod_lt (Int.unsigned n) al). omega. omega.
      apply Z.div_pos. pose proof (Int.unsigned_range n). Psatz.lia.
      destruct Hsz as [Hsz|[Hsz|[Hsz|Hsz]]]; subst al; reflexivity.
      apply Z.div_le_upper_bound. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; Psatz.lia.
      pose proof (Int.unsigned_range n).
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by Psatz.lia.
      unfold Int.max_unsigned. Psatz.nia.

    Ltac subs := repeat match goal with H : ?a = ?b |- _ => subst a || subst b end.

    Let Hpun : ρ ∈ pun_u8 := mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment).

    Lemma typ_of_type_gamma G ty :
      type_gamma G tygamma_typ (typ_of_type ty).
      intros x TY.
      apply type_gamma_inv in TY.
      destruct ty; hsplit;
      repeat match goal with H : __ |- _ => destruct H; hsplit | H : x = _ |- _ => rewrite H end; exact I.

    Lemma convert_wf (q: expr):
      ∀ (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn),
      match am_get (convert q tn) with
      | Some (tn', lp) =>
        tnum_mono ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn tn'
        ∀ pe, In pe lpN.nconvert_def_pre ge e ρ pe
      | None => True
      induction q; intros (tp, nm) TN.
    - simpl.
      set (c := ACtemp μ i).
      generalize (proj1 TN c).
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get c tp) as [ty|]. exact id.
      intros TY. simpl.
      split. apply tnum_mono_refl.
      intros pe [ <- | () ].
      revert TY.
      apply typ_of_type_gamma.
    - simpl.
      generalize (E i). destruct is_local.
      intros (A & _). split. apply tnum_mono_refl.
      intros pe [ <- | () ]. simpl. unfold env_as_fun.
      destruct (e ! i) as [()|]. intro; eq_some_inv.
      elim (A eq_refl eq_refl).
      intros _.
      destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i) eqn: FS.
      split. apply tnum_mono_refl.
      intros pe [ <- | () ]. simpl. rewrite FS. intro; eq_some_inv.
      exact I.
    - split. apply tnum_mono_refl.
      intros pe [ <- | () ].
      destruct c; exact I.
    - simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp', nm'), lp) log LP.
      specialize (IHq (tp, nm) TN). rewrite LP in IHq.
      destruct IHq as ( MONO & IHq ).
      split. easy.
      intros pe PE.
      rewrite rev_map_correct, <- in_rev, in_map_iff in PE.
      destruct PE as (pe' & <- & PE).
      simpl. apply IHq; auto.
    - simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp1) log1 LP1.
      specialize (IHq1 (tp, nm) TN). rewrite LP1 in IHq1.
      destruct IHq1 as ( MONO1 & IHq1 ).
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp2, nm2), lp2) log2 LP2.
      specialize (IHq2 (tp1, nm1) (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj (mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) TN))). rewrite LP2 in IHq2.
      destruct IHq2 as ( MONO2 & IHq2 ).
      split. eauto using tnum_mono_trans.
      destruct b;
      try (
        intros pe PE;
        rewrite map2_correct in PE; unfold map2_spec in PE;
        rewrite <- in_rev, in_flat_map in PE;
        destruct PE as (pe1 & PE1 & PE);
        rewrite in_map_iff in PE;
        destruct PE as (pe2 & <- & PE);
    - rename m0 into κ.
      simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp) log1 LP.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp2, nm2), κ') log2 K.
      assert (Hκ: log2 = niltp2 = tp1nm2 = nm1 ∧ ∃ Hκ, κ' = Some (exist _ κ Hκ)) by (destruct κ; eq_some_inv; subs; eauto).
      destruct Hκ as (-> & -> & -> & [Hκ ->]). clear K.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros (nm3, [|cells]). intros; exact I.
      unfold lift, fmap.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros x y l l' H l0 H0. eq_some_inv. subs. specialize (H _ eq_refl). auto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros x log Hcells log' Q. simpl in Q. eq_some_inv; subs.
      generalize (deref_pexpr_inv (Some a) (tp1, nm1) (exist _ κ Hκ) lp).
      rewrite Hcells.
      intros K.
      specialize (IHq (tp, nm) TN). rewrite LP in IHq.
      destruct IHq as ( MONO1 & IHq ).
      assert (ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) (tp1, nm1)) as TN1.
      apply (tnum_m_stronger MONO1); auto.
      unfold realize.
      generalize (@optimistic_realization_sound ((tmp, e) :: stk) cells (tp1, nm1)).
      destruct (optimistic_realization _ _) as [ | (tp', nm') ]; simpl;
      intros Hreal; elim (Hreal ρ Hpun TN1).
      intros TP' NM'.
      intros (X & Y).
      split. eauto using tnum_mono_trans.
      clear Hreal.
      intros pe PE.
      destruct (X pe PE) as (c & C & C').
      simpl in *.
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get c _) as [|ty] eqn: TY; inversion C.
      unfold N.nconvert_def_pre.
      generalize (TP' c).
      rewrite TY. apply typ_of_type_gamma.

    Lemma convert_free_def (q: expr) :
      ∀ (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn),
      match am_get (convert q tn) with
      | Some (tn', lp) =>
          ∀ pe, In pe lp ->
          ∀ x, pe_free_var pe x -> ρ xVundef
      | None => True
      induction q; intros tn TN.
    - destruct tn as (tp, nm). destruct TN as (TP, NM).
      set (c := ACtemp μ i).
      generalize (TP c).
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get c tp). exact id.
      intros H pe [<-|[]] x -> EQ. rewrite EQ in H.
      apply type_gamma_inv' in H. exact H.
    - simpl. destruct is_local. now intros pe [<-|[]] x [].
      destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i). now intros pe [<-|[]] x []. exact I.
    - now intros pe [<-|[]] x [].
    - simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp) log LP pe PE.
      rewrite rev_map_correct, <- in_rev, in_map_iff in PE.
      destruct PE as (pe' & <- & PE).
      specialize (IHq _ TN).
      rewrite LP in IHq. simpl. apply IHq; auto.
    - simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp1) log1 LP1.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp2, nm2), lp2) log2 LP2.
      specialize (IHq1 _ TN). rewrite LP1 in IHq1.
      generalize (convert_wf q1 _ TN). rewrite LP1. intros [MONO1 _].
      specialize (IHq2 _ (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))).
      generalize (convert_wf q2 _ (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))). rewrite LP2. intros [MONO2 _].
      rewrite LP2 in IHq2.
      simpl in IHq1, IHq2.
      destruct b;
      try (
        intros pe PE;
        rewrite map2_correct in PE; unfold map2_spec in PE;
        rewrite <- in_rev, in_flat_map in PE;
        destruct PE as (pe1 & PE1 & PE);
        rewrite in_map_iff in PE;
        destruct PE as (pe2 & <- & PE);
        intros x [Hx|Hx]; eauto).
    - rename m0 into κ.
      simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp) log LP.
      generalize (convert_wf q _ TN). rewrite LP. intros [MONO1 _].
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp2, nm2), κ') log2 K. assert (Hκ: log2 = niltp2 = tp1nm2 = nm1 ∧ ∃ Hκ, κ' = Some (exist _ κ Hκ)) by (destruct κ; eq_some_inv; eauto).
      destruct Hκ as (-> & -> & -> & [Hκ ->]). clear K.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros (nm3, [|cells]). intros; exact I.
      unfold lift, fmap.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros x y l l' H ? ?; eq_some_inv; subs. specialize (H _ eq_refl). auto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros x log'' Hcells log' Q. simpl in Q. eq_some_inv; subs.
      generalize (deref_pexpr_inv (Some a) (tp1, nm1) (exist _ κ Hκ) lp).
      rewrite Hcells. clear Hcells.
      intros K.
      assert (ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) (tp1, nm1)) as TN1.
      apply (tnum_m_stronger MONO1); auto.
      unfold realize.
      generalize (@optimistic_realization_sound ((tmp, e) :: stk) cells (tp1, nm1)).
      destruct (optimistic_realization _ _) as [ | (tp', nm') ]; simpl;
      intros Hreal; elim (Hreal ρ Hpun TN1).
      intros TP' NM'.
      simpl in *.
      intros (X & Y) pe PE.
      destruct (X pe PE) as (c & C & C').
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get c _) as [|ty] eqn: TY; inversion C.
      intros ? <- Hdef.
      generalize (TP' c).
      fold ρ. rewrite TY, Hdef.
      now intros H; apply type_gamma_inv' in H.

    Remark align_chunk_4_cases (κ: memory_chunk) :
      align_chunk κ = 1 ∨ align_chunk κ = 2 ∨ align_chunk κ = 4 ∨ align_chunk κ = 8.
destruct κ; vauto. Qed.

  Lemma type_of_unop_correct op arg v :
    Cminor.eval_unop op arg = Some v
    γ (type_of_unop op) v.
    destruct op; destruct arg; simpl; intros Hv U;
    try (destruct (Float.to_int f));
    try (destruct (Float.to_intu f));
    try (destruct (Float.to_long f));
    try (destruct (Float.to_longu f));
    try (destruct (Float32.to_int f));
    try (destruct (Float32.to_intu f));
    try (destruct (Float32.to_long f));
    try (destruct (Float32.to_longu f));
    simpl in Hv;
    eq_some_inv; subst;
    try exact I;

  Lemma typ_eval_binop_correct op arg1 arg2 p t1 t2 v :
    Cminor.eval_binop op arg1 arg2 p = Some v
    γ t1 arg1
    γ t2 arg2
    γ (typ_eval_binop op t1 t2) v.
    assert (∀ b, Val.of_optbool bVundefgamma_typ VI (Val.of_optbool b)) as Hob.
    { intros [ () | ]; exact_, I) || exactK, K eq_refl). }
    assert (∀ v w, option_map Val.of_bool v = (Some w) → gamma_typ VI w) as Hob'.
    { intros [ () | ] w H; apply option_map_some in H; hsplit; eq_some_inv; subst; vauto. }
    intros EV Hv Ht1 Ht2.
    destruct op; simpl in *;
    eq_some_inv; subst;
    try exact (Hob _ Hv);
    try exact (Hob' _ _ EV);
    destruct arg1; try (specialize (Hv eq_refl); exact Hv || elim Hv);
    apply gamma_typ_inv' in Ht1; try subst t1; try easy;
    destruct arg2; try (specialize (Hv eq_refl); exact Hv || elim Hv);
    apply gamma_typ_inv' in Ht2; try subst t2; try easy;
    try exact I;
    simpl in *;
    try (
    repeat (destruct Ht1 as [ Ht1 | Ht1 ]); subst t1; try exact I;
    repeat (destruct Ht2 as [ Ht2 | Ht2 ]); subst t2; try exact I
    try (revert EV); try (bif; intros; eq_some_inv; subst; vauto)

    Lemma convert_correct (q: expr) :
      ∀ (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn),
      match am_get (convert q tn) with
      | Some (tn', lp) =>
        ∀ v, eval_expr ge e tmp m (expr_erase q) v
             ∃ a, In a lpeval_pexpr ge m ρ e a v
      | None => True
      Ltac ok :=
        let K := fresh in
        intros ? K; eexists; split; [left; reflexivity| eval_expr_inv; try econstructor; eauto].
      induction q; intros (tp, nm) TN; simpl;
      try (split;[ok|auto]).
    - set (c := ACtemp μ i).
      destruct TN as (TP & NM).
      specialize (TP c). destruct (ACTreeDom.get c tp). exact I.
      subst c. intros ? K.
      eval_expr_inv. rewrite (Tmp _ K) in TP.
      eexists. split. left. reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
      right. revert TP. apply typ_of_type_gamma.
    - bif'. ok. unfold env_as_fun. apply E in Heqb. subs. constructor.
      inversion H; clear H; subs.
      rewrite H0. auto. congruence.
      bif. simpl.
      ok. inversion H; clear H; subs. exfalso. generalize (proj2 (E i)). intuition congruence.
      simpl. rewrite H1. reflexivity. subs. simpl. auto.
      exact I.
    - intros v V. eval_expr_inv. eexists. split. left; reflexivity. destruct c; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subs; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    - unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp', nm'), lp) log Hlp. specialize (IHq _ TN). rewrite Hlp in IHq.
      intros v K. eval_expr_inv. destruct (IHq _ H) as (a & A & B). clear IHq.
      exists (PEunop u a (t := type_of_unop u) eq_refl). split.
      rewrite rev_map_correct, <- in_rev. exact (in_map _ _ _ A).
      econstructor; eauto.
      assert (v = Vundef \/ vVundef) as D by (destruct v; auto; right; discriminate).
      destruct D. auto. right.
      eapply type_of_unop_correct; eassumption.

    - unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I. intros ((tp1, nm1), lp1) log1 Hq1.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I. intros ((tp2, nm2), lp2) log2 Hq2.
      specialize (IHq1 _ TN).
      generalize (convert_wf q1 (tp, nm) TN). rewrite Hq1. intros [MONO1 _].
      rewrite Hq1 in IHq1.
      specialize (IHq2 _ (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))).
      rewrite Hq2 in IHq2.
      simpl in *.
        assert (∀ v (P: Prop), (vVundefP) → (v = VundefP)) as X by (clear; intuition tauto).
        destruct b;
          try (
              intros v V; eval_expr_inv;
              destruct (IHq1 _ H) as (a1 & A1 & A1');
              destruct (IHq2 _ H0) as (a2 & A2 & A2');
              try (eexists; split; [ eapply in_map2; eassumption | econstructor; eauto];
                   apply X; intros Hv;
                   eapply typ_eval_binop_correct; eauto;
                   apply pexpr_get_ty_ok; eauto;
                   intros ->;
                   simpl in *; eq_some_inv;
                   try (destruct v1);
                   try (unfold Val.cmp, Val.cmpu, Val.cmpf, Val.cmpfs, Val.cmpl, Val.cmplu in *; destruct c);
                   simpl in *;
                   eq_some_inv; hsplit;
                   congruence )).

  - unfold bind. simpl.
      rename m0 into κ.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp) log1 Hlp. specialize (IHq _ TN). rewrite Hlp in IHq.
      generalize (convert_wf q (tp, nm) TN). rewrite Hlp. intros [MONO1 _].
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp2, nm2), κ') log2 K. assert (Hκ: log2 = nil /\ tp2 = tp1 /\ nm2 = nm1 /\ ∃ Hκ, κ' = Some (exist _ κ Hκ)) by (destruct κ; eq_some_inv; eauto).
      destruct Hκ as ( -> & -> & -> & [Hκ ->]). clear K.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros (nm3, [|cells]). intros; exact I.
      unfold lift, fmap.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros x y l l' H ? ?; eq_some_inv; subs; specialize (H _ eq_refl); auto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros x log Hcells log' Q. simpl in Q. eq_some_inv; subs.
      generalize (deref_pexpr_inv (Some a) (tp1, nm1) (exist _ κ Hκ) lp).
      rewrite Hcells. clear Hcells.
      intros Q.
      assert (ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) (tp1, nm1)) as Hρ1.
      apply (tnum_m_stronger MONO1); auto.
      unfold realize.
      generalize (@optimistic_realization_sound ((tmp, e) :: stk) cells (tp1, nm1)).
      destruct (optimistic_realization _ _) as [ | (tp', nm') ]; simpl;
      intros Hreal; elim (Hreal ρ Hpun Hρ1).
      intros TP' NM'.
      intros (X & Y).
      intros v H. eval_expr_inv.
      destruct v1; try discriminate.
      specialize (IHq _ H0).
      destruct IHq as (a' & A & B).
      specialize (Q _ eq_refl _ A).
      destruct Q as (Hty & lme & Hlme & Q).
      destruct (proj2 (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))) asn & Nc & NM).
      generalize (me_of_pe_correct _ _ ρn NM _ Hlme).
      intros (NC & NB).
      destructK, N.nconvert_correct _ ge m _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz nm1 ρ ρn Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) _ _ B _ K _ NC) as (me & Hme & n & Z & EV & ?).
      apply Hρ1.
      simpl in Z. subst n.
      specialize (Q me Hme).
      destruct Q as (CA & CI & CS).
      destruct CS as (ptr & Hptr & CS).
      assert (∃ ab, BlockSet.mem ab ptrblock_of_ablock ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) ab = Some b) as K.
      generalize (pt_eval_pexpr_correct Hstk (proj1 Hρ1) B I).
      simpl in Hptr.
      destruct Hptr as [ Hptr | Hptr ];
      rewrite Hptr; exact id.
      clear Hptr.
      destruct K as (ab & IN & BA).
      set (c := cell_from ab (Int.unsigned i, exist _ κ Hκ)).
      edestruct (Y c) as (pe & PE).
      apply CellSet.elements_spec. subst c. apply CS. apply IN.
      eapply concretize_int_correct.
      eauto. assumption.
      destruct PE as [PE PE'].
      specialize (TP' c).
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get c _); inversion PE; clear PE. subst pe.
      exists (PEvar c (typ_of_type t)). split. exact PE'.
      assertc = v).
      { subst c. simpl in H. destruct ab as [f loc|b'].
        - simpl in BA.
          unfold ρ. simpl.
          destruct (get_stk _ _) as [ (? & e') | ]; eq_some_inv. simpl.
          destruct (e' ! loc) as [(b' & ?)|]; eq_some_inv. simpl.
          subs. rewrite H. reflexivity.
        - unfold ρ. simpl in *. destruct (Genv.invert_symbol); eq_some_inv. subs. rewrite H.
          reflexivity. }
      constructor. auto. right. subs. revert TP'. apply typ_of_type_gamma.

    Lemma SZ' :
      ∀ (b : ABTree.elt) (hi : Z) (md : permission * bool)
        (b' : block),
        ABTreeDom.get b sz = Just (hi, md)
        → block_of_ablock ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) b = Some b'
        → Mem.range_perm m b' 0 hi Cur Nonempty.
      intros b hi md b' H H0 i Hi.
      generalize (@SZ b hi (fst md) (snd md) b').
      rewrite <- surjective_pairing.
      intros X; specialize (X H H0).
      eapply Mem.perm_implies. apply (proj1 X), Hi. vauto.

    Lemma convert_noerror (q: expr) :
      ∀ (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn),
      match am_get (convert q tn) with
      | Some (tn', lp) => (∀ pe, In pe lp → ¬ error_pexpr ge m ρ e pe) → ¬ error_expr ge e tmp m (expr_erase q)
      | None => True
      unfold ρ.
      induction q; intros (tp, nm) TN.
    - simpl. set (c := ACtemp μ i). destruct (ACTreeDom.get c tp) eqn: TY.
      exact I. intros NB. specialize (NB _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
      intros B. subst c.
      inv B; apply NB.
      simpl. rewrite get_stk_length. simpl. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
      simpl. rewrite get_stk_length. simpl. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
    - generalize (E i). simpl. destruct is_local.
      intros [K _]. specialize (K eq_refl).
      intros _ B. inversion B. intuition.
      intros [_ K]. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i) eqn: FS.
      intros _ B; inversion B. congruence.
      exact I.
    - intros _ B. inversion B.
    - simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp', nm'), lp) log LP. specialize (IHq _ TN). rewrite LP in IHq. simpl in IHq.
      simpl. intros NB.
      assert ( ∀ pe, In pe lp → ¬ error_pexpr ge m ρ e pe) as NB'.
        intros pe PE B. eapply NB.
        rewrite rev_map_correct, <- in_rev, in_map_iff. eexists. split. reflexivity. exact PE.
      specialize (IHq NB').
      intros B. apply error_expr_Unop_inv in B.
      destruct B as [(v & V & B) | B]. 2: auto.
      generalize (convert_correct q _ TN). rewrite LP. simpl.
      intros X. specialize (X _ V). destruct X as (pe & PE & EV).
      eapply NB.
      rewrite rev_map_correct, <- in_rev, in_map_iff. eexists. split. reflexivity. exact PE.

    - simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp1) log1 LP1. specialize (IHq1 _ TN).
      rewrite LP1 in IHq1. simpl in IHq1.
      generalize (convert_wf q1 (tp, nm) TN). rewrite LP1. intros [MONO1 _].
      generalize (convert_correct q1 _ TN). rewrite LP1. intros H1.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp2, nm2), lp2) log2 LP2.
      generalize (convert_correct q2 _ (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))).
      rewrite LP2. intros H2.
      specialize (IHq2 _ (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))).
      rewrite LP2 in IHq2. simpl in IHq2.
      destruct lp2 as [|pe2 lp2].
      destruct (noerror_eval_expr (IHq2_ K, False_ind _ K))) as (v2 & Hv2).
      destruct (H2 v2 Hv2) as (? & () & _).
      destruct lp1 as [|pe1 lp1].
      destruct (noerror_eval_expr (IHq1_ K, False_ind _ K))) as (v1 & Hv1).
      destruct (H1 v1 Hv1) as (? & () & _).
      unfold am_get in H1, H2.
      destruct b;
        try (with_am_map'; intros [_ Y]);
        intros NB;
      try (
          assert ( ∀ pe, In pe (pe1::lp1) → ¬ error_pexpr ge m ρ e pe) as NB1
            by (intros pe PE B; eapply NB; [ apply in_map2; first [ eassumption | left; reflexivity] | vauto]);
          specialize (IHq1 NB1));
      intros B; apply error_expr_Binop_inv in B;
      destruct B as [(v & w & V & W & B) | [B | (v & V & B)] ]; auto;
      try (specialize (H1 _ V); destruct H1 as (pe1' & PE1 & EV1));
      try (specialize (H2 _ W); destruct H2 as (pe2' & PE2 & EV2));
      try (
          assert ( ∀ pe, In pe (pe2::lp2) → ¬ error_pexpr ge m ρ e pe) as NB2
            by (intros pe PE B'; eapply NB; [ apply in_map2; first [ eassumption | left; reflexivity] | vauto]);
          specialize (IHq2 NB2)
        ); auto;
      try (
      (eapply NB; [apply in_map2; eauto | vauto])
    - rename m0 into κ. simpl. unfold bind. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lp) log1 LP. specialize (IHq _ TN).
      generalize (convert_correct q _ TN). rewrite LP. intros H1.
      rewrite LP in IHq. simpl in IHq.
      generalize (convert_wf q (tp, nm) TN); rewrite LP. intros (MONO1 & WF).
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp2, nm2), κ') log2 K. assert (Hκ: log2 = nil /\ tp2 = tp1 /\ nm2 = nm1 /\ ∃ Hκ, κ' = Some (exist _ κ Hκ)) by (destruct κ; eq_some_inv; eauto).
      destruct Hκ as (-> & -> & -> & [Hκ ->]). clear K.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros (nm3, [|cells]). intros; exact I.
      unfold lift, fmap.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros x y l l' H ? ?; eq_some_inv; subs; specialize (H _ eq_refl); auto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros x log Hcells log' Q. simpl in Q. eq_some_inv; subs.
      generalize (deref_pexpr_inv (Some a) (tp1, nm1) (exist _ κ Hκ) lp).
      rewrite Hcells. clear Hcells.
      intros Q.
      assert (ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) (tp1, nm1)) as Hρ1.
      apply (tnum_m_stronger MONO1); auto.
      unfold realize.
      generalize (@optimistic_realization_sound ((tmp, e) :: stk) cells (tp1, nm1)).
      destruct (optimistic_realization _ _) as [ | (tp', nm') ]; simpl;
      intros Hreal; elim (Hreal ρ Hpun Hρ1).
      intros TP' NM'.
      destruct (proj2 (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))) asn & Nc & NM).
      intros (X & Y) NB.
      assert ( ∀ pe, In pe lp → ¬ error_pexpr ge m ρ e pe) as NB'.
        intros pe PE B.
        specialize (Q _ eq_refl _ PE). destruct Q as (Q & lme & Hlme & LME).
        generalize (me_of_pe_correct tp1 nm1 ρn NM pe Hlme). intros (NC & MEB).
        applyP, N.nconvert_def _ ge m _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz SZ' _ ρ ρn Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) NM _ (proj1 Hρ1) _ P _ NC MEB B).
      specialize (IHq NB').
      intros B. apply error_expr_Load_inv in B.
      destruct B as [(v' & V' & B) | B]. 2: easy.
      specialize (H1 _ V'). destruct H1 as (pe & PE & EV).
      specialize (Q _ eq_refl pe PE). destruct Q as (TY & lme & Hlme & Q).
      generalize (me_of_pe_correct _ _ _ NM pe Hlme). intros (ME & MEB).
      generalizeP, error_pexpr_def (N.nconvert_def _ ge m _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz SZ' _ ρ ρn Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) NM _ (proj1 Hρ1) _ P _ ME MEB) EV).
      intros Z. specialize (Z (WF _ PE)).
      generalize (pexpr_get_ty_ok EV Z).
      rewrite TY. intros TY'. apply gamma_typ_inv in TY'. hsplit. subst v'.
      clear Z TY.
      destruct (N.nconvert_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) _ _ EV _ (proj1 Hρ1) _ ME) as (me & Hme & n & Z & EV' & ?).
      simpl in Z. subst n.
      specialize (Q _ Hme).
      destruct Q as (CA & CI & CS).
      destruct CS as (ptr & Hptr & OFS).
      assert (∃ bs, BlockSet.mem bs ptrblock_of_ablock ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) bs = Some b) as K.
      generalize (pt_eval_pexpr_correct Hstk (proj1 Hρ1) EV I).
      simpl in Hptr.
      destruct Hptr as [ Hptr | Hptr ];
      rewrite Hptr; exact id.
      clear Hptr.
      destruct K as (bs & BS & Hb).
      assert (∃ v, Mem.load κ m b (Int.unsigned i) = Some vvVundef) as (v & V & DEF).
        set (c := cell_from bs (Int.unsigned i, exist _ κ Hκ)).
        destruct (Y c) as (pe' & PE' & IN).
        rewrite <- CellSet.elements_spec. subst c. eapply OFS; auto.
        eapply concretize_int_correct; eauto.
        generalize (TP' c).
        destruct (ACTreeDom.get _ _) as [|ty]. discriminate. inversion PE'. subst pe'. clear PE'.
        unfold ρ. simpl.
        destruct bs as [ f r | ab ]; simpl in *; eq_some_inv.
        * destruct (get_stk _ _) as [ (? & e') | ]. 2: eq_some_inv. simpl in *.
          destruct (e' ! r) as [(?,?)|]; eq_some_inv. simpl in *. subst b.
          destruct (Mem.load) as [v|].
          intros V. exists v. split. reflexivity. intros ->. destruct ty; destruct V.
          destruct ty; destruct 1.
        * destruct Genv.invert_symbol; eq_some_inv. subst c ab.
          destruct (Mem.load) as [v|].
          intros V. exists v. split. reflexivity. intros ->. destruct ty; destruct V.
          destruct ty; destruct 1.
      inversion B. auto. congruence. congruence.

    Lemma deref_expr_correct α (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn) κ q :
      match am_get (deref_expr α κ q tn) with
      | Some (tn', cells) =>
        tnum_mono ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn tn' ∧
        ¬ error_expr ge e tmp m (expr_erase q) ∧
        ∀ v, eval_expr ge e tmp m (expr_erase q) v
        ∃ ab b i, v = Vptr b i
                  In (cell_from ab (Int.unsigned i, κ)) cells
                  block_of_ablock ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) ab = Some b
                  (align_chunk (proj1_sig κ) | Int.unsigned i)
      | None => True
      unfold deref_expr.
      unfold bind at 1. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lpe) log1 LPE.
      unfold lift, fmap. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros cells'. simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. intros; eq_some_inv; subs; eauto. intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros [|cells]. intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros log Hcells log' X; eq_some_inv; subst cells'.
      generalize (deref_pexpr_inv α (tp1, nm1) κ lpe).
      rewrite Hcells.
      intros Q.
      generalize (convert_correct q _ TN). rewrite LPE. simpl.
      intros CC.
      generalize (convert_wf q _ TN); rewrite LPE. simpl.
      intros [MONO1 WF].
      split. easy.
      destruct (proj2 (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))) asn & Nc & NM).
    - generalize (convert_noerror q _ TN). rewrite LPE. simpl. intros X. apply X.
      intros pe PE.
      specialize (Q _ eq_refl _ PE). destruct Q as (TY & lme & Hlme & Q).
      generalize (me_of_pe_correct _ _ _ NM pe Hlme). intros (ME & MEB).
      generalizeP, N.nconvert_def _ ge m _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz SZ' _ ρ ρn Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) NM _ (proj1 (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))) _ P _ ME MEB).
      intros Y. specialize (Y (WF _ PE)).
      exact Y.
    - intros v EV.
      specialize (CC _ EV).
      destruct CC as (pe & PE & EV').
      specialize (Q _ eq_refl pe PE). destruct Q as (TY & lme & Hlme & Q).
      generalize (me_of_pe_correct tp1 nm1 _ NM pe Hlme). intros (ME & MEB).
      set (PT := proj1 (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))).
      generalizeP, error_pexpr_def (N.nconvert_def _ ge m _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz SZ' _ ρ ρn Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) NM _ PT _ P _ ME MEB) EV').
      intros Y. specialize (Y (WF _ PE)).
      generalize (pexpr_get_ty_ok EV' Y).
      rewrite TY. clear Y TY. intros H.
      apply gamma_typ_inv in H. hsplit. subst v.
      destruct (N.nconvert_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) _ _ EV' _ PT _ ME) as (me & Hme & n & Z & EVn & ?).
      specialize (Q _ Hme).
      destruct Q as (CA & ? & ptr & Hptr & OFS).
      simpl in Z. subst n.
      assert (∃ bs, BlockSet.mem bs ptrblock_of_ablock ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) bs = Some b) as K.
      generalize (pt_eval_pexpr_correct Hstk PT EV' I).
      simpl in Hptr.
      destruct Hptr as [ Hptr | Hptr ];
      rewrite Hptr; exact id.
      clear Hptr.
      destruct K as (ab & AB & Hab).
      eexists ab, b, i.
      repeat (refine (conj _ _)).
      reflexivity. 2: assumption.
      apply CellSet.elements_spec.
      apply OFS. apply AB.
      eapply concretize_int_correct. apply NM. assumption.
      rewrite (check_align_correct _ NM (align_chunk_4_cases _) CA EVn).
      rewrite Z.mul_comm. eexists. reflexivity.

    Lemma nconvert_sound (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn) (q: expr) :
      match am_get (nconvert q tn) with
      | Some (tn', _) =>
        tnum_mono ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn tn' ∧
        ¬ error_expr ge e tmp m (expr_erase q)
      | None => True
      unfold nconvert. unfold bind. simpl. apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp1, nm1), lpe) log1 LPE.
      generalize (convert_wf q _ TN). rewrite LPE. intros [MONO1 WF].
      generalize (convert_noerror q _ TN). rewrite LPE. simpl. intros H.
      unfold lift, fmap. apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros lme log2 Hlme.
      destruct (proj2 (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN))) asn & Nc & NM).
      simpl. split. exact MONO1.
      apply H. clear H.
      intros pe PE.
      apply me_of_pe_list_correct in Hlme.
      generalize (fma_in' _ _ _ _ Hlme _ PE).
      intros (me & ME & X).
      generalize (me_of_pe_correct _ _ _ NM _ ME).
      intros [ME' NBE].
      refine (N.nconvert_def _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SZ' _ _ _ Nc
                            (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV)
                            _ (proj1 (tnum_m_stronger MONO1 (conj Hpun TN)))
                            (WF _ PE)

    Lemma nconvert_ex (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn) (q: expr) :
      match am_get (nconvert q tn) with
      | Some ((tp', nm'), lme) =>
        tnum_mono ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn (tp', nm') ∧
        ∃ lpe, am_get (convert q tn) = Some ((tp', nm'), lpe) ∧
        ∀ v, eval_expr ge e tmp m (expr_erase q) v
        ∀ (TP: ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) tp') (ρn: cellmach_num) (Nc: compat ρ ρn) (NM: ρn ∈ γ nm'),
             ∃ pe lme' me n,
               In pe lpe
               eval_pexpr ge m ρ e pe v
               am_get (N.nconvert annotation_log ge μ _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz nm' tp' pe) = Some lme' ∧
               (∀ me', In me' lme' → In me' lme) ∧
               In me lme' ∧
               N.ncompat v n
               N.wtype_num n (pexpr_get_ty pe) ∧
               eval_mexpr ρn me n
      | None => True
      unfold nconvert. unfold bind. simpl. apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ((tp', nm'), lpe) log LPE.
      generalize (convert_correct q _ TN). rewrite LPE. intros H.
      generalize (convert_wf q _ TN). rewrite LPE. intros [MONO _].
      destruct (proj2 (tnum_m_stronger MONO (conj Hpun TN))) asn' & Nc' & NM').
      destruct (me_of_pe_list _ _) as (nle & ([|],?)) eqn: LNE. 2: exact I.
      split. exact MONO.
      apply me_of_pe_list_correct in LNE.
      exists lpe. split. reflexivity.
      intros v EV Def.
      intros TP ρn Nc NM.
      destruct (H v EV) as (pe & IN & EV'); clear H.
      generalize (fma_in' _ _ _ _ LNE _ IN).
      intros (lme & LME & NLE).
      generalize (me_of_pe_correct _ _ _ NM _ LME).
      intros [ME NB].
      destruct (N.nconvert_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nc (@invariant_block_of_ablock_inj _ _ INV) _ _ EV' _ TP _ ME Def) as (me & Hme & n & N).
      exists pe, lme, me, n. intuition.

    Lemma convert_to_me (tn: tnum) (TN: ρ ∈ tnum_gamma ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn) (q: expr) :
      match am_get (convert q tn) with
      | Some ((tp', nm'), lpe) =>
        match am_get (me_of_pe_list (tp', nm') lpe) with
        | Some lme =>
          tnum_mono ((tmp, e) :: stk) tn (tp', nm') ∧
          ∃ v, eval_expr ge e tmp m (expr_erase q) vvVundef
          ∧ ∀ (TP: ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge ((tmp, e) :: stk) tp') (ρn: cellmach_num) (Nc: compat ρ ρn) (NM: ρn ∈ γ nm'),
            ∃ pe lme' me n,
                 In pe lpe
                 eval_pexpr ge m ρ e pe v
                 am_get (N.nconvert annotation_log ge μ _ _x, x) _ _ NumDom sz nm' tp' pe) = Some lme' ∧
                 (∀ me', In me' lme' → In me' lme) ∧
                 In me lme' ∧
                 N.ncompat v n
                 N.wtype_num n (pexpr_get_ty pe) ∧
                 eval_mexpr ρn me n
        | None => True
      | None => True
      generalize (nconvert_sound _ TN q).
      generalize (nconvert_ex _ TN q).
      unfold nconvert, bind. simpl.
      destruct (convert q _) as (((tp', nm'), lpe) & ([|],?)). 2: intros; exact I.
      destruct (me_of_pe_list _ lpe) as (lme & ([|],?)). 2: intros; exact I.
      simpl. intros (MONO & lpe' & Hlpe' & H) (_ & NB); eq_some_inv; subst.
      destruct (noerror_eval_expr_def NB) as (v & Def & V).
      specialize (H v V Def).
      split. exact MONO.
      exists v. split. exact V. split. exact Def.
      intros TP ρn Nc NM.
      specialize (H TP _ Nc NM).
      destruct H as (pe & lme' & me & n & Hn & Hpn & Hvn & Htn & Vn).
      exists pe, lme', me, n. intuition.



  Definition t : Type := (stack+⊤ * (sizes * tnum))%type.
  Definition iter_t : Type := (stack+⊤ * (sizes * (points_to * num_iter)))%type.

  Definition AbMem stk sz tp nm : t := (stk, (sz, (tp, nm))).
  Definition ab_stk (ab: t) : stack+⊤ := fst ab.
  Definition ab_sz (ab: t) : sizes := fst (snd ab).
  Definition ab_nm (ab: t) : tnum := snd (snd ab).
  Definition ab_tp (ab: t) : points_to := fst (snd (snd ab)).
  Definition ab_num (ab: t) : num := snd (snd (snd ab)).

  Arguments ab_stk ab /.
  Arguments ab_sz ab /.
  Arguments ab_nm ab /.
  Arguments ab_tp ab /.
  Arguments ab_num ab /.

  Definition ab_stk_iter (ab: iter_t) : stack+⊤ := fst ab.
  Definition ab_sz_iter (ab: iter_t) : sizes := fst (snd ab).
  Definition ab_nm_iter (ab: iter_t) : tnum_iter := snd (snd ab).
  Definition ab_tp_iter (ab: iter_t) : points_to := fst (snd (snd ab)).
  Definition ab_num_iter (ab: iter_t) : num_iter := snd (snd (snd ab)).

  Definition with_stk (f: stack+⊤ → stack+⊤) (ab: t) : t :=
    AbMem (f (ab_stk ab)) (ab_sz ab) (ab_tp ab) (ab_num ab).

  Definition with_sz (f: sizessizes) (ab: t) : t :=
    AbMem (ab_stk ab) (f (ab_sz ab)) (ab_tp ab) (ab_num ab).

  Definition with_tp (f: points_topoints_to) (ab: t) : t :=
    AbMem (ab_stk ab) (ab_sz ab) (f (ab_tp ab)) (ab_num ab).

  Definition with_num (f: numnum) (ab: t) : t :=
    AbMem (ab_stk ab) (ab_sz ab) (ab_tp ab) (f (ab_num ab)).

  Definition with_tnum (f: tnumtnum) (ab: t) : t :=
    (ab_stk ab, (ab_sz ab, f (ab_nm ab))).

  Definition dom {A} (x: positive) (m: PTree.t A) : bool :=
    match PTree.get x m with
    | Some _ => true
    | None => false

  Remark dom_set {A} x m y (a: A) : dom x (PTree.set y a m) = peq x y || dom x m.
    unfold dom. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct peq; reflexivity.

  Instance stack_elt_gamma : gamma_op (lvarset * tvarset) (temp_env * env) :=
    λ ltv te_e,
    ∀ x, PSet.mem x (fst ltv) = dom x (snd te_e).

  Instance join_stack_elt_correct :
    join_op_correct (lvarset*tvarset) ((lvarset * tvarset)+⊤) (temp_env * env).
    unfold join_op_correct, join, WProd.join_prod_top, fname_join, lvarset_join, join, flat_join_op.
    intros (ε,τ) (ε',τ') (t & e) [K|K];
    destruct (PSet.beq ε _) eqn: Hε; try exact I;
    destruct (PSet.beq τ _); try exact I;
    intros x. erewrite pset_beq_mem; eauto.

  Instance leb_stack_elt_correct :
    leb_op_correct (lvarset * tvarset) (temp_env * env).
    unfold leb_op_correct, leb, WProd.leb_prod, fname_leb, lvarset_leb, leb, flat_leb_op.
    intros (ε,τ) (ε',τ') LE (t & e) K. apply andb_true_iff in LE.
    simpl in *.
    intros x. rewrite <- (pset_beq_mem _ _ (proj1 LE)). auto.

  Record gamma (ab: t) (cs: concrete_state) : Prop :=
  { _ : fst cs ∈ γ(ab_stk ab)
  ; _ : ab_stk abAllinvariant cs
  ; _ : snd cssizes_gamma ge (fst cs) (ab_sz ab)
  ; _ : mem_as_fun ge cs ∈ (tnum_gamma (fst cs) (ab_nm ab))
  Instance t_gamma : gamma_op t concrete_state := gamma.

  Record iter_gamma (ab: iter_t) (cs: concrete_state) : Prop :=
  { _ : fst cs ∈ γ(ab_stk_iter ab)
  ; _ : ab_stk_iter abAllinvariant cs
  ; _ : snd cssizes_gamma ge (fst cs) (ab_sz_iter ab)
  ; _ : mem_as_fun ge cs ∈ (tnum_iter_gamma (fst cs) (ab_nm_iter ab))
  Instance iter_t_gamma : gamma_op iter_t concrete_state := iter_gamma.

  Definition split_t (ab:t) : option (ident * lvarset * tvarset * stack * sizes * tnum) :=
    match ab_stk ab with
    | All | Just nil => None
    | Just ((ε, τ) :: σ) =>
      let '(sz, tn) := (snd ab) in
      Some (plength σ, ε, τ, σ, sz, tn)

  Definition noerror (exp: expr) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ unit :=
    match split_t ab with
    | Some (μ, ε, τ, σ, sz, tn) =>
      do _ <- nconvert μ ε sz exp tn;
      ret tt
    | None => do _ <- alarm_am "anomaly (noerror)"; ret tt

  Definition ab_eval_expr (ab: t) (a: expr)
  : alarm_mon _ ((tnum * type+⊤ * list (mexpr cell)) +⊥) :=
    match split_t ab with
    | Some (μ, ε, τ, σ, sz, tn) =>
      do (tn', lp) <- convert μ ε sz a tn;
      let '(tp', nm') := tn' in
      do ln <- me_of_pe_list μ sz tn' lp;
      match lp with nil => ret Bot | _ =>
      let ty := union_list_map (pt_eval_pexpr ge μ tp') All lp in
      ret (NotBot (tn', ty, ln))
    | None => do _ <- alarm_am "ab_eval_expr failed"; ret Bot

  Fixpoint ab_eval_exprlist (ab: t) (e: list expr) : alarm_mon _ ((t * list (type+⊤ * list (mexpr cell)))+⊥) :=
    match e with
    | nil => ret (NotBot (ab, nil))
    | e :: e' =>
      do r <- ab_eval_expr ab e;
      match r with
      | Bot => ret Bot
      | NotBot (tn, ty, me) =>
        do m <- ab_eval_exprlist (with_tnum_, tn) ab) e';
        match m with
        | Bot => ret Bot
        | NotBot (ab, y) => ret (NotBot (ab, (ty, me) :: y))

  Definition nm_forget_all :=
    fold_leftm c, bind m (AbMachineEnv.forget c)).

  Definition nm_upd (nm:num) (c:cell) (e:(mexpr cell)) : num+⊥ :=
    let nm' := AbMachineEnv.assign c e nm in
    nm_forget_all (overlap c) nm'.

  Definition nm_upd_cells (nm:num) (l:list cell) (e:(mexpr cell)) : num+⊥ :=
    union_list_mapc, nm_upd nm c e) (NotBot nm) l.

  Definition ct_forget_all {A: Type} := fold_left (λ (m: ACTreeDom.t A) c, ACTreeDom.set m c All).

  Definition ct_upd {A} (m:ACTreeDom.t A) (c:cell) (a:A+⊤) : ACTreeDom.t A :=
    ACTreeDom.set (ct_forget_all (overlap c) m) c a.

  Definition tp_upd_cells (tp: points_to) (l: list cell) (tt: type+⊤) : points_to :=
    union_list_mapc, ct_upd tp c tt) tp l.

  Definition chunk_type (κ: typed_memory_chunk) (ty: typ+⊤) : bool :=
    match ty with
    | All => false
    | Just ty' =>
      match κ, ty' with
      | exist (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned | Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned) _, VI
      | exist Mint32 _, (VI | VP | VIP)
      | exist Mint64 _, VL
      | exist Mfloat64 _, VF
      | exist Mfloat32 _, VS
        => true
      | _, _ => false

  Local Instance string_of_type : ToString type := string_of_type ge.

  Definition assign_cells (κ: option typed_memory_chunk) (c: list cell) (a:expr) (ab:t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    do res <- ab_eval_expr ab a;
    match res with
    | NotBot ((tp, nm), ty, ln) =>
        do _ <- am_assert match κ with Some κ => chunk_type κ (fmap typ_of_type ty) | None => true end
                             ("bad type: " ++ to_string ty);
        ret (
            do nm' <- union_list_map (nm_upd_cells nm c) (NotBot nm) ln;
            let tp' := tp_upd_cells tp c ty in
            ret (AbMem (ab_stk ab) (ab_sz ab) tp' nm')
    | Bot => ret Bot

  Definition assign_in (μ: fname) (x: ident) (a: expr) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    (assign_cells None (ACtemp μ x :: nil) a ab).

  Definition assign (x:ident) (a:expr) (ab:t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    match ab_stk ab with
    | Just (_::σ) => assign_in (plength σ) x a ab
    | _ => do _ <- alarm_am "assign failed"; ret Bot

  Let type_of_typ (ty: typ) : type+⊤ :=
    match ty with
    | VI => Just TyInt
    | VF => Just TyFloat
    | VS => Just TySingle
    | VL => Just TyLong
    | _ => All

  Definition assign_any (x: ident) (ty: typ) (ab: t) : alarm_mon annotation_log (t+⊥) :=
    match split_t ab with
    | Some (μ, ε, τ, σ, sz, tn) =>
      let '(tp, nm) := tn in
      let c := ACtemp μ x in
      do nm' <-
            match ty with
            | VI | VL | VF | VS => ret (AbMachineEnv.forget c nm)
            | _ => do _ <- alarm_am ("assign_any: bad type " ++ to_string ty); ret Bot
        ret (
        do nm' <- nm';
        ret (with_num_, nm')
                               (with_tptp, ACTreeDom.set tp c (type_of_typ ty)) ab)))
    | None => do _ <- alarm_am "assign_any failed"; ret Bot

  Definition permission_can_write (p: permission) : bool :=
    match p with
    | (Freeable | Writable) => true
    | (Readable | Nonempty) => false

  Definition cell_in_bounds (κ:typed_memory_chunk) (ab: t) (c: cell) : alarm_mon annotation_log unit :=
    let b := ablock_of_cell c in
    let '(ofs, _) := range_of_cell c in
    match ABTreeDom.get b (ab_sz ab) with
    | All => do _ <- alarm_am ("block of unknown size: " ++ to_string b); ret tt
    | Just (hi, (perm, vol)) =>
      if permission_can_write perm then
      if zle 0 ofs && zle (ofs + size_chunk (proj1_sig κ)) hi
      then ret tt
      else do _ <- alarm_am ("cell out of range("++ to_string hi ++"): " ++ to_string c); ret tt
      else do _ <- alarm_am ("read-only cell: " ++ to_string c); ret tt

  Definition expr_has_cast_for_chunk (e: expr) (κ: typed_memory_chunk) : bool :=
    match κ, e with
    | exist Mint8signed _, Eunop Ocast8signed _
    | exist Mint8unsigned _, Eunop Ocast8unsigned _
    | exist Mint16signed _, Eunop Ocast16signed _
    | exist Mint16unsigned _, Eunop Ocast16unsigned _
    | exist Mint32 _, _
    | exist Mint64 _, _
    | exist Mfloat32 _, _
    | exist Mfloat64 _, _
      => true
    | _, _ => false

  Definition store (α: Annotations.annotation) (κ: memory_chunk) (a e: expr) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    let κ : option typed_memory_chunk :=
        match κ with
          | Many32 | Many64 => None
          | κ => Some (exist _ κ I)
    match κ with
      | None =>
        do _ <- alarm_am "invalid store memory chunk"; ret Bot
      | Some κ =>
        match split_t ab with
          | Some (μ, ε, τ, σ, sz, tn) =>
            do _ <- am_assert (expr_has_cast_for_chunk e κ)
                  ("Uncasted expr for " ++ to_string (proj1_sig κ) ++ ": " ++ to_string e);
            do (tn', cells) <- deref_expr μ ε sz (Some α) κ a tn;
            let ab := with_tnum_, tn') ab in
            match cells with nil => ret Bot | _ =>
              do _ <- am_rev_map (cell_in_bounds κ ab) cells;
              assign_cells (Some κ) cells e ab
          | None => do _ <- alarm_am "store failed"; ret Bot

  Definition nassume b nm (F: mexpr cellmexpr cell) e : num+⊥ :=
    union_list_mapme, AbMachineEnv.assume (F me) b nm) (NotBot nm) e.

  Definition bool_expr (e: expr) : expr :=
    match e with
    | Ebinop (Ocmp _| Ocmpu _| Ocmpf _| Ocmpfs _| Ocmpl _| Ocmplu _) _ _ => e
    | _ => Ebinop (Ocmp Cne) e (Econst (Csharpminor.Ointconst

  Definition assume (b: expr) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥ * t+⊥) :=
    match split_t ab with
    | Some (μ, ε, τ, σ, sz, tn) =>
      let b := bool_expr b in
      do (tn', b') <- nconvert μ ε sz b tn;
      let '(tp, nm) := tn' in
        (do nz <- nassume true nm id b'; ret (AbMem (Just ((ε,τ)::σ)) sz tp nz),
         do z <- nassume false nm id b'; ret (AbMem (Just ((ε,τ)::σ)) sz tp z))
    | None => do _ <- alarm_am "assume failed"; ret (Bot, Bot)

  Definition deref_fun (e: expr) (ab: t) : alarm_mon annotation_log (list (ident * fundef)) :=
    match split_t ab with
    | Some (μ, ε, τ, σ, sz, tn) =>
      do (tn, cells) <- deref_expr μ ε sz None (exist _ Mint32 I) e tn;
      am_map' _c,
              match c with
              | ACglobal b 0 (exist Mint32 _) =>
                match Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b with
                | Some f =>
                  match Genv.invert_symbol ge b with
                  | Some i => Result (i,f)
                  | None => Error None "unknown function"
                | None => Error None ("bad function pointer " ++ to_string b)
              | _ => Error None ("bad function pointer (2)")
              end) cells
    | None => do _ <- alarm_am "anomaly: deref_fun";
              ret nil

  Definition ab_bind_parameters (μ: ident)
             (formals: list ident) (args: list (type+⊤ * list (mexpr cell)))
             : alarm_mon annotation_log (t+⊥) → alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
      (λ acc id v,
       do ab' <- acc;
       ret (
           do ab' <- ab';
           let c := ACtemp μ id in
           let '(ty, ln) := v in
           do nm' <- union_list_mapme, AbMachineEnv.assign c me (ab_num ab')) (NotBot (ab_num ab')) ln;
           ret (AbMem (ab_stk ab') (ab_sz ab')
                      (ct_upd (ab_tp ab') c ty)
      (λ _ _, do _ <- alarm_am "ab_bind_parameters: too many formals"; ret Bot)
      (λ _ _, do _ <- alarm_am "ab_bind_parameters: too many arguments"; ret Bot)
      formals args.

  Definition set_local_sizes μ vars : sizessizes :=
    fold_leftsz x_hi, ABTreeDom.set sz (ABlocal μ (fst x_hi)) (Just (snd x_hi, (Freeable, false))))

  Definition push_frame_def: function) (args: list expr) (ab:t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    do σ' <- match ab_stk ab with
                | All => do _ <- alarm_am "no stack"; ret nil
                | Just σ' => ret σ'
      let μ := plength σ' in
      do res <- ab_eval_exprlist ab args;
      match res with
      | Bot => ret Bot
      | NotBot (ab, eargs) =>
      let ε := (rev_map fst μ_def.(fn_vars)) in
      let τ := PSetOp.build_def.(fn_temps) ++ μ_def.(fn_params)) in
      let σ := (ε, τ) :: σ' in
      let ab' := with_stk_, Just σ) (with_sz (set_local_sizes μ μ_def.(fn_vars)) ab) in
      ab_bind_parameters μ μ_def.(fn_params) eargs (ret (NotBot ab'))

Invalidate cells local to μ.
  Definition is_local_cell (μ: fname) (c: cell) : bool :=
    match c with
    | AClocal μ' _ _ _
    | ACtemp μ' _ => eq_dec μ μ'
    | ACglobal _ _ _ => false

  Definition is_local_block (μ: fname) (ab: ablock) : bool :=
    match ab with
    | ABlocal μ' _ => eq_dec μ μ'
    | ABglobal _ => false

Invalidate pointers to cells local to μ.
  Definition pop_local_pt (μ: fname) : points_topoints_to :=
      (λ c ty,
       if is_local_cell μ c
       then false
       else match ty with
            | (TyPtr (Just bs) | TyZPtr (Just bs)) =>
              negb (BSO.existsb (is_local_block μ) bs)
            | TyPtr All | TyZPtr All
            | TyFloat | TySingle | TyLong | TyInt | TyZero | TyIntPtr => true

  Definition clear_local_sizes μ ε : sizessizes :=
    PSet.foldx, ABTree.remove (ABlocal μ x)) ε.

  Definition all_local_cells (μ: ident) (ε: lvarset) (sz: sizes) : list cell :=
         let z := match ABTree.get (ABlocal μ x) sz with Some (z, _) => z | None => Z0 end in
         memory_chunk_foldacc κ,
           let k := align_chunk (proj1_sig κ) in
           N.peano_rect _
             (λ n, cons (AClocal μ x (Z.of_N n * k) κ))
             (Z.to_N (z / k))
    ) ε nil.

  Definition pop_local_num (μ: ident) (ε: lvarset) (τ: tvarset) (sz: sizes) : num+⊥ → num+⊥ :=
    (nm_forget_all (all_local_cells μ ε sz)) ∘ (nm_forget_all ( (ACtemp μ) (PSet.elements τ))).

  Definition pop_frame (res: option (expr)) (temp : option (ident)) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    match ab_stk ab, res, temp with
    | Just ((ε₀, τ₀)::(ε,τ)::σ), Some r, Some x =>
      let μ := plength σ in
      let μ₀ := Pos.succ μ in
      do ab' <- assign_in μ x r ab;
      match ab' with
      | NotBot ab'' =>
        ret (
            do nm' <- pop_local_num μ₀ ε₀ τ₀ (ab_sz ab'') (NotBot (ab_num ab''));
            ret (with_sz (clear_local_sizes μ₀ ε₀)
                (with_tp (pop_local_pt μ₀)
                (with_stk_, Just ((ε,τ)::σ))
                (with_num_, nm') ab'')))))
      | Bot => ret Bot
    | Just ((ε,τ)::nil), Some r, _ =>
      let μ := xH in
      do ret' <- ab_eval_expr ab r;
      match ret' with
      | Bot => ret Bot
      | NotBot (_, ty, _) =>
        do _ <- am_assert match ty with Just (TyInt | TyZero) => true | _ => false end "main ret not an int";
          ret (NotBot (with_sz (clear_local_sizes μ ε)
                           (with_tp (pop_local_pt μ)
                           (with_stk_, Just nil) ab))))
    | Just (_::nil), _, _ =>
      do _ <- alarm_am "pop_frame failed at main"; ret Bot
    | Just ((ε,τ)::σ), None, None =>
      let μ := plength σ in
        ret (
            do nm' <- pop_local_num μ ε τ (ab_sz ab) (NotBot (ab_num ab));
            ret (with_sz (clear_local_sizes μ ε)
                (with_tp (pop_local_pt μ)
                (with_stk_, Just σ)
                (with_num_, nm') ab)))))
    | Just ((ε,τ)::σ), Some r, None =>
      let μ := plength σ in
      do _ <- noerror r ab;
        ret (
            do nm' <- pop_local_num μ ε τ (ab_sz ab) (NotBot (ab_num ab));
            ret (with_sz (clear_local_sizes μ ε)
                (with_tp (pop_local_pt μ)
                (with_stk_, Just σ)
                (with_num_, nm') ab)))))
    | _, _, _ => do _ <- alarm_am ("pop_frame failed: " ++ to_string temp ++ " := " ++ to_string res ); ret Bot

  Let bad_align {T} (r: T) : alarm_mon annotation_log _ :=
    do _ <- alarm_am "misaligned init data"; ret r.
  Instance InitDataToString : ToString init_data :=
    λ id,
    match id with
    | Init_int8 i => "int8: " ++ to_string i
    | Init_int16 i => "int16: " ++ to_string i
    | Init_int32 i => "int32: " ++ to_string i
    | Init_int64 i => "int64: " ++ to_string i
    | Init_float32 f => "float32: " ++ to_string f
    | Init_float64 f => "float64: " ++ to_string f
    | Init_space n => "space: " ++ to_string n
    | Init_addrof i o => "&" ++ to_string i ++ " + " ++ to_string o

  Definition zero_type_of_chunk (κ: typed_memory_chunk) : type :=
    match κ with
    | exist (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned |
             Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned |
             Mint32) _
      => TyZero
    | exist Mint64 _ => TyLong
    | exist Mfloat64 _ => TyFloat
    | exist Mfloat32 _ => TySingle
    | exist _ H => match H with end

  Definition permission_can_read (p: permission) : { perm_order p Readable } + { p = Nonempty } :=
    match p with
    | Freeable => left (perm_F_any Readable)
    | Writable => left perm_W_R
    | Readable => left (perm_refl Readable)
    | Nonempty => right eq_refl

  Definition zero_all_cells (b: block) (base: Z) (sz: Z) (ab: t): t+⊥ :=
      (λ _, t+⊥)
      (NotBot ab)
      (λ ofs ab,
         (λ ab κ,
          let ofs' := base + Z.of_N ofs in
          if Zdivide_dec (align_chunk (proj1_sig κ)) ofs' (align_chunk_pos (proj1_sig κ))
          && zle (Z.of_N ofs + size_chunk (proj1_sig κ)) sz then
            do ab <- ab;
              let c := ACglobal b ofs' κ in
              do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign c
                (match κ with
                   | exist (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned | Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned | Mint32) _
                     => me_const_i _
                   | exist Mint64 _ => me_const_l _
                   | exist (Mfloat32) _ => me_const_s _
                   | exist (Mfloat64) _ => me_const_f _
                   | exist _ H => match H with end
                (ab_num ab);
                (with_tp (ACTree.set c (zero_type_of_chunk κ))
                (with_num_, nm) ab))
          else ab
         ) ab)
      (Z.to_N sz).

  Definition ab_alloc_global perm vol b (gv: list init_data) ab : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    do sz_ab' <- am_fold
      (λ (acc:_*(_+⊥)) id,
       let '(ofs, ab) := acc in
       let ofs' := ofs + Genv.init_data_size id in
       let c κ H := ACglobal b ofs (exist _ κ H) in
       if match id with
          | Init_space _
          | Init_int8 _ => true
          | Init_int16 _ => Zdivide_dec (align_chunk Mint16signed) ofs eq_refl
          | Init_int32 _
          | Init_addrof _ _ => Zdivide_dec (align_chunk Mint32) ofs eq_refl
          | Init_int64 _ => Zdivide_dec (align_chunk Mint64) ofs eq_refl
          | Init_float32 _ => Zdivide_dec (align_chunk Mfloat32) ofs eq_refl
          | Init_float64 _ => Zdivide_dec (align_chunk Mfloat64) ofs eq_refl
          end then
       match id return alarm_mon _ (Z*t+⊥) with
       | Init_int32 n =>
          ret (ofs',
                  if permission_can_read perm
                  do ab' <- ab;
                  do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign (c Mint32 I) (me_const_i _ n) (ab_num ab');
                  ret (with_tp (ACTree.set (c Mint32 I) (type_of_int n))
                      (with_num_, nm) ab'))
                  else ab)
       | Init_int64 n =>
          ret (ofs',
                  if permission_can_read perm
                  do ab' <- ab;
                  do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign (c Mint64 I) (me_const_l _ n) (ab_num ab');
                  ret (with_tp (ACTree.set (c Mint64 I) TyLong)
                      (with_num_, nm) ab'))
                  else ab)
       | Init_addrof s o =>
         match Genv.find_symbol ge s with
         | Some b' => ret (ofs',
                              if permission_can_read perm
                              do ab' <- ab;
                              do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign (c Mint32 I) (me_const_i _ o) (ab_num ab');
                              ret (with_tp (ACTree.set (c Mint32 I) (TyPtr (Just (BSO.singleton (ABglobal b')))))
                                  (with_num_, nm) ab'))
                              else ab)
         | None => do _ <- alarm_am ("ab_alloc_globals: not a symbol ("
                                        ++ to_string s ++ ")"); ret (ofs', ab)
       | Init_space s =>
         ret (ofs',
                 if negb (permission_can_read perm)
                 then ab else do ab' <- ab; zero_all_cells b ofs s ab')
       | Init_float64 f =>
         ret (ofs',
           if negb (permission_can_read perm)
           then ab
             do ab' <- ab;
             do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign (c Mfloat64 I) (MEconst _ (MNfloat f)) (ab_num ab');
             ret (with_tp (ACTree.set (c Mfloat64 I) TyFloat)
                 (with_num_, nm) ab')))
       | Init_float32 f =>
         ret (ofs',
           if negb (permission_can_read perm)
           then ab
             do ab' <- ab;
             do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign (c Mfloat32 I) (MEconst _ (MNsingle f)) (ab_num ab');
             ret (with_tp (ACTree.set (c Mfloat32 I) TySingle)
                 (with_num_, nm) ab')))
       | Init_int8 i =>
         ret (ofs',
                 if permission_can_read perm
                 do ab' <- ab;
                 do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign (c Mint8unsigned I) (MEunop Ocast8unsigned (me_const_i _ i)) (ab_num ab');
                 ret (with_tp (ACTree.set (c Mint8unsigned I) (type_of_int i))
                     (with_num_, nm) ab'))
                 else ab)
       | Init_int16 i =>
         ret (ofs',
                 if permission_can_read perm
                 do ab' <- ab;
                 do nm <- AbMachineEnv.assign (c Mint16unsigned I) (MEunop Ocast16unsigned (me_const_i _ i)) (ab_num ab');
                 ret (with_tp (ACTree.set (c Mint16unsigned I) (type_of_int i))
                     (with_num_, nm) ab'))
                 else ab)
       else bad_align acc)
      (0, ab);
    let '(sz, ab') := sz_ab' in
    ret (do ab'' <- ab'; ret (with_sz (ABTree.set (ABglobal b) (sz, (perm, vol))) ab'')).

  Definition ab_alloc_globals (gl: list (ident * globdef fundef unit)) : alarm_mon _ (block * t+⊥) :=
       (λ acc ig,
        let '(b, ab) := acc in
        let b' := Pos.succ b in
        match ig with
        | (_, Gfun _) => ret (b', fmap (with_sz (ABTree.set (ABglobal b) (1, (Nonempty, false)))) ab)
        | (_, Gvar gv) =>
            do ab' <- ab_alloc_global (Genv.perm_globvar gv) (gvar_volatile gv) b gv.(gvar_init) ab;
            ret (b', ab')
       (xH, do t <- ⊤; ret (Just nil, t))).

  Definition init_mem (defs:list (ident * globdef fundef unit)) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    do _ <- am_assert (norepet_map fst defs) ("duplicate name in globals");
    do ab <- ab_alloc_globals defs;
    ret (snd ab).

  Definition validate_volatile_ptr (sz: sizes) (ptr: BlockSet.t) (lne: list (mexpr cell)) : boolbool :=
      (λ blk (acc: bool),
       if acc
         match blk with
         | ABlocal _ _ => false
         | ABglobal b =>
           match Genv.invert_symbol ge b with
           | None => false
           | Some g =>
             match ABTreeDom.get blk sz with
             | Just (hi, (perm, vol)) =>
             | All => false
       else acc)

  Definition check_volatile (tgt: (ident * int) + expr) (κ: memory_chunk) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ ident :=
    do _ <-
    match tgt with
    | inl (g, ofs) =>
      match Genv.find_symbol ge g with
      | None => alarm_am "check_volatile: bad global"
      | Some b =>
        let b := ABglobal b in
        match ABTreeDom.get b (ab_sz ab) with
        | Just (hi, (perm, vol)) =>
          am_assert vol ("check_volatile: not volatile")
        | All => alarm_am "check_volatile: unknown size"
    | inr addr =>
      do z <- ab_eval_expr ab addr;
      match z with
      | NotBot (tn, Just (TyPtr (Just ptr)), ne) =>
        am_assert (validate_volatile_ptr (ab_sz ab) ptr ne true) ("check_volatile: bad pointer")
      | _ => alarm_am "check_volatile: unresolved expression"
    match ab_stk ab with
    | Just ( _ :: σ ) => ret (plength σ)
    | _ => do _ <- alarm_am "check_volatile: no stack"; ret xH

  Definition forget_cell (ab: t) (c: cell) : t+⊥ :=
    do nm' <- AbMachineEnv.forget c (ab_num ab);
    NotBot (
           (with_tptp, ACTreeDom.set tp c (⊤))
           (with_num_, nm') ab))).

  Definition vload (rettemp: option ident) (g_ofs: option (ident * int)) (κ: memory_chunk) (args: list expr) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    do _ <- am_assert match κ with Mint64 | Mint32 | Mfloat32 | Mfloat64 => true | _ => false end "vload: bad chunk";
    match g_ofs, args with
    | Some q, nil => Some (inl q)
    | None, addr :: nil => Some (inr addr)
    | _, _ => None
    | None => do _ <- alarm_am "vload: bad arguments"; ret Bot
    | Some tgt =>
    do μ <- check_volatile tgt κ ab;
    match rettemp with
    | None => ret (NotBot ab)
    | Some r =>
      match κ with
      | Mint64 => assign_any r VL ab
      | Mfloat64 => assign_any r VF ab
      | Mfloat32 => assign_any r VS ab
      | _ => ret (forget_cell ab (ACtemp μ r))

  Definition only_global_pointer (aptr: BlockSet.t+⊤) : bool :=
    match aptr with
    | All => false
    | Just ptr =>
      negb (BSO.existsbp,
                             match p with
                             | ABglobal b => match Genv.invert_symbol ge b with Some g => negb (Senv.public_symbol ge g) | None => true end
                             | ABlocal _ _ => true
                             end) ptr)

  Definition vstore (rettemp: option ident) (g_ofs: option (ident * int)) (κ: memory_chunk) (args: list expr) (ab: t) : alarm_mon _ (t+⊥) :=
    match g_ofs, args with
    | Some q, arg :: nil => Some (inl q, arg)
    | None, addr :: arg :: nil => Some (inr addr, arg)
    | _, _ => None
    | None => do _ <- alarm_am "vstore: bad arguments"; ret Bot
    | Some (tgt, arg) =>
    do μ <- check_volatile tgt κ ab;
    do v <- ab_eval_expr ab arg;
    match v with
    | Bot => ret Bot
    | NotBot (tn, ptr, lne) =>
      do _ <- am_assert
            match ptr with
            | Just ty =>
              match ty, κ with
              | TyLong, Mint64
              | TySingle, Mfloat32
              | TyFloat, Mfloat64
              | (TyInt | TyZero), ( Mint32 | Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned | Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned )
                => true
              | (TyPtr bs | TyZPtr bs), Mint32 => only_global_pointer bs
              | _, _ => false
            | All => false
            ("vstore: cannot prove that the argument " ++ to_string arg ++ " is well-typed " ++ to_string ptr);
      let ab := with_tnum_, tn) ab in
      match rettemp with
      | None => ret (NotBot ab)
      | Some r => ret (forget_cell ab (ACtemp μ r))

  Instance widen_mem : widen_op (iter_t+⊥) (t+⊥) :=
    {| widen A B :=
         let '(NUM_it_ret, NUM_ret) :=
           match A with
           | Bot => init_iter Bot
           | NotBot (_, (_, (_, NUM))) => NUM
           match B with
           | Bot => Bot
           | NotBot (_, (_, (_, NUM))) => NotBot NUM
         match B with
         | Bot =>
           match A with
           | Bot => (Bot, Bot)
           | NotBot (STK, (SZ, (PT, _))) =>
             (NotBot (STK, (SZ, (PT, NUM_it_ret))),
              do NUM_ret <- NUM_ret;
              ret (STK, (SZ, (PT, NUM_ret))))
         | NotBot (STK', (SZ', (PT', _))) =>
           match A with
           | Bot =>
             (NotBot (STK', (SZ', (PT', NUM_it_ret))),
              do NUM_ret <- NUM_ret;
              ret (STK', (SZ', (PT', NUM_ret))))
           | NotBot (STK, (SZ, (PT, NUM))) =>
             let STK_ret :=
               match STK, STK' with
               | Just STK, Just STK' => list_widen join STK STK'
               | _, _ => All
             let SZ_ret := sizes_widen SZ SZ' in
             let PT_ret := points_to_widen PT PT' in
             (NotBot (STK_ret, (SZ_ret, (PT_ret, NUM_it_ret))),
              do NUM_ret <- NUM_ret;
              ret (STK_ret, (SZ_ret, (PT_ret, NUM_ret))))
       init_iter x :=
         do x <- x;
         ret (ab_stk x, (ab_sz x, (ab_tp x, init_iter (NotBot (ab_num x)))))

  Instance mem_cshm_dom : mem_dom annotation_log t (iter_t+⊥) :=
    {| assign := assign
     ; assign_any := assign_any
     ; store := store
     ; assume := assume

     ; noerror := noerror
     ; deref_fun := deref_fun

     ; ab_vload := vload
     ; ab_vstore := vstore

     ; push_frame := push_frame
     ; pop_frame := pop_frame

     ; ab_malloc sz dst ab := do _ <- alarm_am "malloc"; ret (⊤)
     ; ab_free e ab := do _ <- alarm_am "free"; ret (⊤)
     ; ab_memcpy sz al dst src ab :=
         do _ <- alarm_am ("memcpy(" ++ to_string sz ++ ", " ++ to_string al ++ ", " ++ to_string dst ++ ", " ++ to_string src ++ ")");
         ret (⊤)

     ; init_mem := init_mem

  Instance t_join_correct : join_op_correct t (t+⊥) concrete_state.
    intros (stk & sz & nm) (stk' & sz' & nm') cc H.
    set (G := gamma_bot (tnum_gamma (fst cc))).
    assert (mem_as_fun ge cc ∈ γ ((nmnm'):tnum+⊥)) as H0.
    { apply (join_correct (join_op_correct := tnum_join_correct (fst cc))).
      destruct H as [ () | () ]; hsplit; auto. }
    unfold join in H0.
    unfold join, join_mem, mem_cshm_dom, WProd.join_prod_bot at 1 2.
    unfold join. simpl.
    destruct (WProd.join_prod_bot _ _ _ _). easy.
    apply join_correct. destruct H as [ () | () ]; auto.
    intro. destruct H as [ [ X INV ] | [ X INV ] ]; apply INV; intro; destruct stk, stk'; try discriminate; apply H1; auto.
    apply sizes_join_correct. destruct H as [ () | () ]; auto.
    exact H0.

  Instance t_leb_correct : leb_op_correct t concrete_state.
    intros (stk & sz & tpnm) (stk' & sz' & tpnm') LE (σ & m) [ STK INV SZ NUM ].
    unfold WProd.leb_prod, leb in LE. simpl in *.
    unfold leb in LE. simpl in *.
    repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in LE. destruct LE as (LEstk & LEsz & LEnm).
    simpl. eapply leb_correct; eauto.
    simpl. destruct stk' as [|stk']. intuition. intros _. apply INV.
    destruct stk. simpl in LEstk. eq_some_inv. discriminate.
    simpl. eapply leb_correct; eauto.
    eapply (leb_correct (leb_op_correct := tnum_leb_correct σ)); eauto.

  Instance TToString : ToString t :=
    (λ x,
    "Mem { " ++ "stack : " ++ to_string (ab_stk x) ++ new_line
             ++ "blocks: " ++ to_string (ab_sz x) ++ new_line
             ++ "types : " ++ to_string (ab_tp x) ++ new_line
             ++ "num : " ++ to_string (ab_num x) ++ new_line
             ++ "}" ++ new_line ).

  Instance IterTToString : ToString iter_t :=
      (λ x,
       "Mem { " ++ "stack : " ++ to_string (ab_stk_iter x) ++ new_line
                ++ "blocks: " ++ to_string (ab_sz_iter x) ++ new_line
                ++ "types : " ++ to_string (ab_tp_iter x) ++ new_line
                ++ "num : " ++ to_string (ab_num_iter x) ++ new_line
                ++ "}" ++ new_line ).

End num.