Module Mconvert

Require DebugAbMachineEnv NoError PointsTo.

Section LOG.

Context (L: Type).

Definition nconvert_t A : Type := alarm_mon L (list A).

Section FMA.
  Context {A B} (f: Anconvert_t B).

  Definition flat_map_a (q: nconvert_t A) : nconvert_t B :=
    do q <- (q: alarm_mon L (list A));
    (fix rec (q: list A) :=
       match q with
       | nil => ret nil
       | a :: a' =>
         do b <- (f a : alarm_mon L (list B));
       do b' <- rec a';
       ret (b ++ b')%list
    ) q.

    Inductive flat_map_a_spec : list Alist BProp :=
    | FMA_nil : flat_map_a_spec nil nil
    | FMA_app
        a bs
        `(am_get (f a) = Some bs)
        q r
        `(flat_map_a_spec q r)
        : flat_map_a_spec (a :: q) (bs ++ r)

    Definition flat_map_a_spec_nil_inv (r: list B) :
      flat_map_a_spec nil r
      r = nil :=
      λ H,
      match H in flat_map_a_spec x r
            return match x return Prop
                   with _ :: _ => True
                   | nil => r = nil
      | FMA_app _ _ _ _ _ _ => I
      | FMA_nil => eq_refl

    Definition flat_map_a_spec_cons_inv (a: A) (q: list A) (r: list B) :
      flat_map_a_spec (a :: q) r
      ∃ bs r', am_get (f a) = Some bsr = app bs r' ∧ flat_map_a_spec q r'.
              match H in flat_map_a_spec x r
              return match x return Prop
                     with nil => True
                     | a :: q => ∃ bs r', am_get (f a) = Some bsr = app bs r' ∧ flat_map_a_spec q r'
              | FMA_nil => I
              | FMA_app _ _ H _ _ H' => _

    Lemma flat_map_a_spec_nil_r (r: list A) :
      flat_map_a_spec r nil
      r = nilrnil ∧ ∀ a, In a ram_get (f a) = Some nil.
      remember (@nil B) eqn: Hnil.
      induction 1. vauto.
      right. split. intro; eq_some_inv.
      intros x X. eq_some_inv. hsplit. subst.
      destruct X as [ -> | X ]. easy.
      destruct IHflat_map_a_spec. easy.
      subst. destruct X. hsplit.
    Lemma flat_map_a_correct (q: nconvert_t A) (bs: list B) :
      am_get (flat_map_a q) = Some bs
      ∃ q' : list A, am_get q = Some q' ∧ flat_map_a_spec q' bs.
      revert bs.
      elim q; clear q.
      intros q ([ | ], ?); elim q; clear q.
      - simpl; intros bs X; eq_some_inv; subst. exists nil. split. easy. left.
      - intros a q IH bs.
        unfold flat_map_a. simpl.
        apply am_bind_case. easy. simpl; intros; eq_some_inv.
        intros ba log Hba.
        apply am_bind_case. easy. simpl; intros; eq_some_inv.
        intros bs' log' Hbs'.
        specialize (IH bs').
        refine (let X := IH _ in _).
        unfold flat_map_a. simpl. rewrite Hbs'. reflexivity.
        simpl. intro; eq_some_inv. subst bs.
        clear IH Hbs'.
        eexists. split. reflexivity.
        hsplit. right. rewrite Hba. reflexivity. simpl in *. eq_some_inv. congruence.
      - simpl; intros; eq_some_inv.
      - intros a q IH bs.
        unfold flat_map_a. apply am_bind_case; [ easy | .. ];
          simpl; intros; eq_some_inv.

      Lemma fma_in q bs :
        flat_map_a_spec q bs
        ∀ b, In b bs → ∃ a, In a q ∧ ∃ r, am_get (f a) = Some rIn b r.
        intros H; elim H; clear q bs H.
        intros _ ().
        intros a bs Ha q r H IH b Hb.
        apply in_app in Hb. elim Hb; clear Hb; intros Hb.
        exists a. split. now left. eauto.
        elim (IH _ Hb). intros a' (Ha' & X).
        exists a'. split. now right. exact X.

      Lemma fma_in' q bs :
        flat_map_a_spec q bs
        ∀ a, In a q → ∃ b, am_get (f a) = Some b ∧ ∀ x, In x bIn x bs.
        intros H; elim H; clear q bs H.
        intros _ ().
        intros a bs Ha q r H IH b [ <- | Hb ].
        exists bs. split. exact Ha. intros x Hx; apply in_app; left; exact Hx.
        elim (IH _ Hb); clear IH Hb.
        intros x [Hx Hx']. exists x. split. exact Hx.
        intros y Hy; apply in_app; right; apply Hx', Hy.

      Lemma fma_app a b c d :
        flat_map_a_spec a b
        flat_map_a_spec c d
        flat_map_a_spec (a ++ c) (b ++ d).
        intros H; elim H; clear a b H. exact id.
        intros a bs Ha q r Hqr IH Hcd.
        simpl. rewrite <- app_assoc. vauto.

End FMA.

Global Arguments flat_map_a_correct {A B} [f q bs] _.

Instance nconvert_monad : monad nconvert_t :=
    ret A := λ a, ret (a :: nil);
    bind A B m f := flat_map_a f m

Definition assert (b: bool) err :=
  if b then ret tt else ((tt :: nil, (err :: nil, nil)): (nconvert_t unit)).

Lemma fma_bind {A B C} (e: nconvert_t B) (f: ABnconvert_t C) a c :
  flat_map_a_specx, do y <- e; f x y) a c
  ∃ b : list B,
    am_get e = Some b
    flat_map_a_spec (curry f) (pair_list a b) c.
  intros H; elim H; clear H.
  intros Ha; elim (Ha eq_refl).
  intros x cs H q r Hqr IH _.
  generalize (flat_map_a_correct H). clear H.
  intros (q' & Hq' & H).
  eexists. split. eassumption.
  inversion Hqr. subst. simpl. rewrite ! app_nil_r.
  clear -H. induction H; vauto.
  subst. specialize (IHK, nil_cons (eq_sym K))).
  destruct IH as (b & Hb & IH). assert (b = q') by congruence. subst q'.
  simpl. apply fma_app; auto. clear -H.
  induction H; vauto.

Lemma flat_map_a_spec_assoc {A B C} (f: Anconvert_t B) (g: Bnconvert_t C) (ma: list A) (mc: list C) :
  flat_map_a_speca, flat_map_a g (f a)) ma mc
  ∃ mb,
    flat_map_a_spec f ma mbflat_map_a_spec g mb mc.
  intros H; elim H; clear H.
  intros a cs Hcs q r Hqr (mb & Hqmb & Hmbr).
  apply flat_map_a_correct in Hcs. destruct Hcs as (q' & Hq' & Hq'cs).
  eexists. split. vauto. now apply fma_app.

Lemma flat_map_a_spec_assert {A B} (f: Anconvert_t B) (b: Abool) (e: _) ma mb :
  flat_map_a_speca, do _ <- assert (b a) (e a); f a) ma mb
  (∀ a, In a mab a = true) ∧
  flat_map_a_spec f ma mb.
  intros H; elim H; clear H.
  split. intros ? (). vauto.
  intros a bs Hbs q r Hqr [IH IHqr].
  unfold bind in Hbs. simpl in Hbs.
  apply flat_map_a_correct in Hbs.
  destruct Hbs as (ttt & Hba' & Hbs).
  destruct (b a) eqn: Hba; simpl in Hba'; eq_some_inv; subst ttt.
  split. intros a' [ -> | Ha' ]; auto.
  constructor; auto.
  apply flat_map_a_spec_cons_inv in Hbs.
  destruct Hbs as ( bs' & nil' & Hbs' & -> & Hnil' ).
  apply flat_map_a_spec_nil_inv in Hnil'. subst.
  rewrite app_nil_r. exact Hbs'.

End LOG.

Local Unset Elimination Schemes.

Local Open Scope string_scope.

Module Nconvert(T:SHARETREE).

Module Import PT := PT T.

  Section nconvert.
    Variable L: Type.
    Variable ge: genv.
    Variable m: Mem.mem.
    Variable μ: ident.
    Variable ε: env.
    Variable tmp: temp_env.
    Variable σ : list (temp_env * env).
    Hypothesis Hμ : μ = plength σ.

    Variable var : Type.
    Variable var_dec : EqDec var.
    Variable elt2p: T.elt -> var.
    Variables num iter_num : Type.
    Variable NumDom : ab_machine_env (var := var) num iter_num.

    Definition convert_constant (cst: constant) : mexpr var :=
      match cst with
        | Ointconst n => MEconst _ (MNint n)
        | Olongconst n => MEconst _ (MNint64 n)
        | Ofloatconst f => MEconst _ (MNfloat f)
        | Osingleconst f => MEconst _ (MNsingle f)
        | Oaddrsymbol _ ofs => MEconst _ (MNint ofs)

    Inductive nconvert_msg_kind : Set :=
    | MSG_CMP_OP
    | MSG_NULL

    Definition nconvert_msg_type (k: nconvert_msg_kind) : Type :=
      match k with
      | MSG_LARGE_PTSET => Cminor.binary_operationtype+⊤ → type+⊤ → string
      | MSG_NULL
        => mexpr varstring
      | MSG_CMP_BLK_DK
        => BlockSet.tBlockSet.tstring
      | MSG_ILL_TYPED_UNOP => Cminor.unary_operationtypstring
      | MSG_ILL_TYPED_BINOP => Cminor.binary_operationtyptypstring
      | MSG_VALID_PTR => boolBlockSet.tmexpr varstring
      | MSG_CMP_OP => comparisonstring

    Section STRING_OF_MEXPR.

    Import DebugAbMachineEnv DebugCminor.
    Local Instance AblockToString : ToString ablock := AblockToString ge.
    Local Instance string_of_type : ToString type := string_of_type ge.
    Existing Instances MN_ToString MNI_ToString.

    Context (nm: num).

    Fixpoint string_of_mexpr (e: mexpr var) {struct e} : string :=
      match e with
      | MEvar ty v => to_string (get_itv (MEvar ty v) nm)
      | MEconst c => to_string c
      | MEunop op e' => string_of_unop op ++ string_of_mexpr e'
      | MEbinop op x y => "(" ++ string_of_mexpr x ++ string_of_binop op ++ string_of_mexpr y ++ ")"

    Definition nconvert_msg (k: nconvert_msg_kind) : nconvert_msg_type k :=
      match k return nconvert_msg_type k with
      | MSG_ILL_TYPED_UNOP => λ op ty, "ill-typed op: " ++ to_string op ++ to_string ty
      | MSG_ILL_TYPED_BINOP => λ op tyty₂, "ill-typed op: " ++ to_string ty₁ ++ to_string op ++ to_string ty
      | MSG_LARGE_PTSET => λ op tyty₂, "too large points-to set in subtraction or comparison: " ++ to_string ty₁ ++ to_string op ++ to_string ty
      | MSG_UNSAFE_NUM=> λ me, "cannot prove safe a numerical expression: " ++ string_of_mexpr me
      | MSG_VALID_PTR => λ weak bs me, "cannot prove pointer " ++ (if weak then "weakly " else "") ++ "valid: " ++ to_string bs ++ " " ++ string_of_mexpr me
      | MSG_EQ_BLOCKS => λ bsbs₂, "cannot prove blocks equal in subtraction " ++ to_string bs₁ ++ " and " ++ to_string bs
      | MSG_CMP_BLK_DK => λ bsbs₂, "cannot compare points-to sets " ++ to_string bs₁ ++ " and " ++ to_string bs
      | MSG_CMP_OP => λ c, "bad comparison operator: " ++ to_string c
      | MSG_NULL => λ me, "cannot prove definitely null: " ++ string_of_mexpr me
    Global Opaque nconvert_msg.


    Definition well_typed_unop (op: unary_operation) (ty: typ) : bool :=
      match op with
      | Ocast8unsigned
      | Ocast8signed
      | Ocast16unsigned
      | Ocast16signed
      | Onegint
      | Onotint
      | Ofloatofint
      | Ofloatofintu
      | Osingleofint
      | Osingleofintu
      | Olongofint
      | Olongofintu
          => eq_dec VI ty
      | Onegf
      | Oabsf
      | Osingleoffloat
      | Ointoffloat
      | Ointuoffloat
      | Olongoffloat
      | Olonguoffloat
          => eq_dec VF ty
      | Onegfs
      | Oabsfs
      | Ofloatofsingle
      | Ointofsingle
      | Ointuofsingle
      | Olongofsingle
      | Olonguofsingle
          => eq_dec VS ty
      | Onegl
      | Onotl
      | Ointoflong
      | Ofloatoflong
      | Ofloatoflongu
      | Osingleoflong
      | Osingleoflongu
          => eq_dec VL ty

    Inductive nconvert_binop_cases : Type :=
    | NBC_normal
    | NBC_ptr_sub
    | NBC_ptr_ptr_cmp `(comparison)
    | NBC_ptr_int_cmp `(bool) `(comparison)
    | NBC_wrong

    Definition nbc_classify (op: binary_operation) (tyty₂: typ) : nconvert_binop_cases :=
      match ty₁, ty₂, op with
      | VI, (VIP | VP), Oadd | (VIP | VP), VI, Oadd
      | (VIP | VP), VI, Osub
      | VI, VI,
        (Oadd | Osub | Omul | Odiv | Odivu | Omod | Omodu | Oand
         | Oor | Oxor | Oshl | Oshr | Oshru | Ocmp _ | Ocmpu _)
      | VL, VL,
        (Oaddl | Osubl | Omull | Odivl | Odivlu | Omodl | Omodlu
         | Oandl | Oorl | Oxorl | Ocmpl _ | Ocmplu _)
      | VL, VI, (Oshll | Oshrl | Oshrlu)
      | VF, VF, (Oaddf | Osubf | Omulf | Odivf | Ocmpf _)
      | VS, VS, (Oaddfs | Osubfs | Omulfs | Odivfs | Ocmpfs _) =>
      | VP, VP, Osub => NBC_ptr_sub
      | VP, VP, Ocmpu c => NBC_ptr_ptr_cmp c
      | VP, VI, Ocmpu c => NBC_ptr_int_cmp false c
      | VI, VP, Ocmpu c => NBC_ptr_int_cmp true c
      | _, _, _ => NBC_wrong

    Lemma nbc_classify_intro :
      forall P : binary_operation -> typ -> typ -> nconvert_binop_cases -> Prop,

        (forall o x y, P o x y NBC_wrong) ->

        P Oadd VI VIP NBC_normal ->
        P Oadd VI VP NBC_normal ->
        P Oadd VIP VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oadd VP VI NBC_normal ->

        P Osub VIP VI NBC_normal ->
        P Osub VP VI NBC_normal ->

        P Oadd VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Osub VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Omul VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Odiv VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Odivu VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Omod VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Omodu VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oand VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oor VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oxor VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oshl VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oshr VI VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oshru VI VI NBC_normal ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmp c) VI VI NBC_normal) ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmpu c) VI VI NBC_normal) ->

        P Oaddl VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Osubl VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Omull VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Odivl VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Odivlu VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Omodl VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Omodlu VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Oandl VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Oorl VL VL NBC_normal ->
        P Oxorl VL VL NBC_normal ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmpl c) VL VL NBC_normal) ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmplu c) VL VL NBC_normal) ->

        P Oshll VL VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oshrl VL VI NBC_normal ->
        P Oshrlu VL VI NBC_normal ->

        P Oaddf VF VF NBC_normal ->
        P Osubf VF VF NBC_normal ->
        P Omulf VF VF NBC_normal ->
        P Odivf VF VF NBC_normal ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmpf c) VF VF NBC_normal) ->

        P Oaddfs VS VS NBC_normal ->
        P Osubfs VS VS NBC_normal ->
        P Omulfs VS VS NBC_normal ->
        P Odivfs VS VS NBC_normal ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmpfs c) VS VS NBC_normal) ->

        P Osub VP VP NBC_ptr_sub ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmpu c) VP VP (NBC_ptr_ptr_cmp c)) ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmpu c) VP VI (NBC_ptr_int_cmp false c)) ->
        (forall c, P (Ocmpu c) VI VP (NBC_ptr_int_cmp true c)) ->

        forall o x y, P o x y (nbc_classify o x y).
      destruct x, y, o; eauto.

    Context {MD: Type} (sz : ABTree.t (Z * MD)).
    Hypothesis SZ :
      ∀ b hi md b',
        ABTreeDom.get b sz = Just (hi, md) →
        block_of_ablock ge ((tmp, ε) :: σ) b = Some b' →
        Mem.range_perm m b' 0 hi Cur Nonempty.
    Variable nm : num.

    Definition is_valid_ptr (weak: bool) (bs: BlockSet.t) (off: mexpr var) : bool :=
      match min_size sz bs MaxSize with
      | MaxSize => false
      | Size (Zpos min) =>
        let i := Int.repr (Zpos (if weak then Pos.succ min else min)) in
        Pos.ltb min (Z.to_pos Int.max_unsigned) &&
                is_bot (assume (MEbinop (Ocmpu Clt) off (me_const_i _ i)) false nm)
      | Size _
      | MinSize => false

    Let is_null := is_null NumDom nm.

    Notation "'error' e" := (do _ <- alarm_am e; ret nil) (at level 50).
    Local Notation am_assert b err :=
      (assert L b_, err)).

    Fixpoint nconvert (pt: points_to) (e:pexpr T.elt) : nconvert_t L (mexpr var) :=
      match e with
        | PEvar c ty =>
          match ty with
            | VI|VP|VIP => ret (MEvar MNTint (elt2p c))
            | VL => ret (MEvar MNTint64 (elt2p c))
            | VF => ret (MEvar MNTfloat (elt2p c))
            | VS => ret (MEvar MNTsingle (elt2p c))
        | PElocal _ => ret (MEconst _ (MNint
        | PEconst cst _ _ => ret (convert_constant cst)

        | PEunop op e _ _ =>
          let ty := pexpr_get_ty e in
          do _ <- am_assert (well_typed_unop op ty)
             (nconvert_msg nm MSG_ILL_TYPED_UNOP op ty);
          do e' <- nconvert pt e;
            ret (MEunop op e')

        | PEbinop op e1 e2 _ _ =>
          let ty₁ := pexpr_get_ty e1 in
          let ty₂ := pexpr_get_ty e2 in
          match nbc_classify op tytywith

          | NBC_normal =>
            do e1' <- nconvert pt e1;
            do e2' <- nconvert pt e2;
            ret (MEbinop op e1' e2')

          | NBC_ptr_sub =>
            do nx <- nconvert pt e1;
            do ny <- nconvert pt e2;
            match pt_eval_pexpr ge μ pt e1, pt_eval_pexpr ge μ pt e2 with
            | Just (TyPtr (Just xb)), Just (TyPtr (Just yb)) =>
              let res := MEbinop op nx ny in
              match cmp_blockset xb yb with
              | Equal b => ret res
              | _ => error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_EQ_BLOCKS xb yb)
            | ty₁, ty₂ =>
              error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_LARGE_PTSET Osub tyty₂)

          | NBC_ptr_ptr_cmp c =>
            do nx <- nconvert pt e1;
            do ny <- nconvert pt e2;
            match pt_eval_pexpr ge μ pt e1, pt_eval_pexpr ge μ pt e2 with
            | Just (TyPtr (Just xb)), Just (TyPtr (Just yb)) =>
              match cmp_blockset xb yb with
              | Equal b =>
                let res := MEbinop (Ocmpu c) nx ny in
                do _ <- am_assert (is_valid_ptr true xb nx)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_VALID_PTR true xb nx);
                do _ <- am_assert (is_valid_ptr true yb ny)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_VALID_PTR true yb ny);
                 ret res
              | Disjoint =>
                do _ <- am_assert (noerror nx nm)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM nx);
                do _ <- am_assert (noerror ny nm)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM ny);
                do _ <- am_assert (is_valid_ptr false xb nx)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_VALID_PTR false xb nx);
                do _ <- am_assert (is_valid_ptr false yb ny)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_VALID_PTR false yb ny);
                match c with
                | Ceq => ret (MEconst _ (MNint
                | Cne => ret (MEconst _ (MNint
                | _ => error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_CMP_OP c)
              | DontKnow =>
                do _ <- am_assert (noerror nx nm)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM nx);
                do _ <- am_assert (noerror ny nm)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM ny);
                do _ <- am_assert (is_valid_ptr false xb nx)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_VALID_PTR false xb nx);
                do _ <- am_assert (is_valid_ptr false yb ny)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_VALID_PTR false yb ny);
                match c with
                | (Ceq | Cne) =>
                  (MEconst _ (MNint :: MEconst _ (MNint :: nil, (nil, nil))
                | _ => error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_CMP_BLK_DK xb yb)
              | Contradiction =>
                do _ <- am_assert (noerror nx nm)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM nx);
                do _ <- am_assert (noerror ny nm)
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM ny);
                ret (MEconst _ (MNint
            | ty₁, ty₂ =>
              error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_LARGE_PTSET (Ocmpu c) tyty₂)

          | NBC_ptr_int_cmp swapped c =>
            do nx <- nconvert pt e1;
            do ny <- nconvert pt e2;
            do _ <- am_assert (noerror nx nm)
               (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM nx);
            do _ <- am_assert (noerror ny nm)
               (nconvert_msg nm MSG_UNSAFE_NUM ny);
            do _ <- am_assert (is_null (if swapped then nx else ny))
               (nconvert_msg nm MSG_NULL (if swapped then nx else ny));
            match pt_eval_pexpr ge μ pt (if swapped then e2 else e1) with
            | Just (TyPtr (Just bs)) =>
              match c with
              | (Ceq | Cne) =>
                let res := MEconst _ (MNint match c with Ceq => | _ => end) in
                do _ <- am_assert (is_valid_ptr true bs (if swapped then ny else nx))
                   (nconvert_msg nm MSG_VALID_PTR true bs (if swapped then ny else nx));
                ret res
              | _ => error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_CMP_OP c)
            | ty =>
              error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_LARGE_PTSET (Ocmpu c)
                                  (if swapped then All else ty)
                                  (if swapped then ty else All))

          | NBC_wrong => error (nconvert_msg nm MSG_ILL_TYPED_BINOP op tyty₂)

    Ltac clarify :=
      repeat (eq_some_inv; match goal with
             | NE : ?x ≠ ?y, OR: ?x = ?y_ |- _ =>
               destruct OR as [ OR | OR ]; [ elim (NE OR); fail | ]
             | NEx : ?xnil, NEy : ?ynil, OR: pair_list ?x ?y = nil_ |- _ =>
               destruct OR as [ OR | OR ]; [ elim (pair_list_not_nil NEx NEy OR); fail | ]
             | H : ?x = ?y |- _ => subst y || subst x
             | H : am_get (_, (nil, _)) = Some _ |- _ => apply some_eq_inv in H
             | H : am_get (_, (_ :: _, _)) = Some _ |- _ => exact (None_not_Some H _)
             | H : am_get (flat_map_a _ _ _) = Some _ |- _ =>
               apply flat_map_a_correct in H; hsplit
             | H : am_get (do _ <- _; _) = Some _ |- _ =>
               let K := fresh in
               rename H into K;
               pose proof (flat_map_a_correct _ K) as H; clear K
             | H : am_get match ?x with All => _ | _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ =>
               destruct x eqn: ?
             | H : am_get match ?x with TyFloat => _ | _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ =>
               destruct x eqn: ?
             | H : am_get match cmp_blockset ?x ?y with _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ =>
               pose proof (cmp_blockset_correct x y);
                 destruct (cmp_blockset x y)
             | H : am_get match ?x with Ceq => _ | _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ =>
               destruct x
             | H : am_get (am_assert (noerror ?x ?y) _) = Some _, NM : mach_gamma ?y _ |- _ =>
               let K := fresh in
               destruct (noerror x y) eqn: K; [
                   pose proof (noerror_correct y NM K)
                 | ]; simpl in H
             | H : am_get (am_assert (noerror ?x ?y) _) = Some _ |- _ =>
               destruct (noerror x y) eqn: ?; simpl in H
             | H : am_get (am_assert (is_valid_ptr ?x ?y ?z) _) = Some _ |- _ =>
               destruct (is_valid_ptr x y z) eqn: ?; simpl in H
             | H : am_get (am_assert (is_null ?x) _) = Some _ |- _ =>
               destruct (is_null x) eqn: ?; simpl in H

             | H : flat_map_a_spec _ _ (_ :: _) _ |- _ =>
               apply flat_map_a_spec_cons_inv in H; hsplit
             | H : flat_map_a_spec _ _ nil _ |- _ =>
               apply flat_map_a_spec_nil_inv in H; hsplit
             | H : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ nil |- _ =>
               apply flat_map_a_spec_nil_r in H
             | H : flat_map_a_spec _ _ ?a _, Ha: ?anil |- _ =>
               let K := fresh in
               rename H into K;
               pose proof (fma_bind _ _ _ _ _ K Ha) as H; clear K

             | H : In _ (_ ++ nil) |- _ =>
               apply in_app in H; destruct H as [ H | () ]
             | H : In _ nil |- _ =>
               destruct H as ()
             | H : In _ (_ :: nil) |- _ =>
               destruct H as [ H | () ]
             | H : In _ (_ :: _ :: nil) |- _ =>
               destruct H as [ H | [ H | () ] ]

             | H : ∀ x, In x (_ :: nil) → _ |- _ =>
               specialize (H _ (or_introl _ eq_refl))
             | H : ∀ x, In x (_ ++ nil) → _ |- _ =>
               repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H

    Ltac forward :=
      repeat match goal with
             | H : ∀ _, __, K : _ |- _ => specialize (H _ K)

    Lemma nconvert_fv pt pe :
      ∀ lme, am_get (nconvert pt pe) = Some lme
      ∀ me, In me lme
      ∀ x, xme_free_var me → ∃ y, ype_free_var pex = elt2p y.
      clear Hμ.
      induction pe; simpl; intros lme Hlme me Hme cc Hcc.
      - destruct t; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subst lme;
        destruct Hme as [ <- | () ];
        simpl in Hcc; subst cc; vauto.
      - simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subst lme;
        destruct Hme as [ <- | () ].
        destruct Hcc.
      - destruct c as []; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subst lme;
        destruct Hme as [ <- | () ];
        simpl in *; destruct Hcc.
      - destruct (well_typed_unop _ _); simpl in *;
        pose proof (fma_in _ _ _ _ H0 _ Hme). hsplit.
        now forward.

      - destruct (nbc_classify _ _ _);
        clarify; hsplit; forward;
        repeat (repeat match goal with
                 | X: flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
                   pose proof (fma_in _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit
                 | H : me_free_var (MEbinop _ _ _) _ |- _ =>
                   destruct H as [ H | H ]
                 | H : me_free_var (MEconst _ _) _ |- _ =>
                   destruct H
               end; clarify; hsplit; clarify; forward);

    Definition ncompat : val -> mach_num -> Prop :=
      λ v, match v with
             | Vint i | Vptr _ i => eq (MNint i)
             | Vlong l => eq (MNint64 l)
             | Vsingle f => eq (MNsingle f)
             | Vfloat f => eq (MNfloat f)
             | Vundef => λ _, True

    Lemma ncompat_inv_int v i :
      ncompat v (MNint i) →
      v = Vint i ∨ (∃ b, v = Vptr b i) ∨ v = Vundef.
      destruct v; inversion 1; vauto.

    Lemma ncompat_inv_int64 v i :
      ncompat v (MNint64 i) →
      v = Vlong iv = Vundef.
      destruct v; inversion 1; vauto.

    Lemma ncompat_inv_float v f :
      ncompat v (MNfloat f) →
      v = Vfloat fv = Vundef.
      destruct v; inversion 1; vauto.

    Lemma ncompat_inv_single v f :
      ncompat v (MNsingle f) →
      v = Vsingle fv = Vundef.
      destruct v; inversion 1; vauto.

    Definition compat_fun (v:val) : mach_num :=
      match v with
      | Vptr _ i | Vint i => MNint i
      | Vlong l => MNint64 l
      | Vundef => MNint
      | Vfloat f => MNfloat f
      | Vsingle f => MNsingle f

    Lemma ncompat_compat_fun v :
      ncompat v (compat_fun v).
      destruct v; simpl; constructor.

    Ltac ncompat_inv H :=
      match type of H with
             | ncompat ?v (MNint ?i) =>
               destruct (ncompat_inv_int v i H) as [?|[(? & ?)|?]];
               clear H
             | ncompat ?v (MNint64 ?i) =>
               destruct (ncompat_inv_int64 v i H) as [?|?];
               clear H
             | ncompat ?v (MNfloat ?i) =>
               destruct (ncompat_inv_float v i H) as [?|?];
               clear H
             | ncompat ?v (MNsingle ?i) =>
               destruct (ncompat_inv_single v i H) as [?|?];
               clear H

    Definition wtype_num (v:mach_num) (tp: typ) : Prop :=
      match v, tp with
        | MNint _, (VI|VP|VIP)
        | MNint64 _, VL
        | MNfloat _, VF
        | MNsingle _, VS => True
        | _, _ => False

    Definition compatC:T.elt -> val) (ρ:var -> mach_num) : Prop :=
      forall c, ncompatC c) (ρ (elt2p c)).

    Variable ρC: T.elt -> val.
    Variable ρ: var -> mach_num.

    Variable Hcompat: compat ρC ρ.
    Hint Constructors is_bool.

    Lemma val_cmp_exists_int: forall c i1 i2,
      exists i,
        Val.cmp c (Vint i1) (Vint i2) = Vint i /\
        of_bool (Int.cmp c i1 i2) = (MNint i).
      unfold Val.cmp, of_bool, Val.cmp_bool; intros.
      destruct Int.cmp; simpl; repeat econstructor.

    Lemma val_cmpu_exists_int: forall f c i1 i2,
      exists i,
        Val.cmpu f c (Vint i1) (Vint i2) = Vint i /\
        of_bool (Int.cmpu c i1 i2) = MNint i.
      unfold Val.cmpu, of_bool, Val.cmpu_bool; intros.
      destruct Int.cmpu; simpl; repeat econstructor.

    Lemma val_cmpf_exists_int: forall c f1 f2,
      exists i,
        Val.cmpf c (Vfloat f1) (Vfloat f2) = Vint i /\
        of_bool (Float.cmp c f1 f2) = MNint i.
      unfold Val.cmpf, of_bool, Val.cmpf_bool; intros.
      destruct Float.cmp; simpl; repeat econstructor.

    Lemma val_cmpfs_exists_int: forall c f1 f2,
      exists i,
        Val.cmpfs c (Vsingle f1) (Vsingle f2) = Vint i /\
        of_bool (Float32.cmp c f1 f2) = MNint i.
      unfold Val.cmpfs, of_bool, Val.cmpfs_bool; intros.
      destruct Float32.cmp; simpl; repeat econstructor.

    Lemma val_of_bool_exists_int: forall b,
      exists i,
        Val.of_bool b = Vint i /\
        of_bool b = MNint i.
      unfold of_bool; intros.
      destruct b; repeat econstructor.

    Lemma ncompat_Vundef: forall n, ncompat Vundef n.
      destruct n; constructor.
    Hint Resolve ncompat_Vundef.

    Lemma exist_ncompat_Vundef: forall P,
      (exists n, P n) ->
      exists n : mach_num, ncompat Vundef n /\ P n.
      intros P (n & H).
      repeat econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma exist_ncompat_Vint: forall (P:mach_num -> Prop) i,
      P (MNint i) ->
      exists n : mach_num, ncompat (Vint i) n /\ P n.
      intros P H.
      repeat econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma exist_ncompat_Vptr: forall (P:mach_num -> Prop) b i,
      P (MNint i) ->
      exists n : mach_num, ncompat (Vptr b i) n /\ P n.
      intros P H.
      repeat econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma exist_ncompat_Vlong: forall (P:mach_num -> Prop) l,
      P (MNint64 l) ->
      exists n : mach_num, ncompat (Vlong l) n /\ P n.
      intros P H.
      repeat econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma exist_ncompat_Vfloat: forall (P:mach_num -> Prop) f,
      P (MNfloat f) ->
      exists n : mach_num, ncompat (Vfloat f) n /\ P n.
      intros P H.
      repeat econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma exist_ncompat_Vsingle: forall (P:mach_num -> Prop) f,
      P (MNsingle f) ->
      exists n : mach_num, ncompat (Vsingle f) n /\ P n.
      intros P H.
      repeat econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma of_bool_MNint : forall b,
      exists i, of_bool b = MNint i.
      unfold of_bool; destruct b; econstructor; reflexivity.

    Hypothesis block_of_ablock_inj :
      ∀ abbabb₂,
        block_of_ablock ge ((tmp, ε) :: σ) ab₁ = Some b₁ →
        block_of_ablock ge ((tmp, ε) :: σ) ab₂ = Some b₂ →
        ab₁ ≠ ab₂ →
        b₁ ≠ b₂.

    Lemma nconvert_correct: ∀ e,
      ∀ v, eval_pexpr ge m ρC ε e v ->
      ∀ pt (PT: ρCpoints_to_gamma ge ((tmp, ε) :: σ) pt) lme,
        am_get (nconvert pt e) = Some lme
      ∃ e', In e' lme
      exists n, ncompat v n /\
                eval_mexpr ρ e' n /\
                wtype_num n (pexpr_get_ty e).
      intros e v Hv pt PT lme Hlme Hvundef.
      cut (∃ e', In e' lme ∧ ∃ n : mach_num, ncompat v neval_mexpr ρ e' n).
      { intros (e' & He' & n & A & B). exists e'. split. auto. exists n. split. auto. split. auto.
        pose proof pexpr_get_ty_ok Hv Hvundef.
        destruct v, n, (pexpr_get_ty e); try contradiction; try congruence; constructor. }
      revert v Hv lme Hlme Hvundef.
      induction e; intros vv Hvv; eval_pexpr_inv; hsplit; clarify; simpl.
      - intros. specialize (Hcompat v).
        destruct t; clarify;
        eexists; (split; [ left; reflexivity | ]);
        exists (ρ (elt2p v)); repeat split; auto;
        apply gamma_typ_inv in H;
        try destruct H as [ H | H ];
        hsplit; try rewrite H in Hcompat; simpl in Hcompat;
        (constructor; [now auto|]); simpl in Hcompat; try (intuition; fail);
        rewrite <- Hcompat; constructor.
      - intros lme Hlme NB; eq_some_inv. clarify.
        eexists; split. left; reflexivity.
        exists (MNint
        repeat (constructor; auto).
      - eval_pexpr_inv; hsplit; clarify; intros e' ?; clarify.
        intros Hvundef.
        destruct H. easy.
        destruct c; simpl in *; clarify;
        (econstructor; split; [auto|repeat econstructor]);
        try apply Zle_refl.
        destruct Genv.find_symbol. reflexivity. elim (Hvundef eq_refl).
      - intros lme Hlme HB.
        destruct H1. easy.
        assert (v' ≠ Vundef) as Hv1.
        { contradict HB. clarify. destruct u; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; auto. }
        assert (Hg:= pexpr_get_ty_ok Hvv Hv1).
        clarify. hsplit.
        destruct (well_typed_unop _ _) eqn: Hwt; simpl in *; clarify.
        forward. specialize (IHe Hv1). hsplit.
        repeat match goal with
               | X: flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
                 pose proof (fma_in' _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit
               end; clarify.
        eexists. split. apply in_app; left; eassumption.
        destruct n;
        ncompat_inv H3; clarify; try congruence;
        destruct u; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; hsplit; apply proj_sumbool_true in Hwt;
        rewrite <- Hwt in Hg; try (destruct Hg; fail); clear Hg; clarify;
        repeat econstructor; simpl; eauto.
      - intros lme Hlme HB.
        destruct H1 as [ H1 | H1 ]. elim (HB H1); fail.
        assert (v₁ ≠ Vundef) as Hv1.
        { contradict HB. clarify. clear -H0.
          destruct b; simpl in *;
          unfold Val.cmpl, Val.cmplu, Val.cmpl_bool, Val.cmplu_bool in *;
          eq_some_inv; hsplit; eq_some_inv; auto. }
        assert (Hg1:= pexpr_get_ty_ok Hvv Hv1). red in Hg1.
        assert (v₂ ≠ Vundef) as Hv2.
        { contradict HB. clarify. clear -H0.
          destruct v₁, b; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; auto;
          unfold Val.cmpl, Val.cmplu, Val.cmpl_bool, Val.cmplu_bool in *;
          simpl in *; eq_some_inv; auto. }
        assert (Hg2:= pexpr_get_ty_ok H Hv2). red in Hg2.
        generalize dependent (pexpr_get_ty e2). intros ty2.
        generalize dependent (pexpr_get_ty e1). intros ty1.
        generalize dependent b; intros b.
        apply nbc_classify_intro;
          [ intros o x y Hty H0 Hg1 Hlme Hg2; simpl in Hlme; eq_some_inv; fail | .. ];
          ( intros c Hty EV Hg1 Hlme Hg2 || intros Hty EV Hg1 Hlme Hg2 );
          clarify; hsplit; forward;

          specialize (IHe1 Hv1); hsplit;

          repeat match goal with
                 | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
                   pose proof (fma_in' _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit
               end; clarify; hsplit; clarify; forward;
          specialize (IHe2 Hv2); hsplit;
          repeat match goal with
                 | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
                   pose proof (fma_in' _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit
                 end; clarify; hsplit; clarify;

        try ((eexists; split; [ eauto; fail | ]));

        destruct v₁; try (elim (Hv1 eq_refl)); simpl in *; clarify;
        destruct v₂; try (elim (Hv2 eq_refl)); simpl in *; clarify;

        try (elim Hg1; discriminate); try (elim Hg2; discriminate);

      repeat match goal with
      | H : pt_eval_pexpr _ _ _ ?e = Just ?bs, EV : eval_pexpr _ _ _ _ ?pe _, X : _ |- _ =>
        generalize (pt_eval_pexpr_correct eq_refl PT EV); rewrite H; clear H;
        let Hbs := fresh Hbs in
        intros (? & Hbs & ?); eauto;
        (specialize (X _ Hbs) || specializeq, X _ q Hbs))
      try match goal with
      | X: block_of_ablock _ _ ?x = _,
        Y: block_of_ablock _ _ ?y = _,
        NE: ?x ≠ ?y |- _ =>
        pose proof (block_of_ablock_inj _ _ _ _ X Y NE)

        try (unfold Val.cmpl, Val.cmplu in *; simpl in * );
        repeat match goal with
           | id: (if ?b then _ else _) = Some _ |- _ => destruct b eqn:?; inversion id; clear id; clarify
           | id: (_ || _) = false |- _ => apply orb_false_elim in id; destruct id
           | id: (_ && _) = false |- _ => apply andb_false_iff in id
           | H: (_ && _) = true |- _ => apply andb_true_iff in H; destruct H
           | H: appcontext[eq_dec _ _] |- _ => apply proj_sumbool_true in H
           | |- appcontext [if ?b then _ else _] => destruct b eqn:?
        try match goal with
          | |- context[Oshl] => destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize) eqn:?
          | |- context[Oshr] => destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize) eqn:?
          | |- context[Oshru] => destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize) eqn:?
          | |- context[Oshll] => destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int64.iwordsize') eqn:?
          | |- context[Oshrl] => destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int64.iwordsize') eqn:?
          | |- context[Oshrlu] => destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int64.iwordsize') eqn:?
          | |- context[Val.cmp ?c (Vint ?i1) (Vint ?i2)] =>
            destruct (val_cmp_exists_int c i1 i2) as (bi & B1 & B2); rewrite B1
          | |- context[Val.cmpu ?m ?c (Vint ?i1) (Vint ?i2)] =>
            destruct (val_cmpu_exists_int m c i1 i2) as (bi & B1 & B2); rewrite B1
          | |- context[Val.cmpf ?c (Vfloat ?f1) (Vfloat ?f2)] =>
            destruct (val_cmpf_exists_int c f1 f2) as (bi & B1 & B2); rewrite B1
          | |- context[Val.cmpfs ?c (Vsingle ?f1) (Vsingle ?f2)] =>
            destruct (val_cmpfs_exists_int c f1 f2) as (bi & B1 & B2); rewrite B1
          | |- context[Val.of_bool ?b] =>
            destruct (val_of_bool_exists_int b) as (bi & B1 & B2); rewrite B1
        try (rewrite He_a1, He_a2);
        try (elim (HB eq_refl));
        try (apply exist_ncompat_Vundef; econstructor; split;
             [ econstructor; try eassumption; econstructor; eauto
             | try match goal with
                 | |- context[of_bool ?b] =>
                   destruct (of_bool_MNint b) as (nb & Hb); rewrite Hb
               end; simpl; auto]; fail);
        try (apply exist_ncompat_Vint;
             econstructor; try eassumption; try rewrite <- B2;
             econstructor; eauto; fail);
        try (match goal with b: block |- _ =>
             refine (exist_ncompat_Vptr _ b _ _);
             econstructor; try eassumption;
             (econstructor || rewrite Int.add_commut; econstructor); eauto; fail
        try (now repeat (econstructor (eauto))).
        hsplit; clarify. unfold Val.cmpu in *.
        simpl in *. destruct (eq_block _ _). 2: congruence. clarify.
        revert HB. bif. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _.
        match goal with |- appcontext[ Int.cmpu ?c ?x ?y] =>
                        exists (of_bool (Int.cmpu c x y))
        end. split. simpl. bif; reflexivity. vauto.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        case eq_block. congruence. intros _.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _. vauto.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        case eq_block. congruence. intros _.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _. vauto.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        bif'. bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _.
        destruct (Int.eq _ _) eqn: Heq.
        exists (MEconst _ (MNint split. eauto. vauto2.
        exists (MEconst _ (MNint split. eauto. vauto2.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _.
        exists (MEconst _ (MNint split. eauto. vauto2.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        bif'. bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _.
        destruct (Int.eq _ _) eqn: Heq.
        exists (MEconst _ (MNint split. eauto. vauto2.
        exists (MEconst _ (MNint split. eauto. vauto2.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _.
        exists (MEconst _ (MNint split. eauto. vauto2.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _. vauto2.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _. vauto2.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _. vauto2.
        unfold Val.cmpu in *. simpl in *. revert HB.
        bif'. 2: intros X; elim (X eq_refl). intros _. vauto2.

    Lemma is_valid_ptr_valid (NM: ρ ∈ γ nm) weak bs off :
      is_valid_ptr weak bs off = true
      ∀ ab, BlockSet.mem ab bs = true
      ∀ b, block_of_ablock ge ((tmp, ε) :: σ) ab = Some b
      ∀ i, eval_mexpr ρ off (MNint i) →
           (if weak
           then Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Int.unsigned i)
           else Mem.valid_pointer m b (Int.unsigned i)) = true.
      unfold is_valid_ptr.
      generalize (min_size_min sz bs MaxSize). simpl.
      destruct (min_size sz bs MaxSize) as [|z|]; intros [H _] LT; eq_some_inv.
      destruct z as [|min|]; eq_some_inv.
      rewrite !andb_true_iff in LT. destruct LT as [Hz LT].
      rewrite Pos2Z.inj_ltb, Z.ltb_lt in Hz.
      pose proof (assume_bot NumDom _ _ LT NM) as K. clear LT.
      intros ab Hab b Hb i EV.
      specialize (H _ Hab). simpl in H.
      generalizehi md EQ, SZ ab hi md _ EQ Hb).
      unfold ABTreeDom.get. destruct (ABTree.get ab sz) as [(hi, md)|].
      2: exact (False_ind _ H).
      simpl in H.
      intros Hperm. specialize (Hperm _ _ eq_refl).
      unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer, Mem.valid_pointer.
      destruct weak.
      generalize (Int.unsigned_range i). intros [Hi Hi'].
      assert (0 < Int.unsigned i ∨ 0 = Int.unsigned i) as [Hi''|Hi'']. Psatz.lia.
      destruct (Mem.perm_dec _ _ (_ - 1) _ _) as [|Q]. rewrite orb_true_r. reflexivity.
      destruct (Int.cmpu Clt i (Int.repr (Zpos (Pos.succ min)))) eqn: Hmin.
      2: elim K; rewrite <- Hmin; vauto.
      elim Q; clear Q.
      simpl in Hmin. unfold Int.ltu in Hmin. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in Hmin.
      2: change Int.max_unsigned with 4294967295; Psatz.lia.
      destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned i) _); eq_some_inv. clear Hmin.
      specialize (Hperm (Int.unsigned i - 1)).
      eapply Mem.perm_implies. eapply Hperm. Psatz.lia. destruct ab; vauto.
      destruct (Mem.perm_dec _ _ (Int.unsigned i) _ _) as [|Q]. reflexivity.
      destruct (Int.cmpu Clt i (Int.repr (Zpos (Pos.succ min)))) eqn: Hmin.
      2: elim K; rewrite <- Hmin; vauto.
      elim Q; clear Q.
      simpl in Hmin. unfold Int.ltu in Hmin. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in Hmin.
      2: change Int.max_unsigned with 4294967295; Psatz.lia.
      destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned i) _); eq_some_inv. clear Hmin.
      specialize (Hperm (Int.unsigned i)).
      eapply Hperm. Psatz.lia.
      destruct (Mem.perm_dec _ _ _ _ _) as [|Q]. reflexivity.
      elim Q; clear Q.
      destruct (Int.cmpu Clt i (Int.repr (Zpos min))) eqn: Hi.
      2: elim K; rewrite <- Hi; vauto. clear K.
      simpl in Hi. unfold Int.ltu in Hi. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in Hi.
      2: change Int.max_unsigned with 4294967295; Psatz.lia.
      destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned i)); eq_some_inv. clear Hi.
      specialize (Hperm (Int.unsigned i)).
      eapply Hperm.
      hsplit. split. apply Int.unsigned_range. Psatz.lia.

    Fixpoint nconvert_def_pre (pe: pexpr T.elt) : Prop :=
      match pe with
      | PEvar v ty => ρC(v) ∈ γ ty
      | PElocal i => ε(i) ≠ None
      | PEconst (Oaddrsymbol i _) _ _ => Genv.find_symbol ge iNone
      | PEconst _ _ _ => True
      | PEunop u pe' _ _ =>
        nconvert_def_pre pe'
      | PEbinop b pe1 pe2 _ _ =>
        nconvert_def_pre pe1
        nconvert_def_pre pe2

    Lemma wtype_num_VI {n} :
      wtype_num n VI → ∃ i, n = MNint i.
destruct n; intros (); vauto. Qed.

    Lemma wtype_num_VP {n} :
      wtype_num n VP → ∃ i, n = MNint i.
destruct n; intros (); vauto. Qed.

    Lemma wtype_num_VIP {n} :
      wtype_num n VIP → ∃ i, n = MNint i.
destruct n; intros (); vauto. Qed.

    Lemma wtype_num_VF {n} :
      wtype_num n VF → ∃ f, n = MNfloat f.
destruct n; intros (); vauto. Qed.

    Lemma wtype_num_VS {n} :
      wtype_num n VS → ∃ s, n = MNsingle s.
destruct n; intros (); vauto. Qed.

    Lemma wtype_num_VL {n} :
      wtype_num n VL → ∃ l, n = MNint64 l.
destruct n; intros (); vauto. Qed.

    Ltac wtype_num_inv :=
      repeat match goal with
             | H : wtype_num _ VI |- _ => apply wtype_num_VI in H
             | H : wtype_num _ VP |- _ => apply wtype_num_VP in H
             | H : wtype_num _ VIP |- _ => apply wtype_num_VIP in H
             | H : wtype_num _ VF |- _ => apply wtype_num_VF in H
             | H : wtype_num _ VS |- _ => apply wtype_num_VS in H
             | H : wtype_num _ VL |- _ => apply wtype_num_VL in H

    Lemma wtype_of_bool {b} :
      wtype_num (of_bool b) VI.
case b; exact I. Qed.
    Local Hint Resolve wtype_of_bool.

    Lemma nconvert_eval_mexpr (NM: ρ ∈ γ nm) pt (PT: ρCpoints_to_gamma ge ((tmp, ε) :: σ) pt) pe :
      nconvert_def_pre pe
      ∀ lme, am_get (nconvert pt pe) = Some lme
      ∀ ne, In ne lme → ¬ error_mexpr ρ ne
      ∃ n, neval_mexpr ρ newtype_num n (pexpr_get_ty pe).
      elim pe; clear pe; simpl.
      - intros v () TY; apply gamma_typ_inv in TY; try destruct TY as [ TY | TY ]; hsplit; intros lme ?;
        (split; [intro; clarify|]);
        intros ? ?; clarify;
        generalize (Hcompat v); rewrite TY; simpl; intros K; symmetry in K;
        eexists; split; vauto.
      - intros i Hi lme ?; clarify; split; [ intros ?; clarify | ]. intros ne ? _; clarify; eexists; vauto.
      - intros c t TY Hc lme ?; clarify.
        split. intro; clarify.
        intros ne ?; clarify.
        intros NB.
        destruct c; simpl in *; subst t; eexists; vauto.

      - intros u pe IH ? -> DEF lme ?; clarify; hsplit.
        destruct (well_typed_unop _ _) eqn: Hwt; simpl in *; clarify.
        specialize (IH DEF). forward.
        destruct IH as [ Q' IH ].
        intro; eq_some_inv; hsplit; clarify; hsplit.
        destruct q' as [ | a q' ]. auto. assert (In a (a::q')) by now left. forward. clarify.
        intros ne ? NB. clarify.
        match goal with
        | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
          pose proof (fma_in _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit
        end; clarify; hsplit; clarify; forward.
        edestruct IH as (n' & Hn' & Hn'ty).
        intros K; apply NB; vauto.
        destruct u; simpl in *; apply eq_dec_eq in Hwt; rewrite <- Hwt in *;
        wtype_num_inv; hsplit; clarify;
        try (eexists; split; vauto; fail);
        try (match goal with
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNfloat ?f) |- appcontext[ MEunop Ointoffloat ?ne ] => destruct (Float.to_int f) eqn: ?
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNfloat ?f) |- appcontext[ MEunop Ointuoffloat ?ne ] => destruct (Float.to_intu f) eqn: ?
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNfloat ?f) |- appcontext[ MEunop Olongoffloat ?ne ] => destruct (Float.to_long f) eqn: ?
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNfloat ?f) |- appcontext[ MEunop Olonguoffloat ?ne ] => destruct (Float.to_longu f) eqn: ?
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNsingle ?s) |- appcontext[ MEunop Ointofsingle ?ne ] => destruct (Float32.to_int s) eqn: ?
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNsingle ?s) |- appcontext[ MEunop Ointuofsingle ?ne ] => destruct (Float32.to_intu s) eqn: ?
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNsingle ?s) |- appcontext[ MEunop Olongofsingle ?ne ] => destruct (Float32.to_long s) eqn: ?
             | H : eval_mexpr _ ?ne (MNsingle ?s) |- appcontext[ MEunop Olonguofsingle ?ne ] => destruct (Float32.to_longu s) eqn: ?
             [ eexists; split; vauto | elim NB; vauto ]).

      - intros op pe1 IH1 pe2 IH2 ty Hty [ DEF1 DEF2 ].
        specialize (IH1 DEF1). specialize (IH2 DEF2).
        revert ty Hty IH1 IH2.
        apply nbc_classify_intro; intros;
        simpl in Hty;
        clarify; hsplit; forward;
        destruct IH1 as [ Q1 IH1 ];
        clarify; hsplit; forward;
        destruct IH2 as [ Q2 IH2 ];
        (split; [
           intros ->; clarify; hsplit;
           repeat match goal with
                  | H : ?xnil, K : ∀ a, In a ?x_ |- _ =>
                    destruct x as [ | () ? ]; [ elim (H eq_refl) | specialize (K _ (or_introl _ eq_refl)) ];
                    simpl in K;
                    clarify; hsplit; forward; hsplit; clarify; hsplit
        intros ne Hne;
        repeat match goal with
        | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
          pose proof (fma_in _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit; clarify
        | X : In ?q (pair_list _ _) |- _ =>
          try (destruct q);
          apply in_pair_list_inv in X; simpl in *; hsplit; clarify
        hsplit; clarify;
        intros NB;

        repeat match goal with
        | IH : ¬ error_mexpr _ __ |- _ =>
          edestruct IH as (? & ? & ?); clear IH;
          try match goal with
              | NE : noerror ?ne ?nm = true |- ¬ error_mexpr _ ?ne =>
                refine (noerror_correct nm _ NE); eassumption
            intros ?; apply NB; vauto; fail
          | ]
        wtype_num_inv; hsplit; clarify;
        try (eexists; split; vauto; eauto; fail);

        try match goal with
        | Ha: eval_mexpr _ ?a (MNint ?x), Hb: eval_mexpr _ ?b (MNint ?y) |- appcontext[ MEbinop ?op ?a ?b ] =>
          match op with
          | Odiv => idtac | Odivu => idtac | Omod => idtac | Omodu => idtac
          | _ => fail
          let Z := fresh in
          destruct (Int.eq y eqn: Z;
            [ apply int_eq in Z; subst y; elim NB; vauto | ];
          try assert (Int.eq x (Int.repr Int.min_signed) = falseInt.eq y Int.mone = false) by (
            let X := fresh in
            destruct (Int.eq x (Int.repr Int.min_signed)) eqn: X;
              apply int_eq in X; subst x;
              let Y := fresh in
              destruct (Int.eq y Int.mone) eqn: Y;[
                  apply int_eq in Y; subst y; elim NB; vauto
                 | now right ]
            | now left ]
        | Ha: eval_mexpr _ ?a (MNint64 ?x), Hb: eval_mexpr _ ?b (MNint64 ?y) |- appcontext[ MEbinop ?op ?a ?b ] =>
          match op with
          | Odivl => idtac | Odivlu => idtac | Omodl => idtac | Omodlu => idtac
          | _ => fail
          let Z := fresh in
          destruct (Int64.eq y eqn: Z;
            [ apply int64_eq in Z; subst y; elim NB; vauto | ];
          try assert (Int64.eq x (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed) = falseInt64.eq y Int64.mone = false) by (
            let X := fresh in
            destruct (Int64.eq x (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed)) eqn: X;
              apply int64_eq in X; subst x;
              let Y := fresh in
              destruct (Int64.eq y Int64.mone) eqn: Y;[
                  apply int64_eq in Y; subst y; elim NB; vauto
                 | now right ]
            | now left ]
        | Ha: eval_mexpr _ ?a (MNint ?x), Hb: eval_mexpr _ ?b (MNint ?y) |- appcontext[ MEbinop ?op ?a ?b ] =>
          match op with
          | Oshl => idtac | Oshr => idtac | Oshru => idtac
          | _ => fail
          destruct (Int.ltu y Int.iwordsize) eqn: ?;
            [ | elim NB; vauto ]
        | Ha: eval_mexpr _ ?a (MNint64 ?x), Hb: eval_mexpr _ ?b (MNint ?y) |- appcontext[ MEbinop ?op ?a ?b ] =>
          match op with
          | Oshll => idtac | Oshrl => idtac | Oshrlu => idtac
          | _ => fail
          destruct (Int.ltu y Int64.iwordsize') eqn: ?;
            [ | elim NB; vauto ]
        try (eexists; split; vauto; fail).

    Lemma nconvert_def (NM: ρ ∈ γ nm) pt (PT: ρCpoints_to_gamma ge ((tmp, ε) :: σ) pt) pe :
      nconvert_def_pre pe
      ∀ lme,
        am_get (nconvert pt pe) = Some lme
        (∀ ne, In ne lme → ¬ error_mexpr ρ ne) →
        ¬ error_pexpr ge m ρC ε pe.
      elim pe; clear pe; simpl; auto.
    - intros v () Hty lme ?; clarify; apply gamma_typ_inv in Hty;
      try destruct Hty as [ Hty | Hty ]; hsplit;
      intros _; congruence.
    - intros c.
      intros t; destruct c; intros -> DEF lme ?; clarify;

    - intros u pe IHpe ty -> PRE.
      specialize (IHpe PRE).
      pose proof (@pexpr_get_ty_ok _ _ _ ge m ρC ε pe) as TY.
      intros lme K. clarify. hsplit.
      destruct (well_typed_unop _ _) eqn: Hwt; simpl in *; clarify.
      intros NB.
        assert (∀ ne', In ne' q' → ¬ error_mexpr ρ ne') as NB'.
          intros ne' Hne' B.
          repeat match goal with
                 | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
                   pose proof (fma_in' _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit
                 end; clarify; hsplit; clarify;
          forward. apply NB. vauto.
        specialize (IHpe NB').
        intros [ B | (? & EV & B) ].
        assert (DEF := error_pexpr_def IHpe EV).
        specialize (TY _ EV DEF).
        destruct u; apply proj_sumbool_true in Hwt;
        rewrite <- Hwt in TY;
        match goal with
        | EV : eval_pexpr _ _ _ _ _ ?i,
               B : error_unop _ _ |- _ =>
          destruct i; destruct TY;
          try (inversion B; intuition eauto; discriminate);
          let CPT := fresh in
          edestructx y, nconvert_correct _ _ EV _ PT x y DEF) as (? & ? & ? & CPT & ? & _);
            [ eassumption | ];
            simpl in CPT; clarify;
            inversion B; clear B; intuition eauto;
            eapply NB; vauto;
            idtac end;
        match goal with
        | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
          pose proof (fma_in' _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X; hsplit
        end; clarify; eauto.

    - intros b pe1 IHpe1 pe2 IHpe2 ty Hty [ PRE1 PRE2 ] lme K.
      pose proof (nconvert_eval_mexpr NM _ PT _ PRE1) as X1.
      pose proof (nconvert_eval_mexpr NM _ PT _ PRE2) as X2.
      specialize (IHpe1 PRE1). clear PRE1.
      specialize (IHpe2 PRE2). clear PRE2.
      pose proof (@pexpr_get_ty_ok _ _ _ ge m ρC ε pe1) as TY1.
      pose proof (@pexpr_get_ty_ok _ _ _ ge m ρC ε pe2) as TY2.
      generalize dependent (pexpr_get_ty pe2). intros ty2.
      generalize dependent (pexpr_get_ty pe1). intros ty1.
      generalize dependent b; intros b.
      apply nbc_classify_intro;
        [ intros o x y Hty X1 TY1 H; exact (None_not_Some H _) | .. ];
      (intros c Hty X1 TY1 K X2 TY2 H X || intros Hty X1 TY1 K X2 TY2 H X); revert H X;
      clarify; destruct K as ( q1 & K1 & K );
      specialize (IHpe1 _ K1); specialize (X1 _ K1); destruct X1 as [ Q1 X1 ];
      clarify; destruct K as ( q2 & K2 & K );
      specialize (IHpe2 _ K2); specialize (X2 _ K2); destruct X2 as [ Q2 X2 ];
      intros NB;
      (assert (∀ ne : mexpr var, In ne q1 → ¬error_mexpr ρ ne) as NB1; [
        intros ne1 Hne1 E1;
         destruct q2 as [ | ne2 q2 ]; [ elim (Q2 eq_refl) | ];
         assert (In (ne1, ne2) (pair_list q1 (ne2 :: q2))) as IN by (
                                                                     apply in_pair_list; simpl; eauto
         match goal with
         | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
           pose proof (fma_in' _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X
         end; hsplit; simpl in *; clarify; hsplit; clarify; eauto; eapply NB; eauto; vauto
       | ] );
      specialize (IHpe1 NB1);

      (assert (∀ ne : mexpr var, In ne q2 → ¬error_mexpr ρ ne) as NB2; [
        intros ne2 Hne2 E2;
         destruct q1 as [ | ne1 q1 ]; [ elim (Q1 eq_refl) | ];
         destruct (X1 _ (or_introl _ eq_refl) (NB1 _ (or_introl _ eq_refl))) as (? & ? & ?);
         wtype_num_inv; hsplit; clarify;
         assert (In (ne1, ne2) (pair_list (ne1 :: q1) q2)) as IN by (
                                                                     apply in_pair_list; simpl; eauto
         match goal with
         | X : flat_map_a_spec _ _ _ _, Y : In _ _ |- _ =>
           pose proof (fma_in' _ _ _ _ X _ Y); clear X
         end; hsplit; simpl in *; clarify; hsplit; clarify; eauto;
         eapply NB; eauto; vauto
      specialize (IHpe2 NB2);

      intros [ B | ( ? & EV1 & [ B | (? & EV2 & B ) ] ) ];
      match goal with
      | EV1: eval_pexpr _ _ _ _ pe1 ?i1,
        ME1 : am_get (nconvert pt pe1) = Some _ |- _ =>
        assert (DEF1 := error_pexpr_def IHpe1 EV1);
        specialize (TY1 _ EV1 DEF1);
        destruct i1; destruct TY1;
        let T := fresh in
        destruct (nconvert_correct pe1 _ EV1 _ PT _ ME1 DEF1) as (? & ? & ? & T & ? & _);
        simpl in T
      match goal with
      | EV2: eval_pexpr _ _ _ _ pe2 ?i2,
        ME2 : am_get (nconvert pt pe2) = Some _ |- _ =>
        assert (DEF2 := error_pexpr_def IHpe2 EV2);
        specialize (TY2 _ EV2 DEF2);
        destruct i2; destruct TY2;
        let T := fresh in
        destruct (nconvert_correct pe2 _ EV2 _ PT _ ME2 DEF2) as (? & ? & ? & T & ? & _);
        simpl T
      try (inversion B; auto; clarify; apply NB; vauto2);

      match goal with
      | H1: In ?x q1, H2: In ?y q2, K : flat_map_a_spec _ _ (pair_list q1 q2) _ |- _ =>
        generalize (fma_in' _ _ _ _ K _ (@in_pair_list _ _ _ _ (x,y) H1 H2));
          let U := fresh in
          let V := fresh in
          intros (? & U & V);
            simpl in U; clarify;
            specialize (X2 NB2);
            hsplit; wtype_num_inv; hsplit; clarify; simpl in *; clarify
      try (inversion B; auto; clarify; apply NB; vauto2).

      Ltac q NM PT :=
      repeat match goal with
      | H : pt_eval_pexpr _ _ _ ?pe = _, EV: eval_pexpr _ _ _ _ ?pe _ |- _ =>
        generalize (pt_eval_pexpr_correct eq_refl PT EV);
          rewrite H; clear H; intros (? & ? & ?); eauto
      | H : cmp_blockset ?x ?y = _, X : _, Y : _ |- _ =>
        generalize (cmp_blockset_correct x y _ _ X Y); rewrite H; clear H; intro
      | H : is_valid_ptr ?w ?bs ?ne = true, X : _, Y : _, Z : eval_mexpr _ ?ne _ |- _ =>
        generalize (is_valid_ptr_valid NM w bs ne H _ X _ Y _ Z); clear H; intro H
      | H : is_null ?me = true, EV : eval_mexpr _ ?me _ |- _ =>
        generalize (is_null_correct NumDom nm NM H EV); clear H; intro H
      end; hsplit; clarify.
      Ltac fwd :=
        match goal with H : ∀ _ _, __, K : _ |- _ => specializex, H _ x K) end;
      q NM PT. inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto. fwd. hsplit. clarify. congruence.
      q NM PT. unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer in *.
      inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto; fwd; hsplit; clarify; try congruence.
      intuition congruence.
      q NM PT. inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto; fwd; hsplit; clarify. intuition congruence.
      repeat match goal with X : Mem.valid_pointer _ _ _ = true |- _ => rewrite X in * end.
      simpl in *. intuition clarify.
      q NM PT. inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto; fwd; hsplit; clarify. intuition congruence.
      repeat match goal with X : Mem.valid_pointer _ _ _ = true |- _ => rewrite X in * end.
      simpl in *. intuition clarify.
      q NM PT. inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto. intuition congruence.
      repeat match goal with X : Mem.valid_pointer _ _ _ = true |- _ => rewrite X in * end.
      simpl in *. intuition clarify.
      q NM PT. inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto. intuition congruence.
      repeat match goal with X : Mem.valid_pointer _ _ _ = true |- _ => rewrite X in * end.
      simpl in *. intuition clarify.
      q NM PT.
      q NM PT. unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer in *.
      inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto. rewrite Int.eq_true in *. clarify. congruence.
      q NM PT. unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer in *.
      inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto. rewrite Int.eq_true in *. clarify. congruence.
      q NM PT. unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer in *.
      inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto. rewrite Int.eq_true in *. clarify. congruence.
      q NM PT. unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer in *.
      inversion B; clear B; clarify; eauto. rewrite Int.eq_true in *. clarify. congruence.

  End nconvert.

  Import Utf8.

  Local Instance TeltEqDec : EqDec T.elt := T.elt_eq.
  Lemma compat_upd var `{EQ: EqDec var} f ρC ρ :
    (∀ x y, xyf xf y) →
    compat var f ρC ρ →
    ∀ x v n ρC',
      ncompat v n
      ρC' ∈ upd_spec ρC x v
      compat var f ρC' (upd ρ (f x) n).
    intros INJ H x v n ρC' V UPD c. rewrite (UPD c). clear UPD.
    unfold upd. simpl.
    destruct (eq_dec c x). subst. rewrite dec_eq_true. assumption.
    rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.

End Nconvert.