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General Programme Registration Organisation Site Sponsors
©1997 INRIA-Rennes



Like its predecessors, EP98 Conference includes:

  • The EP98 conferences given from Wedenesday 1 April to Friday 3 April, including 23 papers, 4 invited talks and a poster session.
    The first two sessions will be shared with the conference RIDT (Raster Imaging and Digital Typography).
    The detailed programme and the time table may be found by clicking here.
  • A set ot tutorials, before or in parallel to the conference. The detailed programme and the time table may be found by clicking here.
    Note that the participation to the tutorials requires a special registration.
  • The other tutorials organized during the other WEPT conferences are also open to the EP participants.


The EP'98 Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in their LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series) together with the proceedings of RIDT'98 (Raster Imaging and Digital Typography) conference to be held at Saint-Malo during the same Week on Electronic Documents and Typography (29 March--3 April, 1998).
Proceedings will be available at the conference (each participant to EP98 will get a free of charge copy).

These proceedings will be referenced as follows:
Roger D. Hersch, Jacques André, and Heather Brown (eds.),
Electronic Publishing, Artistic Imaging and Digital Typography,
Proceedings of the EP'98 and RIDT'98 Conferences, St Malo: March 30 - April 3, 1998, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, number 1375, Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg, 1998.

Here are available:

Previous EP proceedings
References and tables of contents are available by clicking here.


  • During all the week, an Internet room will allow participants to read their email.
  • On tuesday March 31st and Wednesday April 1st, a bookseller wil present books (in English and in French) on typography and electronic documents. You may order books:

    Librairie Scientifique et Médicale
    3, rue Édith Cawell,
    F-35000 Rennes, France
    tel. +33 2 99 78 10 60,
    Fax: +33 2 99 78 10 47

Librairie Scientifique


  • A cocktail will be offered to all of the EP98 participants on Wednesday 1 April, at 6pm.
  • A visit is organized to the Mont Saint-Michel and its libary of medieval books (at Avranches). This visit will take place on Saturday 4 April and is free of charge for EP98 participants (lunch is not included). Booking is mandatory: use the registration form.
    The visit is as follows:
    • 08:15 Bus departure from the Palais du Grand Large (in front of the main entrance)
    • 09:45 Arrival to Avranches
    • 10:00 to 11:30 At the Avranches Museum: exhibition with commentary on the making of medieval books
      At the Town Hall, in the old books'library, exhibition of 25 hand- written books from the VIII to XV century. Among them are the most typical items of the collection of hand-written books from the Mont- Saint-Michel Abbey.
    • 11:30 Bus departure to the Mont-Saint-Michel.
    • 12:00 Arrivale at Mont-Saint-Michel; lunch on your own.
    • 14:00-15:00 Guided visit of the Abbey (in english). Meeting point at the entrance of the Abbey.
      The Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel was one the most famous construction of Middle Ages. This magnificient example of monastic architecture emerging from the waters makes it one of the most extraordinary places included on the world heritage list.
    • 16:00 Departure to Saint-Malo.
    • 17:00 Arrival to Saint-Malo.
      At this time, it is still possible to catch a train to Paris arriving in the evening. For time table, look at the French railway server.