H. Tran, E. Marchand. Mot phuong phap doi sanh anh thoi gian thuc. In 12th national conference on Information Technology and Telecommunication, en vietnamien, Hanoï, Vietnam, Août 2009.
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Image matching is a primitive problem for many computer vision applications like image recognition, tracking, indexation, image retrieval, ect. In some applications as tracking, visual servoing, image matching needs to be as correct and fast as possible. In this paper, we propose a real-time image matching method. Our main contributions are to propose: i) a fast method for keypoint detection; ii) a compact representation of keypoint in a low-dimentional feature space based on PCA technique and iii) a reliable method for matching feature points in that feature space. Experiements have been conducted with natural real images to measure the performance of the proposed method. The image matching algorithm works at 10-14Hz, shows its capability to be applied to realtime applications
Author = {Tran, H. and Marchand, E.},
Title = {Mot phuong phap doi sanh anh thoi gian thuc},
BookTitle = {12th national conference on Information Technology and Telecommunication},
Address = {Hanoï, Vietnam},
Month = {August},
Year = {2009}
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