Visits, Internships, Meetings, Workshops
June 11 - June 15: Rob Ross and Dries Kimpe visited KerData in Rennes.
June 13 - June 15: 7th workshop of the JLPC held in Rennes, France.
July 23 - July 27: Alexandru Costan visited Argonne National Lab.
July 30 - August 3: Matthieu Dorier visited NCSA.
August 6 - August 24: Matthieu Dorier visited Argonne National Lab.
November 19 - November 21: 8th workshop of the JLPC held at Argonne National Lab.
June 12 - June 14: Discussions at the 9th workshop of the JLPC held in Lyon, France (INRIA: Matthieu Dorier, Gabriel Antoniu, Alexandru Costan; ANL: Kate Keahey, Franck Cappello, Marc Snir, Dries Kimpe).
May 27 to August 17: Radu Tudoran did an internship at Argonne National Lab.
June 17 to August 23: Internship of Matthieu Dorier at Argonne National Lab.
Nov 17 to 22: Matthieu Dorier, Lokman Rahmani and Gabriel Antoniu met Rob Ross, Tom Peterka, Roberto Sisneros at the SC'13 conference, Denver.
Nov 25 - 27: Discussions at the 10th workshop of the JLPC held in Urbana (INRIA: Matthieu Dorier, Lokman Rahmani, Gabriel Antoniu; ANL: Kate Keahey, Franck Cappello, Marc Snir, Dries Kimpe, Rob Ross; UIUC: Roberto Sisneros, Dave Semeraro).
June 1 - June 8: Rob Ross visited KerData in Rennes (Invited Professor)
June 9 - June 11: Meetings at 11th workshop of the JLPC held in Nice, France.
September 30 - December 23: Internship of Lokman Rahmani at Argonne National Laboratory.
November 24 - November 26: Meetings for updates and planning were held during the 2nd JLESC workshop held in Chicago, IL, USA.
June 29 - July 1: Meetings at the 3rd JLESC workshop in Barcelona
May - August: Internship of Luis Pineda at Argonne National Laboratory.
July - September: Internship of Orçun Yildiz at Argonne National Laboratory.
December (one week): Meetings at the 4th workshop of the JLESC at Bonn (Germany)
January - June: Internship of Nathanael Cheriere at Argonne National Laboratory.
June 27 - 29: Meetings at the 5th workshop of the JLESC in Lyon (France). Workshop talks by Luis Pineda and Pierre Matri related to the topics of the associate team.
November 13-18: Meetings at the ACM SC16 conference (Salt Lake City, USA).
November 30 - December 2: Meetings at the 6th workshop of the JLESC in Kobe (Japan). Workshop talks by Nathanaël Cheriere, Orçun Yildiz and Gabriel Antoniu related to the topics of the associate team.
May 29 - June 2: Visit of Matthieu Dorier in the KerData team in Rennes. Seminar on the Argonne exascale software toolkits (Mochi, Argobots).
May - July: Internship of Pierre Matri at Argonne National Laboratory (3 months).
July 17 - 19: Meetings at the 7th JLESC workshop in Urbana-Champaign.
April 17 - 19: Meetings at the 8th JLESC workshop in Barcelona.
September - November: Internship of Nathanaël Cheriere at Argonne National Laboratory (3 months).
November 11-16: Meetings at the ACM SC18 conference (Dallas, USA).
visits.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/20 22:18 by gabriel