Joint journal papers
M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, R.Ross.
Using Formal Grammars to Predict I/O Behaviors in HPC: the Omnisc’IO Approach.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2015.
M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, R. Sisneros, O. Yildiz, S. Ibrahim, T. Peterka, L. Orf.
Damaris: Addressing Performance Variability in Data Management for Post-Petascale Simulations. ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (ToPC), 2016.
P. Matri, Y. Alforov, A. Brandon, M. S. Pérez, A. Costan, G. Antoniu, M. Kuhn, P. Carns, T. Ludwig. Mission possible: Unify HPC and Big Data stacks towards application-defined blobs at the storage layer. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), July 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2018.07.035.
Joint conference papers
M. Dorier, R. Sisneros, T. Peterka, G. Antoniu, D. Semeraro.
Damaris/Viz, a Nonintrusive, Adaptable and User-Friendly In Situ Visualization Framework. in Proc. of IEEE LDAV 2013 (Atlanta, GA, USA, 13-14 October 2013).
M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, R. Ross, D. Kimpe, S. Ibrahim.
CALCioM: Mitigating I/O Interference in HPC Systems through Cross-Application Coordination. in Proc. of IEEE IPDPS 2014 (Phoenix, AZ, USA, 19-24 May 2014).
R. Tudoran, K. Keahey, P. Riteau, S. Panitkin and G. Antoniu.
Streaming Strategies for Event Processing across Infrastructure Clouds. In Proc. of the 14th IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2014 (Chicago, IL, US, May 2014).
M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, R. Ross.
Omnisc'IO: A Grammar-Based Approach to Spatial and Temporal I/O Patterns Prediction. In Proc. of ACM/IEEE SC 2014 (New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2014).
O. Yildiz, M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, R. Ross, G. Antoniu.
On the Root Causes of Cross-Application I/O Interference in HPC Storage Systems. In Proc. of IEEE IPDPS 2016 - The 30th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, May 2016, Chicago, United States.
M. Dorier, R. R. Sisneros, L. Bautista-Gomez, T. Peterka, L. Orf, L. Rahmani,
G. Antoniu, L. Bougé, Adaptive Performance-Constrained In Situ Visualization of Atmospheric Simulations, in : Cluster 2016 - The IEEE 2016 International Conference on Cluster Computing, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016.
P. Matri, Y. Alforov, A. Brandon, M. Kuhn, P. Carns, T. Ludwig. Could Blobs fuel Storage-Based Convergence Between HPC and Big Data?. in Proc. of IEEE Cluster 2017 (Honolulu, HI, USA, 5-8 September 2017).
O.-C. Marcu, A. Costan, G. Antoniu, M. S. Pérez, B. Nicolae, R. Tudoran, S. Bortoli. KerA: Scalable Data Ingestion for Stream Processing. In Proc. ICDCS 2018 – 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Jul 2018, Vienna, Austria.
P. Matri, P. H. Carns, R. Ross, A. Costan, M. S. Pérez, G. Antoniu. SLoG: Large-Scale Logging Middleware for HPC and Big Data Convergence. In Proc. ICDCS 2018 – 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Jul 2018, Vienna, Austria, p. 1507-1512.
Partner papers influenced by the collaboration
R. Tudoran, A. Costan, R. Wang, L. Boug ́e, G. Antoniu. Bridging Data in the Clouds: An Environment-Aware System for Geographically Distributed Data Transfers. In Proc. of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2014), Chicago, IL, USA, May 2014.
R. Tudoran, A. Costan, G. Antoniu. Transfer as a Service: Towards a Cost-Effective Model for Multi-Site Cloud Data Management. In Proc. 33rd IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2014) , Oct 2014, Nara, Japan. 2014.
L. Pineda-Morales, A. Costan, G. Antoniu. Towards Multi-Site Metadata Management for Geo- graphically Distributed Cloud Workflows. In Proceedings of IEEE Cluster 2015, September 2015, Chicago, IL, USA.
O. Yildiz, A. Chi Zhou, S. Ibrahim. Eley: On the Effectiveness of Burst Buffers for Big Data Processing in HPC Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE Cluster 2017, September 2017, Hawaii, HI, USA.
N. Cheriere, G. Antoniu. How Fast Can One Scale Down a Distributed File System? In proceedings of IEEE BigData 2017, December 2017, Boston, MA, USA.
Joint workshop papers
M. Dorier, M. Dreher, T. Peterka, J. Wozniak, G. Antoniu, B. Raffin. Lessons Learned from Building In Situ Coupling Frameworks. to appear in proceedings of ISAV 2015 (held in conjunction with ACM/IEEE SC 15, Austin, TX, USA, November 2015).
M. Dorier, advised by G. Antoniu. and L. Bougé.
Efficient I/O using Dedicated Cores in Large-Scale HPC Simulations. PhD forum of IPDPS 2013 (Boston, MA, USA, 20-24 May 2013).
L. Rahmani, advised by G. Antoniu and L. Bougé.
Towards Smart Visualization for HPC Simulations. Phd forum of IPDPS 2014 (Phoenix, AZ, USA, May 2014).
Luis Pineda-Morales, Balaji Subramaniam, Kate Keahey, Gabriel Antoniu, Alexandru Costan, Shaowen Wang, Anand Padmanabhan and Aiman Soliman. Scaling Smart Appliances for Spatial Data Synthesis. SC'15 - 27th ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Austin, Nov. 2015.
N. Cheriere, M. Dorier. Accelerating the Scatter Operation on Dragonfly Networks, SC16 - ACM/IEEE International Conference in Supercomputing, November 2016, Salt Lake City. Poster. 3rd Award at the Graduate Student Research Competition.
Research Reports
M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, R. Ross.
On the Use of Formal Grammars to Predict HPC I/O Behaviors. Inria RR-8725.
N. Cheriere, M. Dorier, G. Antoniu.
A Lower Bound for the Commission Times in Replication-Based Distributed Storage Systems. Inria RR-9186.
Matthieu Dorier. Addressing the Challenges of I/O Variability in Post-Petascale HPC Simulations. PhD thesis, ENS Rennes, 2014.
link. Matthieu is now holding a permanent position at ANL as a Software Development Specialist.
Radu Tudoran. High-Performance Big Data Management Across Cloud Data Centers. PhD thesis, ENS Rennes, 2014.
publications.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/23 15:08 by gabriel