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Nowadays, the software is not distributed. The goal of this site is to share the resaerch done on the project. The demonstration plateform shows in a concret way the results of this researchs.

›› Goal, motivation, history

In order to face the drawbacks of cardiac monitoring systems, two labs from IRISA and LTSI launched a common project, named Calicot, in 1999. The DREAM lab from IRISA had a strong experience in model-based diagnosis. The LTSI had investigated signal processing and cardiovascular diseases for many years. Precisely, the LTSI was at the head of the european project "Artificial Intelligence in Medecine Knowledge Based Interactive Signal monitoring System" (AIM-KISS) in 1989.

As a result Calicot has given rise to the intelligent cardiac monitoring framework IP-Calicot. This tool aims at analyzing online input signals (electrocardiograms, pressure signals) and at detecting and at characterizing cardiac arrhythmias.

The original contributions of the project are:

The investigated research domains are: