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Nowadays, the software is not distributed. The goal of this site is to share the resaerch done on the project. The demonstration plateform shows in a concret way the results of this researchs.

›› Publications

Since the beginning of the project, Calicot has been the object of many publications and presentations in international as well as national conferences and journals. They are listed below.

Those publication made Calicot be know and recognized. The citation below, extracted form Michael Stacey, Carolyn McGregor, Temporal abstraction in intelligent clinical data analysis: A survey, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (2006), demonstrates the originality of the approach:

From the 14 systems reviewed only 2 [Ip-Calicot and one other] utilised machine learnig techniques for the gathering of knowledge to aid in the data analysis process [...].

›› Autres documents

Présentations (slides)
