Module MemCsharpminorproof




Set Implicit Arguments.

Section num.

    {num num_iter: Type}
    `{numToString: ToString num}
    `{numIterToString: ToString num_iter}
    (NumDom: ab_machine_env (var:=cell) num num_iter).

  Variable ge : genv.
  Variable max_concretize : N.

  Existing Instances t_leb_correct t_join_correct widen_mem_correct.

  Local Instance t_gamma : gamma_op (@t num) concrete_state := t_gamma NumDom ge.
  Local Instance iter_t_gamma : gamma_op (@iter_t num_iter) concrete_state := iter_t_gamma NumDom ge.
  Local Instance mem_cshm_dom : mem_dom _ _ _ := mem_cshm_dom NumDom ge max_concretize.

  Lemma read_cell_upd t e σ m x v c:
    cACtemp (plength σ) x
    read_cell ge ((PTree.set x v t, e) :: σ, m) c =
    read_cell ge ((t, e) :: σ, m) c.
    destruct c as [f' x'|f' x'|b]; simpl; auto.
    intros _.
    rewrite ! get_stk_cons.
    destruct (Pos.eqb _ _); reflexivity.
    rewrite ! get_stk_cons.
    case (Pos.eqb_spec _ _).
    intros -> K. simpl. rewrite PTree.gso. reflexivity. intros ->; apply K; reflexivity.

  Lemma validate_volatile_ptr_in sz ptr nes b :
    ∀ stk m,
      sizes_gamma ge stk sz m
      validate_volatile_ptr ge sz ptr nes b = true
      ∀ blk,
        BlockSet.mem blk ptr
        ∃ g b, blk = ABglobal bGenv.find_symbol ge g = Some bSenv.block_is_volatile ge b.
    unfold validate_volatile_ptr.
    intros stk m SZ.
    apply BSO.foldspec. 2: firstorder; fail.
    intros s s' _ () x H [R1 _] H1 H2 blk H4.
    2: easy.
    destruct (R1 _ H4) as [ -> | IN ].
    - destruct blk as [ ? ? | blk ]. easy.
      destruct (Genv.invert_symbol _ _) as [ g | ] eqn: Hg.
      exists g, blk. split. easy. split.
      now rewrite (Genv.invert_find_symbol _ _ Hg).
      destruct (ABTreeDom.get (ABglobal blk) sz) as [ | (?, (?, vol)) ] eqn: Hsz.
      generalizeb', SZ (ABglobal blk) _ _ _ b' Hsz). simpl. rewrite Hg.
      intros X. specialize (X _ eq_refl).
    - specialize (H1 eq_refl _ IN). eauto.

  Lemma forget_all_correct
        {A V: Type} (P: A → (cellV) → Prop)
        (P_ext: ∀ ρ ρ', (∀ x, ρ(x) = ρ'(x)) → ∀ m, ρ ∈ P m → ρ' ∈ P m)
        (F: AcellA)
        (PF: ∀ m ρ ρ' x, ρ ∈ P m → (∀ y, yx → ρ'(y) = ρ(y)) → ρ' ∈ P (F m x))
        l :
    ∀ m : A,
    ∀ ρ ρ' : cellV,
      ρ ∈ P m
      (∀ c, ρ c = ρ' cIn c l) →
      ρ' ∈ P (fold_left F l m).
    induction l as [|i l IH] using rev_ind.
  - intros m ρ ρ' H K.
    apply (P_ext ρ). intros c; destruct (K c) as [ ? | () ]; assumption.
  - intros m ρ ρ' H K. rewrite fold_left_app. simpl.
    apply PF withc, if eq_dec c i then ρ c else ρ' c).
    eapply IH. eassumption.
    intros c. destruct (eq_dec c i). left; reflexivity.
    destruct (K c) as [X | X]. left; exact X.
    rewrite in_app in X. destruct X as [ X | [ X | () ] ].
    right; exact X. intuition.
    intros y H0. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.

  Opaque ACTreeDom.set.
  Lemma ct_forget_all_get {A} l : ∀ m c,
    ACTreeDom.get c (@ct_forget_all A l m) =
    if in_dec eq_dec c l
    then All
    else ACTreeDom.get c m.
    unfold ct_forget_all.
    induction l as [|j l IH] using rev_ind; intros m c. reflexivity.
    rewrite fold_left_app. simpl. rewrite ACTreeDom.gsspec.
    destruct (ACTree.elt_eq c j).
    rewrite (pred_dec_true (P:=In c _)). reflexivity.
    rewrite in_app. right; left; symmetry; assumption.
    rewrite IH.
    destruct in_dec. rewrite pred_dec_true. reflexivity. rewrite in_app. auto.
    rewrite pred_dec_false. reflexivity. rewrite in_app. simpl. intuition.

  Lemma pt_forget_all_correct stk l :
    ∀ m : points_to,
    ∀ ρ ρ' : cellval,
      ρ ∈ points_to_gamma ge stk m
      (∀ c, ρ c = ρ' cIn c l) →
      ρ' ∈ points_to_gamma ge stk (ct_forget_all l m).
    intros m ρ ρ' H H0.
    eapply forget_all_correct; eauto.
    intros ρ0 ρ'0 H1 m0 H2 c. rewrite <- H1. auto.
    intros m0 ρ0 ρ'0 x H1 H2 c. rewrite ACTreeDom.gsspec.
    destruct (ACTree.elt_eq). exact I. rewrite H2; auto.

  Definition loose_upd_spec {B} (f: cellB) (x: cell) (v: B) (f': cellB) : Prop :=
    f'(x) = v ∧ ∀ y, ycells_disjoint(x) → f'(y) = f(y).

  Lemma nm_upd_correct nm c e n (ρ ρ': cellmach_num) :
    ρ ∈ γ(nm) →
    neval_mexpr ρ e
    ρ' ∈ loose_upd_spec ρ c n
    ρ' ∈ γ (nm_upd NumDom nm c e).
    intros NM EV UPD.
    unfold nm_upd.
    match goal with
    | |- context [ @AbMachineEnv.assign ?var ?t ?iter_t ?H ?E ?v ?me ?ab ] =>
      generalize (@AbMachineEnv.assign_correct var t iter_t H E v me ρ n ab NM EV);
      destruct (@AbMachineEnv.assign var t iter_t H E v me ab)
    intros ().
    intros NM'.
    unfold nm_forget_all.
    eapply forget_all_correct.
    apply gamma_num_ext.
    intros [|m] ρ0 ρ'0 x0. intros ().
    eapply (forget_correct' NumDom).
    exact NM'.
    intros c'.
    destruct (cells_disjoint_dec c c') as [D | OV ].
    left. rewrite upd_o. exact (eq_sym (proj2 UPD _ D)).
    exact (not_eq_sym (cells_disjoint_not_eq D)).
    destruct (eq_dec c c'). left. subst. rewrite upd_s. exact (eq_sym (proj1 UPD)).
    right. apply overlap_correct'; auto.

  Lemma nm_upd_not_bot nm c e n (ρ: cellmach_num) :
    ρ ∈ γ(nm) →
    neval_mexpr ρ e
    nm_upd NumDom nm c eBot.
    intros H H0 K.
    change (upd ρ c n ∈ γ(@Bot num)). rewrite <- K.
    eapply nm_upd_correct; try eassumption.
    split. apply upd_s.
    intros c' D. rewrite upd_o. reflexivity. exact (sym_not_eq (cells_disjoint_not_eq D)).

  Lemma tp_upd_correct (val:Type) (Γ: gamma_op type val)
        (HJ: join_op_correct type (type+⊤) val) tp ρ cells ty c v :
    v ∈ γ(ty) →
    In c cells
    ρ ∈ γ tp
    loose_upd_spec ρ c v ⊆ γ (tp_upd_cells tp cells ty).
    intros Hty Hc G ρ' UPD c'.
    unfold tp_upd_cells. rewrite union_list_map_correct.
    pose proof (in_mapc, ct_upd tp c ty) _ _ Hc) as IN.
    simpl in IN.
    refine ((λ G, union_list_correct tp
             (mapc, ct_upd tp c ty) cells) _ ρ' IN G c') _).
    clear c' IN. intros c'.
    unfold ct_upd. rewrite ACTreeDom.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq. subst.
    rewrite (proj1 UPD); auto.
    rewrite ct_forget_all_get.
    destruct in_dec as [IN|NI]. exact I.
    rewrite (proj2 UPD). auto.
    destruct (overlap_correct _ _ NI); intuition.

  Lemma cell_in_bounds_range_perm κ (ab: @t num) c:
    am_get (cell_in_bounds ge κ ab c) = Some tt
    ∀ m σ b,
      msizes_gamma ge σ (ab_sz ab) →
      block_of_ablock ge σ (ablock_of_cell c) = Some b
      Mem.range_perm m b (fst (range_of_cell c)) (fst (range_of_cell c) + size_chunk (proj1_sig κ)) Cur Writable.
    unfold cell_in_bounds.
    set (b := ablock_of_cell c).
    destruct (range_of_cell c) as (ofs, κ').
    destruct (ABTreeDom.get b (ab_sz ab)) as [|(hi, (perm, vol))] eqn: Hhi.
    simpl. intros ?; eq_some_inv.
    destruct (permission_can_write perm) eqn: Hrw. 2: simpl; intro; eq_some_inv.
    destruct zle as [L|]. 2: simpl; intro; eq_some_inv.
    destruct zle as [R|]. 2: simpl; intro; eq_some_inv.
    intros _.
    intros m σ b' H Hb o K.
    specialize (H _ _ _ _ _ Hhi Hb).
    eapply Mem.perm_implies. apply H. simpl in *. Psatz.lia.
    destruct perm; vauto; simpl in Hrw; eq_some_inv.
  Arguments cell_in_bounds_range_perm [κ] [ab] [c] _ [m] [σ] [b] _ _ _ _.
  Opaque cell_in_bounds.

  Lemma nassume_correct b nm F el :
    ∀ ρ,
      ρ ∈ γ(nm) →
      ∀ e, In e eleval_mexpr ρ (F e) (of_bool b) →
      ρ ∈ γ (nassume NumDom b nm F el).
    unfold nassume.
    intros ρ G e E EV.
    rewrite union_list_map_correct.
    refine (union_list_correct _ _ (AbMachineEnv.assume (F e) b nm) _ _ _).
    refine (in_map _ el _ E).
    apply assume_correct; assumption.

  Lemma env_ok (ε: lvarset) (e: env) :
    (∀ x, PSet.mem x ε = dom x e) →
    ∀ i, is_local ε i = truee ! iNone.
    unfold is_local, dom.
    intros H i. rewrite H. destruct (e ! i); intuition. eq_some_inv.

  Remark bind_parameters_zip formals : ∀ args te,
    bind_parameters formals args te =
    fold_left2acc id v, do te <- acc; ret (PTree.set id v te))
               (λ _ _ , None) (λ _ _, None)
               formals args (Some te).
    induction formals as [|id formals IH].
    destruct args as [|v args]. reflexivity.
    simpl. intros te. rewrite IH. reflexivity.

  Lemma set_local_sizes_get μ vars sz b :
    list_norepet (map fst vars) →
    ABTreeDom.get b (set_local_sizes μ vars sz) =
    match b with
    | ABlocal μ' x => if peq μ' μ
                      then match assoc x vars with
                           | Some hi => Just (hi, (Freeable, false))
                           | None => ABTreeDom.get b sz
                      else ABTreeDom.get b sz
    | _ => ABTreeDom.get b sz
    revert sz.
    unfold set_local_sizes.
    induction vars as [|(x,hi) vars IH].
    simpl. destruct b as [μ' ?|]; auto. destruct peq; auto.
    simpl. intros sz NR. rewrite IH. clear IH.
    fold (ABTreeDom.set sz (ABlocal μ x) (Just (hi, (Freeable, false)))). rewrite ABTreeDom.gsspec.
    destruct (ABTree.elt_eq b (ABlocal μ x)) as [EQ|ME].
  - subst. rewrite !peq_true.
    rewrite (proj2 (assoc_None x vars)). reflexivity.
    intros b K. inv NR. eapply H1. rewrite in_map_iff. eexists (x, _); vauto.
  - destruct b; auto.
    destruct peq; auto. subst.
    destruct @eq_dec; auto. subst.
    elim ME. reflexivity.
  - inv NR; auto.

  Lemma clear_local_sizes_get μ ε b sz :
    ABTreeDom.get b (clear_local_sizes μ ε sz) =
    match b with
    | ABlocal μ' x => if peq μ μ' && PSet.mem x ε then All else ABTreeDom.get b sz
    | _ => ABTreeDom.get b sz
    unfold clear_local_sizes.
    apply PSetOp.foldspec.
    intros s s' a b0 x H [REM REM'] H1.
    unfold ABTreeDom.get in *. rewrite ABTree.grspec.
    destruct (ABTree.elt_eq b (ABlocal μ x)) as [EQ|ME]. subst. destruct peq. 2: congruence.
    rewrite H. reflexivity.
    rewrite H1.
    destruct b as [μ' x'|b]; auto.
    destruct peq; simpl; auto.
    specialize (REM x'). specialize (REM' x').
    destruct (PSet.mem x' s).
    specialize (REM eq_refl). destruct REM as [REM|REM].
    elim ME. congruence. rewrite REM. reflexivity.
    destruct (PSet.mem x' s'). 2:auto.
    destruct (REM' eq_refl) as [_ Y]. discriminate.
    intros s H.
    destruct b as [μ' x'|b]; auto.
    destruct peq; simpl; auto.
    subst. specialize (H x').
    destruct (PSet.mem); auto. intuition.

  Lemma read_perm_non_volatile {V} (gv: globvar V) :
    perm_order (Genv.perm_globvar gv) Readable
    gvar_volatile gv = false.
unfold Genv.perm_globvar. destruct (gvar_volatile gv). inversion 1. easy. Qed.

  Arguments ab_sz _ _/.
  Arguments ab_num _ _/.
  Arguments ab_tp _ _/.

  Lemma ab_alloc_global_ok:
    ∀ prog m, ge = Genv.globalenv prog ->
              Genv.init_mem prog = Some m ->
    ∀ b gv ab ab' id log,
      Genv.find_var_info ge b = Some gv ->
      Genv.invert_symbol ge b = Some id ->
      ab_alloc_global NumDom ge (Genv.perm_globvar gv) (gvar_volatile gv) b (gvar_init gv) (NotBot ab) = (ab', (nil, log)) ->
    msizes_gamma ge nil (ab_sz ab) ->
    ab_stk ab = Just nil ->
    mem_as_fun ge (nil, m) ∈ tnum_gamma _ ge nil (ab_nm ab) ->
    match ab' with
      | Bot => False
      | NotBot ab' =>
        msizes_gamma ge nil (ab_sz ab') /\
        ab_stk ab' = Just nil /\
        mem_as_fun ge (nil, m) ∈ tnum_gamma _ ge nil (ab_nm ab')
    intros prog m H H0 b gv ab ab' id log H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6.
    eapply Genv.init_mem_characterization in H0. 2:rewrite <- H; apply H1.
    assert (gv.(gvar_volatile) = Senv.block_is_volatile ge b) as Hvol.
    { simpl. unfold Genv.block_is_volatile. rewrite H1. reflexivity. }
    clear H1.
    destruct H0 as (PERM & PERM' & INIT).
    specializeH, INIT (read_perm_non_volatile _ H)).
    rewrite <- H in INIT. clear H prog.
    revert log H3. unfold ab_alloc_global.
    apply am_bind_case.
    intros; eq_some_inv; subst. eapply H; eauto.
    intros; eq_some_inv.
    intros [sz ab''] log Hab'' log' eq. simpl in eq. eq_some_inv. subst.
    revert ab PERM PERM' INIT Hvol H4 H5 H6 log Hab''.
    change (Genv.init_data_list_size (gvar_init gv))
    with (0+Genv.init_data_list_size (gvar_init gv)).
    generalize 0 at 2 4 5 12 as offs.
    generalize (Genv.perm_globvar gv). intros perm.
    generalize (gvar_volatile gv). intros vol.
    generalize (gvar_init gv). intros i. clear gv.
    induction i as [ | a l IHl ].
    - unfold am_fold. simpl. destruct ab as [?[?[? ?]]].
      intros. inv Hab''. simpl. split. 2:auto.
      unfold sizes_gamma in *. intros.
      unfold ABTreeDom.get in H. rewrite ABTree.gsspec in H. destruct ABTree.elt_eq.
      + inv H. rewrite Z.add_0_r in PERM.
        simpl in H0. rewrite H2 in H0. inv H0. split. apply PERM.
        apply bool_leb_refl.
      + fold (ABTreeDom.get b0 s) in H. simpl in *. eauto.
    - change (a::l) with ((a::nil)++l)%list. intros *. rewrite am_fold_app.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros x y l0 l' H; intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eapply H; eauto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      destruct ab as (abstk & absz & (abty & abnm)).
      intros [offs' ab'] log Ha PERM PERM' INIT Hvol SZ STK (TY & ρ' & COMPAT & NM) log' Hl.
      unfold am_fold in Ha. simpl in Ha.
      match type of Ha with
        | appcontext[if ?b then _ else _] => destruct b; [|discriminate]
      cut (match ab' with
             | Bot => False
             | NotBot ab' =>
               sizes_gamma ge nil (ab_sz ab') m
               ∧ ab_stk ab' = Just nil
               ∧ tnum_gamma _ ge nil (ab_nm ab') (mem_as_fun ge (nil, m))
      { intro. destruct ab'. contradiction. destruct H as (? & ? & ?).
        destruct a; simpl in Ha;
        repeat match type of Ha with
        | appcontext[ Genv.find_symbol ?ge ?i ] => destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); [| discriminate]
        | appcontext[ permission_can_read ?p ] => destruct (permission_can_read p)
        try (
            inv Ha; apply IHl in Hl; auto;
            ((intros; rewrite <- Z.add_assoc; (apply PERM || eapply PERM'; eauto)) ||
              now intros K; destruct (INIT K))). }
      clear Hl IHl.
      destruct a; [..|destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i) eqn:EQSYMB; [|discriminate]];
      inv Ha;
      try match goal with
       | |- context [AbMachineEnv.assign ?c ?e ?ab] =>
          refine (let ASS := AbMachineEnv.assign_correct c (e:=e) _ NM _ in _);
            [repeat econstructor;
              auto using Zle_refl, Fleb_refl, floatofsingle_nan|
             destruct AbMachineEnv.assign as [|abnm']; [contradiction|simpl]]
      try match goal with
       | |- context [permission_can_read ?p] =>
          destruct (permission_can_read p) as [P|P];
           try (specialize (INIT P); destruct INIT);
           try now repeat (split; eauto)
      + split. auto. split. auto. split.
        * intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
          subst. simpl. rewrite H, H2.
          simpl. unfold type_of_int.
          apply int_eq_intro. intros <-. reflexivity. intros _. exact I.
          apply TY.
        * eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
          unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec c).
          subst c. simpl. rewrite H, H2. repeat econstructor.
          apply COMPAT.
      + split. auto. split. auto. split.
        * intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
          subst. simpl. rewrite H, H2.
          simpl. unfold type_of_int.
          apply int_eq_intro. intros <-. reflexivity. intros _. exact I.
          apply TY.
        * eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
          unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec c).
          subst c. simpl. rewrite H, H2. repeat econstructor.
          apply COMPAT.
      + split. auto. split. auto. split.
        * intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
          subst. simpl. rewrite H, H2.
          simpl. unfold type_of_int.
          apply int_eq_intro. intros <-. reflexivity. intros _. exact I.
          apply TY.
        * eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
          unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec c).
          subst c. simpl. rewrite H, H2. repeat econstructor.
          apply COMPAT.
      + split. auto. split. auto. split.
        * intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
          subst. simpl. rewrite H, H2. constructor.
          apply TY.
        * eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
          unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec c).
          subst c. simpl. rewrite H, H2. repeat econstructor.
          apply COMPAT.
      + split. auto. split. auto. split.
        * intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
          subst. simpl. rewrite H, H2. constructor.
          apply TY.
        * eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
          unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec c).
          subst c. simpl. rewrite H, H2. repeat econstructor.
          apply COMPAT.
      + split. auto. split. auto. split.
        * intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
          subst. simpl. rewrite H, H2. constructor.
          apply TY.
        * eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
          unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec c).
          subst c. simpl. rewrite H, H2. repeat econstructor.
          apply COMPAT.
      + unfold zero_all_cells.
        revert abstk absz abty abnm ρ' SZ STK NM TY COMPAT.
        induction (Z.to_N z) using N.peano_ind.
        * repeat (split; eauto).
        * setoid_rewrite N.peano_rect_succ.
          intros abstk absz abty abnm ρ' X H3 H4 H5 H7.
          eapply memory_chunk_fold_rec. 2:eapply IHn; now eauto.
          { clear abstk absz abty abnm ρ' X H3 H4 H5 H7.
            intros [|(abstk & absz & (abty & abnm))] c. contradiction.
            intros (SZ & STK & TY & ρ' & COMPAT & NM).
            destruct zle, Zdivide_dec; try now repeat (split; eauto). simpl.
            match goal with
              | |- context [AbMachineEnv.assign ?ce ?e ?ab] =>
                refine (let ASS := AbMachineEnv.assign_correct ce (e:=e)
                            (n:=match c with exist (Many32|Many64) H => match H with end
                                          | _ => _ end) _ NM _
                        in _)
            - destruct c as [[] []]; repeat constructor;
              auto using Zle_refl, Fleb_refl.
            - destruct AbMachineEnv.assign as [|abnm']; [contradiction|simpl].
              refine (let H':= H (proj1_sig c) (offs + Z.of_N n) _ _ _ in _).
              zify; omega. omega. auto. simpl.
              split. auto. split. auto. split.
              + intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
                subst. simpl. rewrite H', H2. destruct c as [[] []]; constructor.
                apply TY.
              + eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
                unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec _).
                subst c0. simpl. rewrite H', H2. destruct c as [[] []]; repeat econstructor.
                apply COMPAT. }
      + split. auto. split. auto.
        rewrite EQSYMB in H.
        destruct H as (b' & eq & H). inv eq.
        * intro. unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite ACTree.gsspec. destruct ACTree.elt_eq.
          subst. simpl. rewrite H, H2.
          eexists. split. apply BSO.mem_singleton. eauto. simpl. erewrite Genv.find_invert_symbol; eauto.
          apply TY.
        * eexists. split. 2:apply ASS. intro. simpl.
          unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec c).
          subst c. simpl. rewrite H, H2. repeat econstructor.
          apply COMPAT.

  Lemma ab_alloc_globals_ok:
    ∀ prog m, ge = Genv.globalenv prog ->
              Genv.init_mem prog = Some m ->
      list_norepet (map fst prog.(prog_defs)) ->
    ∀ b ab log,
      ab_alloc_globals NumDom ge prog.(prog_defs) = ((b, ab), (nil, log)) ->
      b = plength prog.(prog_defs) /\
    match ab with
      | Bot => False
      | NotBot ab =>
        msizes_gamma ge nil (ab_sz ab) /\
        ab_stk ab = Just nil /\
        mem_as_fun ge (nil, m) ∈ tnum_gamma _ ge nil (ab_nm ab)
    intros. generalize (nth_def_block _ H H1).
    revert ab b log H2. clear H1.
    induction (prog_defs prog) using rev_ind.
    - intros. inv H2. simpl. split. auto.
      generalize (tnum_top_correct NumDom (Genv.globalenv prog) nil (mem_as_fun (Genv.globalenv prog) (nil, m))).
      unfold top, WProd.top_prod_bot, top, top_bot. destruct mach_top eqn:?. auto.
      simpl. intro. repeat (split;[auto; apply top_correct|]). intuition.
    - intros ab b log H2 H1.
      destruct x as (id & gd).
      edestruct H1 as ( H3 & H4 ).
      rewrite map_app, app_nth2, map_length, minus_diag. reflexivity.
      rewrite map_length. auto.
      unfold ab_alloc_globals in H2. rewrite am_fold_app in H2. revert log H2.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros [b' ab'] log Hb'ab'.
      edestruct IHl.
      + apply Hb'ab'.
      + intros. apply H1. rewrite map_app.
        destruct (le_lt_dec (List.length (map Some l)) idx).
        rewrite nth_overflow in H2 by auto. discriminate.
        rewrite app_nth1 by auto. auto.
      + subst b'. clear Hb'ab'.
        unfold am_fold. simpl. destruct gd as [ gf |gv ].
        * intros log' eq. eq_some_inv. subst. split.
          now rewrite plength_snoc.
          destruct ab' as [|(? & ? & ? & ?)]. contradiction.
          destruct H5 as (? & ? & ? & ?). simpl.
          split; [|split; [|split]]; auto.
          red. intros*. unfold ABTreeDom.get. setoid_rewrite ABTree.gsspec.
          destruct ABTree.elt_eq. 2: eauto.
          subst b. intro eq. inversion eq. clear eq. subst hi perm vol.
          split. intros ofs Hofs. assert (ofs = 0) by Psatz.lia. clear Hofs. subst ofs.
          eapply Genv.init_mem_characterization_2. 2: eassumption.
          apply do_opt_some_inv in H8. hsplit. simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst b'.
          rewrite plength_length in H3. exact H3.
          exact I.
          eapply am_bind_case.
          intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
          intros; eq_some_inv.
          intros x log'' AAG log' eq. eq_some_inv. subst x b. split.
          now rewrite plength_snoc.
          destruct ab' as [|ab']. contradiction.
          eapply ab_alloc_global_ok; eauto.
          erewrite Genv.find_invert_symbol; eauto.
          rewrite plength_length; eauto.

  Lemma check_volatile_sound {tgt κ ab} :
    ∀ μ log, check_volatile NumDom ge max_concretize tgt κ ab = (μ, (nil, log)) →
         match ab_stk ab with Just ( _ :: σ ) => μ = plength σ | _ => False end
         match tgt with
         | inl (g, ofs) =>
           ∃ b, Genv.find_symbol ge g = Some b
           ∃ hi perm, ABTreeDom.get (ABglobal b) (ab_sz ab) = Just (hi, (perm, true))
         | inr addr =>
           ∃ tn ty ne, am_get (ab_eval_expr NumDom ge max_concretize ab addr) = Some (NotBot (tn, Just ty, ne)) ∧
           ∃ ptr,
             ty = TyPtr (Just ptr) ∧
              validate_volatile_ptr ge (ab_sz ab) ptr ne true
    intros μ.
    unfold check_volatile.
    apply am_bind_case.
    intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
    intros; eq_some_inv.
    intros () log H.
    destruct (ab_stk _) as [ | [ | _ σ ] ]. easy. easy.
    split. inv H0. auto.
    destruct tgt as [ (g, ofs) | addr ].
    - destruct (Genv.find_symbol _ _) as [ b | ]; eq_some_inv.
      exists b; split. easy.
      destruct (ABTreeDom.get _ _) as [ | (?, (?, ())) ]; eq_some_inv.
    - revert log H. apply am_bind_case.
      intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros [ | ((tn & ty) & ne) ] log EV. easy.
      destruct ty as [ | [ | | | | | [ | ptr ] | [ | ptr ] | ] ]; try easy;
      intros log' H;
      eexists tn, _, ne;
      (split; [ now rewrite EV | eexists; split; [ vauto | ] ]).
      destruct validate_volatile_ptr. reflexivity. eq_some_inv.

  Lemma only_global_pointer_iff aptr :
    only_global_pointer ge aptr
    ∃ ptr, aptr = Just ptr
           ∀ p, BlockSet.mem p ptr → ∃ b, p = ABglobal b ∧ ∃ g, Genv.invert_symbol ge b = Some gSenv.public_symbol ge g.
    unfold only_global_pointer.
    intros H.
    destruct aptr as [ | ptr ]. easy.
    exists ptr. split. easy.
    apply negb_true_iff in H. rewrite BSO.existsb_forall in H.
    intros p Hp. specialize (H p Hp).
    destruct p as [ ? ? | b ]. eq_some_inv.
    exists b. split. easy.
    destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) as [ g | ] eqn: Hg. 2: eq_some_inv.
    apply negb_false_iff in H.

  Definition alloc_variables' e m v :=
    List.fold_lefte_m id_sz,
                    let '(e, m) := e_m in
                    let '(id, sz) := id_sz in
                    let '(m₁, b₁) := Mem.alloc m 0 sz in
                    (PTree.set id (b₁, sz) e, m₁)) v (e, m).

  Lemma alloc_variables_alt v:
    ∀ e m e' m',
      alloc_variables e m v e' m' ↔ alloc_variables' e m v = (e', m').
    induction v as [|(id, sz) v IH].
    - intros e m e' m'. split; intros H.
      inv H. reflexivity.
      compute in H. eq_some_inv. subst. vauto.
    - intros e m e' m'.
      unfold alloc_variables'. simpl.
      destruct (Mem.alloc m 0 sz) as (m₁, b₁) eqn: H.
      change (alloc_variables e m ((id, sz) :: v) e' m' ↔ alloc_variables' (PTree.set id (b₁, sz) e) mv = (e', m')).
      etransitivity. 2: apply IH.
      split; intros H'. inv H'. congruence.

  Definition alloc_var := alloc_variables' empty_env.
  Lemma alloc_var_alt m v e' m' :
    alloc_variables empty_env m v e' m' ↔ alloc_var m v = (e', m').
apply alloc_variables_alt. Qed.

  Lemma alloc_var_snoc m v id sz :
    alloc_var m (v ++ (id, sz) :: nil)%list =
    let '(e, m') := alloc_var m v in
    let '(m₁, b₁) := Mem.alloc m' 0 sz in
    (PTree.set id (b₁, sz) e, m₁).
apply fold_left_app. Qed.

  Lemma alloc_var_guts m v:
    ∀ e' m',
    alloc_var m v = (e', m') →
    ∀ b,
      Mem.valid_block m b
      Mem.valid_block m' b
      (Mem.mem_contents m') !! b = (Mem.mem_contents m) !! b
      (Mem.mem_access m') !! b = (Mem.mem_access m) !! b.
    induction v as [|(id, sz) v IH] using rev_ind.
    intros e' m' H b H0. compute in H. eq_some_inv. subst. auto.
    intros e' m' H b H0. rewrite alloc_var_snoc in H.
    destruct (alloc_var m v) as (e₀, m₀).
    destruct (Mem.alloc m₀ 0 sz) as (m₁, b₁) eqn: H₁. eq_some_inv. subst.
    specialize (IH _ _ eq_refl _ H0). destruct IH as (V & IHc & IHa).
    split. apply (Mem.valid_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H₁). exact V.
    Transparent Mem.alloc. unfold Mem.alloc in H₁. Opaque Mem.alloc.
    eq_some_inv. subst. simpl.
    split; (etransitivity; [ apply PMap.gso, Plt_ne, V | eassumption ]).

  Corollary alloc_var_load m v:
    ∀ e' m',
    alloc_var m v = (e', m') →
    ∀ b,
      Mem.valid_block m b
      ∀ κ o,
        Mem.load κ m' b o = Mem.load κ m b o.
    intros e' m' H b H0 κ o.
    Transparent Mem.load. unfold Mem.load. Opaque Mem.load.
    destruct (proj2 (alloc_var_guts v H H0)) as (Hc & Ha).
    assert (∀ κ o p, Mem.valid_access m κ b o p <-> Mem.valid_access m' κ b o p) as Hv.
    { clear - Ha. intros κ o p. unfold Mem.valid_access, Mem.range_perm, Mem.perm. rewrite Ha. reflexivity. }
    repeat case (Mem.valid_access_dec); auto. congruence.
    clear -Hv. intros X Y; elim X. apply Hv, Y.
    clear -Hv. intros Y X; elim X. apply Hv, Y.

  Lemma alloc_variables_dom e m v e' m' :
    alloc_variables e m v e' m' →
    ∀ x, dom x e' = dom x e || in_dec peq x ( fst v).
    induction 1. intros; simpl; rewrite orb_false_r; reflexivity.
    intros x. simpl. rewrite (IHalloc_variables x). clear.
    rewrite dom_set.
    destruct peq. destruct peq. rewrite orb_true_r. reflexivity. intuition.
    simpl. destruct (dom x e). reflexivity. simpl.
    destruct peq. intuition. destruct (in_dec); reflexivity.

  Lemma in_elements_set {A} e x y (v: A):
    In x (PTree.elements (PTree.set y v e)) →
    x = (y, v) ∨ In x (PTree.elements e) ∧ fst xy.
    destruct x as (x & v').
    intros H.
    apply PTree.elements_complete in H. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct peq. eq_some_inv. left. f_equal; auto.
    right. split. apply PTree.elements_correct; auto. easy.

  Lemma alloc_variables_perm_mono m e v e' m':
    alloc_variables e m v e' m' →
    ∀ b o p,
      Mem.perm m b o Cur pMem.perm m' b o Cur p.
    induction 1; auto.
    intros b o p H1. eapply IHalloc_variables.
    eapply Mem.perm_alloc_1; eauto.

  Lemma alloc_variables_perm' e m v e' m':
    alloc_variables e m v e' m' →
  ∀ b hi, In (b, 0, hi) (blocks_of_env e') →
          In (b, 0, hi) (blocks_of_env e) ∨ Mem.range_perm m' b 0 hi Cur Freeable.
    induction 1; intros b hi IN. left; exact IN.
    destruct (IHalloc_variables _ _ IN) as [IN'|R]; auto.
    clear IHalloc_variables.
    unfold blocks_of_env in IN'.
    rewrite in_map_iff in IN'. destruct IN' as (q & Hq & IN').
    apply in_elements_set in IN'. destruct IN' as [ -> | (IN' & Hq') ].
    2: left; apply in_map_iff; vauto.
    simpl in Hq. eq_some_inv. subst. right.
    intros o Ho. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2 in H; eauto.
    eapply alloc_variables_perm_mono; eauto.

  Corollary alloc_variables_perm m v e m':
    alloc_variables empty_env m v e m' →
    ∀ b hi, In (b, 0, hi) (blocks_of_env e) →
            Mem.range_perm m' b 0 hi Cur Freeable.
    intros H b hi H0.
    destruct (alloc_variables_perm' H b hi H0) as [K|K]. elim K. exact K.

  Lemma alloc_variables_env' e m v e' m':
    alloc_variables e m v e' m' →
    list_norepet ( fst v) →
    ∀ x y, PTree.get x e' = Some y
           PTree.get x e = Some yassoc x v = Some (snd y).
    induction 1. auto.
    intros NR x y H1. inv NR. destruct (IHalloc_variables H5 _ _ H1) as [K|K].
    rewrite PTree.gsspec in K. destruct peq. eq_some_inv. subst. right. simpl. rewrite dec_eq_true. reflexivity.
    left. exact K. simpl. rewrite dec_eq_false. auto.
    intro; apply H4. apply assoc_in in K. rewrite in_map_iff. subst. eexists; split; eauto; reflexivity.

  Corollary alloc_variables_env m v e m':
    alloc_variables empty_env m v e m' →
    list_norepet ( fst v) →
    ∀ x y, PTree.get x e = Some y
           assoc x v = Some (snd y).
    intros H H0 x y H1. destruct (alloc_variables_env' H H0 _ H1) as [X|X]; eauto. rewrite PTree.gempty in X. eq_some_inv.

  Lemma alloc_variables_load' e m v :
    ∀ e' m',
      alloc_variables e m v e' m' →
      ∀ x y,
        e' ! x = Some y
        e ! x = Some yMem.valid_block m' (fst y) ∧ ∀ o, ZMap.get o (Mem.mem_contents m') !! (fst y) = Undef.
    setoid_rewrite alloc_variables_alt.
    induction v as [|(id, sz) v IH] using rev_ind.
    intros e' m' H x y H0. compute in H. eq_some_inv. left. congruence.
    intros e' m' H x y H0.
    unfold alloc_variables' in H. rewrite fold_left_app in H.
    assert ((let '(e, m) := alloc_variables' e m v in let '(m₁, b₁) := Mem.alloc m 0 sz in (PTree.set id (b₁, sz) e, m₁)) = (e', m')) as H' by
    exact H.
    clear H.
    destruct (alloc_variables' e m v) as (ee, mm). specialize (IH _ _ eq_refl).
    destruct (Mem.alloc mm 0 sz) as (m₁, b₁) eqn: H₁. eq_some_inv. subst.
    rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0.
    destruct peq. eq_some_inv. subst.
    right. split. apply (Mem.valid_new_block _ _ _ _ _ H₁).
    intros o.
    Transparent Mem.alloc. unfold Mem.alloc in *. Opaque Mem.alloc.
    eq_some_inv. subst. simpl. rewrite PMap.gss. apply
    specialize (IH _ _ H0). destruct IH as [IH | [V IH]].
    left; exact IH.
    right. split. exact (Mem.valid_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H_ V).
    intros o.
    specialize (IH o).
    Transparent Mem.alloc. unfold Mem.alloc in *. Opaque Mem.alloc.
    eq_some_inv. subst. simpl. rewrite PMap.gso. exact IH. apply Plt_ne, V.

  Corollary alloc_variables_load m v e m':
    alloc_variables empty_env m v e m' →
    ∀ x y, e ! x = Some y
           Mem.valid_block m' (fst y) ∧ ∀ o, ZMap.get o (Mem.mem_contents m') !! (fst y) = Undef.
    intros H x y H0. destruct (alloc_variables_load' H _ H0); auto. rewrite PTree.gempty in *. eq_some_inv.

  Lemma alloc_var_inj m v :
    ∀ e' m', alloc_var m v = (e', m') →
             (Mem.valid_block mMem.valid_block m') ∧
             (∀ x y, e' ! x = Some yMem.valid_block m' (fst y) ∧ ¬ Mem.valid_block m (fst y)) ∧
             injective_mapx, fmap fst (e' ! x)).
    induction v as [|(id, sz) v IH] using rev_ind.
    intros e' m' H. compute in H. eq_some_inv. subst. split. easy.
    split; repeat intro; rewrite PTree.gempty in *; simpl in *; eq_some_inv.
    intros e' m' H. rewrite alloc_var_snoc in H.
    destruct (alloc_var m v) as (e₀, m₀). specialize (IH _ _ eq_refl).
    destruct (Mem.alloc m₀ 0 sz) as (m₁, b₁) eqn: H₁. eq_some_inv. subst.
    destruct IH as (M & V & IH).
    split. intros b B. eapply Mem.valid_block_alloc; eauto.
    split. intros x y H. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct peq. eq_some_inv. subst.
    split. exact (Mem.valid_new_block _ _ _ _ _ H₁). intros X.
    apply (Mem.fresh_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H₁), M, X.
    destruct (V _ _ H); intuition.
    apply (Mem.valid_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H₁). eauto.
    intros x x' a Ha Ha'.
    rewrite PTree.gsspec in *. destruct peq. simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst id a.
    destruct peq. easy.
    destruct (e₀ ! x') as [(?,?)|] eqn: Hx'; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subst.
    exfalso. generalize (proj1 (V _ _ Hx')). exact (Mem.fresh_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H₁).
    destruct peq. simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst.
    destruct (e₀ ! x) as [(?,?)|] eqn: Hx; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subst.
    exfalso. generalize (proj1 (V _ _ Hx)). exact (Mem.fresh_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H₁).
    exact (IH _ _ _ Ha Ha').

  Lemma alloc_variables_build vars m m' :
      alloc_variables empty_env m vars e' m' →
      ∀ x : PSet.elt,
        PSet.mem x ( (rev_map fst vars)) = dom x e'.
    rewrite rev_map_correct.
    induction vars as [|v vars IH];
      intros e1 E1; inv E1.
    clear. intros x. unfold dom, empty_env. rewrite PTree.gempty.
    apply not_true_is_false. rewrite (PSetOp.mem_build x nil). auto.
    intros x. rewrite (alloc_variables_dom H6), dom_set, eq_iff_eq_true.
    setoid_rewrite PSetOp.mem_build. simpl.
    unfold dom, empty_env.
    rewrite !Bool.orb_true_iff, in_app, <- in_rev, PTree.gempty.
    - intros [?|[?|[]]].
      destruct in_dec; intuition.
      destruct peq; intuition.
    - simpl. intros [[?|?]|?].
      destruct peq; intuition. discriminate. destruct in_dec; intuition.

  Remark create_undef_temps_undef l x :
    extendx, (create_undef_temps l) ! x) x = Vundef.
    simpl. generalize (create_undef_temps_get l x).
    destruct ((create_undef_temps l) ! x); intuition.

  Lemma push_frame_invariant vars :
    ∀ σ m tmp e m',
      alloc_variables empty_env m vars e m' →
      invariant ge (σ, m) →
      invariant ge ((tmp, e) :: σ, m').
    intros σ m tmp e m' Hal Inv. split.
    + (* local freeable *)
      intros t0 e0 [H|H] b hi H0.
      eq_some_inv. subst t0 e0.

      eapply (alloc_variables_perm); eauto.
      intros o Ho. eapply (alloc_variables_perm_mono); eauto.
      eapply Inv.(localFreeable); eauto.
    + (* local not global *)
      intros t0 e0 [H|H] x b y b' z H0 H1.
      2: exact (Inv.(localNotGlobal) _ _ H _ _ H0 H1).
      eq_some_inv. subst t0 e0.
      pose proof (Inv.(globalValid) _ H0) as X.
      pose proof (alloc_var_inj _ _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hal)) as (_ & Y & _).
      specialize (Y _ _ H1). destruct Y as [_ Y]. simpl in *. intros ->. exact (Y X).
    + (* local injective *)
      intros (f, x) (f', x') a. simpl.
      destruct (alloc_var_inj _ _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hal)) as (_ & Q & H).
      rewrite ! get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). intros ->. simpl.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). intros ->. simpl.
      intros H0 H1. f_equal. exact (H _ _ _ H0 H1).
      intros NE H0 H1. apply do_opt_some_inv in H0. destruct H0 as ((a' & al) & H0 & ?). simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst a'.
      specialize (Q _ _ H0). simpl in Q.
      apply do_opt_some_inv in H1. destruct H1 as (tee & Htee & H1).
      apply do_opt_some_inv in H1. destruct H1 as ((a' & al') & H1 & ?). simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst a'.
      apply get_stk_in in Htee. destruct tee as (te' & e'). simpl in *.
      assert (In (a, 0, al') (blocks_of_env e')) as Ha. unfold blocks_of_env. rewrite in_map_iff.
      eexists. split. 2: apply PTree.elements_correct, H1. reflexivity.
      elim (proj2 Q). eapply Inv.(localValid); eauto.
      intros NE.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). intros ->. simpl.
      intros H0 H1.
      apply do_opt_some_inv in H0. destruct H0 as ((te', e') & Htee & H0).
      apply do_opt_some_inv in H0. destruct H0 as ((a', al) & Ha & ?). simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst a'.
      apply do_opt_some_inv in H1. destruct H1 as ((a', al') & Ha' & ?). simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst a'.
      specialize (Q _ _ Ha'). simpl in Q. elim (proj2 Q). clear Q.
      apply get_stk_in in Htee. eapply (Inv.(localValid)); eauto.
      intros _.
      exact (Inv.(@localInj _ _) (f, x) (f', x') a).
    + (* global valid *)
      simpl. intros x b H.
      destruct (alloc_var_inj _ _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hal)) as (Q & _). apply Q.
      eapply Inv.(globalValid); eauto.
    + (* local valid *)
      simpl. intros t' e' [H|H] x b z H'. eq_some_inv. subst. apply (proj1 (alloc_variables_load Hal _ H')).
      destruct (alloc_var_inj _ _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hal)) as (Q & _). apply Q.
      eapply Inv.(localValid); eauto.
    + (* no integer fragment *)
      intros ab b H o.
      pose proof (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hal) as Hal'.
      destruct ab as [ f x | b' ].
      revert H. simpl.
      rewrite get_stk_cons.
      case Pos.eqb_spec. intros ->. simpl.
      destruct (e ! x) as [(b', s)|] eqn: Hb'; simpl; intro; eq_some_inv. subst b'.
      now rewrite (proj2 (alloc_variables_load Hal x Hb')).
      intros _ H. generalize (noIntFragment Inv (ABlocal f x) H o). simpl.
      assert (Mem.valid_block m b) as Hv.
      destruct (get_stk _ _) as [(t',e')|] eqn: HIN; simpl in H; eq_some_inv.
      apply get_stk_in in HIN.
      destruct (e' ! x) as [(b', z')|] eqn: HX; eq_some_inv; subst.
      apply (Inv.(localValid) _ _ HIN _ HX).
      rewrite (proj1 (proj2 (alloc_var_guts _ Hal' Hv))). exact id.
      generalize (noIntFragment Inv (ABglobal b') H o). simpl.
      assert (Mem.valid_block m b) as Hv.
      simpl in H. destruct (Genv.invert_symbol _ _) as [g|] eqn: Hg; eq_some_inv; subst b'.
      eapply Inv.(globalValid), Genv.invert_find_symbol, Hg.
      rewrite (proj1 (proj2 (alloc_var_guts _ Hal' Hv))). exact id.

  Lemma push_frame_sizes σ sz vars m t' e' m' :
    invariant ge ((t', e') :: σ, m') →
    list_norepet (map fst vars) →
    alloc_variables empty_env m vars e' m' →
    msizes_gamma ge σ sz
    m' ∈ sizes_gamma ge ((t', e') :: σ) (set_local_sizes (plength σ) vars sz).
    intros INV NR AL SZ.
    intros b hi perm vol b' H H'. rewrite set_local_sizes_get in H; auto.
    destruct b as [μ' x|b]; simpl in H'; eq_some_inv.
  - destruct (peq _ _).
    + subst. rewrite get_stk_length in H'. simpl in H'.
      destruct (e' ! x) as [(q, s)|] eqn: Hx; eq_some_inv. subst q.
      erewrite (alloc_variables_env AL NR) in H; eauto. simpl in H. inv H.
      eapply Mem.range_perm_implies.
      apply (alloc_variables_perm AL). unfold blocks_of_env. rewrite in_map_iff.
      eexists . split. 2: apply PTree.elements_correct, Hx. reflexivity. vauto.
      exact I.
    + rewrite get_stk_cons in H'. rewrite (proj2 (Pos.eqb_neq _ _)) in H'; auto.
      specialize (SZ _ hi perm vol b' H H').
      intros o Ho. apply (alloc_variables_perm_mono AL).
      exact (proj1 SZ _ Ho).
      exact (proj2 SZ).
  - generalize (SZ _ hi perm vol b' H H').
    apply do_opt_some_inv in H'. hsplit. eq_some_inv. subst b'.
    intros [X Y]. split.
    intros ofs Ho. eapply alloc_variables_perm_mono; eauto.

  Lemma push_frame_pt σ tmp e' ty :
    type_gamma (ptset_gamma ge σ) tytype_gamma (ptset_gamma ge ((tmp, e') :: σ)) ty.
    intros (); simpl; try easy.
    intros b i.
    destruct ty as [ | | | | | [ | ptr ] | [ | ptr ] | ];
      try exact id;
      intros (b' & Hb' & Hb); exists b'; split; [ exact Hb' | ];
      (destruct b' as [f' x|b']; simpl in *;
         [ apply do_opt_some_inv in Hb;
           destruct Hb as ((t'', e'') & H & Hb);
           apply do_opt_some_inv in Hb;
           destruct Hb as ((b', sz') & Hb & ?);
           eq_some_inv; subst b';
           rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ H); simpl; rewrite Hb; reflexivity
         now hsplit; eq_some_inv; subst; rewrite Hb

  Section ARGS_MATCH.
    Local Set Elimination Schemes.
    Variables (f: ident) (en : env) (tmp: temp_env) (σ: list (temp_env * env)) (m: mem) (ρn: cellmach_num).
    Inductive args_match : list exprlist vallist (type+⊤ * list (mexpr cell)) → Prop :=
    | AMnil : args_match nil nil nil
    | AMcons eargs vargs aargs e v ty ln me n :
        veval_expr ge en tmp m (expr_erase e) →
        vtoplift_gamma (type_gamma (ptset_gamma ge ((tmp, en) :: σ))) ty
        In me ln
        nN.ncompat vneval_mexpr ρn me
        (∀ x y, ACtemp x yme_free_var me → (x < Pos.succ (plength σ))%positive) →
        args_match eargs vargs aargs
        args_match (e :: eargs) (v :: vargs) ((ty, ln) :: aargs)

    Lemma am_a_cons_inv eargs vargs a aargs :
      args_match eargs vargs (a :: aargs) →
      ∃ e eargs' v vargs' ty ln me n,
        eargs = e :: eargs' ∧
        vargs = v :: vargs' ∧
        a = (ty, ln) ∧
        veval_expr ge en tmp m (expr_erase e) ∧
        vtoplift_gamma (type_gamma (ptset_gamma ge ((tmp, en) :: σ))) ty
        In me ln
        n ∈ (N.ncompat veval_mexpr ρn me) ∧
        (∀ x y, ACtemp x yme_free_var me → (x < Pos.succ (plength σ))%positive) ∧
        args_match eargs' vargs' aargs.
      inversion 1. repeat (econstructor (eauto)).

  Lemma load_undef {m b} :
    (∀ o, ZMap.get o (Mem.mem_contents m) !! b = Undef) →
    ∀ κ o, extend (Mem.load κ m b) o = Vundef.
    intros H κ o. simpl.
    generalize (Mem.load_result κ m b o).
    case Mem.load. 2: reflexivity.
    intros v Hv; specialize (Hv v eq_refl); subst v.
    destruct κ; simpl; rewrite ! H; reflexivity.

  Lemma ab_bind_parameters_sound e t σ m vars e' m' :
    invariant ge ((t, e) :: σ, m) →
    alloc_variables empty_env m vars e' m' →
    ∀ params eargs aargs vargs ρn,
    args_match e t σ m ρn eargs vargs aargs
    ∀ tmp tmp',
    bind_parameters params vargs tmp = Some tmp' →
    ∀ ab ab',
    am_get (ab_bind_parameters NumDom (Pos.succ (plength σ)) params aargs (ret (NotBot ab))) = Some ab' →
    mem_as_fun ge ((tmp, e') :: (t, e) :: σ, m) ∈ points_to_gamma ge ((tmp, e') :: (t, e) :: σ) (ab_tp ab) →
    ρn ∈ (compat (mem_as_fun ge ((tmp, e') :: (t, e) :: σ, m)) ∩ γ(ab_num ab)) →
    ∃ q,
      ab' = NotBot q
      ab_stk q = ab_stk ab
      ab_sz q = ab_sz ab
      mem_as_fun ge ((tmp', e') :: (t, e) :: σ, m') ∈ points_to_gamma ge ((tmp', e') :: (t, e) :: σ) (ab_tp q) ∧
      ∃ ρn', ρn' ∈ (compat (mem_as_fun ge ((tmp', e') :: (t, e) :: σ, m')) ∩ γ (ab_num q)).
    intros INV Hm'.
    induction params as [|id params IH];
    intros eargs aargs vargs ρn AM tmp tmp' BIND ab ab' AB_BIND TP (CPT & NM);
    destruct ab as (stk & sz & tp & nm).
    + destruct aargs; simpl in AB_BIND, BIND; unfold ret in AB_BIND; eq_some_inv. subst ab'.
      destruct vargs; eq_some_inv. subst tmp'.
      exists (stk, (sz, (tp, nm))). split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity. split; [|exists ρn;split]; auto.
    - intros c. generalize (TP c). simpl.
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get c tp) as [|ty]. exact id.
      destruct c as [f' x ofs|f' x|b ofs]; simpl.
      rewrite ! get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      destruct (e' ! x) as [(b,h)|] eqn: Hx. simpl.
      pose proof (alloc_var_inj _ _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hm')) as (_ & Y & _).
      specialize (Y _ _ Hx). destruct Y as [_ Y]. simpl in Y.
      rewrite (not_valid_block_load_None Y). intros H. apply type_gamma_inv' in H. contradiction.
      exact id.
      intros NE.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      destruct (e ! x) as [(b, h)|] eqn: Hx. simpl.
      assert (Mem.valid_block m b) as Hb. eapply INV.(localValid). left. reflexivity. exact Hx.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hm') Hb). exact id. exact id.
      intros NE'.
      destruct (get_stk f' σ) as [(t'', e'')|] eqn: Hf'. simpl.
      destruct (e'' ! x) as [(b, h)|] eqn: Hx. simpl.
      assert (Mem.valid_block m b) as Hb. eapply INV.(localValid). right. apply (get_stk_in Hf'). exact Hx.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hm') Hb). exact id. exact id. exact id. exact id.
      destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) eqn: B; auto.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hm') (INV.(globalValid) _ (Genv.invert_find_symbol _ _ B))).
      exact id.
    - intros c. generalize (CPT c). simpl.
      destruct c as [f' x ofs|f' x|b ofs]; simpl.
      rewrite ! get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      destruct (e' ! x) as [(b,s)|] eqn: Hx. simpl. intros _.
      pose proof (load_undef (proj2 (alloc_variables_load Hm' _ Hx)) (proj1_sig κ) ofs) as X. simpl in X. rewrite X. vauto. exact id.
      intros NE.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      destruct (e ! x) as [(b,s)|] eqn: Hx. simpl.
      assert (Mem.valid_block m b) as Hb. eapply INV.(localValid). left. reflexivity. exact Hx.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hm') Hb).
      exact id. exact id.
      intros NE'.
      destruct (get_stk f' σ) as [(t'', e'')|] eqn: Hf'. simpl.
      destruct (e'' ! x) as [(b, h)|] eqn: Hx. simpl.
      assert (Mem.valid_block m b) as Hb. eapply INV.(localValid). right. apply (get_stk_in Hf'). exact Hx.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hm') Hb). exact id. exact id. exact id. exact id.
      destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) eqn: B; auto.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) Hm') (INV.(globalValid) _ (Genv.invert_find_symbol _ _ B))).
      exact id.

    + destruct aargs as [|a aargs']. simpl in AB_BIND; unfold ret in AB_BIND; eq_some_inv.
      destruct (am_a_cons_inv AM) as
          (ex & eargs' & v & vargs' & ty & ln & me & n & -> & -> & -> & Def & EV & Vtp & Hme & (Ncpt & EVn) & Hfv & AM').
      assert (args_match e t σ m (upd ρn (ACtemp (Pos.succ (plength σ)) id) n) eargs' vargs' aargs') as AM''.
        clear -AM' Hfv.
        induction AM'. constructor.
        econstructor; eauto. eapply eval_mexpr_fv. 2: eassumption.
        intros x H7. unfold upd. destruct (eq_dec x); auto.
        subst. specialize (H5 _ _ H7). Psatz.lia.
      specialize (IH _ _ _ _ AM'' _ _ BIND).
      simpl in AB_BIND.
      assert (upd ρn (ACtemp (Pos.succ (plength σ)) id) n ∈ γ
        (union_list_mapne0, AbMachineEnv.assign (ACtemp (Pos.succ (plength σ)) id) ne0 nm) (NotBot nm) ln)).
      { rewrite union_list_map_correct.
        eapply union_list_correct. refine _. apply in_map, Hme.
        apply AbMachineEnv.assign_correct; eauto. }
      destruct (union_list_map _ _ _) as [|nm'] eqn: Hnm'. contradiction.
      specialize (IH _ _ AB_BIND).
      destruct IH as ((stk' & sz' & tp' & nm'') & -> & Hstk' & Hsz' & Htp' & Hq).
      * intros c. unfold ct_upd. rewrite ACTreeDom.gsspec. rewrite ct_forget_all_get.
        destruct (ACTree.elt_eq c). subst c. simpl.
        rewrite get_stk_cons, plength_cons. rewrite Pos.eqb_refl. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss.
        destruct ty. exact I. simpl. apply push_frame_pt; eauto.
        destruct in_dec. exact I.
        simpl. rewrite read_cell_upd.
        generalize (TP c). simpl.
        destruct (ACTreeDom.get). exact_, I).
        apply type_gamma_covariant, ptset_gamma_tmp. reflexivity.
        rewrite plength_cons. assumption.
      * split.
        eapply (N.compat_upd _x, x)); eauto.
        intros c. destruct (eq_dec _ _). subst. simpl.
        rewrite get_stk_cons, plength_cons, Pos.eqb_refl. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. exact eq_refl.
        rewrite read_cell_upd. auto. now rewrite plength_cons. auto.
      * simpl in *. subst. eexists (stk, (sz, (tp', nm''))). vauto.

A (concrete) block is valid given a stack iff in this block is allocated * either a global symbol s * or a local variable x of a function f
  Definition valid_block (stk: list (temp_env * env)) b : Prop :=
     (∃ s, Genv.invert_symbol ge b = Some s)
   ∨ (∃ t e x sz, In (t, e) stke ! x = Some (b, sz)).

  Lemma valid_block_tmp stk stk' :
    stacks_tmp stk stk' →
    valid_block stk' ⊆ valid_block stk.
    intros H b [Hb | Hb];[left; exact Hb|right].
    hsplit. apply (stacks_tmp_in H) in Hb.
    hsplit. vauto.

  Lemma pop_local_pt_get μ pt c :
    ACTree.get c (pop_local_pt μ pt) = do ty <- ACTree.get c pt;
    if if is_local_cell μ c
       then false
       else match ty with
            | (TyPtr (Just bs) | TyZPtr (Just bs)) =>
              negb (BSO.existsb (is_local_block μ) bs)
            | TyPtr All | TyZPtr All
            | TyFloat | TySingle | TyLong | TyInt | TyZero | TyIntPtr => true
    then Some ty
    else None.
    unfold pop_local_pt.
    rewrite ACTreeDom.SP.gfilter. auto.

  Lemma pop_frame_pt τ₀ ε₀ σ m m' (tp: points_to) c:
    (∀ b, bvalid_block σ →
          (∀ κ o, Mem.load κ m b o = Mem.load κ m' b o)
    ) →
    mem_as_fun ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ, m) c
               toplift_gamma (type_gamma (ptset_gamma ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ))) (ACTreeDom.get c tp) →
    mem_as_fun ge (σ, m') c
               toplift_gamma (type_gamma (ptset_gamma ge σ))
               (ACTreeDom.get c (pop_local_pt (plength σ) tp)).
    intros Hb.
    unfold ACTreeDom.get. rewrite pop_local_pt_get.
    destruct (ACTree.get c tp) as [ty|]. 2: exact id.
    destruct (is_local_cell _ c) eqn: GL. exact_, I).
    simpl. match goal with |- appcontext[ if ?b then _ else _ ] => remember b as case eqn: Hcase end.
    revert Hcase. case case; clear case.
    2: exact_ _, I).
    intros Hcase. symmetry in Hcase.
    destruct c as [f x ofs|f x|b ofs]; simpl in *.
    - destruct (eq_dec _ _); simpl in GL; eq_some_inv. clear GL.
      rewrite get_stk_cons. rewrite (proj2 (Pos.eqb_neq _ _)); auto.
      destruct (get_stk f σ) as [(t, e)|] eqn: Hv. 2: exact id. simpl.
      destruct (e ! x) as [(b, s)|] eqn: Hv'. 2: exact id. simpl. rewrite Hb.
      destruct (Mem.load (proj1_sig κ) m' b ofs) as [()|]; simpl; try exact id.
      destruct ty as [ | | | | | [ | ptr ] | [ | ptr ] | ]; try exact id;
      intros (b' & Hb' & Hb''); exists b'; (split; [ exact Hb' | ]);
      (destruct b' as [g y|b''']; simpl in *; eq_some_inv;
       [ | exact Hb'' ]);
      revert Hb''; rewrite get_stk_cons;
      (rewrite (proj2 (Pos.eqb_neq _ _)); [ exact id | ]);
      apply negb_true_iff in Hcase;
      rewrite BSO.existsb_forall in Hcase; specialize (Hcase _ Hb'); simpl in Hcase;
      clear -Hcase; intros ->; rewrite eq_dec_true in Hcase; simpl in *; eq_some_inv.
      right. repeat eexists. exact (get_stk_in Hv). exact Hv'.
    - destruct (eq_dec _). simpl in GL; eq_some_inv.
      rewrite get_stk_cons. rewrite (proj2 (Pos.eqb_neq _ _)); auto.
      destruct (get_stk f σ) as [(t, e)|] eqn: Hv. 2: exact id. simpl.
      destruct (t ! x) as [v|] eqn: Hv'. 2: exact id.
      destruct v; try exact id.
      destruct ty as [ | | | | | [ | ptr ] | [ | ptr ] | ]; try exact id;
      intros (b' & Hb' & Hb''); exists b'; (split; [ exact Hb' | ]);
      (destruct b' as [g y|b''']; simpl in *; eq_some_inv;
       [ | exact Hb'' ]);
      revert Hb''; rewrite get_stk_cons;
      (rewrite (proj2 (Pos.eqb_neq _ _)); [ exact id | ]);
      apply negb_true_iff in Hcase;
      rewrite BSO.existsb_forall in Hcase; specialize (Hcase _ Hb'); simpl in Hcase;
      clear -Hcase; intros ->; rewrite eq_dec_true in Hcase; simpl in *; eq_some_inv.
    - destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) as [s|] eqn: Hs. 2: exact id.
      rewrite Hb. simpl.
      destruct (Mem.load (proj1_sig κ) m' b ofs) as [()|]; simpl; try exact id.
      destruct ty as [ | | | | | [ | ptr ] | [ | ptr ] | ]; try exact id;
      intros (b' & Hb' & Hb''); exists b'; (split; [ exact Hb' | ]);
      (destruct b' as [g y|b''']; simpl in *; eq_some_inv;
       [ | exact Hb'' ]);
      revert Hb''; rewrite get_stk_cons;
      (rewrite (proj2 (Pos.eqb_neq _ _)); [ exact id | ]);
      apply negb_true_iff in Hcase;
      rewrite BSO.existsb_forall in Hcase; specialize (Hcase _ Hb'); simpl in Hcase;
      clear -Hcase; intros ->; rewrite eq_dec_true in Hcase; simpl in *; eq_some_inv.
      left. vauto.

  Lemma pop_frame_compat τ₀ ε₀ σ m m' :
    (∀ b, bvalid_block σ →
          (∀ κ o, Mem.load κ m b o = Mem.load κ m' b o)
    ) →
    compat (mem_as_fun ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ, m)) ⊆
    compat (mem_as_fun ge (σ, m')).
    intros Hb ρ H c.
    - generalize (H c). destruct c as [f x|f x|b]; simpl.
      + destruct (get_stk f σ) as [(t,e)|] eqn: Hv. 2: exact_, I).
        rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hv). simpl.
        destruct (e ! x) as [(b, s)|] eqn: Hv'. 2: exact id. simpl.
        rewrite Hb. exact id.
        right. repeat eexists; eauto. exact (get_stk_in Hv).
      + destruct (get_stk f σ) as [(t,e)|] eqn: Hv. 2: exact_, I). simpl.
        rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hv). exact id.
      + destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) eqn: Hv. 2: exact id.
          rewrite Hb. exact id.
          left. vauto.

  Lemma pop_frame_invariant τ₀ ε₀ σ m m':
    invariant ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ, m) →
    (∀ b, bvalid_block σ →
          (∀ lo hi p, Mem.range_perm m b lo hi Cur pMem.range_perm m' b lo hi Cur p) ∧
          (bMem.valid_block mbMem.valid_block m')
    ) →
    Mem.mem_contents m = Mem.mem_contents m' →
    invariant ge (σ, m').
    intros INV HB Hc.
    - intros t0 e H b hi H0. simpl. apply HB. simpl in H. right.
      unfold blocks_of_env in H0. rewrite in_map_iff in H0. destruct H0 as ((x & b' & s') & Hb' & Hx).
      simpl in Hb'. eq_some_inv. subst.
      apply PTree.elements_complete in Hx. repeat econstructor; eauto.
      eapply INV. right. exact H. easy.
    - intros t0 e H. eapply INV. right. exact H.
    - intros x x' a H H'.
      generalize (INV.(@localInj _ _) x x' a).
      destruct x as (f, x), x' as (f', x'). simpl in *.
      destruct (get_stk f σ) as [(t,e)|] eqn: Hte; eq_some_inv.
      rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hte).
      destruct (get_stk f' σ) as [(t',e')|] eqn: Hte'; eq_some_inv.
      rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hte').
      simpl in *. auto.
    - intros x b H. generalize (INV.(globalValid) _ H). simpl.
      refine (proj2 (HB _ _)).
      left. apply Genv.find_invert_symbol in H. vauto.
    - intros t0 e H x b z H0. apply HB. vauto2. eapply INV.(localValid); eauto. right. eassumption.
    - simpl.
      intros ab b H o.
      assert (block_of_ablock ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ) ab = Some b) as H'.
      { destruct ab as [ f x | b' ]. 2: exact H. simpl.
        rewrite get_stk_cons.
        case Pos.eqb_spec. 2: intros _; exact H.
        intros ->. exfalso. revert H. simpl.
        generalize (get_stk_lt (plength σ) σ).
        case get_stk. intros p X _; specialize (X _ eq_refl). apply Plt_ne in X. exact (X eq_refl).
        intros; eq_some_inv. }
      generalize (INV.(noIntFragment) ab H' o).
      simpl. rewrite Hc. exact id.

  Lemma pop_frame_sizes τ₀ (ε₀: env) σ m m' (sz: sizes) ε':
    invariant ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ, m) →
    (∀ b, bvalid_block σ →
          (∀ lo hi p, Mem.range_perm m b lo hi Cur pMem.range_perm m' b lo hi Cur p)
    ) →
    msizes_gamma ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ) sz
    m' ∈ sizes_gamma ge σ (clear_local_sizes (plength σ) ε' sz).
    intros INV HB SZ.
    intros b hi perm vol b'.
    rewrite clear_local_sizes_get.
    intros Hhi Hb.
  - eapply HB;[|eapply (SZ b hi perm vol b')];
    destruct b as [f x|b];
    simpl in Hb; unfold is_local in Hb; eq_some_inv; auto.
    destruct (get_stk f σ) as [(t,e)|] eqn: Hv; eq_some_inv.
    destruct (e ! x) as [(b,s)|] eqn: Hv'; eq_some_inv. right. subst. repeat econstructor. exact (get_stk_in Hv). exact Hv'.
    left. destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) eqn: Hs; eq_some_inv; subst. vauto.
    revert Hhi. destruct (peq _ f && PSet.mem x ε'). discriminate. auto.
    destruct (get_stk f σ) as [(t,e)|] eqn: Hv; eq_some_inv.
    now rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hv).
  - specialize (SZ b). destruct b as [ μ' x | g ].
    destruct (peq _ _).
    + clear SZ. simpl in Hb.
      generalize (get_stk_lt μ' σ). destruct (get_stk _ _).
      intros X. specialize (X _ eq_refl). subst. Psatz.lia. eq_some_inv.
    + simpl in Hhi. apply (SZ _ _ _ b' Hhi). simpl.
      rewrite get_stk_cons, (proj2 (Pos.eqb_neq _ _)); auto.
    + apply (SZ _ _ _ b' Hhi Hb).

  Lemma free_list_ex tmp env stk m :
    invariant ge ((tmp, env) :: stk, m) →
    ∃ m', Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env env) = Some m' ∧
          ∀ b, valid_block stk b
               (∀ κ ofs, Mem.load κ m b ofs = Mem.load κ m' b ofs) ∧
               (∀ lo hi p, Mem.range_perm m b lo hi Cur pMem.range_perm m' b lo hi Cur p) ∧
               (bMem.valid_block mbMem.valid_block m').
    intros INV.
    simpl in *.
    assert (∀ x x' b, fmap fst env ! x = Some bfmap fst env ! x' = Some bx = x') as INJ.
    { intros x x' b H H0.
      pose proof (INV.(@localInj _ _) (plength stk, x) (plength stk, x') b) as INJ'.
      simpl in INJ'. rewrite (get_stk_length) in INJ'. simpl in INJ'.
      specialize (INJ' H H0). eq_some_inv. assumption.
    assert (∀ x f' x' b b', fmap fst env ! x = Some b
                            (do t_e <- get_stk f' stk;
                             fmap fst (snd t_e) ! x') = Some b' →
                            bb') as INJ₀.
    { intros x f' x' b b' H H0 <-.
      pose proof (INV.(@localInj _ _) (plength stk, x) (f', x') b) as INJ'.
      simpl in INJ'. rewrite get_stk_length in INJ'.
      destruct (get_stk f' stk) as [(t,e)|] eqn: Hte; eq_some_inv.
      rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hte) in INJ'. simpl in INJ'.
      specialize (INJ' H H0). simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst.
      apply get_stk_lt in Hte. Psatz.lia.
    assert (injective_mapx_v : ident * positive,
            do t_e <- get_stk (fst x_v) stk;
            fmap fst (snd t_e) ! (snd x_v))) as INJ₁.
    { intros (f, x) (f', x'). simpl. intros a H H0.
      pose proof (INV.(@localInj _ _) (f, x) (f', x') a) as INJ'. simpl in *.
      destruct (get_stk f stk) as [(t,e)|] eqn: Hte; eq_some_inv.
      rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hte) in INJ'.
      destruct (get_stk f' stk) as [(t',e')|] eqn: Hte'; eq_some_inv.
      rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ Hte') in INJ'.
      simpl in INJ'. auto.
    generalize (INV.(localFreeable) _ _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    generalize (INV.(localNotGlobal) _ _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    setoid_rewrite (ptree_get_assoc env).
    generalizet e H, INV.(localFreeable) t e (or_intror H)).
    generalizet e H, INV.(localNotGlobal) t e (or_intror H)).
    setoid_rewrite (ptree_get_assoc env) in INJ.
    setoid_rewrite (ptree_get_assoc env) in INJ₀.
    generalize (PTree.elements_keys_norepet env).
    unfold blocks_of_env in *.
    generalize dependent (PTree.elements env).
    clear INV env.
    intros l.
    revert m.
    induction l as [|(x, (b, hi)) l IH]. intros m _ _ _ _. simpl. vauto.
    intros m INJ INJNR' LG LF LG' LF'.
    simpl in *. inv NR'.
    destruct ( m b 0 hi) as [m₁|] eqn: M₁.
    destruct (IH m₁) as (m' & M' & IH'); clear IH.
  + intros x0 x' b0 H H0.
    specialize (INJ x0 x' b0).
    assert (xx0).
    { intros ->.
      generalize (assoc_in x0 l). destruct (assoc x0 l).
      intros X. specialize (X _ eq_refl). apply H1.
      rewrite in_map_iff. eexists (x0, _). vauto.
      simpl in *. eq_some_inv.
    assert (xx').
    { intros ->.
      generalize (assoc_in x' l). destruct (assoc x' l).
      intros X. specialize (X _ eq_refl). apply H1.
      rewrite in_map_iff. eexists (x', _). vauto.
      simpl in *. eq_some_inv.
    rewrite !dec_eq_false in INJ; auto.
  + intros x0 f' x' b0 b' H H0.
    specialize (INJx0 f' x' b0 b').
    rewrite dec_eq_false in INJ₀.
    eauto. intros ->.
    generalize (assoc_in x0 l). destruct (assoc x0 l).
    intros X. specialize (X _ eq_refl). apply H1.
    rewrite in_map_iff. eexists (x0, _). vauto.
    simpl in *. eq_some_inv.
  + eauto.
  + eauto.
  + intros t0 e H b0 hi0 H0 ofs X.
    specialize (LF _ _ H _ _ H0 ofs X).
    eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left.
    rewrite in_map_iff in H0. destruct H0 as ((x' & b' & sz) & ? & H').
    simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst.
    cut (bb0). auto.
    apply in_get_stk in H. destruct H as (n & Hn).
    apply (INJx n x'). rewrite dec_eq_true. reflexivity.
    apply (In_norepet_assoc _ _ _ (PTree.elements_keys_norepet _)) in H'.
    rewrite Hn.
    simpl. rewrite ptree_get_assoc.
    simpl. unfold PTree.elt in *. now rewrite H'.
  + intros x0 b0 y b' z H H0.
    eapply (LG' _ _ y); try eassumption.
    rewrite dec_eq_false. eassumption.
    intros ->. apply H1.
    apply assoc_in in H0. rewrite in_map_iff.
    eexists (y, _). vauto.
  + intros b0 hi0 H ofs Hofs.
    eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left.
    rewrite in_map_iff in H. destruct H as ((x' & b' & sz) & H & H').
    simpl in *. eq_some_inv. intro; subst.
    destruct (eq_dec x x'). subst.
    apply H1. rewrite in_map_iff. eexists (x', _). vauto.
    specialize (INJ x x' b).
    apply (In_norepet_assoc _ _ _ H2) in H'.
    rewrite dec_eq_true, dec_eq_false in INJ; auto.
    unfold PTree.elt in *.
    rewrite H' in INJ.
    specialize (INJ eq_refl eq_refl).
    eapply LF'. vauto. eauto.
  + exists m'. split. easy.
    intros b0 [(s & H0)|( t & e & y & sz & LOC & H0)].
    - assert (b0b).
      { eapply LG'; eauto. apply Genv.invert_find_symbol; eauto.
        rewrite dec_eq_true. reflexivity. }
    * intros κ ofs. etransitivity. 2: eapply IH'; vauto. clear IH'.
      symmetry. eapply Mem.load_free; eauto.
    * intros lo0 hi0 p H'.
      eapply IH'. vauto.
      intros ofs Hofs; eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto.
    * intros H5. eapply IH'. vauto. eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto.
    - assert (b0b).
      {apply (in_get_stk) in LOC. destruct LOC as (f & Hf).
        generalize (INJx f y b b0). rewrite dec_eq_true. intros X.
        specialize (X eq_refl). rewrite Hf in X. simpl in *.
        rewrite H0 in X.
        specialize (X eq_refl).
        auto. }
    * etransitivity. 2: eapply IH'; eauto. clear IH'.
      symmetry. eapply Mem.load_free; eauto.
    * intros lo0 hi0 p H5.
      eapply IH'. vauto2.
      intros ofs Hofs; eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto.
    * intros H5. eapply IH'. vauto2. eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto.
    unfold in M₁.
    destruct Mem.range_perm_dec; eq_some_inv. intuition.

  Lemma nm_forget_all_weaken cells nm :
    γ(nm) ⊆ γ(nm_forget_all NumDom cells nm).
    induction cells as [ | c cells IH ] using rev_ind. exact_, id).
    intros ρ. unfold nm_forget_all. rewrite fold_left_app. simpl. fold (nm_forget_all NumDom cells nm).
    destruct (nm_forget_all _ _); intros K. exact (IH _ K).
    eapply (forget_correct'); eauto.

  Lemma pop_local_num_correct μ ε τ sz nm:
    γ nm ⊆ γ(pop_local_num NumDom μ ε τ sz (NotBot nm)).
eauto using nm_forget_all_weaken. Qed.

  Lemma ab_alloc_global_ex:
    ∀ ab gv id m ab' log,
      ab_alloc_global NumDom ge (Genv.perm_globvar gv) (gvar_volatile gv) (Mem.nextblock m) gv.(gvar_init) ab = (ab', (nil, log)) ->
      ∃ m', Genv.alloc_global ge m (id, Gvar gv) = Some m'.
    intros * EQ_AB. simpl.
    destruct (Mem.alloc m 0 (Genv.init_data_list_size (gvar_init gv))) eqn:EQ_ALLOC.
    assert (STORE:=EQ_ALLOC). eapply alloc_can_store in STORE. 2:apply init_data_list_size_pos.
    destruct STORE as [m' STORE]. rewrite STORE.
    erewrite <- Mem.alloc_result in EQ_AB by eauto.
    assert (PERM:=Mem.perm_alloc_2 _ _ _ _ _ EQ_ALLOC).
    setoid_rewrite (Genv.store_zeros_perm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE) in PERM.
    destruct (Genv.store_init_data_list ge m' b 0 (gvar_init gv)) as [m''|] eqn:STORELST.
    { setoid_rewrite (Genv.store_init_data_list_perm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STORELST) in PERM.
      destruct (Mem.range_perm_drop_2 m'' b 0 (Genv.init_data_list_size (gvar_init gv))
                                      (Genv.perm_globvar gv)).
      intro. apply PERM. eauto. }
    revert ab log EQ_AB PERM STORELST. generalize (gvar_init gv). clear.
    intros l ab. unfold ab_alloc_global.
    change (Genv.init_data_list_size l) with (0 + Genv.init_data_list_size l).
    apply am_bind_case.
    intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
    intros; eq_some_inv.
    intros. clear log EQ_AB ab'.
    revert ab m' x l0 H PERM STORELST.
    generalize 0 at 7 8 9 10.
    induction l as [|id idl].
    - simpl. discriminate.
    - simpl.
      change (id::idl) with ((id::nil)++idl)%list.
      intros z ab m' x.
      rewrite am_fold_app.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros x0 l H l0 H0 PERM STORELST.
      unfold am_fold in H. simpl in H. destruct x0.
      destruct (Genv.store_init_data ge m' b z id) eqn:EQSTORE.
      + assert (z0 = z + Genv.init_data_size id).
        { clear H0.
          match type of H with appcontext[if ?b then _ else _] => destruct b end.
          destruct id; try now inv H.
          destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); inv H; auto.
          inv H. }
        subst z0.
        eapply IHidl. 3:eauto.
        apply H0. intros.
        assert (PERM':Mem.perm m' b ofs k Freeable).
        { apply PERM. pose proof Genv.init_data_size_pos id. omega. }
        clear - EQSTORE PERM'. destruct id; simpl in EQSTORE;
        eauto using Mem.perm_store_1.
        inv EQSTORE. auto.
        destruct Genv.find_symbol. eauto using Mem.perm_store_1. discriminate.
      + clear IHidl. clear H0.
        pose proof (init_data_list_size_pos idl).
        destruct id; simpl in EQSTORE; [..|discriminate|destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i)];
        match type of EQSTORE with
          | ?c m' b z ?v = None =>
            destruct (Mem.valid_access_store m' c b z v); [
              split;[eapply Mem.range_perm_implies; [
                        repeat intro; eapply PERM;
                        unfold size_chunk, Genv.init_data_size in *;
                |apply Z.divide_1_l || (destruct Zdivide_dec; [auto|discriminate])]
          | _ => idtac
        destruct Zdivide_dec; discriminate.

  Lemma ab_alloc_globals_ex:
    ∀ gl b ab log, ab_alloc_globals NumDom ge gl = ((b, ab), (nil, log)) ->
    ∃ m, Genv.alloc_globals ge Mem.empty gl = Some m /\
         Mem.nextblock m = b.
    induction gl using rev_ind.
    - simpl. intros. inv H. eauto.
    - intros ab. unfold ab_alloc_globals.
      rewrite am_fold_app.
      apply am_bind_case.
      intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
      intros; eq_some_inv.
      intros [b ab'] log Hbab'. destruct (IHgl _ _ _ Hbab') as (m & Hm & Ham). subst b.
      erewrite <- Genv.alloc_globals_app; eauto. simpl.
      unfold am_fold. simpl.
      pose proof Genv.alloc_global_nextblock ge x m.
      destruct x as [id [gf|gv]]. simpl in *.
      + intros.
        destruct (Mem.alloc m 0 1) as [m' b0] eqn:EQm'.
        edestruct alloc_can_drop as [m'' Hm'']. eauto. rewrite Hm''.
        eexists. split. eauto. rewrite H. inv H0. auto. auto.
      + apply am_bind_case.
        intros; eq_some_inv; subst; eauto.
        intros; eq_some_inv.
        intros ab'' log' Hab'' b' log'' eq. eq_some_inv. subst.
        edestruct ab_alloc_global_ex as [m' Hm']; eauto.
        rewrite Hm'. eauto.

  Lemma init_mem_sound :
   ∀ (defs : list (ident * globdef fundef unit)) (a : option concrete_state),
   Init_Mem ge defs a → γ (AbMemSignatureCsharpminor.init_mem _ defs) a.
    intros defs a (prog & Hge & Hdefs & H). simpl. subst defs.
    unfold init_mem.
    eapply am_assert_spec. eauto. constructor. intro.
    apply am_bind_case. eauto. constructor. intros [b ab] log AAG. simpl.
    edestruct ab_alloc_globals_ex as (m & EQm & NEXT). eauto.
    erewrite H by eauto.
    rewrite Hge in EQm. apply norepet_map_iff in H0.
    eapply ab_alloc_globals_ok in AAG; eauto.
    destruct AAG.
    destruct ab as [|ab]. contradiction.
    destruct ab as (stk, (sz, (tp, nm))).
    destruct H2 as (? & ? & ? & ?).
    simpl in *. subst stk.
    split;[| | |split]; auto.
  + vauto.
  + intros _. split; try easy.
    intros x b0 Hb0. subst ge.
    eapply Genv.find_symbol_not_fresh; eauto.
    intros ab b0 H3.
    exact (init_mem_no_int_fragment prog EQm b0).

  Ltac ung :=
  match goal with
  | G : γ _ _ |- _ => unfold γ in G
  | G : t_gamma ?a ?b |- _ =>
    let STK := fresh "STK" in
    let INV := fresh "INV" in
    let SZ := fresh "SZ" in
    let TPNM := fresh "TPNM" in
    destruct G as [STK INV SZ TPNM]
  | G : ?NOTALLAll_ |- _ =>
    let HH := fresh "HH" in
    assert (HH:NOTALLAll) by discriminate;
    specialize (G HH);
    clear HH
  | G : stack_elt_gamma _ (_, _) |- _ =>
    destruct G
  | G : stack_elt_gamma _ ?a |- _ =>
    destruct a as (? & ?);
    destruct G
  | G : list_gamma _ _ (_ :: _) |- _ =>
    apply gamma_cons_inv in G;
    destruct G as (? & ? & ? & ? & G)
  | G : list_gamma _ (_ :: _) _ |- _ =>
    apply gamma_cons_inv_r in G;
    destruct G as (? & ? & ? & ? & G)
  | G : list_gamma _ nil _ |- _ =>
    apply gamma_nil_r in G
  | G : list_gamma _ _ nil |- _ =>
    apply gamma_nil_l in G
  | G : MemCsharpminor.tnum_gamma _ _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
    let TP := fresh "TP" in
    let ρn := freshn" in
    let CPT := fresh "CPT" in
    let NM := fresh "NM" in
    destruct G as (TP & ρn & CPT & NM)

  Lemma forget_temp_sound x t e stk m σ ab :
    ((t, e) :: stk, m) ∈ γ (Just σ, ab) →
    ∀ v, ((PTree.set x v t, e) :: stk, m) ∈ γ (forget_cell NumDom (Just σ, ab) (ACtemp (plength stk) x)).
    intros G v.
    destruct ab as ( sz & tp & nm ). ung. simpl in *. ung. subst.
    generalize (@forget_correct _ _ _ _ NumDom (ACtemp (plength stk) x) _ (N.compat_fun v) _ NM).
    unfold forget_cell.
    destruct (forget _ _) as [ | nm' ]. exact id. intros Hnm'.
    - vauto.
    - intros _. eapply invariant_tmp; eauto. vauto.
    - eapply sizes_gamma_tmp; eauto. vauto.
    - split; simpl.
      + intros c.
        rewrite ACTreeDom.gsspec. destruct (ACTree.elt_eq c _). exact I.
        generalize (TP c). simpl. rewrite (read_cell_upd); eauto.
        destruct (ACTreeDom.get c _). easy. simpl.
        apply type_gamma_covariant, ptset_gamma_tmp. vauto.
      + eexists. split; eauto.
        intros c. unfold upd. simpl. destruct (eq_dec c). subst. simpl.
        rewrite get_stk_length. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. apply N.ncompat_compat_fun.
        rewrite read_cell_upd; eauto.

  Lemma list_gamma_len {t B} {G: gamma_op t B} {x y} :
    list_gamma G x yplength x = plength y.
    intros H.
    2: refine (Forall2_indx y, plength x = plength y) _ _ H).
    now rewrite map_plength.
    intros x0 y0 l l' H0 H1 H2. rewrite ! plength_cons. congruence.

  Lemma noerror_correct e ab :
    match am_get (noerror NumDom ge max_concretize e ab) with
    | Some tt => ∀ tmp env stk m, ((tmp, env) :: stk, m) ∈ γ(ab) →
                                    ∃ v, eval_expr ge env tmp m (expr_erase e) vvVundef
    | None => True
    destruct ab as ([|[|(ε',τ') σ']], (sz, (tp, nm))); try exact I.
    unfold noerror. simpl.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
    simpl. intros ((tp', nm'), me) log ME tmp env stk m H.
    fold (γ (gamma_op:=t_gamma)) in H. ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst.
    generalize (nconvert_sound _ max_concretize _ eq_refl (env_ok _ _ H0) INV SZ (tp, nm) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))) e). simpl.
    rewrite (list_gamma_len STK) in ME.
    rewrite ME. intros (_ & NB).
    destruct (NoError.noerror_eval_expr_def NB) as (v & DEF & EV).

  Existing Instance UnitGamma.
  Lemma noerror_sound: ∀ e ab, Noerror ge eab) ⊆ γ (noerror NumDom ge max_concretize e ab).
    intros q ab.
    generalize (noerror_correct q ab). destruct (noerror _ _ _ q ab) as ((), ([|],?)).
    2: exact_ _ _, I).
    intros X a [t e s m H Nb]. specialize (X t e s m H).
    destruct X as (v & V & Def).
    specialize (Nb _ V Def). rewrite Nb; reflexivity.

  Existing Instance boolean_partitionning.

  Lemma assume_sound :
   ∀ (e : expr) (ab : t) (a : option (bool * concrete_state)),
   Assume ge eab) a → γ (assume _ ge max_concretize e ab) a.
    intros e ([|[|(ε,τ) σ]] & sz & (tp & nm)) cs ASSUME; try exact I.
    destruct ASSUME as [t' e' s m H K].
    ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst x x0.
    unfold assume. simpl.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
    intros ((tp', nm'), nc) log' NC.
    assert ( TN : (mem_as_fun ge ((t', e') :: s, m)) ∈ tnum_gamma _ ge ((t', e') :: s) (tp, nm)) by exact (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))).
    generalize (nconvert_sound _ max_concretize _ eq_refl (env_ok _ _ H0) INV SZ (tp, nm) TN (bool_expr e)).
    rewrite (list_gamma_len STK) in NC.
    simpl. rewrite NC. intros (MONO & NB).
    destruct (NoError.noerror_eval_expr_def NB) as (v & DEF & EV).
    assert (Hb:∃ b, v = Val.of_bool b ∧ ∃ v', eval_expr ge e' t' m (expr_erase e) v' ∧ Val.bool_of_val v' b).
      clear -EV DEF.
      assert (∀ v b, Val.cmp_bool Cne v (Vint = Some bVal.bool_of_val v b).
      { clear. intros [ | i | i | f | f | b i ]; simpl; intros; eq_some_inv.
        subst. constructor. }
      destruct e as [ ? | ? | ? | ? | op ? ? | ? ? ];
        try destruct op;
      simpl in EV; NoError.eval_expr_inv; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subst;
      unfold Val.cmp, Val.cmpu, Val.cmpf, Val.cmpfs in *;
      match goal with
        |- appcontext[ Val.of_optbool ?o ] =>
        let b := fresh in
        destruct o as [ b | ] eqn: K;
          [ | elim (DEF eq_refl) ];
          exists b; split;
          [ reflexivity | ];
          eexists; split; [ repeat (econstructor; eauto) | eauto ];
      unfold Val.cmp; rewrite K; simpl; bif; constructor.
      unfold Val.cmpu; rewrite K; simpl; bif; constructor.
      unfold Val.cmpf; rewrite K; simpl; bif; constructor.
      unfold Val.cmpfs; rewrite K; simpl; bif; constructor.
      unfold Val.cmpl in EV.
      destruct (Val.cmpl_bool _ _ _) eqn: K; simpl in EV; eq_some_inv; subst.
      eexists. split. reflexivity.
      eexists. split. repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
      unfold Val.cmpl; rewrite K; reflexivity.
      destruct b; constructor.
      unfold Val.cmplu in EV.
      destruct (Val.cmplu_bool _ _ _) eqn: K; simpl in EV; eq_some_inv; subst.
      eexists. split. reflexivity.
      eexists. split. repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
      unfold Val.cmplu; rewrite K; reflexivity.
      destruct b; constructor.
    destruct Hb as (b & -> & v' & EV' & Hb).
    specialize (K _ b Hb EV').
    rewrite K.
    set (f b := do z <- nassume NumDom b nm' id nc; NotBot (AbMem (Just ((ε, τ) :: σ)) sz tp' z)).
    fold (f true). fold (f false).
    apply boolean_partition. unfold f. clear f.
    destruct (tnum_m_stronger MONO (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) TN)) as (TP' & (ρn' & Nc' & NM')).
    generalize (nconvert_ex NumDom max_concretize ε sz eq_refl (env_ok _ _ H0) INV (tp, nm) TN (bool_expr e)).
    rewrite NC. simpl. intros (MONO' & lpe & Hlpe & X).
    specialize (X _ EV DEF TP' _ Nc' NM').
    destruct X as (pe & lme' & me & n & INp & Hpe & Hlme' & Hpn & INn & Hn & Hnty & ME).
    refine ((λ X Y, botbind_spec _ _ _ Y _ X) _ _).
    eapply nassume_correct.
    exact NM'. eauto.
    destruct b; inv Hn; exact ME.
    intros a' A'. constructor. red. simpl. econstructor; auto. auto. auto. split.

  Ltac ssubst :=
    match goal with
    | H : ?a = ?b |- _ => first [subst a | subst b]

  Lemma ab_eval_expr_correct (ab: @t num) stk m (G: (stk, m) ∈ γ ab) e :
    match am_get (ab_eval_expr _ ge max_concretize ab e) with
    | Some res =>
        match res with
        | NotBot (tn, ty, ln) =>
          tnum_mono NumDom ge stk (ab_nm ab) tn
          ∃ env tmp stk',
          stk = (tmp, env) :: stk' ∧
          ∀ ρ',
           ρ' ∈ compat (mem_as_fun ge (stk, m)) →
          ρ' ∈ γ(snd tn) →
          ∃ v, eval_expr ge env tmp m (expr_erase e) vvVundef
               v ∈ (toplift_gamma (type_gamma (ptset_gamma ge stk)) ty) ∧
               ∃ me n, In me ln
                       N.ncompat v n
                       (∀ x y : ident, me_free_var me (ACtemp x y) → (x < Pos.succ (plength stk'))%positive) ∧
                       eval_mexpr ρ' me n
          | Bot => False
    | None => True
    unfold ab_eval_expr.
    destruct ab as ([|[|(ε, τ) σ]] & sz & tp & nm); try exact I.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. vauto.
    intros ((tp', nm'), lpe) log LPE.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. vauto.
    intros lme log' LME.
    assert (TN : mem_as_fun ge (stk, m) ∈ tnum_gamma _ ge stk (tp, nm)) by exact (conj TP (ex_intro _ ρn (conj CPT NM))).
    simpl in *. ung. destruct x. subst. simpl in *.
    pose proof (env_ok _ _ H0) as Tmp.
    generalize (convert_to_me NumDom max_concretize _ (list_gamma_len STK) Tmp INV SZ (tp, nm) TN e).
    simpl. rewrite LPE. simpl. rewrite LME.
    intros (MONO & v & V & DEF & H).
    destruct (MONO _ (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM)))) as (TP' & NM').
    destruct lpe as [|pelpe].
    - hsplit. edestruct H; eauto. apply NM'; auto. hsplit. auto.
    rewrite union_list_map_correct.
    match goal with |- appcontext[ union_list _ (map ?f _) ] => set ( func := f ) end.
    Opaque union_list.
    simpl. split. exact MONO.
    eexists _, _, _. split. reflexivity.
    clear NM'.
    intros ρ' CPT' NM'.
    specialize (H TP' ρ' CPT' NM').
    destruct H as (pe & lme' & me & n & Hpe & Hv & Hme & Hlme & Hlme' & Nvn & Htn & Hn).
    exists v. split. exact V. split. exact DEF.
    pose proof (in_map func _ _ Hpe) as IN.
    apply (@union_list_correct (_+⊤) val All (toplift_gamma ((type_gamma (ptset_gamma ge ((t, e0) :: x0))))) _ _ _ _ v IN).
    eapply (pt_eval_pexpr_correct (list_gamma_len STK) _ Hv).
    clear -DEF. destruct v; apply (DEF eq_refl) || exact I.
    exists me, n. split. eauto. split. assumption. split. 2:now intuition.
    intros x y FV.
    destruct (N.nconvert_fv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NumDom sz _ _ _ _ Hme _ Hlme' _ FV) as (? & FV' & <- ).
    assert (HT:=convert_free_def NumDom max_concretize (plength σ) ε sz Tmp INV e (tp, nm) TN).
    rewrite LPE in HT. specialize (HT _ Hpe _ FV'). revert HT. simpl.
    generalize (TP (ACtemp x y)). simpl.
    destruct (get_stk _ _) as [ (?, ?) | ] eqn: Hk.
    intros _ _. generalize (get_stk_lt _ _ Hk). rewrite plength_cons. Psatz.lia.
    intros _ X. elim (X eq_refl).
    Grab Existential Variables. eauto.
    Transparent join.

  Lemma ab_eval_exprlist_correct ε τ σ m :
    ∀ eargs (ab: @t num) (Hstk: ab_stk abAll) (G: ((τ, ε) :: σ, m) ∈ γ ab),
      match am_get (ab_eval_exprlist NumDom ge max_concretize ab eargs) with
      | None => True
      | Some Bot => False
      | Some (NotBot (ab', aargs)) =>
        ab_stk ab = ab_stk ab' ∧
        ab_sz ab = ab_sz ab' ∧
        tnum_mono NumDom ge ((τ,ε) :: σ) (ab_nm ab) (ab_nm ab')
        ∀ ρn,
          ρncompat (mem_as_fun ge ((τ, ε) :: σ, m)) →
          ρn ∈ γ (ab_num ab) →
            ∃ vargs,
              eval_exprlist ge ε τ m ( expr_erase eargs) vargs
              args_match ε τ σ m ρn eargs vargs aargs
    induction eargs as [ | e eargs IH ]; intros ab Hstk G.
    - split. auto. split. auto. split. auto. apply tnum_mono_refl. intuition vauto2.
    - simpl.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      pose proof (ab_eval_expr_correct G e) as X.
      intros [ | (((tp, nm), ty), margs) ] log K; rewrite K in X.
      exact X.
      destruct X as (MONO & (i & j & k & ? & X)).
      eq_some_inv. subst i j k.
      apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      assert (t_gamma (with_tnum_ : tnum, (tp, nm)) ab) ((τ, ε) :: σ, m)) as G'.
        destruct ab as (stk & sz & tp₀ & nm₀). simpl in *.
        ung. simpl in *.
        unfold with_tnum. split; vauto; eauto.
        destruct (MONO _ (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ (noIntFragment (INV Hstk)))). split. auto. eauto. split. auto. eauto.
      specialize (IH (with_tnum_ : tnum, (tp, nm)) ab) Hstk G').
      intros [ | (ab', aargs') ] log' K'; rewrite K' in IH. exact IH.
      destruct IH as (? & ? & MONO' & IH).
      split. auto. split. auto.
      split. eauto using tnum_mono_trans.
      destruct ab' as (stk' & sz' & tp' & nm'). simpl in *.
      intros ρn CPT NM.
      destruct ab as (stk & sz & tp₀ & nm₀). simpl in *.
      ung. simpl in *. specialize (INV Hstk).
      destruct (MONO _ (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ (noIntFragment INV))) as
      (TPm & NMm). vauto.
      specialize (X ρn CPT (NMm _ CPT NM)).
      destruct X as (v & EV & Def & TY & me & n & Hme & Hvn & FV & MEV).
      specialize (IH ρn CPT).
      destruct IH as (vargs & Hvargs & IH'). apply NMm; eauto.
      exists (v :: vargs). split. vauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
  Global Opaque ab_eval_exprlist.

  Existing Instance stack_elt_gamma.
  Lemma assign_in_correct (μ: fname) (x: ident) (a: expr) (ab: t) stk m :
    (stk, m) ∈ γ(ab) →
    match am_get (assign_in NumDom ge max_concretize μ x a ab) with
    | Some ab' =>
        match ab' with
        | Bot => False
        | NotBot ab' =>
          ab_stk ab = ab_stk ab' ∧
          ab_sz ab = ab_sz ab' ∧
          ∃ env tmp stk',
          stk = (tmp, env) :: stk' ∧
          match get_stk_dep μ stk with
          | inleft H =>
            let 'exist ((pre, (tmp', env')), post) _ := H in
            ∃ v, eval_expr ge env tmp m (expr_erase a) vvVundef
                 (pre ++ (PTree.set x v tmp', env') :: post, m)%list ∈ γ(ab')
          | inright _ => True
    | None => True
    unfold assign_in, assign_cells.
    intros G.
    destruct ab as ([|?], ?). exact I.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
    intros res log Hres. simpl.
    generalize (ab_eval_expr_correct G a). rewrite Hres.
    destruct res as [ | (((tp, nm), ty), lme) ]. intros ().
    intros (MONO & ε₀ & τ₀ & σ & -> & H).
    ung. simpl in *.
    destruct (tnum_m_stronger MONO (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) TPNM)) as (TP' & ρn & CPT' & NM').
    specialize (H ρn CPT' NM').
    destruct H as (v & V & Def & Hty & me & n & INme & Cptn & _ & EVn).
    rewrite union_list_map_correct.
    unfold nm_upd_cells. simpl.
    assert (X:=union_list_correct (NotBot nm) (G:=gamma_bot mach_gamma)
                                  (map (nm_upd NumDom nm (ACtemp μ x)) lme)).
    setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in X.
    specializem, X _ m (ex_intro _ me (conj eq_refl INme))).
    assert (HX:γ (nm_upd NumDom nm (ACtemp μ x) me) (upd ρn (ACtemp μ x) n)).
    { eapply forget_all_correct. apply gamma_num_ext.
      { clear. intros [|m]. intros ? ? ? (). simpl.
        intros ρ ρ' x H H0. eapply forget_correct'; eauto. }
      eapply AbMachineEnv.assign_correct; try eassumption.
      intuition. }
    specialize (X _ HX). clear HX.
    destruct (union_list (NotBot nm) (map _ lme)) as [|nm']. simpl. exact X.
    simpl. split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity. eexists _, _, _. split. reflexivity.
    destruct (get_stk_dep) as [ IN | ].
    destruct IN as (((pre & (tmp', env')) & post), IN). simpl in IN.
    destruct IN as (STK' & IN & Hstk).
    apply Pos.eqb_eq in Hstk.
    rewrite <- (rev_involutive (_ ++ _ :: nil)) in IN.
    apply rev_inj in IN.
    rewrite rev_app_distr, rev_involutive in IN. simpl in IN.
    exists v. split. easy. split. easy.
    assert (∀ q, qACtemp μ xmem_as_fun ge ((τ₀, ε₀) :: σ, m) q = mem_as_fun ge (pre ++ (PTree.set x v tmp', env') :: post, m) q)%list as Hupd.
    { intros q H. rewrite IN.
      unfold temp_env in *.
      destruct q as [f y|f y|b];
      simpl. rewrite ! get_stk_app, ! plength_cons.
      case (Pos.ltb_spec); auto. intros LT.
      rewrite ! get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec); easy.
      rewrite ! get_stk_app, ! plength_cons.
      case (Pos.ltb_spec); auto. intros LT.
      rewrite ! get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec); auto. clear LT. intros ->.
      simpl. rewrite PTree.gso. easy. intros ->. subst. now apply H.
      reflexivity. }
    assert (mem_as_fun ge (pre ++ (PTree.set x v tmp', env') :: post ,m) (ACtemp μ x) = v)%list as Hupd'.
    { unfold temp_env in *. simpl. rewrite get_stk_app.
      simpl. case (Pos.ltb_spec). intros LT.
      rewrite get_stk_cons.
      rewrite Hstk, (Pos.eqb_refl). simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. reflexivity.
      rewrite plength_cons, Pplus_one_succ_l. Psatz.lia.
    split;[| | |split].
    destruct pre as [|(?, ?) pre].
    + ung. simpl in *; eq_some_inv; ssubst; vauto.
    + ung. simpl in *. eq_some_inv. ssubst. constructor.
      apply Forall2_app_inv_r in STK. hsplit.
      apply list_append_map_inv in H1. hsplit. ssubst.
      fold (map γ (l0 ++ l3)).
      rewrite map_app.
      apply Forall2_app. auto.
      inversion H; clear H. ssubst.
      symmetry in H1; apply map_cons_inv in H1. hsplit.
      ssubst. vauto.
    + intros _.
      eapply invariant_tmp. 2: eassumption.
      unfold stacks_tmp. rewrite IN, !map_app. reflexivity.
    + simpl. eapply (sizes_gamma_tmp). 2: eassumption.
      unfold stacks_tmp. rewrite IN, !map_app. reflexivity.
    + simpl. intros c.
      eapply ACTreeDom.gamma_set.
      eapply pt_forget_all_correct.
      eapply points_to_gamma_tmp. 2: eassumption.
      unfold stacks_tmp. rewrite IN, !map_app. reflexivity.
      intros. left. reflexivity.
      simpl. ssubst. rewrite get_stk_length'. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss.
      destruct ty as [|ty]. exact I.
      revert Hty.
      apply type_gamma_covariant, ptset_gamma_tmp.
      unfold stacks_tmp. rewrite IN, !map_app. reflexivity.
      exact Hupd.
    + exists (upd ρn (ACtemp μ x) n). split.
      eapply (N.compat_upd _ id); eauto.
      intros q. destruct (eq_dec q) as [ -> | ME]. auto. symmetry; apply Hupd; exact ME.
      apply X.
    + easy.

  Lemma assign_sound :
   ∀ (x : ident) (e : expr) (ab : t) (a : option concrete_state),
   Assign ge x eab) a → γ (assign NumDom ge max_concretize x e ab) a.
    intros x e ab a H.
    unfold assign.
    destruct ab as ([|[|(ε,τ) σ]] & sz & tp & nm); try (exact I).
    generalize (@assign_in_correct (plength σ) x e (Just ((ε,τ) :: σ), (sz, (tp, nm)))).
    fold stack. fold (@tnum num).
    destruct (assign_in _) as (ab', ([|], ?)). 2: intros; exact I. simpl.
    destruct H as [ tmp en stk m H Ha ].
    intros H'. specialize (H' _ _ H).
    destruct ab' as [|ab']. destruct H'.
    hsplit. subst. eq_some_inv. subst. ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst.
    destruct (get_stk_dep) as [ ( ((pre, (tmp', env')), post) & EQ ) | (_ & K) ].
    2: rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), get_stk_length in K; eq_some_inv.
    simpl in *.
    destruct EQ as ( EQ & IN & Hlen).
    rewrite <- (rev_involutive (_ ++ _ :: nil)) in IN.
    apply rev_inj in IN.
    rewrite rev_app_distr, rev_involutive in IN. simpl in IN.
    apply Pos.eqb_eq in Hlen.
    rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), get_stk_length in EQ. eq_some_inv. subst.
    erewrite Ha; eauto.
    destruct pre. simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst. easy.
    exfalso. clear - IN Hlen STK.
    simpl in *. eq_some_inv. subst.
    rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), plength_app, plength_cons in Hlen.
    simpl in *. rewrite Ppred_minus, Pplus_one_succ_r in Hlen.
    zify. rewrite Pos2Z.inj_sub in Hlen; Psatz.lia.

  Lemma assign_any_sound :
   ∀ (x : ident) (ty: typ) (ab : t) (a : option concrete_state),
   AssignAny x tyab) a → γ (assign_any NumDom x ty ab) a.
    intros x ty ab cs [ t e s m G (v & Hty' & ->) ].
    destruct ab as ([|[|(ε,τ) stk]] & sz & tp & nm); try exact I.
    unfold assign_any.
    ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst x0 x1.
    assert (mem_as_fun ge ((PTree.set x v t, e) :: s, m) ∈ upd_spec (mem_as_fun ge ((t, e) :: s, m)) (ACtemp (plength stk) x) v) as Hupd.
      intros c.
      case @eq_dec.
      intros ->.
      simpl. rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), get_stk_length. simpl. now rewrite PTree.gss.
      destruct c; simpl; auto;
      rewrite ! get_stk_cons;
      case (Pos.eqb_spec _ _); auto;
      intros -> NE;
      simpl. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. rewrite (list_gamma_len STK) in NE; congruence.
    assert (stacks_tmp ((t, e) :: s) ((PTree.set x v t, e) :: s)) by reflexivity.
    assert (ty <> VP -> ty <> VIP ->
        points_to_gamma ge ((PTree.set x v t, e) :: s) (ACTreeDom.set tp (ACtemp (plength stk) x) (Just match ty with VI => TyInt | VF => TyFloat | VS => TySingle | _ => TyLong end))
                            (mem_as_fun ge ((PTree.set x v t, e) :: s, m))) as PT'.
      eapply points_to_gamma_tmp; eauto.
      intros c. generalize (TP c). rewrite (Hupd c), ACTreeDom.gsspec.
      unfold eq_dec, ACellDec.
      destruct (ACTree.elt_eq c). 2: exact id.
      intros _.
      destruct ty; try congruence; apply gamma_typ_inv in Hty'; hsplit;
      subst v; exact I.
    assert (v ∈ γ ty) as Hty by exact Hty'.
    destruct ty; try exact I;
    apply gamma_typ_inv in Hty; hsplit;
    match goal with
    | |- appcontext[ AbMachineEnv.forget ?c ?nm ] =>
      generalize (AbMachineEnv.forget_correct c ρn (N.compat_fun v) _ NM);
      destruct (AbMachineEnv.forget c nm) as [|nm'];
      [exact id|simpl; intros Hnm; split; simpl; vauto]
    match goal with
    | |- sizes_gamma _ _ _ _ => eapply sizes_gamma_tmp; eauto
    | |- appcontext[invariant] => intros _; eapply invariant_tmp; eauto
    | |- appcontext[@γ tnum] => simpl
    | |- __ => split
    | |- appcontext[points_to_gamma] => apply PT'; discriminate
    | |- appcontext[ACTreeDom.gamma_tree gamma_typ] =>
      eapply ACTreeDom.gamma_set; eauto;
      [rewrite Hupd, dec_eq_true; subst v; vauto
      |intros; rewrite Hupd, dec_eq_false;easy]
    | |- ∃ _, _mach_gamma _ _ =>
      eexists; split;[|eassumption];
      (eapply (N.compat_upd _ id); eauto using N.ncompat_compat_fun)

  Lemma vload_sound : ∀ rettemp gofs κ args ab,
    VLoad ge rettemp gofs κ argsab) ⊆ γ (vload NumDom ge max_concretize rettemp gofs κ args ab).
    intros rettemp gofs κ args ab.
    pose proof (@ab_eval_expr_correct ab) as AEEC.
    unfold vload.
    apply am_assert_spec. easy. easy. intros Hchunk.
    match goal with
    | |- appcontext[ match ?x with _ => _ end ] => destruct x as [tgt | ] eqn: Htgt
    2: easy.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. easy.
    intros μ' log Hvol. apply check_volatile_sound in Hvol.
    destruct ab as ([ | [ | (ε,τ) stk] ] & sz & (tp & nm)).
    easy. easy.
    simpl in *.
    destruct Hvol as [ -> Hvol ].
    intros a [ t e s m G H' ].
    refine (let H := H' _ in _). now destruct κ.
    clear H'.
    ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst.
    destruct gofs as [ (g, ofs) | ].
    - (* global *)
      destruct args as [ | ? ? ]; eq_some_inv. subst.
      destruct Hvol as ( b & Hg & hi & perm & Hvol ).
      generalize (SZ (ABglobal b) hi perm true b Hvol).
      simpl. rewrite (Genv.find_invert_symbol _ _ Hg).
      intros Hsz; destruct (Hsz eq_refl) as (Hrange & Hvol'). clear Hsz.
      specializetr vres, H tr vres _ _ _ (conj eq_refl eq_refl) Hg).
      rewrite Hvol' in H.
      specialize (H (Events.Event_vload κ g ofs match κ with Mint64 => Events.EVlong | Mfloat64 => Events.EVfloat | Mfloat32 => Events.EVsingle | _ => Events.EVint end :: nil) (Val.load_result κ match κ with Mint64 => Vlong | Mfloat64 => Vfloat | Mfloat32 => Vsingle | _ => Vint end)).
      destruct H as (v & Hvdef & H' & -> ).
      destruct κ; easy || (repeat (econstructor; try eassumption)).
      simpl in *.
      destruct rettemp as [ r | ].
      rewrite (list_gamma_len STK).
      destruct κ; try easy; ( apply assign_any_sound || apply forget_temp_sound );
      repeat (econstructor; eauto);
      destruct v; (elim (Hvdef eq_refl) || exact H' || exact I).
      split; simpl; eauto; vauto.

    - (* local *)
      destruct args as [ | addr [ | ? ? ] ]; eq_some_inv; subst.
      destruct Hvol as ((tp', nm') & ty & ne & EV & Hvol).
      specializeG, AEEC ((t, e) :: s) m G addr). rewrite EV in AEEC.
      edestruct AEEC as (MONO & AEEC'). split; eauto; vauto.
      clear AEEC.
      destruct AEEC' as (i & j & k & ? & AEEC). eq_some_inv. subst i j k.
      destruct (tnum_m_stronger MONO (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))))) as (TP' & ρ' & CPT' & NM').
      specialize (AEEC ρ' CPT' NM').
      destruct AEEC as (v & Hv & Hvdef & Hty & ne' & n & Hne' & Hvn & Hn' & Hn ).
      destruct Hvol as (ptr & -> & Hvol).
      generalize (type_gamma_inv _ _ _ Hty).
      intros (b & i & -> & blk & Hblk & Hb').
      generalize (validate_volatile_ptr_in SZ Hvol _ Hblk).
      intros (g & b' & -> & Hg & Hvol').
      simpl in Hb'. rewrite (Genv.find_invert_symbol _ _ Hg) in Hb'. eq_some_inv. subst.
      specialize (H (Events.Event_vload κ g i match κ with Mint64 => Events.EVlong | Mfloat64 => Events.EVfloat | Mfloat32 => Events.EVsingle | _ => Events.EVint end :: nil) (Val.load_result κ match κ with Mint64 => Vlong | Mfloat64 => Vfloat | Mfloat32 => Vsingle | _ => Vint end) _ _ _ Hv Hg).
      rewrite Hvol' in H. destruct H as (v & Hvdef' & H' & -> ).
      destruct κ; easy || (repeat (econstructor; try eassumption)).
      destruct rettemp as [ r | ].
      rewrite (list_gamma_len STK).
      destruct κ; try easy; ( apply assign_any_sound || apply forget_temp_sound );
      repeat (econstructor; eauto);
      destruct v; (elim (Hvdef' eq_refl) || exact H' || exact I).
      split; simpl; eauto; vauto.

  Lemma store_sound α :
   ∀ (κ : memory_chunk) (dst src : expr) (ab : t)
   (a : option concrete_state),
   Store ge κ dst srcab) a
   → γ (store NumDom ge max_concretize α κ dst src ab) a.
    intros κ dst src ab a [ t e s m G H ].
    unfold store.
    match goal with
        |- γ (match ?κ0 with _ => _ end) _ =>
        remember κ0 as κ'
    destruct κ' as [κ''|]. 2:constructor.
    assert (κ = proj1_sig κ'').
    { destruct κ; inv Heqκ'; reflexivity. }
    subst κ. clear Heqκ'.
    destruct ab as ([|[|(ε,τ) σ]] & sz & tp & nm); try (exact I).
    simpl. apply am_assert_spec. easy. intros; exact I.
    intros Hcast.
    ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst x0 x.
    pose proof (deref_expr_correct NumDom max_concretize _ eq_refl (env_ok _ _ H1) INV SZ (Some α) (tp, nm) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))) κ'' dst) as DEREF.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. easy.
    intros ((tp', nm'), cells) log Hcells.
    rewrite (list_gamma_len STK) in Hcells. simpl in *. rewrite Hcells in DEREF.
    destruct DEREF as (TN' & NB & DEREF).
    apply NoError.noerror_eval_expr in NB. destruct NB as (v & Hv).
    specialize (DEREF _ Hv). destruct DEREF as (ab & b & i & -> & Habi & Hab & Hal).
    specializev m' S, H v _ m' S Hv).
    destruct cells as [|ccells]. elim Habi; fail.
    match goal with
    | |- appcontext[ am_rev_map ?f ?l ] =>
      pose proof (am_rev_map_correct f l) as CIB
    apply am_bind_case. easy. easy. intros TT log' Hcib.
    rewrite Hcib in CIB. destruct CIB as [_ CIB'].
    assert (∀ c, In c (c₀ :: cells) → ∀ b, block_of_ablock ge ((t, e) :: s) (ablock_of_cell c) = Some b
                                   Mem.range_perm m b (fst (range_of_cell c)) (fst (range_of_cell c) + size_chunk (proj1_sig κ'')) Cur Writable) as CIB.
      intros c IN b' Hb'.
      specialize (CIB' _ IN). destruct CIB' as (() & CIB' & _).
      apply (cell_in_bounds_range_perm CIB' SZ Hb').
    } clear CIB'.
    unfold assign_cells.
    match goal with
    | |- appcontext[ ab_eval_expr ?D ?G ?M ?ab ?e ] =>
      pose proofs m G, @ab_eval_expr_correct ab s m G e) as Hsrc
    specialize (Hsrc ((t, e) :: s) m).
    simpl in *.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
    intros q log'' Hq. rewrite Hq in Hsrc.
    destruct (tnum_m_stronger TN' (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))))) as (TP' & (ρn' & Nc' & NM')).
    destruct q as [|(((tp'', nm'') & ty) & ln)].
    destruct Hsrc. split; eauto; vauto.
    edestruct Hsrc as (MONO & Hsrc'). split; eauto; vauto.
    clear Hsrc.
    destruct Hsrc' as (j & k & l & ? & Hsrc); eq_some_inv; subst j k l.
    apply am_assert_spec. easy. intros; exact I.
    intros Htypes.
    destruct (tnum_m_stronger MONO (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP' (ex_intro _ _ (conj Nc' NM'))))) as (TP'' & ρ' & CPT' & NM'').
    specialize (Hsrc _ CPT' NM'').
    destruct Hsrc as (v & Hsrc & Def & Hvty & me & n & INme & Hvn & _ & Hn).
    specializem', H v m' Hsrc).
    destruct (Mem.valid_access_store m (proj1_sig κ'') b (Int.unsigned i) v) as (m' & Hm').
    { split. simpl.
      specialize (CIB _ Habi b). rewrite ablock_of_cell_from in CIB.
      specialize (CIB Hab).
      destruct ab; try exact CIB. simpl in Hab. eq_some_inv.
      exact Hal.
    } specialize (H m' Hm'). subst a.
    rewrite union_list_map_correct.
    set (l := map (nm_upd_cells NumDom nm'' (c₀ :: cells)) ln).
    assert (Val.load_result (proj1_sig κ'') v = v) as Hlr.
      clear -Htypes Hvty Hcast Hsrc.
      destruct ty as [| ty ].
      simpl in *; eq_some_inv.
      apply type_gamma_inv in Hvty.
      destruct ty; hsplit;
      destruct κ'' as [[] []]; eq_some_inv;
      intuition; hsplit; subst; try reflexivity;
      simpl; f_equal;
      destruct src; simpl in *; eq_some_inv;
      destruct u; eq_some_inv; NoError.eval_expr_inv; simpl in Hsrc; eq_some_inv;
      match goal with
      | H : appcontext[Val.sign_ext _ ?a] |- _ => destruct a; inversion H; clear H;
                                                  apply Int.sign_ext_widen; intuition
      | H : appcontext[Val.zero_ext _ ?a] |- _ => destruct a; inversion H; clear H;
                                                  apply Int.zero_ext_widen; intuition
    assert (loose_upd_spec
              (mem_as_fun ge ((t, e) :: s, m))
              (cell_from ab (Int.unsigned i, κ''))
              (mem_as_fun ge ((t, e) :: s, m'))) as Hupd.
      + destruct ab as [f x|b']; simpl in *.
        revert Hab.
        rewrite get_stk_cons. case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl.
        destruct (_ ! x) as [(b' & ?) | ]; intros; eq_some_inv. simpl. subst b'.
        rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ Hm'); auto.
        destruct (get_stk f _) as [(? & e')|]; intros; eq_some_inv. simpl.
        destruct (e' ! x) as [(b' & ?) | ]; eq_some_inv; subst b'. simpl.
        rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ Hm'); auto.
        destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b'); eq_some_inv; subst b'.
        rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ Hm'); auto.
        pose proof (Mem.store_valid_access_3 _ _ _ _ _ _ Hm') as [_ AL].
        intros [f x i' κ'|f x|b' i' κ'] DIS; simpl.
        * rewrite get_stk_cons.
          case (Pos.eqb_spec). intros ->. simpl.
          destruct (_ ! x) as [(b' & s') | ] eqn: Hb'; auto; eq_some_inv. simpl.
          destruct (Zdivide_dec (align_chunk (proj1_sig κ')) i') as [AL'|NA]. apply align_chunk_pos.
          2: rewrite !(misaligned_load NA); reflexivity.
          rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ Hm'). reflexivity.
            destruct ab as [f' x'|b'']; simpl in Hab; eq_some_inv.
            destruct (eq_dec b' b); auto.
            right. ssubst.
            assert ((plength s, x) = (f', x')).
              pose proof (INV.(@localInj _ _) (plength s, x) (f', x') b) as LOCALS. simpl in LOCALS.
              rewrite get_stk_length in LOCALS. simpl in LOCALS. rewrite Hb' in LOCALS.
              specialize (LOCALS eq_refl).
              revert LOCALS.
              revert Hab.
              rewrite get_stk_cons.
              case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
              destruct (_ ! x') as [(b', s'')|]; intros; eq_some_inv. subst b'.
              specialize (LOCALS eq_refl). congruence.
              destruct (get_stk f' _) as [(?, e')|]; eq_some_inv. simpl.
              destruct (e' ! _) as [(b', s'')|]; intros; eq_some_inv. subst b'.
              specialize (LOCALS eq_refl). congruence.
              intros; eq_some_inv.
            eq_some_inv. ssubst.
            destruct DIS as [DIS|DIS]. simpl in DIS. unfold is_true in DIS; hsplit; eq_some_inv.
            simpl in DIS. clear -DIS. intuition.
            apply do_opt_some_inv in Hab. destruct Hab as (sym & Hsym & Hab). eq_some_inv. subst b''.
            pose proof (INV.(localNotGlobal) _ _ (or_introl eq_refl)) as K.
            left. apply not_eq_sym. eapply K. apply Genv.invert_find_symbol, Hsym. exact Hb'.
          destruct (get_stk f _) as [(t' & e')|] eqn: He'; auto; eq_some_inv. simpl.
          destruct (e' ! _) as [(b' & s') | ] eqn: Hb'; auto; eq_some_inv. simpl.
          destruct (Zdivide_dec (align_chunk (proj1_sig κ')) i') as [AL'|NA]. apply align_chunk_pos.
          2: rewrite !(misaligned_load NA); reflexivity.
          rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ Hm'). reflexivity.
            destruct ab as [f' x'|b'']; simpl in Hab; eq_some_inv.
            destruct (eq_dec b' b); auto.
            assert ((f, x) = (f', x')).
              subst b'.
              revert Hab.
              generalize (INV.(@localInj _ _) (f, x) (f', x') b). simpl.
              rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ He'). simpl. rewrite Hb'. simpl.
              destruct (get_stk f' _) as [(?, e'')|]; intros; eq_some_inv. simpl in *.
              destruct (e'' ! x') as [(b', s'')|]; eq_some_inv. subst b'. auto.
            eq_some_inv. subst f' x'.
            destruct DIS as [DIS|DIS]. simpl in DIS; unfold is_true in DIS; hsplit; eq_some_inv.
            simpl in DIS. clear -DIS. intuition.
            apply do_opt_some_inv in Hab. destruct Hab as (sym & Hsym & Hab). eq_some_inv. subst b''.
            left. apply not_eq_sym. eapply INV.(localNotGlobal).
            right. eapply get_stk_in, He'.
            apply Genv.invert_find_symbol, Hsym. exact Hb'.
        * reflexivity.
        * destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b') as [sym'|] eqn: Hsym'; auto; eq_some_inv.
          destruct (Zdivide_dec (align_chunk (proj1_sig κ')) i') as [AL'|NA]. apply align_chunk_pos.
          2: rewrite !(misaligned_load NA); reflexivity.
          rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ Hm'). reflexivity.
            destruct ab as [f' x'|b'']; simpl in Hab; eq_some_inv.
            left. intros ->.
            revert Hab. rewrite get_stk_cons.
            case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
            pose proof (INV.(localNotGlobal) _ _ (or_introl eq_refl)) as GE.
            destruct (_ ! x') as [(?,?)|] eqn: Hex'; intro; eq_some_inv.
            eapply GE. eapply Genv.invert_find_symbol. eassumption. exact Hex'.
            destruct (get_stk f' _) as [(t',e')|] eqn: Hf's. simpl.
            destruct (e' ! x') as [(?,?)|] eqn: He'x'; intros; eq_some_inv.
            eapply INV.(localNotGlobal).
            right. eapply get_stk_in. exact Hf's.
            eapply Genv.invert_find_symbol. eassumption. exact He'x'.
            auto. intros; eq_some_inv.
            apply do_opt_some_inv in Hab. destruct Hab as (sym & Hsym & Hab). eq_some_inv. subst b''.
            destruct (eq_dec b' b); auto. right. subst b'.
            clear - AL AL' DIS.
            destruct DIS as [DIS|DIS]; simpl in DIS.
            unfold is_true in DIS; hsplit; eq_some_inv.
    setn'' := λ c, if cells_disjoint_dec (cell_from ab (Int.unsigned i, κ'')) c
                     then ρ'(c) else if eq_dec (cell_from ab (Int.unsigned i, κ'')) c
                                     then n
                                     else N.compat_fun (mem_as_fun ge ((t, e) :: s, m') c)).
    assert (Hρn''ρn:loose_upd_spec ρ' (cell_from ab (Int.unsigned i, κ'')) n ρn'').
    { clear. unfold ρn''. split. destruct cells_disjoint_dec as [K|K].
      elim (cells_disjoint_not_eq K eq_refl).
      rewrite dec_eq_true. reflexivity.
      intros y H. destruct cells_disjoint_dec. reflexivity.
      eapply cells_disjoint_overlap; eauto. }
    assert (Hρn'' : γ (union_list (NotBot nm'') l) ρn'').
    { eapply union_list_correct. refine _.
      subst l. rewrite in_map_iff. exists me. split. reflexivity. exact INme.
      unfold nm_upd_cells. rewrite union_list_map_correct.
      eapply union_list_correct; eauto. refine _.
      rewrite in_map_iff. vauto.
      eapply nm_upd_correct; try eassumption. }
    destruct (union_list (NotBot _) l) as [|nmo]. contradiction.
    split;[| | |split].
  - simpl. vauto.
  - intros _. split.
    + intros f t' e' H'.
      intros hi H o' Ho'.
      eapply Mem.perm_store_1. eassumption.
      eapply INV; eassumption.
    + eapply INV; eauto.
    + eapply INV.(localInj).
    + simpl.
      intros ? b0 H. eapply (Mem.store_valid_block_1) . eassumption. eapply INV; eauto.
    + intros t' e' H' ? b' z H. eapply Mem.store_valid_block_1; try eassumption.
      eapply INV.(localValid); eauto.
    + simpl.
      intros ab0 b0 H o.
      Transparent unfold in Hm'. Opaque
      destruct Mem.valid_access_dec; eq_some_inv. rewrite <- Hm'.
      generalize (INV.(noIntFragment) _ H o). simpl.
      rewrite PMap.gsspec. case peq. intros <-.
      assert ((o < Int.unsigned i \/ o >= Int.unsigned i + Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (encode_val (proj1_sig κ'') v))) \/ (Int.unsigned i <= o < Int.unsigned i + Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (encode_val (proj1_sig κ'') v)))) as Hr by Psatz.lia.
      destruct Hr as [ Hout | Hin ].
      * rewrite Mem.setN_outside. exact id. exact Hout.
      * intros _. generalize (Mem.setN_in _ _ _ (Mem.mem_contents m) !! b0 Hin).
        destruct (ZMap.get _ _) as [ | ? | () ? ? ]; try (intros; exact I).
        destruct κ'' as [() ()]; destruct v; simpl; try (intuition congruence);
        try (unfold inj_bytes; rewrite in_map_iff; intros ( ? & ? & ? ); discriminate).
      * intros _. exact id.
  - simpl.
    intros b' hi perm vol b'' Hhi Hb''. split. intros o' Ho'.
    eapply Mem.perm_store_1. eassumption.
    eapply SZ; eassumption.
    eapply SZ; eassumption.
  - refine (tp_upd_correct _ (c₀ :: cells) ty _ Habi TP'' Hupd).
    destruct ty as [ | ty ]. exact I.
    apply type_gamma_inv in Hvty.
    clear -Hvty Htypes.
    destruct ty;
    destruct κ'' as [[][]]; simpl in Htypes;
    eq_some_inv; hsplit; intuition; hsplit; subst;
    vauto; assumption.
  - exists ρn''.

  + unfold ρn''.
    intros c. specialize (CPT' c). simpl in *.
    destruct (cells_disjoint_dec).
    generalize (proj2 Hupd c). simpl. intros Y. rewrite Y. auto. auto.
    destruct (eq_dec (cell_from _ _) c). subst c. generalize (proj1 Hupd). simpl. intros ->. assumption.
    apply N.ncompat_compat_fun.

  + auto.

  Lemma vstore_sound : ∀ rettemp gofs κ args ab,
    VStore ge rettemp gofs κ argsab) ⊆ γ (vstore NumDom ge max_concretize rettemp gofs κ args ab).
    intros rettemp gofs κ args ab.
    pose proof (@ab_eval_expr_correct ab) as AEEC.
    unfold vstore.
    match goal with
    | |- appcontext[ match ?x with _ => _ end ] => destruct x as [(tgt, arg) | ] eqn: Htgt
    2: easy.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. easy.
    intros μ' log Hvol. apply check_volatile_sound in Hvol.
    intros a [ t e s m G H ].
    ung. simpl in *.
    destruct ab as ([ | [ | (ε,τ) stk] ] & sz & (tp & nm)).
    easy. easy.
    simpl in *.
    destruct TPNM as (TP & ρ & CPT & NM).
    ung. subst. eq_some_inv. subst.
    destruct Hvol as [ -> Hvol ].
    apply am_bind_case. easy. easy.
    intros abval log' Harg.
    generalizeG, AEEC ((t, e) :: s) m G arg). rewrite Harg. intros Hev.
    destruct abval as [ | (((tp', nm') & oty) & lne) ].
    destruct Hev. vauto2.
    destruct Hev as (MONO & Hev). vauto2.
    destruct Hev as (i & j & k & ? & Hev). eq_some_inv. subst i j k.
    destruct (tnum_m_stronger MONO (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))))) as (TP' & ρ' & CPT' & NM').
    specialize (Hev ρ' CPT' NM').
    destruct Hev as ( v & Hv & Hvdef & Hty & ne' & n & Hne' & Hvn & Hn' & Hn ).
    apply am_assert_spec. easy. easy.
    destruct oty as [ | ty ]. easy. intros Htyκ.
    assert (∃ v': Events.eventval,
               Events.eventval_match ge v' (AST.type_of_chunk κ) (Val.load_result κ v)) as v'.
    { apply type_gamma_inv in Hty.
      destruct ty, κ; eq_some_inv; hsplit; subst; vauto;
      try (destruct Hty; hsplit; subst; vauto);
      apply only_global_pointer_iff in Htyκ;
      destruct Htyκ as ( ptr' & -> & Hptr );
      match goal with
      | Hpt : γ (Just _) _ |- _ =>
        destruct Hpt as (ab & Hab & Habb); specialize (Hptr ab Hab);
        idtac end;
      destruct Hptr as (b' & -> & g' & Hg' & Hgp);
      simpl in *;
      rewrite Hg' in Habb; eq_some_inv; subst;
      eexists (Events.EVptr_global g' _); econstructor; eauto;
      apply Genv.invert_find_symbol, Hg'.
    destruct v' as (v' & Hv').
    destruct gofs as [ (g, ofs) | ].
    - (* global *)
      destruct args as [ | arg' [ | ? ? ] ]; eq_some_inv. subst.
      destruct Hvol as ( b & Hg & hi & perm & Hvol ).
      generalize (SZ (ABglobal b) hi perm true b Hvol).
      simpl. rewrite (Genv.find_invert_symbol _ _ Hg).
      intros Hsz; destruct (Hsz eq_refl) as (Hrange & Hvol'). clear Hsz.
      specializetr, H tr _ _ _ _ v (conj eq_refl (conj eq_refl eq_refl)) Hg Hv).
      rewrite Hvol' in H.
      refine (let H' := H (Events.Event_vstore κ g ofs v' :: nil) _ in _).
      clear H; subst a.
      destruct rettemp as [ r | ].
      + rewrite (list_gamma_len STK). apply forget_temp_sound. split; vauto; eauto.
      + split; eauto; vauto.

    - (* local *)
      unfold with_tnum. simpl.
      destruct args as [ | addr [ | arg' [ | ? ? ] ] ]; eq_some_inv; subst.
      destruct Hvol as ((tp'', nm'') & ptr' & ne & EV & Hvol).
      specializeG, AEEC ((t, e) :: s) m G addr). rewrite EV in AEEC.
      edestruct AEEC as (MONO' & AEEC'). split; eauto; vauto.
      clear AEEC.
      destruct AEEC' as (? & ? & ? & ? & AEEC). eq_some_inv. subst x x1 x2.
      destruct (tnum_m_stronger MONO' (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))))) as (TP'' & ρ'' & CPT'' & NM'').
      specialize (AEEC ρ'' CPT'' NM'').
      destruct AEEC as ( v'' & Hv'' & Hvdef' & Hty' & ne'' & n' & Hne'' & Hvn' & Hn'' & Hn''' ).
      simpl in *.
      destruct Hvol as (ptr & -> & Hvol).
      apply type_gamma_inv in Hty'.
      destruct Hty' as (b & i & -> & Hpt').
      destruct Hpt' as (blk & Hblk & Hb').
      generalize (validate_volatile_ptr_in SZ Hvol _ Hblk).
      intros (g & b' & -> & Hg & Hvol').
      simpl in Hb'. rewrite (Genv.find_invert_symbol _ _ Hg) in Hb'. eq_some_inv. subst.
      refine (let H' := H (Events.Event_vstore κ g i v' :: nil) _ _ _ _ v (conj eq_refl Hv'') Hg Hv _ in _).
      clear H.
      simpl in Hvol'. rewrite Hvol' in H'. subst a.
      destruct rettemp as [ r | ].
      + rewrite (list_gamma_len STK). apply forget_temp_sound. split; vauto; eauto.
      + split; eauto; vauto.

  Lemma push_frame_sound :
   ∀ (f : function) (args : list expr)
   (ab : t) (a : option concrete_state),
   PushFrame ge f argsab) a → γ (push_frame NumDom ge max_concretize f args ab) a.
    intros fn args.
    intros (stk & sz & (tp & nm)) cs (σ & m & H & NR & PF).
    ung. simpl in *.
    unfold push_frame. simpl.
    destruct stk as [|σ']. simpl. apply am_bind_case. easy. easy.
    intros [|(?,?)] ? ?. easy. destruct (ab_bind_parameters _) as (?, (?,?)); exact I.
    assert ( ∃ m1 e1, alloc_variables empty_env m fn.(fn_vars) e1 m1) as (m1 & e1 & H1).
      generalize fn.(fn_vars). intros l.
      generalize empty_env, m.
      induction l as [|(v,sz') l IH]. vauto2.
      intros e m'.
      destruct (Mem.alloc m' 0 sz') as [m'' b] eqn:AL.
      destruct (IH (PTree.set v (b, sz') e) m'') as (m1 & e1 & H1).
    specializevargs Hvargs, PF vargs Hvargs m1 e1 H1).
    simpl. apply am_bind_case. easy. easy.
    destruct σ as [|(t, e) σ].

  - (* empty stack: initial call to main *)
    specialize (PF _ eq_refl).
    simpl in STK. ung. subst σ'.
    generalize dependent (fn_params fn). intros [|] PF.
    specialize (PF _ eq_refl).
    subst cs.
    unfold ab_bind_parameters.
    destruct args. 2: easy.
    intros x log X; vm_compute in X. eq_some_inv. subst x.
    split; [| | |split].
    + hnf. simpl. constructor. 2: vauto.
      exact (alloc_variables_build H1).
    + simpl. intros _. eapply push_frame_invariant; eauto.
    + simpl. refine (push_frame_sizes _ NR _ _); eauto using push_frame_invariant.
    + intros c. generalize (TP c). simpl.
      destruct (ACTreeDom.get c tp) as [|bs]. exact id.
      destruct c as [f x ofs|f x|b ofs]; simpl.
      rewrite get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      destruct (e1 ! x) as [(b, h)|] eqn: Hx; auto. simpl.
      pose proof (load_undef (proj2 (alloc_variables_load H1 _ Hx)) (proj1_sig κ) ofs) as X. simpl in X. rewrite X. exact id. rewrite get_stk_nil. intros _. exact id.
      rewrite get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      generalize (create_undef_temps_get (fn_temps fn) x).
      destruct ((create_undef_temps (fn_temps fn)) ! x); intuition. subst; auto.
      rewrite get_stk_nil. easy.
      destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) eqn: B; auto. simpl.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) H1) (INV.(globalValid) _ (Genv.invert_find_symbol _ _ B))).
      destruct (Mem.load (proj1_sig κ) m b ofs) as [()|]; try exact id.
      intros Hty. apply type_gamma_inv' in Hty.
      destruct Hty as [ ([ | ptr ] & Hty & [ -> | -> ])| -> ];
        try exact I;
      destruct Hty as (q & Q & Q');
      (exists q; split; [ exact Q | ];
              destruct q; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; exact Q'
    + exists ρn. split; auto.
      intros c. generalize (CPT c). simpl.
      destruct c as [f x ofs|f x|b ofs]; simpl;
      try rewrite get_stk_nil;
      try rewrite get_stk_cons;
      intros X.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec); intros _. simpl.
      destruct (e1 ! x) as [(b,s)|] eqn: Hx. simpl.
      generalize (load_undef (proj2 (alloc_variables_load H1 _ Hx)) (proj1_sig κ) ofs). simpl. intros Y. rewrite Y. exact X.
      exact X. rewrite get_stk_nil. exact X.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec); intros _. simpl.
      generalize (create_undef_temps_get (fn_temps fn) x).
      destruct ((create_undef_temps (fn_temps fn)) ! x); intuition. subst; auto.
      rewrite get_stk_nil. exact X.
      destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b) eqn: B; auto.
      rewrite (alloc_var_load _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) H1) (INV.(globalValid) _ (Genv.invert_find_symbol _ _ B))).
      exact X.

    destruct args;
    intros x log X; vm_compute in X; eq_some_inv; subst x.
    exact I.

  - (* non empty stack. *)
    intros x log X.
    assert (ab_stk (Just σ', (sz, (tp, nm))) ≠ All) as Hstk by (simpl; congruence).
    generalize (@ab_eval_exprlist_correct e t σ m args _ Hstk).
    unfold tnum in *. rewrite X. clear X. simpl.
    intros H. destruct x as [ | (ab'' & ab_args) ].
    destruct H. split; eauto; vauto.
    destruct H as (EQstk & EQsz & MONO & Hargs). split; eauto; vauto.
    destruct (Hargs _ CPT NM) as (vargs & EVL & AM). clear Hargs.
    specialize (PF _ EVL).
    unfold with_stk. simpl.
    match goal with |- appcontext[ ab_bind_parameters ?D ?μ ?f ?a (NotBot ?t, (nil, _))] => set (ab' := t) end.
    specialize (INV Hstk).
    assert (((∀ t0, ∃ t1, bind_parameters fn.(fn_params) vargs t0 = Some t1) ∧ ∃ ab'', am_get (ab_bind_parameters NumDom (plength σ') fn.(fn_params) ab_args (ret (NotBot ab'))) = Some ab'')
            ∨ am_get (ab_bind_parameters NumDom (plength σ') fn.(fn_params) ab_args (ret (NotBot ab'))) = None) as T1.
      clear PF.
      setoid_rewrite bind_parameters_zip.
      generalize (NotBot ab'). clear ab'.
      revert args ab_args vargs AM EVL.
      generalize fn.(fn_params).
      intros formals.
      induction formals as [|id formals IH];
      intros args ab_args vargs AM EVL b; inv AM; simpl; vauto.
      specialize (IH _ _ _ H7). inv EVL.
      specialize (IH H13).
      match goal with |- appcontext[ ab_bind_parameters _ _ _ _ ?x ] =>
                      set (y := x) end.
      specialize (IH (fst y)).
      destruct IH as [ IH' | IH' ]; [ left | right ]; eauto.
      hsplit. split. intros t0. specialize (IH' (PTree.set id v t0)). eauto. eauto.
    simpl in T1. destruct T1 as [(T1 & Hab'')|T1].
    2: destruct (ab_bind_parameters _) as (?, ([|], ?)); simpl in T1; eq_some_inv; exact I.
    specialize (T1 (create_undef_temps fn.(fn_temps))). hsplit. specialize (PF t1 T1).
    rewrite PF; clear cs PF.
    destruct (ab_bind_parameters _ _ _ _ _) as (q,([|],?)) eqn: Q; simpl in Hab''; eq_some_inv; subst q.
    red. red. simpl. match goal with |- ?xgamma_bot _ _ => set (cs := x) end.
    assert (γ(ab_stk ab') (fst cs)) as G1.
    { subst cs ab'. simpl in *. ung. subst. simpl. constructor.
      exact (alloc_variables_build H1). vauto. }
    assert (invariant ge cs) as INV'.
      subst cs. refine (push_frame_invariant _ _ INV); eauto.
    specialize (MONO _ (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM)))).
    edestructK q, @ab_bind_parameters_sound e t σ m fn.(fn_vars) e1 m1 INV K fn.(fn_params) args ab_args vargs ρn q _ _ T1 ab')
      as ((stk' & sz' & tp' & nm') & -> & Hstk' & Hsz & Htp & ρn' & Hnm);
      simpl; eauto.
      rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), plength_cons in Q.
      rewrite Q; reflexivity.
      subst ab' cs. simpl. intros c. pose proof (proj1 MONO c) as X.
      simpl. destruct (ACTreeDom.get c _) as [|ty]. exact X.
      apply push_frame_pt; auto.
      revert X. simpl.
      destruct c as [f' x'|f' x'|b]; simpl.
      destruct (get_stk f' (_ :: σ)) as [ (?, ?) | ] eqn: X. simpl.
      rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ X). exact id. simpl. now intros K; apply type_gamma_inv' in K.
      destruct (get_stk f' (_ :: σ)) as [ (?, ?) | ] eqn: X. simpl.
      rewrite (get_stk_tail _ _ _ X). exact id. simpl. now intros K; apply type_gamma_inv' in K.
      exact id.
      subst ab' cs. simpl.
      split; auto.
      intros c; specialize (CPT c).
      destruct c as [f' x'|f' x'|b]; simpl in *.
      rewrite get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      destruct (e1 ! x') as [(b, h)|] eqn: Hx. simpl.
      pose proof (alloc_var_inj _ _ (proj1 (alloc_var_alt _ _ _ _) H1)) as (_ & Y & _).
      specialize (Y _ _ Hx). destruct Y as [_ Y]. simpl in Y.
      rewrite (not_valid_block_load_None Y). vauto. vauto.
      intros _. exact CPT.
      rewrite get_stk_cons.
      case (Pos.eqb_spec). simpl. intros ->.
      generalize (create_undef_temps_get fn.(fn_temps) x'). destruct ((create_undef_temps _) ! x').
      intros; hsplit; subst; vauto. intros _; vauto.
      intros _. exact CPT. exact CPT.
      apply (proj2 MONO ρn CPT); auto.
    split;[| | |split].
    + rewrite Hstk'. subst ab'. econstructor; eauto.
      eapply alloc_variables_build; eauto.
    + intros _. exact INV'.
    + generalize (push_frame_sizes INV' NR H1 SZ).
      rewrite Hsz. simpl.
      simpl in STK. rewrite (list_gamma_len STK). rewrite <- EQsz. exact id.
    + exact Htp.
    + exists ρn'. eauto.

  Lemma pop_frame_sound :
   ∀ (ret : option expr) (rettemp : option ident) (ab : t)
   (a : option concrete_state),
   PopFrame ge ret rettempab) a
   → γ (AbMemSignatureCsharpminor.pop_frame _ ret rettemp ab) a.
    Hint Resolve env_ok.
    intros ret rettemp (σ & sz & tp & nm) a H.
    destruct H as [ tmp env stk m H PF ].
    destruct σ as [|[|(ε₀,τ₀) σ]]. exact I. exact I.
    ung. simpl in STK. ung. eq_some_inv. subst x x0.
    destruct σ as [|(ε₁,τ₁) σ].

  - (* return from main *)
    destruct ret as [ret|]. 2: exact I.
    ung. subst.
    simpl. unfold pop_frame; simpl.
    generalizeG, @ab_eval_expr_correct (Just ((ε₀,τ₀) :: nil), (sz, (tp, nm))) ((tmp, env) :: nil) m G ret).
    match goal with
      | |- appcontext [am_get ?X] =>
        match goal with
          | |- appcontext [do ret' <- ?Y; _] => change X with Y;
            destruct Y as ([|(((tp', nm') & ty) & ln)], ([|],?))
    intros X; eelim X; split; eauto; vauto.
    intros _; exact I.
    2: intros _; destruct ty as [ | () ]; exact I.
    intros X.
    destruct ty as [|ty]. exact I.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I. intros () log Hty.
    edestruct X as (MONO & Y). split; eauto; vauto. clear X.
    destruct Y as (i & j & k & ? & X). eq_some_inv. subst i j k.
    destruct (tnum_m_stronger MONO (conj (Pun.mem_as_fun_pun_u8 _ _ INV.(noIntFragment)) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))))) as (TP' & ρ' & CPT' & NM').
    specialize (X ρ' CPT' NM').
    destruct X as (v & V & Def & TY & _).
    assert (TY' := type_gamma_inv _ _ _ TY). clear TY. simpl in TY'.
    assert (∃ i, v = Vint i).
    { destruct ty; eq_some_inv; hsplit; vauto. }
    hsplit. subst v.
    specializem' M', PF m' M' _ V _ eq_refl).
    destruct (free_list_ex INV) as (m' & Hm' & Hm''). specialize (PF _ Hm'). subst a.
    split;[| | |split].
  + vauto.
  + intros _. eapply pop_frame_invariant. eauto.
    intros b H; split.
    intros lo hi p H1. apply Hm''; assumption.
    apply Hm'', H.
    apply (free_list_contents Hm').

  + eapply pop_frame_sizes; eauto. simpl. eapply Hm''.
  + intros c. refine (pop_frame_pt tmp env m m' tp c _ (TP c)). eapply Hm''.
  + exists ρn. split; auto.
    refine (pop_frame_compat m' _ CPT). eapply Hm''.

  - (* regular case *)
    simpl. unfold pop_frame. simpl.
    destruct (free_list_ex INV) as (m' & Hm' & Hm''). specialize (PF _ Hm').
    destruct ret as [ret|].
    destruct rettemp as [rettemp|].
    + apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
      intros ab' log Hab'.
      generalize (@assign_in_correct (plength σ) rettemp ret (Just ( (ε₀,τ₀) :: (ε₁,τ₁) :: σ), (sz, (tp, nm)))).
      fold stack; fold (@tnum num).
      rewrite Hab'. simpl.
      intros X. specialize (X ((tmp, env) :: stk) m).
      refine (let K := X _ in _).
      econstructor; vauto. eauto. eauto.
      destruct ab' as [|(σ' & sz' & tp' & nm')]. destruct K. clear X.
      hsplit. simpl in *. subst sz' σ'. eq_some_inv. subst env0 tmp0 stk'. ung.
      destruct get_stk_dep as [IN|(NI & _)].
      2: clear - STK NI; rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), ! plength_cons in NI; simpl in *; apply Pos.leb_le in NI; Psatz.lia.
      destruct IN as (((pre & (tmp', env')) & post) & EQ & IN & Hlen).
      simpl in *.
      rewrite <- (rev_involutive (_ ++ _ :: _)) in IN.
      apply rev_inj in IN.
      rewrite ! rev_app_distr in IN. simpl in IN. rewrite rev_involutive in IN.
      rewrite (list_gamma_len STK) in EQ.
      generalize (get_stk_length' ((tmp, env) :: nil) x x0). simpl. intros X.
      rewrite X in EQ. clear X. eq_some_inv. subst.
      apply (Pos.eqb_eq) in Hlen.
      rewrite (list_gamma_len STK) in Hlen.
      destruct pre as [ | ? [ | ? ? ] ]; simpl in *; eq_some_inv; subst; simpl in *.
      rewrite plength_cons in *. Psatz.lia.
      2: clear -Hlen; rewrite plength_app, Ppred_minus, plength_cons, Pplus_one_succ_r in Hlen; zify; rewrite ! Pos2Z.inj_sub in Hlen; Psatz.lia.
      subst. clear STK SZ TP CPT NM ρn. ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst x x0. eq_some_inv. subst x1 x2.
      erewrite PF; eauto. clear PF.
      assert (∀ b : block, valid_block ((PTree.set rettemp v tmp', env') :: post) b
                           ∀ (κ : memory_chunk) (o : Z), Mem.load κ m b o = Mem.load κ m' b o) as Hb'.
      { intros b ?. refine (proj1 (Hm'' b _)). eapply valid_block_tmp; eauto. reflexivity. }
      assert (∀ b : block, valid_block ((PTree.set rettemp v tmp', env') :: post) b
                           (∀ (lo hi : Z) p, Mem.range_perm m b lo hi Cur pMem.range_perm m' b lo hi Cur p) ∧
                           (bMem.valid_block mbMem.valid_block m')) as Hb''.
      { intros b ?. eapply Hm''; eauto. eapply valid_block_tmp; eauto. reflexivity. }
      generalize (pop_local_num_correct (Pos.succ (plength σ)) ε₀ τ₀ sz nm' _ NM).
      destruct (pop_local_num _ _ _ _). intros (). intros NM'.
      constructor; vauto;[| |split].
      * intros _. eapply pop_frame_invariant; eauto.
        apply (free_list_contents Hm').
      * simpl.
        generalize (pop_frame_sizes ε₀ INV0x y, proj1 (Hb'' x y)) SZ).
        rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), plength_cons. exact id.
      * intros c.
        generalize (pop_frame_pt tmp env _ _ tp' c Hb' (TP c)).
        rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), plength_cons. exact id.
      * exists ρn. split. 2: exact NM'.
        generalize CPT. apply pop_frame_compat. exact Hb'.
    + match goal with |- context[ noerror ?D ?G ?N ?e ?ab ] => generalize (noerror_correct e ab) end.
      destruct (noerror _) as ((), ([|],?)).
      2: exact_, I).
      simpl in *. intros H. edestruct H as (v & V & Def). econstructor; simpl; eauto. vauto.
      intuition eauto. vauto. clear H.
      specialize (PF _ V).
      ung. subst. destruct x. subst. rewrite plength_cons.
      generalize (pop_local_num_correct (Pos.succ (plength σ)) ε₀ τ₀ sz nm _ NM).
      rewrite (list_gamma_len STK).
      destruct (pop_local_num _ _ _ _). intros (). intros NM'.
      constructor; vauto;[| |split].
      * intros _. eapply pop_frame_invariant; eauto. eapply Hm''.
        apply (free_list_contents Hm').
      * simpl. erewrite <- plength_cons.
        eapply pop_frame_sizes; eauto. simpl. eapply Hm''.
      * intros c. generalize (TP c). simpl. erewrite <- plength_cons.
        apply pop_frame_pt. eapply Hm''.
      * exists ρn. split. 2: exact NM'.
        generalize CPT. apply pop_frame_compat. eapply Hm''.
    + destruct rettemp. exact I.
      specialize (PF _ eq_refl). ung. subst. destruct x. subst. simpl in *.
      rewrite plength_cons.
      generalize (pop_local_num_correct (Pos.succ (plength σ)) ε₀ τ₀ sz nm _ NM).
      destruct (pop_local_num _ _ _ _). intros (). intros NM'.
      constructor; vauto;[| |split].
      * intros _. eapply pop_frame_invariant; eauto. eapply Hm''.
        apply (free_list_contents Hm').
      * simpl.
        generalize (pop_frame_sizes ε₀ INVx y, proj1 (proj2 (Hm'' x y)) ) SZ).
        rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), plength_cons. exact id.
      * intros c.
        generalize (pop_frame_pt tmp env _ _ tp cx y, proj1 (Hm'' x y) ) (TP c)).
        rewrite (list_gamma_len STK), plength_cons. exact id.
      * exists ρn. split. 2: exact NM'.
        generalize CPT. apply pop_frame_compat. eapply Hm''.

  Existing Instance ListIncl.
  Lemma deref_fun_sound :
   ∀ (e : expr) (ab : t) (a : option (ident * fundef)),
   DerefFun ge eab) a → γ (deref_fun NumDom ge max_concretize e ab) a.
    intros e ([|[|(ε,τ) σ]] & sz & (tp & nm)) fifd DF; try exact I.
    destruct DF as [ tmp en stk m H DF ].
    ung. simpl in *. ung. eq_some_inv. subst x x0.
    unfold deref_fun. simpl.
    apply am_bind_case. easy. intros; exact I.
    intros ((tp', nm'), cells) log Cells.
    generalizeU, @deref_expr_correct _ _ NumDom ge max_concretize _ ε sz en tmp _ stk eq_refl (env_ok ε en U) INV SZ None (tp, nm) (conj TP (ex_intro _ _ (conj CPT NM))) (exist _ Mint32 I) e).
    rewrite <- (list_gamma_len STK).
    rewrite Cells. simpl.
    intros X. edestruct X as (TN' & NB & Y); auto.
    destruct (NoError.noerror_eval_expr_def NB) as (v & DEF & EV).
    destruct (Y v EV) as (ab & b & i & Hv & Habi & Hab & Hal). clear X Y.
    intros (_ & L).
    destruct (L (cell_from ab (Int.unsigned i, exist _ Mint32 I)) Habi) as ((f, fd) & Hf & K); clear L.
    destruct ab as [|b']; try discriminate.
    simpl in Hf.
    simpl in Hab. destruct (Genv.invert_symbol ge b') eqn: IS; eq_some_inv. subst.
    destruct (Int.unsigned i) eqn: Hi; try discriminate.
    specialize (DF b f).
    destruct (Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b). 2: discriminate.
    inv Hf.
    apply (f_equal Int.repr) in Hi. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned in Hi. subst i.
    rewrite (DF _ EV eq_refl). exact K.
    apply Genv.invert_find_symbol, IS.

  Instance widen_mem_correct:
    widen_op_correct (iter_t +⊥) (t +⊥) concrete_state.
    - intros x a Ha. eapply botbind_spec, Ha. intros a' [ STK INV SZ TN ]. constructor; auto.
      destruct a' as (? & ? & ? & ?). destruct TN as (TP & NM). split; auto.
      destruct NM as (ρ' & A & B). eexists. split. eauto.
      apply init_iter_correct. auto.
    - unfold widen_mem. intros x y cs Hcs.
      destruct x as [|(stk & sz & tp & nm)]. contradiction.
      destruct Hcs as [ STK INV SZ (TP & ρ & CPT & NM) ].
      match goal with
      | |- context [?A ▽ ?B] => pose proof (widen_incr A B _ NM) as Q; destruct (AB)
      unfold ACTree.elt in *. destruct y as [|(STK' & SZ' & TP' & NUM')].
      + split.
        constructor; auto. split. auto. eexists. split. eauto. apply Q.
        eapply botbind_spec. 2:apply Q.
        constructor; auto. split. auto. eexists. split. eauto. auto.
      + match goal with
        | |- context [(match stk with All => All | Just STK0 => @?A STK0 end)] =>
          remember (match stk with All => All | Just STK0 => A STK0 end) as STK''
        cbv beta in HeqSTK''. unfold top_op in STK''.
        assertSTK'' (fst cs)).
        { destruct stk. subst. constructor. destruct STK'. subst. constructor.
          subst. apply list_widen_incr, STK. intros x y f Hf.
          apply (join_correct (join_op_correct := join_stack_elt_correct)). left. exact Hf. }
        assert (STK'' ≠ Allinvariant ge cs).
        { intros. apply INV. destruct stk. congruence. discriminate. }
        assert (sizes_gamma ge (fst cs) (sizes_widen sz SZ') (snd cs)).
        { unfold sizes_widen. apply sizes_join_correct. auto. }
        assert (points_to_gamma ge (fst cs) (points_to_widen tp TP') (mem_as_fun ge cs)).
        { apply ACTreeDom.join_tree_correct. refine _. auto. }
        * constructor. auto. auto. auto. split. auto.
          eexists. split. eauto. apply Q.
        * eapply botbind_spec.
          constructor. auto. auto. auto. split. auto.
          eexists. split. eauto. eauto. apply Q.

  Lemma mem_cshm_dom_correct:
    mem_dom_spec _ ge mem_cshm_dom t_gamma (gamma_bot iter_t_gamma).
    constructor; try (now refine _).
  - (* assign *)
    exact assign_sound.

  - exact assign_any_sound.

  - (* store *)
    exact store_sound.

  - (* assume *)
    exact assume_sound.

  - (* no error *)
    exact noerror_sound.

  - (* ab_vload *)
    exact vload_sound.

  - (* ab_vstore *)
    exact vstore_sound.

  - (* deref fun *)
    exact deref_fun_sound.

  - (* pop frame *)
    exact pop_frame_sound.
  - (* push frame *)
    exact push_frame_sound.
  - (* init_mem *)
    exact init_mem_sound.

End num.