Heverson B. Ribeiro
Address: IRISA/INRIA Rennes–Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE
Office: F329
Phone: +33 2 99 84 22 97
Email: {first_name}.{last_name}@inria.fr


Short Biography

I’m currently a Research Engineer at ASAP team at INRIA Rennes, where I am in charge of developing and evaluating a peer-to-peer version of an application called WhatsUp. WhatsUp is a news recommender system that organizes users into clusters and creates an implicit social network based on their explicit opinions.

I hold a PhD in Computer Science from Université de Rennes1 for a work performed at INRIA/IRISA under the supervision of Dr. Emmanuelle Anceaume, a Master Degree (MSc) in Applied Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-PR) in Brazil for a work performed at the Distributed Systems Group of PPGIA under the supervision of Dr. Lau Cheuk Lung, a Lato Sensu degree in Distributed Systems and Computer Networks, from the same university (PUC-PR) under supervision of Dr. Carlos Maziero, and an undergraduate degree of  Bachelor of Informatics (BSc) from Universidade Positivo in Brazil.

I have also spent few years in the industry in Brazil working for companies such that EMC², IBM, Positivo Informática, among others.


Research Interests

  • Large scale distributed systems;
  • Peer-to-peer networks;
  • Distributed data storage;
  • Recommendation systems;
  • Building/Evaluating experimental systems;



  • WhatsUp (a.k.a. Allyours): It is a news recommender system that organizes users into clusters and creates an implicit social network based on their explicit opinions. WhatsUp disseminates news items through a novel heterogeneous gossip protocol that biases the choice of its targets towards those with similar interests and amplifies dissemination based on the level of interest in every news item.
  • Gossiplib: It is a java library developed to simplify the effort of the devolopment and test of real-world and/or simulated gossip-based P2P applications.
  • Yalps: It is a java library created to help software engineers to quickly develop peer-to-peer applications. Applications like Planetlab and simulation written using YALPS can be run both in simulation and in real-world mode without changing a single line of code.



  • FreeRec: an Anonymous and Distributed Personalization Architecture. The Computing Journal – Springer Vienna – ISSN:0010-485X(Print). Authors: Boutet, A; Frey, D.; Jegou A.; Kermarrec A.M., RIBEIRO, H. B.


  • FreeRec: an Anonymous and Distributed Personalization Architecture. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems. NETYS2013, Marrakech, Morocco. Authors: Boutet, A; Frey, D.; Jegou A.; Kermarrec A.M., RIBEIRO, H. B.
  • A Comparative Study of Rateless Codes for P2P Distributed Storage. In Proceedings of The 12th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems. SSS 2010, New York City, USA. Authors: RIBEIRO, H. B. ; ANCEAUME, E.
  • Exploiting Rateless Coding in Structured Overlays to Achieve Data Persistence. n Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. AINA2010, Perth, Australia. Authors: RIBEIRO, H. B. ; ANCEAUME, E.
  • DataCube: a P2P persistent Data Storage Archicture based on Hybrid Redundancy Scheme. In Proceedings of 18th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing. PDP2010, Pisa, Italy. Authors: RIBEIRO, H. B. ; ANCEAUME, E.
  • SP2MS: A MANet-based P2P Service. In Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. HWISE 2010 (in conjunction with AINA 2010), Perth, Australia. Authors: VITHOFT, M.H. ; Santin, A.O. ; FREITAS,C. O. A. ; RIBEIRO, H. B.
  • Um serviço de gerenciamento seguro de conteúdos P2P. In Proceedings of the XXXVI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica. CLEI 2010, Asuncion, Paraguai. Authors: VITHOFT, M. H.; SANTIN, A. O.; MAZIERO, C. A.; RIBEIRO, H. B.
  • Uma arquitetura P2P Baseada em Chaves Públicas para Identicação, Autenticidade de Conteúdos e Reputação. . In Proceedings of the XXXVI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica. CLEI 2010, Asuncion, Paraguai. Authors: BRISOLA, N. L.; SANTIN, A. O.; LUNG, L. C.; RIBEIRO, H. B.>
  • A public-key-based architecture for p2p identication, content authenticity and reputation. . In Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Symposium on Frontiers of Information Systems and Network Applications. FINA 2009, Bradford, United Kingdom. Authors: BRISOLA, N. L.; Santin, A.O.; RIBEIRO, H. B.; LUNG, L. C.; VITHOFT, M.H.
  • Web2Peer: A Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure for Publishing, Locating and Replicating Web Pages on Internet. . In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems. ISADS2007, Arizona, USA. Authors: RIBEIRO, H. B.; LUNG, L. C.; BRISOLA, N. L.; Santin A.O.
  • Implementing a Peer-to-Peer Web Browser for Publishing and Searching Web Pages on Internet. . In Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. AINA2007. Authors: RIBEIRO, H. B.; LUNG, L. C.; BRISOLA, N. L.; Santin A.O.