ANR projects
- ANR-ERC Tremplin NDFUSION: Shaping the Dynamics of Network Diffusion Processes
- ANR Descartes: modular distributed computing model with theoretical guarantees.
- ANR O’ Browser: Fog Computing on Browsers.
- ANR PAMELA: Personalized and decentrAlized MachinE Learning under constrAints.
- ANR SocioPlug: Social Cloud over Plug Networks.
- ANR Blanc Displexity: DIStributed Computing: Computability and ComPLEXITY.
CominLabs projects
Past projects
- Brow2Brow: Browser-to-browser serverless toolboxes (ADT Inria project).
- Toward the AllYours start-up (EIT-ICT Labs, European project).
- AllYours: a Distributed Privacy-Aware Instant Item Recommender (ERC Proof of Concept, European project).
- Gossple: a Radically New Approach to Navigating the Digital Information Universe (ERC Starting Grant, European project).
- STREAMS: Solutions for Peer-to-peer Real-Time Social Web (ANR project).
- Shaman: Self-organizing and Healing Architectures for Malicious and Adversarial Networks (ANR project).
- SensLAB: Very large scale open wireless sensor network (ANR project). Partners: Inria, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie/LIP6, Thales, Univ. de Strasbourg/LSIIT.
- ReSIST: the Network of Excellence (NoE), Towards a global dependability and security framework (European project).
- Transform: Theoretical Foundations of Transactional Memory (European project).
- RNRT SVP (ANR project). Partners: Inria, CEA, LIP6, LPBEM, Thales, Aphicare, Institut Maupertuis.
- PucesCom (Regional project).
- P2PIMAGES (Regional project).
- SensTools: Sensor Network Toolbox (ADT Inria project). Partners: ASAP/Inria, ARES/Inria, P OPS/Inria.
- Malisse: Malicious Sensors (ARC project). Partners: ASAP/Inria, ARES/Inria, LPD/EPFL.
- Recall (ARC project). Partners: Inria Nancy, Inria Rocq, EPFL, University Montpellier.
- RNTL Solipsis (ANR project).
- Masse de données ALPAGE: Algorithmique des Plates-formes A Grande Echelle (ANR project). Partners: LABRI (Cepage), Orsay/LIX, Loria, Inria Rhone-Alpes (Grenoble, ENS Lyon).
- LAFMI project (International project). Partners: The Franco-Mexican Research Laboratory in Computer Science, with Professor Sergio Rajsbaum.