Anne Cuzol

IRISA, VISTA group --
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes, France

tel : + 33 2 99 84 25 47
fax : + 33 2 99 84 71 71
acuzol @

Research | Publications | CV


Current position

since Oct. 2003 : Ph.D thesis (Research ministry grant) with the VISTA group at the IRISA , Rennes, France
"Fluid motion analysis and tracking from image sequences" . Supervisor: Etienne Memin .

Educational background

2003 : DEA (pre-doctorate degree, equivalent to a master of science) in statistics, university of Rennes 1, France
2003 : Engineering degree from the ENSAI (National School of Statistics and Information Analysis), Rennes, France
2000 : Bachelor's degree in mathematics, Humboldt university, Berlin, Germany

Teaching experience
(teaching assistant)

2005 : Algebra, university of Rennes 2, associate degree level
2004 : Sampling theory, ENSAI, bachelor's degree level
2003 : Time series analysis, ENSAI, bachelor's degree level