En developpement et prototypes
Niveau supérieurCe sont les logiciels qui ne sont pas encore tout à fait mature, c'est à dire les prototypes et les logiciels en cours de développement.
Note : il se peut que certains prototypes ne soient pas listés dans la version Française du site, merci de consulter la version anglaise qui est généralement plus à jour.
- The Kompren language models and generates model slicers for any DSL and for different purposes. See on the new Kompren webpage for more information and files.
Requirements to Analysis
- The requirements to analysis model-driven platform
Implicit Control Flows Reverse Engineering
- Reversing Implicit Control Flows in UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams
Time Tools
Metamodel Coverage Checker
- A tool that evaluates the impact of AspectJ on test cases.
- A tool for testing pointcut descriptors.
Kompose project
- Generic model composition tool
- A mutation tool for AspectJ pointcut descriptors
Empirical Study on the Conjunct Usage of MOF and OCL
SysML to B translator - V&V for Systems Engineering
- Proprietary tool based on an alignment of SysML with the B Method
- Génération de tests à partir de l'expression des besoins
Meta-model Pruning Tool
- This tool prunes an input meta-model to give an effective meta-model containing only required classes and properties. It removes all other classes and properties except the obligatory dependencies.
Product Generation Tool
- This tool can generate all T-wise that conform to a feature model representing a software product-line. Created by, Sagar Sen Gilles Perrouin Jacques Klein