Publications in 2018
C. Baier, N. Bertrand, C. Dubslaff, D. Gburek, O. Sankur:
Stochastic Shortest Paths and Weight-Bounded Properties in Markov Decision Processes. Proc. of LICS'18.
Publications in 2017
C. Baier,
J. Klein, S. Klüppelholz, S. Wunderlich:
Maximizing the Conditional Expected Reward for Reaching the Goal, Proc. of
TACAS'17, LNCS 10206, pages 269-285, Springer, 2017.
N. Bertrand, S. Haddad,
E. Lefaucheux: Diagnostic et contrôle de la dégradation des systèmes
probabilistes. Proc. of MSR'17, 2017.
N. Bertrand, B. Genest, H. Gimbert. Qualitative determinacy and Decidability of Stochastic Games with Signals, Journal of the ACM 64(5), pages 33:1-33:48, ACM, 2017.
M. Randour,
J.-F. Raskin, O. Sankur: Percentile queries in multi-dimensional
Markov decision processes, Formal Methods in System Design 50(2-3),
pages 207-248, 2017.
Publications in 2016
C. Baier, S. Klüppelholz, H. de Meer, F. Niedermeier, S. Wunderlich.
Greener Bits: Formal Analysis of Demand Response, Proc. of ATVA'16,
LNCS 9938, pages 323-339, 2016.
C. Baier. Cost-utility analysis in probabilistic models,
Proc. of FASE'16, page 1, 2016.
N. Bertrand, S. Haddad and E. Lefaucheux. Diagnosis in
infinite-state probabilistic systems, Proc. of Concur'16,
LiPICS 56, pages 37:1-37:15, 2016.
N. Bertrand, S. Haddad and E. Lefaucheux. Accurate approximate
diagnosability of stochastic systems, Proc. of LATA'16, LNCS
9618, pages 549-561, 2016.
Earlier publications
M. Randour, J.-F. Raskin and O. Sankur. Percentile queries in multi-dimensional Markov decision processes, Proc. of CAV'15, pages 123-139, 2015.
D. Krähmann, J. Schubert, C. Baier and C. Dubslaff. Ratio and
weight quantiles, Proc. of MFCS'15, pages 344-356, 2015.
C. Baier, J. Klein, S. Klüppelholz and S. Märcker. Computing
conditional probabilities in Markovian models efficiently, Proc. of
TACAS'14, pages 515-530, 2014
C. Baier, C. Dubslaff, S. Klüppelholz, M. Daum, J. Klein, S. Märcker, and S. Wunderlich. Probabilistic model checking and non-standard multi-objective reasoning, Proc. of FASE'14, pages 116, 2014.
N. Bertrand, S. Haddad and E. Lefaucheux. Foundations of
diagnosis and predictability in probabilistic systems, Proc. of
FSTTCS'14, LiPICS 29, pages 417-429, 2014.
J.-F. Raskin and O. Sankur. Multiple-environment Markov decision processes, Proc. of FSTTCS'14, pages 531-543, 2014.
C. Baier and M. Ummels. Computing quantiles in Markov reward models,
Proc. of FoSSaCS'13, pages 353-368, 2013.
C. Baier, N. Bertrand and M. Grösser. Probabilistic ω-automata, Journal of the ACM 59(1): 1, 2012.
N. Bertrand and B. Genest. Minimal disclosure in partially observable Markov decision processes, Proc. of FSTTCS'11, pages 411-422, 2011.
N. Bertrand, B. Genest and H. Gimbert. Qualitative determinacy and decidability of stochastic games with signals, Proc. of LICS'09, pages 319-328, 2009.
C. Baier, N. Bertrand and M. Grösser. On decision problems for probabilistic Büchi automata, Proc. of FoSSaCS'08, pages 287-301, 2008.