Michel Banâtre,
Boris Charpiot, Valérie Issarny, Michel Le Nouy
Motivations and objectives
The ever-growing number of on-line multimedia services relating
to application fields as diverse as commercial, entertainment, and
education calls for distributed information systems that help the
end-user accessing available services. Most popular information
systems, also qualified as resource discovery services, are those
provided in the Internet such as the World-Wide Web, which is becoming
the dominant Internet Resource. However, the searching process is
burdened by the ever-increasing popularity of the Internet whose
performance is questionable at peak hours. Furthermore, the relevance
of the information varies from one server to another. In order to
provide qualitative access to on-line services, proprietary information
systems using private resources have been developed.
Our research aims at providing an information system that combines
the advantages of the above approaches, i.e. we want to provide
a system that gives access to a large number of services without
sacrificing the services' quality. The resulting system is called
ETEL (Edition TELématique) and relies
on a newspaper-based solution. More precisely, the entry point of
ETEL is an electronic newspaper service from which the user has
access to the usual content of a newspaper as well as to a set of
plugged-in interactive multimedia services that are either ETEL
or Internet-provided.
The ETEL newspaper service. The electronic newspaper service
is developed in close collaboration with a local newspaper editor.
Our goal in the design of an electronic newspaper is to provide
a service with the following features:
- Coupled production of paper and electronic editions, i.e. production
of the two versions from the same data,
- Presentation of the information that combines the advantages
of both the paper version and the electronic support (see a sample
141K), and
- Integrated view of newspaper-based information and links to
Addressing Quality of Service requirements. The electronic
newspaper service allows to meet the requirement of information
quality for distributed information systems. Those systems have
additional requirements relating to the access quality such as responsiveness,
scalability and availability. We are investigating end-to-end solutions
to the above requirements, i.e., we are devising dedicated solutions
at the levels of both ETEL's clients and servers.
Application domains
For years, Solidor group has been working in the framework of local
distributed client-servers systems. Some original and convincing
results have emerged especially related to performance and fault-tolerance.
Although these solutions, obtained in the context of a local-area
network, can not be applied directly to Internet, they provide a
reliable basis to work on the performance of Internet services.
Our research in this area has led to the development of an electronic
newspaper Etel. This application
provides readers with an electronic version of a newspaper, possibly
personnalized and readable on a personnal reading support. The following
issues have been addressed (i) quality of presentation with respect
to the paper version, and benefiting from electronic capacities.
(ii) access time to electronic information that must be equivalent
to the time needed to access information in a real newspaper and
finally the potentisl interaction that can be initiated between
the reader and the electronic newspaper depending on the reading
habbits of users. The goal of the first prototype, operational since
october 1996, was to demonstrate the automatic generation of electronic
editions from the current database of the newspaper. The second
prototype, just operational integrates the remote access of the
service by users as well a guaranteed access time for a restricted
number of clients. The third prototype will demonstrate the scalability
of our approach by considering a large number of clients.
Michel Banâtre, Valérie Issarny,
and Frédéric Leleu. ETEL: A Newspaper-Based
Distributed Informations System. In Proceedings of the
7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop: Systems Support for Worlwide
Applications, Connemara, Ireland, September 1996 (to appear).
You can download its postscript
version (613K).
Michel Banâtre, Valérie Issarny,
Frédéric Leleu, Boris Charpiot. Providing Quality
of Service over the Web: A Newspaper-based Approach. In
Proceedings of the 6th International World Wide Web Conference,
Avril 1997, Santa Clara, USA.
You can read the html
version (224K).