Stéphane Billiart, Christine Morin, Akhil Sahai
Motivations and objectives
The complexity of networks, distributed systems and applications
dictate the availability of management environments that allow monitoring
of the various available resources, dealing with failures of network
elements and ensuring security and good performance.
Astrolog is a distributed and integrated environment for network
and system management, designed for the management of the Astrolab
platform. Astrolab is an ATM LAN connecting heterogeneous workstations
and is used for experimenting distributed systems and applications
in the context of a research lab.
Astrolab is characterized by the heterogeneity of its elements
and of the operating systems running on its workstations. This diversity
is required by the different research prototypes implemented on
Astrolab. Thus, Astrolab experiences frequent reconfigurations depending
on prototyping activities. Moreover, all users of Astrolab are interested
in minimal management information such as, information about machine
configuration and network behaviour and performance.
Astrolog is intended for the management of LAN configurations and
its design goals are to build a light-weight, simple, portable,
evolving and distributed network and system management environment.
In Astrolog, no machine is dedicated to network and system management.
Astrolog is distributed on the Astrolab workstations.
Astrolog consists of a set of servers and managers communicating
with SNMP agents located on the managed network elements. Servers
communicate with SNMP agents to collect management information and
store this information either in a database or in files.
Managers provide the client side of management applications through
a Web interface. Dedicated management applets (charts, hierarchical
lists,...) are developped in Java. The number of servers depends
on the size of the network. Managers allow operators to do their
work through any workstation. Managers are equally intelligent and
act as domain managers being in charge of part of the network.
The major advantage of Astrolog approach is that the management
environment is highly portable and cost-effective. The Web interface
provide a uniform interface on any operating system running a browser.
As far as system management is concerned, we focus in Astrolog
in providing uniform management for heterogeneous operating systems
(different Unix OS and Windows NT). Astrolog favours the integration
of existing scripts and facilitates adding of new functionalities
as it is highly configurable.
Astrolog introduces the unique concept of Mobile Network Manager
(MNM). The MNM is a manager executing on a portable computer which
can be connected to the managed network through a phone line or
by a wireless network. To cope with frequent disconnections, communication
costs and poor resources of portable computers, management functions
are implemented using the mobile agent technology.
MAGENTA (Mobile AGENT environment for distributed Applications)
is our local mobile agent environment written in Java. The MAGENTA
environment essentially comprises of the lieus and agents. The lieus
are static program capable of launching, receiving and providing
residence to the agents while agents are mobile programs which move
between these lieus. The lieus are integrated with the management
components like the managers, and SNMP agents and provide them the
capability of utilizing mobile agents and of allowing the agents
to access the local resources, if necessary. Agents exhibit the
characteristics of autonomy, mobility, social ability, reactivity
and proactivity.
The implementation of Astrolog is in progress. The technologies
currently involved in Astrolog are SNMP, mobile computing, mobile
agents and Java.
Astrolog servers rely on the ISM
OpenMaster framework.
Akhil Sahai, Christine Morin. Enabling a
Mobile Network Manager through Mobile Agents In Proceedings
of the Mobile Agents'98 (and Lecture Notes on Computer Science),
Sept 1998, Stuttgart, Germany.
full version
Akhil Sahai, Christine Morin. Mobile Agents
Enhanced Thin Client Approach to Network Management In Proceedings
of the IEEE SICON 98, July 1998, Singapore.
full version
Akhil Sahai, Christine Morin. Mobile Agents
for Enabling Mobile User Aware Applications. In Proceedings
of the Second International Confernce ACM Autonomous Agents
(Agents 98), May 1998, Minneapolis/St.Paul, USA.
full version
Akhil Sahai, Christine Morin. Towards Distributed
and Dynamic Network Management. In Proceedings of the
IEEE/IFIP Network Operation and Management Symposium (NOMS)
February 1998, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA.
You can download the gziped
postscript version (51K) of the presentation.
You can also download the gziped
postscript version (71K) of the paper.
Stéphane Billiart, Christine Morin Administration
système à partir d'un navigateur web. Compte
rendu des 2ème journées réseaux JRES97,
pp 339-346, Octobre 1997, La Rochelle, France.
You can download the full
version, french only (pdf, 251K)
Akhil Sahai, Christine Morin, Stéphane
Billiart. Intelligent agents for a Mobile Network Manager
(MNM). In Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International
Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligence in Networks
(2IN'97), September 1997, Paris, France.
You can read the abstract
of the paper, or download its postscript
version (71K).
Akhil Sahai, Stéphane Billiart, Christine
Morin. A Portable and Mobile manager for Distributed System
Management. In Proceedings of the Third Joint Conference
on Information Sciences, March 1997, Raleigh, North Carolina,
You can read the abstract
of the paper.
Akhil Sahai, Stéphane Billiart, Christine
Morin. Astrolog: A Distributed and Dynamic Environment for
Network and System Management. In Proceedings of the
1st European Information Infrastructure User Conference,
February 1997, Stuttgart, Germany.
You can read the abstract
of the paper, or download its postscript
version (46K).
Astrolog is being caried out in the context of Dyade,
an industrial collaboration with Bull.
You can visit the Astrolog
page on the Dyade server.
Serge LASSABE contributes to the development of the project.