Emmanuelle Anceaume. A Lightweight Solution
to Uniform Atomic Broadcast for Asynchronous Systems: proofs
IRISA Research Report No.1066, November 1996.
abstract (HTML), full
version (gziped postscript, 154K).
Manuel Billot, Valérie Issarny, Isabelle
Puaut, Michel Banâtre. A proposal for ensuring high
availability of distributed multimedia applications. In
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Reliable
Distributed Systems, Canada, October 1996.
abstract (HTML), full
version (gziped postscript, 121K).
Valérie Issarny, Christophe Bidan, and
Titos Saridakis. Designing an Open-ended Distributed File
System in Aster. In Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems,
France, September 1996.
abstract (HTML), full
version (gziped postscript, 44K).
Valérie Issarny and Christophe Bidan.
Aster: A Framework for Sound Customization of Distributed
Runtime Systems. In Proceedings of the 16th International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1996.
abstract (HTML),
full version (gziped
postscript, 58K).
Valérie Issarny and Christophe Bidan.
Aster: A CORBA-based Software Interconnection System Supporting
Distributed System Customization. In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems,
abstract (HTML),
full version (gziped
postscript, 83K).
Manuel Billot, Valérie Issarny, Isabelle
Puaut, Michel Banâtre. Ensuring High Availability of
Distributed Multimedia Applications. In Proceedings of
the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mulimedia Compuing
and Systems. Hiroshima, Japan, June 1996.
abstract (HTML), full
version (gziped postscript, 18K).
Christine Morin, Alain Gefflaut, Michel Banâtre,
Anne-Marie Kermarrec. COMA: an Opportunity for Building Fault-tolerant
Scalable Shared Memory Multiprocessors. In Proceedings
of the 23rd International Symposium on Computer Architectures,
abstract (HTML), full
version (gziped postscript, 92K).
Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Christine Morin. Création
d'affinité mémoire pour l'efficacité dans
ICARE. MPR'96, Journées de recherche sur la mémoire
partagée répartie, Bordeaux, May 1996.
full version (gziped postscript,
Anne-Marie Kermarrec. Contrôle de la
réplication des données dans une mémoire
virtuelle partagée recouvrable efficace. Technique
et Science Informatiques 15 (5), 1996.
full version (gziped postscript,
Gilbert Cabillic and Isabelle Puaut. Dealing
with heterogeneity in Stardust: an environment for parallel
programming on networks of heterogeneous workstations. In
Proceedings of the Euro-Par'96 conference, August 1996.
abstract (HTML),
full version (gziped
postscript, 31K).
Gilbert Cabillic and Isabelle Puaut. Répartition
de charge dans Stardust : un environnement pour l'exécution
d'applications parallè en milieu hétérogène.
Actes de l'école d'étéplacement dynamique
et répartition de charge, Collection didactique Inria,
Presqu'ile de Giens, France, Juillet 1996.
abstract (HTML),
full version (gziped
postscript, 25K).
Michel Banâtre, Valérie Issarny,
and Frédéric Leleu. ETEL: A Newspaper-Based
Distributed Informations System. In Proceedings of the
7th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop: Systems Support for Worlwide
Applications, Connemara, Ireland, September 1996.
full version (gziped postscript,