Jocelyne Erhel's selected talks
2015, 2014,
2013, 2012,
2011, 2010, 2009,
2007, 2006,
Conferences in 2015
- J.
Erhel, M. Oumouni, G. Pichot, with A. Beaudoin, J.-R. de Dreuzy
Generation of a stationary Gaussian random field Slides
MoMaS workshop on multiphase flow, France, 2015
- J. Erhel, S.
A global reactive transport model applied to the MoMaS benchmark Slides
MAMERN international conference (minisymposium), France, 2015
- J. Erhel, T.
About some numerical models for geochemistry Slides
HPSC international conference (minisymposium), Vietnam, 2015
Conferences in 2014
J. Erhel with S. Sabit, C. de Dieuleveult
A global reactive transport model
Slides (.pdf)
MoMaS workshop, France, 2014
Erhel with G. Pichot, A. Le Gentil, J.-R. de Dreuzy
A Graphical User Interface for simulating flow and transport in fractured-porous media
CMWR international conference (minisymposium), Germany, 2014
Erhel with A. Beaudoin, J.-R. de Dreuzy, G. Pichot, J. Charrier, A. Debussche, M. Oumouni, Z. Mghazli
Uncertainty Quantification and High Performance Computing for flow and transport in porous media Slides (.pdf)
Workshop on Spatial Statistics and Uncertainty Quantification on Supercomputers, Great Britain, 2014
Erhel with A. Beaudoin, J.-R. de Dreuzy, G. Pichot, J. Charrier, A. Debussche, M. Oumouni, Z. Mghazli
Computation of macro spreading in 3D porous media with uncertain data Slides (.pdf)
SIAM international conference on Uncertainty Quantification (minisymposium), USA, 2014
Erhel with D. Nuentsa Wakam, B. Poirriez
Parallel sparse linear solvers and applications in CFD Slides (.pdf)
Workshop Calcul Intensif Distribué dans l'Industrie, France, 2014
Conferences in 2013
- J. Erhel with S.
Sabit, C. de Dieuleveult
Solving Partial Differential Algebraic Equations and reactive transport
models Slides
PARENG international conference (invited plenary talk), Pecs, Hungary,
Conferences in 2012
- J. Erhel with D.
Nuentsa Wakam
A Parallel Augmented GMRES algorithm: Application to design
optimization in CFD Slides
3rd Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications
(DWCAA12), (minisymposium talk), Italy, 2012
Conferences in 2011
- J. Erhel
Iterative solvers for large sparse linear systems Slides
PARENG international conference (invited plenary talk), Ajaccio,
France, 2011
- J. Erhel, A.
Lejay, G. Pichot
Comparison of some lagrangian schemes for the simulation of diffusion
in discontinuous media
MAMERN'11 conference (minisymposium), Saidia, Morocco, 2011
- B. Poirriez,
J. Erhel
Flow computations in 3D Discrete Fracture Networks using a Domain
Decomposition Method
MAMERN'11 conference (minisymposium), Saidia, Morocco, 2011
Conferences in 2010
- J. Erhel
Modélisation et simulation appliquées au suivi des pollution de nappes
phréatiques Slides
Mesures, Modélisation et Simulation - INSA (invited plenary talk),
Rennes, France, June 2010
- J-R. de
Dreuzy, J. Erhel, G. Pichot, B. Poirriez
Flow simulations in 3D Discrete Fracture Networks Slides (.pdf)
International congress in Mathematical Fluid Dynamics and its
Applications (minisymposium), Rennes, France, June 2010
- J. Erhel
- How to solve a large sparse linear system arising in groundwater
and CFD problems Slides (.ppt)
Workshop SHPCO2
(invited talk),
France, June 2010
- A. ben Abda,
J. Erhel, S. Khalfallah
Methods based on an energy formulation for data completion problems Slides (.ps)
Inverse problems, computations and applications (invited talk),
Marseille, France,
June 2010
Conferences in 2009
- J. Erhel, C.
de Dieuleveult
Analysis of numerical methods for coupling transport and geochemistry
equations Slides (.pdf)
SIAM conference on computational geosciences (minisymposium), Leipzig,
Germany, June
- J. Erhel, A.
Beaudoin, J. Charrier, A.
Debussche, J-R. de Dreuzy
Stochastic groundwater simulations for highly heterogeneous porous
media Slides (.pdf)
MAMERN'09 conference (invited plenary talk), Pau, June 2009
- J. Erhel,
J-R. de Dreuzy, G. Pichot, B. Poirriez
How to compute flow in 3D fracture networks Slides (.pdf)
NUMCOOP'09 (invited talk), Yaounde, Cameroon, March 2009
Conferences in 2008
- J. Erhel, E.
Bresciani, J-R. de Dreuzy
Multi-parametric intensive stochastic simulations for hydrogeology
on a computational grid Slides
Parallel CFD conference, Lyon, May 2008
- J. Erhel, C.
de Dieuleveult
A global strategy for solving reactive transport
equations Slides (.pdf)
SM2A conference (minisymposium), Rabat, Marocco, February 2008
Conferences in 2007
- A. Beaudoin,
J.-R. de Dreuzy, J. Erhel.
Direct and iterative sparse linear solvers applied to groundwater flow
simulations Slides (.pps)
M2A'07 conference, Marseille, October 2007
- A. Beaudoin,
J.-R. de Dreuzy, J. Erhel.
An efficient parallel particle tracker for advection-diffusion
in heterogeneous porous media Slides
(.pps) Paper (.pdf, 10
Europar conference, Rennes, August 2007
- J. Erhel,
J.-R. de Dreuzy, A. Beaudoin, E.
Bresciani, D. Tromeur-Dervout.
A parallel scientific software for heterogeneous hydrogeoloy Slides (.pps) Abstract (.pdf, 5
International Conference on Parallel CFD (invited plenary talk),
Turkey, May 2007
- J. Erhel,
J.-R. de Dreuzy.
High performance flow simulation in discrete fracture networks Slides (.pps) Abstract (.pdf,
SIAM Conference on Computational Geosciences, Santa Fe, USA, March 2007
Conferences in 2006
- A. Beaudoin,
J.-R. de Dreuzy, J. Erhel.
Numerical simulation of solute transport in heterogeneous porous media Slides (.pps)
Workshop on High Performance Computing at LAMSIN, Tunisia, November
- A. Beaudoin,
J.-R. De Dreuzy and J. Erhel.
A comparison between a direct and a multigrid sparse linear solvers for
highly heterogeneous flux computations Slides (.pps)
Eccomas conference on CFD, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, September
- J. Erhel.
Nonlinear methods for reactive transport simulations Slides (.pdf)
International Conference on Approximation and Iterative Methods
(AMI06), Lille, June 2006.
Conferences in 2005
- A. Beaudoin,
J.-R. de Dreuzy, J. Erhel, H. Mustapha.
Sparse linear solvers applied to parallel simulations of underground
flow in porous and fractured media Slides
Matrix Computations and Scientific Computing Seminar, Berkeley (CA),
October 2005
- C. de
Dieuleveult, É. Canot, J. Erhel.
A parallel software for a saltwater intrusion problem Slides
PARCO'05, Malaga (Spain), September 2005
- A. Beaudoin,
J.-R. de Dreuzy, J. Erhel, H. Mustapha.
Parallel Simulations of Underground Flow in Porous and Fractured Media Slides
PARCO'05, Malaga (Spain), September 2005
- J. Erhel.
Coupling flow, transport and geochemistry Slides
Workshop on model order reduction,
coupled problems and optimization, Leiden (Nederlands), September 2005
- J. Erhel.
A Global Method for Reactive Transport in Porous Media Slides
SIAM on Computational Geosciences'05, Avignon, May 2005
- C. de
Dieuleveult, É. Canot, J. Erhel.
High Performance Computing Applied to a Saltwater Intrusion Numerical
Slides (.pps)
SIAM on Computational Geosciences'05, Avignon, May 2005
- H. Mustapha,
J-R. de Dreuzy, J. Erhel.
Discrete Fracture Modeling of 3D Flow in Multi-scale Fracture Networks Slides (.pps)
SIAM on Computational Geosciences'05, Avignon, May 2005