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Up: Polylib User's Manual
Previous: Parametrized Polyhedra
This chapter illustrates the use of Polylib by means of
a short example.
This example is a C source file which
along with polyhedron.c and vector.c
does the following:
- Extraction of a minimal set of constraints from some set of constraints.
- Intersection of two convex polyhedra.
- Application of a linear function to a convex polyhedron.
- Verification that a convex polyhedron
is included in some other convex polyhedron.
These files are compiled together into an executable file called
When calling this application the polyhedral domains may be
described in two input files. We are using the file as a sample
input data and the file test.out for the output
produced by the program.
This program is shown in Fig.
and can be used as a pattern for your own program.
The test.c program
In the following, we detail the different parts of
the program. Each instruction of the program is
numbered for reference in the following explanation.
Next: Number 1
Up: Polylib User's Manual
Previous: Parametrized Polyhedra
Sorin Olaru