Multi-Objective Debloating : from automatic vulnerability fixing to enhancing energy consumption, build and testing performances

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Date de début de thèse (si connue)
octobre 2025
IRISA Vannes
Unité de recherche
IRISA - UMR 6074
Description du sujet de la thèse

Résumé du projet

When vulnerabilities are identified, applying their fixes may take time. However, for many real-world clients, it is not acceptable to simply keep using the vulnerable code, with its attack surface. We propose to analyze the usage of vulnerable code to help developers to reduce such usage, a process that we refer to as debloating. The principle of debloating is to remove portions of code with the goal of narrowing the attack surface to limit the effects of a vulnerability [1-4]. Debloating can take different forms and granularity: from removing a specific function in a single file to removing a high-level functionality spanning different concerns and files. Debloating can have a direct effect here by removing the vulnerable code.

Another targeted scenario of debloating is when the vulnerability is not precisely mitigated and understood. For example, vulnerabilities are not yet fixed in a given API. In this case, debloating an API would provide a sub-API that still meets the customers' other functional needs, but with a reduced code and surface attack. 

Debloating can complicate the task of an attacker and reduce the damage incurred by vulnerable code for two reasons: i) debloating produces a new code variant and attackers have to design specific strategies, ideally for each debloated variant of the code; ii) the attack over the vulnerable code is possible if and only if other parts of the code and entry points can be leveraged: if debloated, some attacks are simply not applicable.

Whereas extensive works exist on debloating in the security research field e.g., [22, 26, 4, 2, 1, 31, 24]), little work explores its benefits in the software engineering research field. Our hypothesis is that software debloating has also a potential in benefiting several software engineering activities, such as in a better modularization and splitting of large open-source projects, reducing their ecological footprint, and enhancing their build and testing in the continuous integration, etc. Thus, debloating becomes a multi-objective problem to address. However, to the best of our knowledge, no existing works have investigated this novel research perspective.

Description des objectifs et originalité de la thèse

Beyond the surface attack, one must also ensure that the original functional specification is not impacted entirely, or at least control and identify the impacts so that developers can perform informative decisions on how to use the debloated software. Moreover, the security benefit of debloating can also be coupled with performance benefit. State of the art does not investigate the benefit of debloating on non-functional properties, such as on build and tests execution in the continuous integration (CI) or the energy consumption of the debloated software. Hence, debloating becomes a multi-objective problem to solve, which to the best of our knowledge has never been addressed.

Therefore, the goal of MODeb is to not only aim to fix software vulnerabilities but also to explore the benefits of debloating in software engineering with a series of implementations and experiments.

Description des principaux verrous et techniques envisagées

We will realize automatic debloating tools operating over source code. The tools will produce debloated versions of applications and libraries that other projects depend on. We plan to leverage databases of vulnerabilities as well as associated patches and tests (based on existing vulnerability databases) to i) guide the debloating strategy (i.e., what to remove in the code); ii) validate and characterize to what extent the system is less vulnerable. Moreover, we will investigate the effect of debloating on build and test execution in the CI and on the energy consumption of the debloated software variants. We can orient our effort towards 1) libraries and Web applications (e.g., written in JavaScript) and 2) libraries and clients in Java projects on Maven central. We will leverage on state of the art multi-objective algorithms (e.g., NSGA III or others) to implement automatic solutions and we will evaluate them with state of the art methods and tools. We will rely on the known use cases of vulnerabilities and their fixes to compare to our debloating solution.

Approche méthodologique et critères de qualité des résultats obtenus

We will focus on debloating large open source projects in GitHub based on two scenarios, namely based on: 1) their commit history and contributors, 2) their clients' usages, i.e., what functionalities other projects in GitHub uses from the open source projects. We will reuse know datasets of GitHub project with detected vulnerabilities and CVEs.

As measuring and understanding the energy consumption of software is a growing concern for Green IT in terms of CPU usage, frequency (GHz), temperature (ºC), and power (W) [19, 21, 8, 12, 7]. The goal is then to set up different strategies to reduce and optimize the energy consumption of software (e.g., [10, 15, 5, 20]). In this task, we will explore this concern from a novel perspective, that is the impact of debloating on the energy consumption of the debloated software projects. To do so, as a first step, we will leverage RAPL [13], PowerAPI/ Jouleit and Intel Power Gadget/ PowerLog tools, as they have been successfully used to provide precise measurements of energy consumption. As a second step, we will extend and vary the techniques to measure the energy consumption to have a better confidence in our results. We will leverage other existing known tools, such as Powerstat, PowerTOP, Perf, Likwid.

Moreover, as continuous integration has been reported to be costly in terms of building new versions of code, and running a large set of unit and acceptance tests [27, 23].

Herein, we will investigate the impact of the debloated software on the performance of the continuous integration in terms of build and testing. In particular, we will measure several metrics, namely build results, build duration, time to run the tests, test pass rate, time to fix tests, numbers of failed deployments, etc.

Our evaluation methodology will be to perform the measurements for the original software and the debloated software (i.e., sub-projects) to compare their energy consumption and their build and testing performances with the fixing of vulnerabilities. After that, we will also debloat the same software over different versions (e.g., releases) to monitor the progression of vulnerabilities, the energy consumption and their build and testing performances over time.


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Liste des encadrants et encadrantes de thèse

Nom, Prénom
Salah Sadou
Type d'encadrement
Directeur.trice de thèse
Unité de recherche
UMR 6074

Nom, Prénom
Djamel Eddine Khelladi
Type d'encadrement
Unité de recherche
Debloating, Multi-Objective