Recent advances in generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, are ushering in a
new era of generative AI working in written human language. While LLMs can handle a vast array of tasks, software
engineers readily make use of ChatGPT’s ability to write and review software code, provide actionable suggestions,
or resolve bugs. To improve on the current state-of-the-art of debloating solutions, we propose leveraging LLMs to
remove code, that is, by generating a redacted subset of the original code. We hypothesize that the ability of LLMs
to agnostically generalize to multiple use-cases (type of bloat, type of software, stage of the life cycle) can further
advance debloating techniques at a quicker and more versatile pace.
More specifically, we argue that LLMs can be leveraged in multiple ways for debloating. First, they can be used
to guide the process by going from a high-level requirement (e.g. ”drop the PDF reader support”) to identifying the
concrete code implementing the feature. Second, they can actually remove code. Third, they can validate the process
through comprehensive testing and fuzzing to ensure that core functionalities are preserved while confirming that the
attack surface has been effectively reduced.
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