Secure Identification for the Internet of Things

Type de soutenance
Date de début
Date de fin
IRISA Rennes
Marzieh Gheisari (Linkmedia)
Département principal

This study addresses the problem of authentication of low-power devices
in the Internet of Things by introducing new functionalities:
groupmembership verification and identification. The procedure verifies if a given IoT device is a member of a group without revealing the identity of that member. Similarly, group membership identification states which group the device belongs to without knowing the identity. The protocol comprises two mechanisms: quantizing templates into discrete embeddings,making reconstruction difficult,and aggregating several templates into one group representation, impeding identification. Experiments show the trade-off between security/privacy and verification/identification performances.

Composition du jury
Valerie Viet Triem Tong CentraleSupelec, Rennes - President
Marta Gomez Barrero, Hochschule Ansbach, Germany - Reviewer
Patrick Bas, CNRS, Lille - Reviewer
Boris Skoric, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands - Examiner
Zekeriya Erkin, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands - Examiner
Laurent Amsaleg, CNRS, Rennes - Supervisor
Teddy Furon, Inria, Rennes - Supervisor