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Usage: sfbcep [options] ifile ofile

Filter-bank based cepstral analysis of a speech signal. This program takes as input a signal and outputs a FBCEPSTRA SPro data file. For each frame in the signal, a filter-bank analysis is performed as in sfbank. A discrete cosine transform is applied to the output of the filter-bank according to:

c_{i}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \sum_{j=1}^{N} e_j \cos \left( \...
... (j-0.5)
\pi}{N} \right) \;\;\;\;\;\; i=1,\ldots,P \enspace ,

where $e_j$ denotes the output of the j'th filter. The -num-ceps=n option sets the order of the DCT (default is 16). The -cms[=n] option turns on the long term cepstral mean subtraction. If a value $n > 0$ is specified, CMS is performed on $n$ frames consecutive windows. Otherwise, the CMS window length is the entire file. Liftering can be obtained with the -lifter=n option. The lifter is defined by

lifter[i] = 1 + \frac{l}{2} \sin \left( \frac{i \pi}{l} \right)
\;\;\;\;\;\; i=1,\ldots,P \enspace .

Guillaume Gravier 2003-05-07