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Usage: sfbank [options] [ifile [ofile]]

Filter-bank analysis of a speech signal. This program takes as input a signal and outputs a FBANK SPro data file. For each frame in the signal, a FFT is performed. The FFT size defaults to 512 points but can be specified using the -fft-length=n option. A triangular filter-bank is applied to the module of the FFT and the log-energy in each filter is returned. If the energy is less than 1.0, the returned value is 0.0. The central frequencies of the filters are equally spaced along the transformed frequency scale if the -alpha=f option is used (along the linear scale if $\alpha=0.0$, which is the default) or along the MEL scale if the -mel option is used. Both options are exclusive. Band-limiting can be specified with the -freq-min=f and -freq-max=f options. In this case, filters are distributed in the range $[f_{\mbox{\tiny min}}, f_{\mbox{\tiny max}}]$. The number of filters can be set with the -num-filter=n option and defaults to 24.

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Guillaume Gravier 2003-05-07