A look at replaying techniques for distributed executions
E. Fromentin (fromentin@irisa.fr),
N. Plouzeau (plouzeau@irisa.fr) and
M. Raynal (raynal@irisa.fr),
IRISA, France.
The Architecture of a Debugger for Lazy Functional Languages
J. Sparud
(sparud@cs.chalmers.se) and
H. Nilsson (henni@ida.liu.se),
Chalmers University of Technology and
Linköping University, Sweden. Abstract. Get a copy of the
Debugging in GAPLog: A model for execution of logic programs with delayed function calls
T. Heyer (timhe@ida.liu.se),
Linköping University, Sweden.
Abstract. Get a copy of the
Evaluation of Program Slicing tools
T. Hoffner (tomho@ida.liu.se),
M. Kamkar (marka@ida.liu.se) and
P. Fritzson (petfr@ida.liu.se),
Linköping University, Sweden.
Computation Of Dynamic Slices For Programs With Arbitrary Control-Flow
B. Korel (korel@iit.edu), Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.
Static Slicing of Logic Programs
T. Gyimòthy (
gyimi@inf.u-szeged.hu) and
J. Paakki ( paakki@cs.helsinki.fi
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary and University of Helsinki, Finland. Abstract.
Transparency debugging with explanations for Novice programmers
P. A. Smith
and G. I. Webb, Deakin University, Australia. Abstract.
Efficient Run-time Monitoring Using Shadow Processing
H. Patil
(patil@cs.wisc.edu) and
C. Fischer (fischer@cs.wisc.edu),
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
Testability Based Assertion Injection for Software Debugging
J. M. Voas (jmvoas@rstcorp.com),
Reliable Software Technologies Corporation, USA. Abstract.
Functional Diagnosis of Sequential Programs
B. Liver (liver@vptt.ch),
Swiss Telecom PTT, Research and Development, Switzerland. Abstract.
Efficient Detection of Incompleteness Errors in the Abstract Debugging of Logic Programs
M. Comini (comini@di.unipi.it),
G. Levi (levi@di.unipi.it) and
G. Vitiello (giuvit@udsab.dia.unisa.it),
Universitá di Pisa, Italy.
Algorithmic Debugging with RISC
G. Tobermann (
and C. Beckstein (
beckstein@informatik.uni-erlangen.de), FORWISS and University of Erlangen, Germany. Abstract.
An Algorithmic Fault-Locating Method for Procedural Languages and Its Implementation FIND
T. Shimomura (
Y. Oki, T. Chikaraishi and T. Ohta,ATR Communication Systems Research Laboratories, Japan.
High-Level Views of Distributed Executions
T. Kunz (tkunz@uwaterloo.ca),
University of Waterloo, Canada. Get a copy of the
Other publications
at Shoshin Lab. Abstract.
Recognition of Patterns on Control Flows for Debugging Distributed Executions
E. Fromentin (fromentin@irisa.fr),
C. Jard (jard@irisa.fr),
G. Jourdan (jourdan@irisa.fr),
and M. Raynal (raynal@irisa.fr),
IRISA, France. Abstract.
A Consistent Global State Algorithm to Debug Distributed Object-Oriented Applications
P. Placide (placide@cnam.fr),
G. Florin (florin@cnam.fr),
L. Duchien (duchien@cnam.fr)
and L. Seinturier (seintur@cnam.fr),
Laboratoire CEDRIC, France. Abstract. Get a copy of the
Testing Techniques for Data-Flow Synchronous Programs
F. Ouabdesselam (
and I. Parissis
(Ioannis.Parissis@imag.fr), Laboratoire de Genie Informatique - IMAG, France.
Abstract. Get a copy of the
Formally Defining Debuggers
K. L. Bernstein (karen@sbcs.sunysb.edu) and
E. W. Stark, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA. Abstract.
A Program Behavoir Model Based on Event Grammar and its Application for Debugging Automation
M. Auguston
New Mexico State University, USA. Abstract.
Automated Debugging Exensions of the Opium Trace Analyser
M. Ducassé (Mireille.Ducasse@irisa.fr),
INSA, France. Abstract. Get a copy of the
AUI - the Debugger and Assertion Checker for the Awk Programming
M. Auguston
S. Banerjee, M. Mamnani, G. Nabi, J. Reinfelds, U. Sarkans and I. Strnad, New Mexico State University, USA. Abstract.
Using Functional Representations for Program Debugging
D. Allemang (allemang@vptt.ch),
Swiss PTT, Research and Development, Switzerland. Abstract.
A Class Library for the Automization of Class Testing
P. Rueppel
Technische Universitate Berlin, Germany. Abstract.
Elimination of Nondeterminacy for Testing and Debugging
Parallel Programs
M. Oberhuber
Munich University of Technology, Germany. Get a copy of the
article. Link to the
Computer Science Laboratory of Technische Universitate.
CHD: A Cross Debugger for Concurrent CHILL Programs
E. H. Paik (ehpaik@sde.etri.re.kr), Y. S. Chung, W. Choi, G. B. Choi and C. W. Yoo,
Electronices and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea. Abstract.