ISI4NAVE is an Associate Team between INRIA project-team Lagadic (Rennes), Aspire CREATe (UCL - London) and Rehabilitation Center of Pôle Saint Hélier (Rennes), funded from 2016 to 2019.

ISI4NAVE team members

Inria – Lagadic team

Dr Marie Babel
Senior Lecturer (Hab.) at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - INSA / Inria Lagadic Team

Her research works tackle robotic vision issues, and more particularly assistive robotics. She coordinates the work of Lagadic team in several collaborative projects (Inria Large-scale initiative action PAL, OSEO APASH project, maturation project HandiViz). She proposed semi-autonomous navigation solution of a robotized wheelchair. Current research works deal with multimodal sensor based servoing, haptic feedback as well as social navigation. Marie Babel is PI for INSA in the european ADAPT (INTERREG VA) project and is involved in the CROWDBOT (Horizon 2020) project.

Dr Alexandre Krupa
Research Scientist (Hab.) at Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique

His current research interests include medical robotics, computer-assisted systems in the medical, surgical and assistance fields, and, most specifically, the control of medical robots by visual servoing using ultrasound images. He was the leader of the ANR Contint USComp project (2008-2012).

Louise Devigne
Louise is a PhD student in both Lagadic and Pôle Saint Hélier teams, and co-supervised by Marie Babel and Philippe Gallien. Her work addresses the following issue: how an assistive technology can contribute to the evaluation of the evolution of neurological diseases?

University College of London

Dr Tom Carlson
Senior Lecturer at the Aspire CREATe (Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology), UCL, UK.

Tom is the director of UCL’s new MSc in Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technologies and since 2016, he is also a visiting professor at the Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut–Cambrésis, France. His research focus is on the user-centred design of assistive robotic technologies for people with spinal cord injuries. In particular he is developing shared control techniques for operating devices such as wheelchairs, with novel interfaces, e.g. brain-machine interfaces and eye-trackers, as well as multimodal feedback to help users understand the current state and intentions of the assistance system. Dr Carlson is currently PI for UCL in two large, collaborative European projects: ADAPT (INTERREG VA) and CROWDBOT (Horizon 2020), as well as several local projects and has previously worked on the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Robotics and the EU FP7 project TOBI.

Dr Catherine Holloway
Senior Lecturer in UCL's Interaction Centre, UCL, UK

Cathy is the academic director of the Global Disability Innovation (GDI) Hub, which brings together academic excellence, innovative practice and co-creation; harnessing the power of technology for good. Her research portfolio is diverse ranging from understanding how people with dementia navigate to investigating the novel power sources for assistive technologies. Her main research focus is on the design and development of sensor technologies for wheelchair users. She directs the UCL- James Dyson Summer School a week-long hack of wheelchairs for young people. She is CEO of Movement Metrics a UCL spin-out and community interest company.

Chinemelu Ezeh
Chinemelu is a PhD student co-supervised by Carlson and Holloway and spends time in both Aspire Create and BIG@PAMELA. His work investigates shared control for wheelchair interfaces – in particular he is using capability model with the aim of providing a level of navigational assistance that can be dynamically adapted to the individual, regardless of the type of interface being used.

Rehabilitation Center - Pôle Saint Hélier

Dr Philippe Gallien
Medical Doctor (Hab) in Physical medicine and Rehabilitation Center of Pôle Saint Hélier and Institut des Neurosciences Cliniques de Rennes, France

Philippe is a neurological disease specialist and in particular care for handicapped people. He contributed to related several national and international research projects. He was previously the head of the Physical medicine and rehabilitation Department of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes (France).
