Publications of Jason Chevrie

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International Conferences

  1. J. Chevrie, A. Krupa, M. Babel. Online prediction of needle shape deformation in moving soft tissues from visual feedback. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'16, Pages 2375-2380, Daejeon, Korea, October 2016. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  2. J. Chevrie, A. Krupa, M. Babel. Needle steering fusing direct base manipulation and tip-based control. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'16, Pages 4450-4455, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2016. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf


  1. J. Chevrie. Flexible Needle Steering using Ultrasound Visual Servoing. PhD Thesis Université de Rennes 1, December 2017. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf

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Last update Wed Dec 27 18:45:20 2017

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