Publication files can usually be
downloaded simply by clicking on the extension name (pdf, ps or ps.gz) on a
publication page or in a publication list. Depending on your browser setup,
this may automatically display the file in the browser window, or it may pop
up a dialog box that allows you to save the file to disk. On some browsers,
if you want to force the browser to save the file to disk, press and hold the
shift key while clicking the file to download (shift-click).
If you have a postscript printer,
you can print the files directly. Otherwise, you can print from the
ghostscript-related programs described above (Windows and Mac) or use the
(sometimes hard to find) Drop*PS utility
(Mac), all of which can print to non-postscript printers as well.
PDF printing tip -
Occasionally, Acrobat reader has problems printing certain fonts - the text is
garbled or spread randomly across the page. This problem can sometimes be
corrected by setting the "Download Fonts Once" PostScript Option on the Print
popup dialog to the off position.
We currently support two publication formats: portable document format
(pdf extension), postscript (ps extension) and compressed
postscript (ps.gz extension). PDF files are easily downloaded, viewed,
and printed on almost every computing platform, while ps and ps.gz files are
oriented towards the Unix operating system (and its many varieties).
We can also provide links toward doi pages. The Digital Object Identifier is a system for
identifying and exchanging intellectual property in the digital
environment. It provides a framework for managing intellectual content, for
linking customers with content suppliers, for facilitating electronic
commerce, and enabling automated copyright management for all types of
media. Using DOIs makes managing intellectual property in a networked
environment much easier and more convenient, and allows the construction of
automated services and transactions for e-commerce.
Portable document format (pdf) files are viewed with the Acrobat
reader, which can be downloaded from Adobe's web site. Acrobat reader is
available for most versions of Unix as well as for Windows machines and
Macintoshes. Depending on your browser, you may be able to install a plugin
that allows you to view the files directly in the browser. Alternately, you
can save the file to disk, and view using the Acrobat reader as a standalone
application. PDF files are usually somewhat smaller than the corresponding
compressed postcript file, but the image quality may be slightly lower.
Compressed postscript files (ps.gz) are provided mainly for members
of the research community. Viewing postscript is much easier on Unix
systems than on Windows machines or Macintoshes. We recommend that you view
the PDF version of the file if using a non-Unix platform.
We use gzip to compress all postscript files. A variety of utilities can
decompress these files, but the one you need depends on your operating system.
Here are some programs that will work: gunzip (Unix, Windows, and Mac), WinZip (Windows), StuffIt Expander
(Macintosh, Windows).
Once you
have uncompressed the file, you will need a postscript viewer. Again, this
depends on your operating system. Some possibilities include: ghostview or gv (Unix), gsview (Windows), ghostscript
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