Invariant Preserving SOlvers
This Research-Team is a follow-up of ALADIN
Team Presentation
In recent years the growth of geometric
integration has been very noticeable. Features such as symplecticity
or time-reversibility are now widely recognized as essential properties
to preserve, owing to their physical significance. This has motivated
a lot of research and led to many significant theoretical achievements
(symplectic and symmetric methods, volume-preserving integrators,
Lie-group methods, ...). In practice, a few simple schemes such
as the Verlet method or the Störmer methods have been used
for years with great success in molecular dynamics or astronomy.
However, they now need to be understood more deeply and improved
further in order to fit the tremendous increase of complexity and
size of the models.
Research themes
The IPSO project aims at finding and
implementing new structure-preserving schemes and at understanding
the behavior of existing ones for the following type of problems:-systems
of differential equations posed on a manifold.
- systems of differential-algebraic equations
of index 2 or 3, where the constraints are part of the equations.
- Hamiltonian systems and constrained Hamiltonian
systems (which are special cases of the first two items though
with some additional structure).
- highly-oscillatory systems (with a special
focus of those resulting from the space-discretisation of the
Schrödinger equation).
International and industrial relations
The IPSO group aims at addressing the
potential of direct simulation of molecular dynamics in chemical
processes, ranging from applications in nanotechnology to the identification
and prediction of biomolecular functionalities. Up to now, many
challenges are presently not yet available for large-scale simulations
: on the one hand, the mathematically founded extraction of macroscopic
properties from molecular simulations is still in its beginning;
on the other hand, the incorporation of quantum effects into molecular
simulation presents is a real challenge. On this topic, IPSO has
interactions with the following teams, mainly through the PRESTISSIMO
action (ARC):
- C. Chipot (CNRS Nancy),
- O. Coulaud (Team ScAlApplix, INRIA Bordeaux),
- E. Darve (Stanford University, USA),
- B. Leimkuhler (Leicester University, England),
- G. Zerah (CEA).
IPSO is also concerned with laser simulation.
Laser physics considers the propagation over long space (or time)
scales of high frequency waves. Typically, one has to deal with
the propagation of a wave having a wavelength of the order of 1
micro-meter, over distances of the order 0.01 m to 1000 m. In these
situations, the propagation produces both a short-scale oscillation
and exhibits a long term trend (drift, dispersion, nonlinear interaction
with the medium, or so), which contains the physically important
feature. For this reason, one needs to develop ways of filtering
the irrelevant high-oscillations, and to build up models and/or
numerical schemes that do give information on the long-term behavior.
In other terms, one needs to develop high-frequency models and/or
high-frequency schemes. This task has been partially performed in
the context of the Alcaltel contract, for which we developed a new
numerical scheme to discretize directly the high-frequency model
derived from physical laws. With respect to this domain of application,
we have interactions with the following teams:
- D. Bayart, F. Leplingard, C. Martinelli (Transmission
Department of Alcatel, Marcoussis),
- Th. Colin, B. Nkonga and G. Métivier
(MAB, University of Bordeaux I and II).
Scientific leader
CHARTIER [homepage]
+33 2 99 84 74 00
Fabienne Cuyollaà
Secretary : +33 2 99 84 73 02