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Industrial contracts

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Grants or industrial contracts

Espresso is currently involved in the following industrial contracts:

  • P (FUI)  The goal of Project P is to support the model-driven engineering of high-integrity embedded real-time systems by providing an open code generation framework.
  • VERISYNC (ANR) The goal of this project is to formally prove the correctness of essential transformations that a model undergoes during its compilation to executable code.
  • OPEES  (ITEA) Consortium  for the definition, elaboration and deployment of an Open Platform for the Engineering of Embedded Systems
  • CESAR ( ARTEMISA) stands for "Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems"
  • Artist2 : Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design.
  • Fondation EADS Grant

Former grants or industrial contracts

  • Spacify (RNTL) : Model-Driven Engineering and Formal Methods for Critical Embedded Software.
  • Topcased (ANR) : (an MDE) Toolkit In OPen source for Critical Applications & SystEms Development.
  • FotoVP (ANR) Formal Tools for the Virtual Prototyping of Embedded Systems.
  • OpenEmbeDD (RNTL) : open-source plateform for Model Driven Engineering of Real Time and embedded systems.
  • EXPRESSO (RNTL) : Real Time Java for embedded systems.
  • SafeAir (IST) : Advanced Design Tools for Aircraft Systems and Airborne Software.