Séminaire SoSySec : From Deciding Knowledge to Intrusion Detection

Date de début
Date de fin
IRISA Rennes
Salle Pétri/Turing
Yannick Chevalier (Université de Toulouse)

SoSySec seminar Software and Systems Security
Inria - Rennes
Friday September 13, 11:00
Remotely via BBB: https://bbb.inria.fr/all-t0p-qjq-9em
Access code: 192737

Yannick Chevalier (Université de Toulouse)

From Deciding Knowledge to Intrusion Detection

By interpreting terms as distributions over strings, Abadi and Rogaway proved under suitable assumptions that indistinguishability in the computational setting, accepted as the impossibility for an observer to acquire knowledge from observing a protocol execution, is equivalent to formal equivalence in a symbolic setting. This result led to multiple results on “deciding knowledge” using static equivalence.

I will present how this equivalence between a real and a formal setting can be leveraged to synthesize an anomaly detection system that constructs a monitor learned by observing the real traffic in a network.

To follow the presentation remotely, please connect to the followingURL with a modern web browser:
- URL: https://bbb.inria.fr/all-t0p-qjq-9em
Access code: 192737
- Alternative audio access by phone will be possible but the parameters will be announced only a few minutes before the presentation.

Seminar taking place in person with mandatory registration at least 48h beforehand for *all* in-person participants by email to Nadia Derouault < nadia [*] derouaultatinria [*] fr >. Participants non-affiliated with Inria or IRISA will be asked to present an ID at the reception desk of the IRISA building.

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Séminaire en présentiel ouvert à tous et toutes mais avec inscription obligatoire au moins 48h à l'avance pour *tous* les participants en présentiel auprès de Nadia Derouault <nadia [*] derouaultatinria [*] fr>.
Les participants externes devront se présenter à l'accueil avec une pièce d'identité.

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