Soutenance de thèse de soutenance de thèse de Mozhdeh FARHADI - Vendredi 5 novembre 2021 - 9h30 en visioconférence

Type de soutenance
Date de début
Date de fin
IRISA Rennes
En visioconférence depuis la salle Petri-Turing (présence limitée à 30 personnes dont les membres du jury - merci de prévenir Angélique Jarnoux si vous souhaitez y assister en présentiel)

Fog computing, like any other new technology, raises concerns regarding the security and privacy of its users. In this thesis, we analyze the security of fog computing systems following a systematic approach and from multiple perspectives: device level, system level, and service level.

For each perspective, we discuss the possible vulnerabilities that the system may have and highlight some possible solutions. One of the important identified assets in our study of fog platform’s security is the user’s personal data.

Because of fog nodes’ proximate location to the user, fog applications have access to significant parts of their users’ personal data. Although applications expose a privacy policy describing how they handle users’ personal data, the compliance of applications to their privacy policy should not be taken for granted but verified.

However, manually checking whether applications actually respect the claims made in their privacy policy is both error-prone and time-consuming. In this thesis, we argue that automated privacy compliance checking in fog environment is feasible and outline a research roadmap towards the development of such systems.

Composition du jury
- Guillaume Doyen, Professeur, IMT Atlantique, France
- Kévin Huguenin, Professeur, Université de Lausanne, Suisse
- Pierre Sens, Professeur des Universités, LIP6 / Sorbonne Université, France
- Claudia Ignat, Chargée de recherche HDR, LORIA–Inria Nancy-Grand Est, France
- Alessandra Toninelli, IT Director, Rejoint, Italy
- Guillaume Pierre, Professeur des Universités, Université de Rennes 1, France
- Daniele Miorandi, Chief Executive Officer, U-Hopper, Italy