From databases to artificial intelligence

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Date de fin
IRISA Rennes, salle Petri-Turing
Zoltan Miklos (DRUID)

Modern application contexts require the integration of data from a variety of sources. To deal with the problems of semantic heterogeneity that arise in this context, we often need to rely on human experts.

We present our contributions in the fields of databases and artificial intelligence to solve these problems. In particular, we discuss our proposed approaches to solve different data matching problems.

Specifically, we will discuss the entity resolution problem in the context of the Web, the database schema mapping problem and the assignment of workers to tasks on a crowdsourcing platform, before concluding on our future research directions.

Composition du jury
Sihem Amer-Yahia, researcher, CNRS (rapporteur)
Angela Bonifati, professor, University of Lyon 1 (rapporteur)
Philippe Curdé-Mauroux, professor, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (rapporteur)
Bernd Amann, professor, Pierre and Marie Curie University
François Taïani, professor, University or Rennes 1