Module IntervalDomain

Abstract domain of intervals of machine integers.

Require Import Coqlib Utf8.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Op.
Require Import z_extra_props.
Require Import LatticeSignatures.
Require Import DLib.

Module Interval.

  Record itv : Type := ITV { min: Z; max: Z }.
  Definition t := itv.

  Definition order (i1 i2: itv) : bool :=
    match i1, i2 with
      | (ITV min1 max1), (ITV min2 max2) =>
        zle min2 min1 && zle max1 max2

  Definition join (i1 i2: itv) : itv :=
    match i1, i2 with
      | (ITV min1 max1), (ITV min2 max2) =>
        (ITV (Zmin min1 min2) (Zmax max1 max2))

  Definition widen_classic (i1 i2: itv) : itv :=
    match i1, i2 with
      | (ITV min1 max1), (ITV min2 max2) =>
        (if zle min1 min2 then min1 else Int.min_signed)
 (if zle max2 max1 then max1 else Int.max_signed)

  Fixpoint next_pow2_pos (p:positive) :=
    match p with
    | xH => xH
    | xI p
    | xO p => xI (next_pow2_pos p)

  Definition previous_pow2_pos p :=
    let p' := next_pow2_pos p in
     match p' with
       | xI p => p
       | _ => p'

  Definition next_threshold (z:Z) :=
    match z with
      | Z0 => Z0
      | Zpos xH => Zpos xH
      | Zneg xH => Zneg xH
      | Zpos p => Zpos (next_pow2_pos p)
      | Zneg p => Zneg (previous_pow2_pos p)

  Definition previous_threshold (z:Z) :=
    match z with
      | Z0 => Z0
      | Zpos xH => Zpos xH
      | Zneg xH => Zneg xH
      | Zpos p => Zpos (previous_pow2_pos p)
      | Zneg p => Zneg (next_pow2_pos p)

  Definition widen (i1 i2: itv) : itv :=
    match i1, i2 with
      | (ITV min1 max1), (ITV min2 max2) =>
        (if zle min1 min2 then min1
          else previous_threshold min2)
 (if zle max2 max1 then max1
          else next_threshold max2)

  Parameter next_smaller : Z -> Z.
  Parameter next_larger : Z -> Z.
  Definition widen_heuristic (i1 i2: itv) : itv :=
    match i1, i2 with
      | (ITV min1 max1), (ITV min2 max2) =>
        (if zle min1 min2 then min1
          else next_smaller min2)
 (if zle max2 max1 then max1
          else next_larger max2)

  Definition top : itv := (ITV Int.min_signed Int.max_signed).
  Definition utop : itv := (ITV 0 Int.max_unsigned).

  Definition gamma (i:itv) (v:int) : Prop :=
    min i <= Int.signed v <= max i.

  Lemma gamma_top : forall v,
    gamma top v.
    unfold gamma.
    apply Int.signed_range.

  Lemma gamma_monotone : forall ab1 ab2,
    order ab1 ab2 = true -> forall v, gamma ab1 v -> gamma ab2 v.
    destruct ab1 as [min1 max1].
    destruct ab2 as [min2 max2]; simpl in *.
    unfold gamma; simpl in *; auto.
    rewrite andb_true_iff in *; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff in *; intros; omega.

  Lemma join_correct : forall (i1 i2:itv) i,
    gamma i1 i \/ gamma i2 i ->
    gamma (join i1 i2) i.
    unfold join.
    destruct i; simpl; try (intuition; fail).
    unfold gamma.
    destruct i1; simpl.
    destruct i2; simpl; try (intuition; fail).
    simpl; intros.
    apply Zmax_case_strong; apply Zmin_case_strong;

  Instance signed_itv_adom : adom itv int :=
  { leb := order;
    top := top;
    join := join;
    widen := widen_heuristic;
    gamma := gamma;
    gamma_monotone := gamma_monotone;
    gamma_top := gamma_top
   ;join_sound := join_correct

  Definition itvbot := itv+⊥.

  Definition reduce (min max : Z) : itvbot :=
    if zle min max then NotBot (ITV min max) else Bot.

  Definition meet (i1: itv) (i2:itvbot) : itvbot :=
    match i2 with
      | Bot => Bot
      | NotBot i2 =>
        match i1, i2 with
          | (ITV min1 max1), (ITV min2 max2) =>
            reduce (Zmax min1 min2) (Zmin max1 max2)
  Notation "xy" := (meet x y) (at level 40).

  Definition repr (i:itv) : itv :=
    if leb i top then i else top.

  Definition signed (n:int) : itv :=
    let z := Int.signed n in
      (ITV z z).

  Definition neg (i:itv) : itv :=
    match i with
      | (ITV min max) =>
        repr (ITV (-max) (-min))

  Definition mult (i1 i2:itv) : itv :=
    let min1 := min i1 in
    let min2 := min i2 in
    let max1 := max i1 in
    let max2 := max i2 in
    let b1 := min1 * min2 in
    let b2 := min1 * max2 in
    let b3 := max1 * min2 in
    let b4 := max1 * max2 in
      repr (ITV
               (Zmin (Zmin b1 b4) (Zmin b3 b2))
               (Zmax (Zmax b1 b4) (Zmax b3 b2))).

  Definition add (i1 i2:itv) : itv :=
    repr (ITV ((min i1)+(min i2)) ((max i1)+(max i2))).

  Definition sub (i1 i2:itv) : itv :=
    repr (ITV ((min i1)-(max i2)) ((max i1)-(min i2))).

  Definition not (i:itv) : itv :=
    add (neg i) (signed Int.mone).

  Definition contains (x:int) (i:itv) : bool :=
    let (min,max) := i in
      let x := Int.signed x in
      zle min x && zle x max.

  Definition is_singleton (v:itv) : option int :=
    let (min,max) := v in
      if zeq min max then Some (Int.repr min) else None.

  Definition is_bool (v:itv) : option bool :=
    let (min,max) := v in
      if zeq min max then
        let x := Int.repr min in
          if Int.eq x then Some false
          else if Int.eq x then Some true
            else None
        else None.

  Definition booleans :=
    join (signed (signed

  Definition notbool (i:itv) : itv :=
    match is_singleton i with
      | Some i =>
        if zeq Z0 (Int.unsigned i) then signed else signed
      | None =>
        if contains i then booleans else signed

  Definition boolval (i:itv) : itv :=
    match is_singleton i with
      | Some i =>
        if zeq Z0 (Int.unsigned i) then signed else signed
      | None =>
        if contains i then booleans else signed

  Definition div (v1 v2:itv) : itv :=
    match is_singleton v2 with
      | Some i2 =>
        let (a,b) := v1 in
        let i2 := Int.signed i2 in
          if zlt 0 i2 then
            ITV (Int.Zdiv_round a i2) (Int.Zdiv_round b i2)
            else top
      | None => top

  Definition shl (v1 v2:itv) : itv :=
    match is_singleton v2 with
      | Some i2 => mult v1 (signed (Int.shl i2))
      | None => top

  Definition backward_eq (i1 i2:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
    (meet i1 (NotBot i2), meet i1 (NotBot i2)).

  Definition backward_lt (i1 i2:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
        (meet i1 (reduce Int.min_signed ((max i2)-1)),
          meet i2 (reduce ((min i1)+1) Int.max_signed))

  Definition backward_ne (i1 i2:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
    let (i1',i2') := backward_lt i1 i2 in
      let (i2'',i1'') := backward_lt i2 i1 in
        (i1' ⊔ i1'',i2' ⊔ i2'').

  Definition backward_le (i1 i2:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
    (meet i1 (reduce Int.min_signed (max i2)),
      meet i2 (reduce (min i1) Int.max_signed))

  Definition is_in_interval (a b : Z) (ab:itv) : bool :=
    ab ⊑ (ITV a b).

  Definition cast_int16u : Interval.t-> bool := is_in_interval 0 65535.

  Definition backward_leu (i1 i2:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
    if cast_int16u i1 && cast_int16u i2
      then backward_le i1 i2
      else (NotBot i1, NotBot i2).

  Definition backward_ltu (i1 i2:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
    if cast_int16u i1 && cast_int16u i2
      then backward_lt i1 i2
      else (NotBot i1, NotBot i2).

  Lemma meet_correct: forall (ab1:itv) (ab2:itvbot) v,
    γ ab1 v -> γ ab2 v -> γ (meet ab1 ab2) v.
    unfold meet.
    destruct ab1; simpl; try (intuition; fail).
    destruct ab2; simpl; try (intuition; fail).
    assert (TT:Int.min_signed <= Int.max_signed).
      intro H; inv H.
    unfold gamma.
    destruct x; simpl in *; intros.
    apply Zmax_case_strong; apply Zmin_case_strong; unfold reduce; simpl; repeat (destruct zle; simpl);
      intros; auto; try omega.

  Definition meet' (ab1 ab2:itvbot) : itvbot :=
    match ab1 with
      | Bot => Bot
      | NotBot ab1 => meet ab1 ab2

  Lemma meet'_correct: forall (ab1 ab2:itvbot) v,
    γ ab1 v -> γ ab2 v -> γ (meet' ab1 ab2) v.
    unfold meet'.
    destruct ab1; try (simpl; intuition; fail).
    intros; apply meet_correct; auto.

  Lemma neg_correct : forall ab i,
    γ ab i ->
    γ (neg ab) (Int.neg i).
    destruct ab; simpl; auto; intros.
    unfold gamma; simpl.
    destruct i; simpl in *.
    unfold repr; simpl.
    case_eq (zle Int.min_signed (- max0) && zle (- min0) Int.max_signed); auto.
    repeat rewrite andb_true_iff; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff; intros [T1 T2].
    unfold Int.neg; rewrite <- neg_signed_unsigned.
    unfold gamma in *; simpl in *.
    rewrite Int.signed_repr; omega.
    intros; apply Int.signed_range.

  Lemma signed_correct: forall i, γ (signed i) i.
    unfold signed; simpl; intros; unfold gamma; simpl; omega.

  Lemma bool_correct_zero : γ booleans
    unfold booleans.
    apply (join_correct (signed (signed; simpl.
    left; unfold gamma, signed; simpl.

  Lemma bool_correct_one : γ booleans
    unfold booleans.
    apply (join_correct (signed (signed; simpl.
    right; unfold gamma, signed; simpl.

  Lemma is_in_interval_correct : forall a b ab,
    is_in_interval a b ab = true ->
    forall i, γ ab i -> a <= Int.signed i <= b.
    simpl; unfold gamma.
    unfold is_in_interval; simpl; intros.
    destruct ab; simpl in *.
    repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in *; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff in *; destruct H; omega.

  Lemma add_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (add ab1 ab2) (Int.add i1 i2).
    simpl; unfold gamma, add, repr; simpl.
    destruct ab1; destruct ab2; simpl; intros; auto.
    unfold add, repr; simpl.
    case_eq (zle Int.min_signed (min0 + min1)
      && zle (max0 + max1) Int.max_signed); simpl; auto.
    repeat rewrite andb_true_iff; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff; intros [T1 T2].
    unfold Int.add.
    rewrite <- add_signed_unsigned.
    rewrite Int.signed_repr; try omega.
    intros; apply Int.signed_range.

  Lemma not_correct : forall ab i,
    γ ab i -> γ (not ab) (Int.not i).
    intros; unfold not.
    rewrite Int.not_neg.
    apply add_correct.
    apply neg_correct; auto.
    apply signed_correct.

  Lemma sub_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (sub ab1 ab2) (Int.sub i1 i2).
    simpl; unfold gamma.
    destruct ab1; destruct ab2; simpl; intros; auto.
    unfold sub, repr; simpl.
    case_eq (zle Int.min_signed (min0 - max1)
      && zle (max0 - min1) Int.max_signed); simpl; auto.
    repeat rewrite andb_true_iff; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff; intros [T1 T2].
    unfold Int.sub.
    rewrite <- sub_signed_unsigned.
    rewrite Int.signed_repr; try omega.
    intros; apply Int.signed_range.

  Lemma mul_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (mult ab1 ab2) (Int.mul i1 i2).
    simpl; unfold gamma.
    destruct ab1; destruct ab2; simpl; intros; auto.
    unfold mult, repr; simpl.
    case_eq (zle Int.min_signed
           (Zmin (Zmin (min0 * min1) (max0 * max1))
              (Zmin (max0 * min1) (min0 * max1))) &&
           (Zmax (Zmax (min0 * min1) (max0 * max1))
              (Zmax (max0 * min1) (min0 * max1))) Int.max_signed); simpl; auto.
    repeat rewrite andb_true_iff; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff; intros [T1 T2].
    unfold Int.mul.
    rewrite <- mult_signed_unsigned.
    assert (HZ:=Mult_interval_correct_min_max _ _ _ _ _ _ H H0).
    rewrite Int.signed_repr; try omega.
    intros; apply Int.signed_range.

  Lemma is_singleton_correct : forall i n n',
    γ i n -> is_singleton i = Some n' -> n'=n.
    unfold is_singleton; intros.
    destruct i.
    destruct zeq; inv H0.
    revert H.
    simpl; unfold Interval.gamma; simpl; intros.
    replace max0 with (Int.signed n) by omega.
    rewrite Int.repr_signed; auto.

  Definition of_bool (b: bool): int :=
    if b then else

  Lemma is_bool_correct : forall i n b,
    γ i n -> is_bool i = Some b -> n = of_bool b.
    unfold is_bool; intros.
    destruct i.
    destruct zeq; inv H0.
    revert H2; generalize (Int.eq_spec (Int.repr max0); destruct Int.eq; intros.
    > inv H2.
      revert H.
      simpl; unfold Interval.gamma; simpl; intros.
      replace max0 with (Int.signed n) in H0 by omega.
      rewrite Int.repr_signed in H0; auto.
    > revert H2; generalize (Int.eq_spec (Int.repr max0); destruct Int.eq; intros.
      > inv H2.
        revert H.
        simpl; unfold Interval.gamma; simpl; intros.
        replace max0 with (Int.signed n) in H1 by omega.
        rewrite Int.repr_signed in H1; auto.
      > congruence.

  Definition is_a_boolean (i:itv) : bool :=
    is_in_interval 0 1 i.

  Lemma is_a_boolean_correct: forall i n,
    γ i n ->
    is_a_boolean i = true ->
    n = \/ n =
    unfold is_a_boolean; intros.
    exploit is_in_interval_correct; eauto.
    assert (Int.signed n = 0 \/ Int.signed n = 1) by omega.
    destruct H2; generalize (Int.repr_signed n); rewrite H2; compute; auto.

  Lemma is_a_boolean_correct_extra: forall i n,
    γ i n ->
    is_a_boolean i = true ->
    0 <= min i /\ max i <= 1.
    unfold is_a_boolean, is_in_interval; simpl; unfold order; intros.
    destruct i.
    rewrite andb_true_iff in H0; simpl.
    repeat rewrite zle_true_iff in H0.

  Lemma is_a_boolean_correct_zero: forall i n,
    γ i n ->
    is_a_boolean i = true ->
    (max i) = 0 ->
    n =
    intros; exploit is_a_boolean_correct_extra; eauto.
    destruct 1.
    revert H; simpl; unfold gamma; simpl; destruct 1.
    assert (Int.signed n = 0) by omega.
    generalize (Int.repr_signed n); rewrite H5; compute; auto.

  Lemma is_a_boolean_correct_one: forall i n,
    γ i n ->
    is_a_boolean i = true ->
    (min i) = 1 ->
    n =
    intros; exploit is_a_boolean_correct_extra; eauto.
    destruct 1.
    revert H; simpl; unfold gamma; simpl; destruct 1.
    assert (Int.signed n = 1) by omega.
    generalize (Int.repr_signed n); rewrite H5; compute; auto.

  Definition bool_op (f:int->int->int) (i1 i2:itv) : itv :=
    match is_singleton i1, is_singleton i2 with
      | Some i1, Some i2 => signed (f i1 i2)
      | _ , _ =>
        if is_a_boolean i1 && is_a_boolean i2 then booleans else top

  Definition IsBool (n:int) : Prop :=
    n = \/ n =

  Lemma IsBool_booleans: forall n,
    IsBool n -> γ booleans n.
    destruct 1; subst.
    apply bool_correct_zero.
    apply bool_correct_one.

  Lemma bool_op_correct : forall f,
    (forall x y, IsBool x -> IsBool y -> IsBool (f x y)) ->
    forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
      γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
      γ (bool_op f ab1 ab2) (f i1 i2).
    simpl; unfold bool_op; intros.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab1); intros.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab2); intros.
    exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto; clear H3.
    exploit (is_singleton_correct ab1); eauto; clear H2.
    intros; subst; apply signed_correct.
    case_eq (is_a_boolean ab1); auto using gamma_top.
    case_eq (is_a_boolean ab2); auto using gamma_top.
    simpl; intros; apply IsBool_booleans; apply H;
      unfold IsBool; eapply is_a_boolean_correct; eauto.
    case_eq (is_a_boolean ab1); auto using gamma_top.
    case_eq (is_a_boolean ab2); auto using gamma_top.
    simpl; intros; apply IsBool_booleans; apply H;
      unfold IsBool; eapply is_a_boolean_correct; eauto.

  Definition and : itv -> itv -> itv := bool_op Int.and.
  Definition or : itv -> itv -> itv := bool_op Int.or.
  Definition xor : itv -> itv -> itv := bool_op Int.xor.

  Lemma and_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (and ab1 ab2) (Int.and i1 i2).
    unfold and; apply bool_op_correct.
    unfold IsBool; destruct 1; destruct 1; subst; compute; auto.

  Lemma or_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (or ab1 ab2) (Int.or i1 i2).
    unfold or; apply bool_op_correct.
    unfold IsBool; destruct 1; destruct 1; subst; compute; auto.

  Lemma xor_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (xor ab1 ab2) (Int.xor i1 i2).
    unfold xor; apply bool_op_correct.
    unfold IsBool; destruct 1; destruct 1; subst; compute; auto.

  Lemma shl_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (shl ab1 ab2) (Int.shl i1 i2).
    simpl; unfold gamma, shl; intros.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab2); intros; auto.
    eapply is_singleton_correct in H1; simpl; eauto.
    subst; rewrite (Int.shl_mul i1 i2).
    apply mul_correct; simpl; auto.
    apply signed_correct.
    apply gamma_top.

  Lemma divs_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i1 i2,
    γ ab1 i1 -> γ ab2 i2 ->
    γ (div ab1 ab2) (Int.divs i1 i2).
    Hint Resolve Z_div_le Int.modulus_pos.
    pose proof zdiv_lt as V.
    assert (∀ a b, a >= 0 -> b > 0 -> a / b <= a) as U.
      intros. pose proof (Z_div_lt a b). destruct a; intuition.
      destruct b as [|b|b]; intuition.
      destruct b; intuition.
      exploit H1; intuition. destruct b; intuition.
      exploit H1; intuition. destruct b; intuition.
    simpl; unfold gamma, div, Int.divs. intros ab1 ab2 i1 i2 H1 H2.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab2); auto. intros i H.
    eapply is_singleton_correct in H; simpl; eauto.
    destruct ab1 as (a,b); destruct zlt as [Z|Z]; subst; simpl in *.
    2: apply gamma_top.
    2: intros; apply gamma_top.
    repeat (rewrite Int.Zdiv_round_Zdiv;[|intuition]).
    set (A := Int.signed i1). fold A in H1.
    set (B := Int.signed i2). fold B in H2, Z.
    replace (a + B - 1) with (a - 1 + 1 * B) by ring.
    rewrite Z_div_plus. 2: intuition.
    replace (A + B - 1) with (A - 1 + 1 * B) by ring.
    rewrite Z_div_plus. 2: intuition.
    replace (b + B - 1) with (b - 1 + 1 * B) by ring.
    rewrite Z_div_plus. 2: intuition.

    rewrite Int.signed_repr.
    repeat (destruct zlt; try omega); try (intuition; omega); split; try now intuition.
    cut ((A-1)/B < b /B). intuition.
    apply Zlt_le_trans with (0/B). 2: intuition.
    apply V; intuition.
    cut ((a-1)/B < A / B). intuition.
    apply V; intuition.

    pose proof (Int.signed_range i1).
    destruct zlt; intuition.
    3: apply Zle_trans with 0;[discriminate| apply Z_div_pos; intuition].
    3: apply Zle_trans with (Int.max_signed / B) ;[|apply U]; intuition; discriminate.

    apply Zle_trans with (A). intuition.
    cut (A-1 <= (A-1)/B). intuition.
    apply zdiv_mono; intuition.
    apply Zle_trans with (0 / B + 1). intuition. discriminate.

  Lemma contains_correct : forall x ab,
    if contains x ab then γ ab x else ~ γ ab x.
    simpl; unfold gamma, contains.
    destruct ab; simpl in *.
    repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in *; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff in *; try omega.
    intros T; exploit zle_and_case; eauto.
    destruct 1; omega.

  Lemma notbool_correct : forall ab i,
    γ ab i -> γ (notbool ab) (of_bool (Int.eq i
    intros; unfold notbool.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab); intros.
    > exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto.
      intros; subst.
      generalize (Int.eq_spec i; destruct Int.eq; intros.
      > subst; simpl.
        apply signed_correct.
      > rewrite zeq_false.
        apply signed_correct.
        intro; elim H1; clear H1.
        destruct i; simpl in *.
        subst; unfold
        apply Int.mkint_eq; auto.
    > generalize (contains_correct ab).
      case_eq (contains ab); intros.
      > destruct Int.eq; simpl.
        apply bool_correct_one.
        apply bool_correct_zero.
      > rewrite Int.eq_false.
        apply signed_correct.

  Lemma boolval_correct : forall ab i,
    γ ab i -> γ (boolval ab) (of_bool (negb (Int.eq i
    intros; unfold boolval.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab); intros.
    > exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto.
      intros; subst.
      generalize (Int.eq_spec i; destruct Int.eq; intros.
      > subst; simpl.
        apply signed_correct.
      > rewrite zeq_false.
        apply signed_correct.
        intro; elim H1; clear H1.
        destruct i; simpl in *.
        subst; unfold
        apply Int.mkint_eq; auto.
    > generalize (contains_correct ab).
      case_eq (contains ab); intros.
      > destruct Int.eq; simpl.
        apply bool_correct_zero.
        apply bool_correct_one.
      > rewrite Int.eq_false.
        apply signed_correct.

  Lemma gamma_backward_eq: forall ab1 ab2 ab1' ab2' i1 i2,
    backward_eq ab1 ab2 = (ab1',ab2') ->
    γ ab1 i1 ->
    γ ab2 i2 ->
    Int.eq i1 i2 = true ->
    γ ab1' i1 /\ γ ab2' i2.
    Opaque meet.
    simpl; unfold gamma, backward_eq; simpl; intros.
    destruct ab1; simpl in *; try (intuition; fail);
      destruct ab2; simpl in *; try (intuition; fail).
    generalize (Int.eq_spec i1 i2); rewrite H2; intros; subst.
    unfold backward_eq in H; inv H.
    split; apply meet_correct; simpl; auto.
  Transparent meet.

  Definition remove (it:itv) (i:int) : itvbot :=
    let (min,max) := it in
      let i := Int.signed i in
      if zeq i min then
        meet it (reduce (min+1) Int.max_signed)
        else if zeq i max then
          meet it (reduce Int.min_signed (max-1))
          else NotBot it.

  Lemma remove_correct : forall ab i0 i,
    γ ab i -> Int.eq i i0 = false -> γ (remove ab i0) i.
    unfold remove; intros.
    destruct ab.
    destruct zeq.
    > apply meet_correct; auto.
      simpl in *; unfold gamma, reduce in *; simpl in *.
      assert (Int.signed i <> Int.signed i0).
        generalize (Int.eq_spec i i0); rewrite H0.
        intros T T2; elim T.
        generalize (Int.repr_signed i); rewrite T2; rewrite Int.repr_signed; auto.
      destruct zle; simpl; generalize (Int.signed_range i); omega.
    > destruct zeq.
      > apply meet_correct; auto.
        simpl in *; unfold gamma, reduce in *; simpl in *.
        assert (Int.signed i <> Int.signed i0).
          generalize (Int.eq_spec i i0); rewrite H0.
          intros T T2; elim T.
          generalize (Int.repr_signed i); rewrite T2; rewrite Int.repr_signed; auto.
        destruct (zle Int.min_signed (max0 -1)); simpl; generalize (Int.signed_range i); omega.
    > auto.

 Definition backward_boolval (iin:itv) (out:itv) : itvbot :=
   match is_singleton out with
     | None => NotBot iin
     | Some i =>
       if Int.eq i then NotBot (signed
         else if Int.eq i then
           remove iin
         else NotBot iin

  Lemma backward_boolval_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i,
    γ ab1 i ->
    γ ab2 (of_bool (negb (Int.eq i ->
    γ (backward_boolval ab1 ab2) i.
    unfold backward_boolval; intros.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab2); intros; auto.
    exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto.
    generalize (Int.eq_spec i; destruct Int.eq; simpl; intros; subst.
    > rewrite Int.eq_true; apply signed_correct.
    > rewrite Int.eq_false.
      > rewrite Int.eq_true.
        apply remove_correct; auto.
        generalize (Int.eq_spec i; destruct Int.eq; intuition.
      > intro T.
        inv T.

 Definition backward_notbool (iin:itv) (out:itv) : itvbot :=
   match is_singleton out with
     | None => NotBot iin
     | Some i =>
       if Int.eq i then NotBot (signed
         else if Int.eq i then
           remove iin
         else NotBot iin

  Lemma backward_notbool_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i,
    γ ab1 i ->
    γ ab2 (of_bool (Int.eq i ->
    γ (backward_notbool ab1 ab2) i.
    unfold backward_notbool; intros.
    case_eq (is_singleton ab2); intros; auto.
    exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto.
    generalize (Int.eq_spec i; destruct Int.eq; simpl; intros; subst.
    > rewrite Int.eq_true; apply signed_correct.
    > rewrite Int.eq_false.
      > rewrite Int.eq_true.
        apply remove_correct; auto.
        generalize (Int.eq_spec i; destruct Int.eq; intuition.
      > intro T.
        inv T.

 Definition backward_neg (iin:itv) (out:itv) : itvbot :=
   meet iin (NotBot (neg out)).

  Lemma backward_neg_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i,
    γ ab1 i ->
    γ ab2 (Int.neg i) ->
    γ (backward_neg ab1 ab2) i.
    unfold backward_neg; intros.
    apply meet_correct; auto.
    rewrite <- (Int.neg_involutive i).
    apply neg_correct; auto.

 Definition backward_not (iin:itv) (out:itv) : itvbot :=
   meet iin (NotBot (not out)).

  Lemma backward_not_correct : forall ab1 ab2 i,
    γ ab1 i ->
    γ ab2 (Int.not i) ->
    γ (backward_not ab1 ab2) i.
    unfold backward_not; intros.
    apply meet_correct; auto.
    rewrite <- (Int.not_involutive i).
    apply not_correct; auto.

Lemma max_signed_unsigned: Int.max_unsigned = 2*Int.max_signed + 1.
  unfold Int.max_signed, Int.max_unsigned.
  generalize Int.half_modulus_modulus; intros HH1.

Definition backward_add (ab1 ab2 res:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
  (meet ab1 (NotBot (sub res ab2)),
    meet ab2 (NotBot (sub res ab1))).

Lemma add_sub: forall i1 i2:int,
  (Int.sub (Int.add i1 i2) i2) = i1.
  rewrite Int.add_commut.
  rewrite Int.sub_add_l.
  rewrite Int.sub_idem.
  rewrite Int.add_zero_l; auto.

Lemma backward_add_correct : forall ab1 ab2 res i1 i2,
  γ ab1 i1 ->
  γ ab2 i2 ->
  γ res (Int.add i1 i2) ->
  γ (fst (backward_add ab1 ab2 res)) i1 /\
  γ (snd (backward_add ab1 ab2 res)) i2.
    unfold backward_not; intros.
    unfold backward_add; split; apply meet_correct; auto.
    > rewrite <- (add_sub i1 i2).
      simpl; apply sub_correct; auto.
    > rewrite <- (add_sub i2 i1).
      simpl; apply sub_correct; auto.
      rewrite Int.add_commut; auto.

Definition backward_sub (ab1 ab2 res:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
  (meet ab1 (NotBot (add res ab2)),
    meet ab2 (NotBot (sub ab1 res))).

Lemma add_sub2: forall i1 i2:int,
  (Int.add (Int.sub i1 i2) i2) = i1.
  rewrite Int.sub_add_opp.
  rewrite Int.add_assoc.
  rewrite (Int.add_commut (Int.neg i2)).
  rewrite Int.add_neg_zero.
  rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.

Lemma add_sub3: forall i1 i2:int,
  (Int.sub i1 (Int.sub i1 i2)) = i2.
  repeat rewrite Int.sub_add_opp.
  rewrite Int.neg_add_distr.
  rewrite Int.neg_involutive.
  rewrite <- Int.add_assoc.
  rewrite Int.add_neg_zero.
  rewrite Int.add_zero_l; auto.

Lemma backward_sub_correct : forall ab1 ab2 res i1 i2,
  γ ab1 i1 ->
  γ ab2 i2 ->
  γ res (Int.sub i1 i2) ->
  γ (fst (backward_sub ab1 ab2 res)) i1 /\
  γ (snd (backward_sub ab1 ab2 res)) i2.
    unfold backward_not; intros.
    unfold backward_sub; split; apply meet_correct; auto.
    > rewrite <- (add_sub2 i1 i2).
      simpl; apply add_correct; auto.
    > rewrite <- (add_sub3 i1 i2).
      simpl; apply sub_correct; auto.

Definition backward_and (ab1 ab2 res:itv) : list (itvbot * itvbot) :=
  if is_a_boolean ab1 && is_a_boolean ab2 then
    match is_singleton res with
      | None => (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2) :: nil
      | Some i =>
        if Int.eq i then
          (meet ab1 (NotBot (signed,
            meet ab2 (NotBot (signed ::nil
          else if Int.eq i then
            (NotBot ab1,meet ab2 (NotBot (signed ::
            (meet ab1 (NotBot (signed, NotBot ab2) :: nil
            else (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2) :: nil
    else (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2) :: nil.

Lemma backward_and_correct : forall ab1 ab2 res i1 i2,
  γ ab1 i1 ->
  γ ab2 i2 ->
  γ res (Int.and i1 i2) ->
  exists ab, In ab (backward_and ab1 ab2 res) /\
    γ (fst ab) i1 /\
    γ (snd ab) i2.
    unfold backward_and; intros.
    > rewrite andb_true_iff; destruct 1.
      exploit (is_a_boolean_correct ab1); eauto; clear H2.
      exploit (is_a_boolean_correct ab2); eauto; clear H3.
      case_eq (is_singleton res); intros.
      > exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto; clear H2.
        intros; subst.
        generalize (Int.eq_spec (Int.and i1 i2); destruct Int.eq; intros.
        > destruct H3; destruct H4; subst; compute in H2; inv H2.
          econstructor; split; [left; eauto|split]; apply meet_correct; auto;
            simpl; apply signed_correct.
        > generalize (Int.eq_spec (Int.and i1 i2); destruct Int.eq; intros.
          > destruct H3.
            > econstructor; split; [left; eauto|idtac].
              split; auto; apply meet_correct; auto.
              subst; simpl; apply signed_correct.
            > destruct H4; subst; compute in H5; inv H5.
              econstructor; split; [right; left; eauto|idtac].
              split; auto; apply meet_correct; auto.
              subst; simpl; apply signed_correct.
          > econstructor; split; [left;eauto|auto].
        > econstructor; split; [left;eauto|auto].
      > econstructor; split; [left;eauto|auto].

Definition backward_or (ab1 ab2 res:itv) : list (itvbot * itvbot) :=
  if is_a_boolean ab1 && is_a_boolean ab2 then
    match is_singleton res with
      | None => (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2) :: nil
      | Some i =>
        if Int.eq i then
          (meet ab1 (NotBot (signed,
            meet ab2 (NotBot (signed ::nil
          else if Int.eq i then
            (NotBot ab1,meet ab2 (NotBot (signed ::
            (meet ab1 (NotBot (signed, NotBot ab2) :: nil
            else (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2) :: nil
    else (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2) :: nil.

Lemma backward_or_correct : forall ab1 ab2 res i1 i2,
  γ ab1 i1 ->
  γ ab2 i2 ->
  γ res (Int.or i1 i2) ->
  exists ab, In ab (backward_or ab1 ab2 res) /\
    γ (fst ab) i1 /\
    γ (snd ab) i2.
    unfold backward_or; intros.
    > rewrite andb_true_iff; destruct 1.
      exploit (is_a_boolean_correct ab1); eauto; clear H2.
      exploit (is_a_boolean_correct ab2); eauto; clear H3.
      case_eq (is_singleton res); intros.
      > exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto; clear H2.
        intros; subst.
        generalize (Int.eq_spec (Int.or i1 i2); destruct Int.eq; intros.
        > destruct H3; destruct H4; subst; compute in H2; inv H2.
          econstructor; split; [left; eauto|split]; apply meet_correct; auto;
            simpl; apply signed_correct.
        > generalize (Int.eq_spec (Int.or i1 i2); destruct Int.eq; intros.
          > destruct H3.
            destruct H4; subst; compute in H5; inv H5.
            > econstructor; split; [right; left; eauto|idtac].
              split; auto; apply meet_correct; auto.
              subst; simpl; apply signed_correct.
            > econstructor; split; [left; eauto|idtac].
              split; auto; apply meet_correct; auto.
              subst; simpl; apply signed_correct.
          > econstructor; split; [left;eauto|auto].
        > econstructor; split; [left;eauto|auto].
      > econstructor; split; [left;eauto|auto].

  Lemma gamma_backward_lt: forall ab1 ab2 ab1' ab2' i1 i2,
    backward_lt ab1 ab2 = (ab1',ab2') ->
    γ ab1 i1 ->
    γ ab2 i2 -> i1 i2 = true ->
    γ ab1' i1 /\ γ ab2' i2.
    simpl; unfold gamma, backward_lt; simpl; intros.
    destruct ab1; destruct ab2; simpl in *.
    assert (I1:=Int.signed_range i1).
    assert (I2:=Int.signed_range i2).
    unfold in H2; destruct zlt; try congruence.
    unfold reduce in *.
    assert (M:=max_signed_unsigned).
    unfold γ in *.
    repeat destruct zle; simpl in *; inv H; simpl; try (split; omega);
    unfold reduce in *; repeat destruct zle; simpl in *; try (split; omega).
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.

  Lemma gamma_backward_ne: forall ab1 ab2 ab1' ab2' i1 i2,
    backward_ne ab1 ab2 = (ab1',ab2') ->
    γ ab1 i1 ->
    γ ab2 i2 ->
    negb (Int.eq i1 i2) = true ->
    γ ab1' i1 /\ γ ab2' i2.
    unfold backward_ne; intros.
    case_eq (backward_lt ab1 ab2); intros i1' i2' G1; rewrite G1 in *.
    case_eq (backward_lt ab2 ab1); intros i1'' i2'' G2; rewrite G2 in *.
    inv H.
    assert (H2':Int.eq i1 i2=false).
      destruct (Int.eq i1 i2); inv H2; auto.
    generalize (Int.eq_spec i1 i2); rewrite H2'; intros; subst.
    assert (Int.signed i1 <> Int.signed i2).
      apply Int.eq_false in H.
      unfold Int.eq in H.
      destruct zeq; try congruence.
      red; intro; elim n.
      unfold Int.signed in *.
      generalize Int.half_modulus_modulus; intros HH1.
      generalize (Int.unsigned_range i1); intros R1.
      generalize (Int.unsigned_range i2); intros R2.
      do 2 destruct zlt; try omega.
    assert (Int.signed i1 < Int.signed i2 \/ Int.signed i2 < Int.signed i1) by omega.
    destruct H4.
    exploit (gamma_backward_lt ab1 ab2 i1' i2'); eauto.
    unfold; destruct zlt; auto.
    destruct 1 as [HG1 HG2].
    destruct i1'; try (elim HG1; fail).
    destruct i2'; try (elim HG2; fail).
    > destruct i2''; auto.
      generalize (join_correct x x1); simpl; intros J1.
      apply J1; intuition.
    > destruct i1''; auto.
      generalize (join_correct x0 x1); simpl; intros J2.
      apply J2; intuition.

    exploit (gamma_backward_lt ab2 ab1 i1'' i2''); eauto.
    unfold; destruct zlt; auto.
    destruct 1 as [HG1 HG2].
    destruct i1''; try (elim HG1; fail).
    destruct i2''; try (elim HG2; fail).
    > destruct i1'; auto.
      generalize (join_correct x1 x0); simpl; intros J1.
      apply J1; intuition.
    > destruct i2'; auto.
      generalize (join_correct x1 x); simpl; intros J2.
      apply J2; intuition.

  Lemma gamma_backward_le: forall ab1 ab2 ab1' ab2' i1 i2,
    backward_le ab1 ab2 = (ab1',ab2') ->
    γ ab1 i1 ->
    γ ab2 i2 ->
    negb ( i2 i1) = true ->
    γ ab1' i1 /\ γ ab2' i2.
    simpl; unfold gamma, backward_le; simpl; intros.
    destruct ab1; simpl in *; try (intuition; fail);
      destruct ab2; simpl in *; try (intuition; fail).
    assert (I1:=Int.signed_range i1).
    assert (I2:=Int.signed_range i2).
    unfold in H2; destruct zlt; simpl in H2; try congruence.
    unfold reduce in *.
    repeat destruct zle; simpl in *; inv H; simpl; try (split; omega);
    unfold reduce in *;
    repeat destruct zle; simpl; try (split; omega); unfold γ in *; simpl in *.
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.
    generalize dependent z2; generalize dependent z3.
    repeat apply Zmax_case_strong; repeat apply Zmin_case_strong; intros; try omega.

  Lemma cast_int16u_correct: forall ab i,
    cast_int16u ab = true ->
    γ ab i ->
    Int.signed i = Int.unsigned i.
    unfold cast_int16u; destruct ab ;simpl; intros.
    assert (I1:=Int.intrange i).
    assert (HI:=is_in_interval_correct _ _ _ H _ H0); clear H.
    unfold Int.signed, Int.unsigned in *.
    destruct zlt; try omega.

  Lemma gamma_backward_leu: forall ab1 ab2 ab1' ab2' i1 i2,
    backward_leu ab1 ab2 = (ab1',ab2') ->
    γ ab1 i1 ->
    γ ab2 i2 ->
    negb (Int.ltu i2 i1) = true ->
    γ ab1' i1 /\ γ ab2' i2.
    unfold backward_leu; simpl; intros.
    case_eq (cast_int16u ab1); intros; rewrite H3 in H; simpl in *.
    case_eq (cast_int16u ab2); intros; rewrite H4 in H; simpl in *.
    assert (negb ( i2 i1) = true).
    unfold Int.ltu in H2; destruct zlt; simpl in H2; try congruence.
    unfold; destruct zlt; simpl; try congruence.
    rewrite (cast_int16u_correct ab1 i1) in z0; auto.
    rewrite (cast_int16u_correct ab2 i2) in z0; auto.
    exploit gamma_backward_le; eauto.
    simpl; intros; inv H; split; auto.
    simpl; intros; inv H; split; auto.

  Lemma gamma_backward_ltu: forall ab1 ab2 ab1' ab2' i1 i2,
    backward_ltu ab1 ab2 = (ab1',ab2') ->
    γ ab1 i1 ->
    γ ab2 i2 ->
    Int.ltu i1 i2 = true ->
    γ ab1' i1 /\ γ ab2' i2.
    unfold backward_ltu; simpl; intros.
    case_eq (cast_int16u ab1); intros; rewrite H3 in H; simpl in *.
    case_eq (cast_int16u ab2); intros; rewrite H4 in H; simpl in *.
    assert ( i1 i2 = true).
    unfold Int.ltu in H2; destruct zlt; simpl in H2; try congruence.
    unfold; destruct zlt; simpl; try congruence.
    rewrite (cast_int16u_correct ab1 i1) in z0; auto.
    rewrite (cast_int16u_correct ab2 i2) in z0; auto.
    exploit gamma_backward_lt; eauto.
    simpl; intros; inv H; split; auto.
    simpl; intros; inv H; split; auto.

Definition swap {A} (xy:A*A) : A*A :=
  let (x,y) := xy in (y,x).

Definition backward_cmp (c:comparison) (ab1 ab2 res:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
  match is_singleton res with
    | None => (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2)
    | Some i =>
      if Int.eq i then
        match c with
          | Ceq => let ab := meet ab1 (NotBot ab2) in (ab,ab)
          | Cne => backward_ne ab1 ab2
          | Clt => backward_lt ab1 ab2
          | Cle => backward_le ab1 ab2
          | Cgt => swap (backward_lt ab2 ab1)
          | Cge => swap (backward_le ab2 ab1)
        else if Int.eq i then
        match c with
          | Ceq => backward_ne ab1 ab2
          | Cne => let ab := meet ab1 (NotBot ab2) in (ab,ab)
          | Cge => backward_lt ab1 ab2
          | Cgt => backward_le ab1 ab2
          | Cle => swap (backward_lt ab2 ab1)
          | Clt => swap (backward_le ab2 ab1)
        else (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2)

Lemma pair_eq : forall A B (x:A*B), x = (fst x, snd x).
  destruct x; auto.
Hint Resolve pair_eq.

Lemma swap_inv {A} (x:A*A) (u v: A) : swap x = (u,v) -> x = (v,u).
destruct x; simpl; congruence. Qed.

Opaque meet.
Lemma backward_cmp_correct : forall c ab1 ab2 res i1 i2,
  γ ab1 i1 ->
  γ ab2 i2 ->
  γ res (of_bool (Int.cmp c i1 i2)) ->
  let '(u,v) := backward_cmp c ab1 ab2 res in
  γ u i1 /\ γ v i2.
    unfold backward_cmp; intros.
    case_eq (is_singleton res); intros; auto.
    exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto; clear H2.
    intros; subst.
    generalize (Int.eq_spec (of_bool (Int.cmp c i1 i2)); destruct Int.eq; intros.
    > revert H2; case_eq (Int.cmp c i1 i2); try (unfold of_bool; intros _ T; inv T; fail).
      intros T _.
      destruct c; simpl in T.
      > generalize (Int.eq_spec i1 i2); rewrite T; intros; subst.
        split; apply meet_correct; auto.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_ne; eauto.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_lt; eauto.
      > pairs; intros; eapply gamma_backward_le; eauto.
      > pairs. intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_lt ab2 ab1); eauto.
      > pairs. intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_le ab2 ab1); eauto.
    > revert H2; case_eq (Int.cmp c i1 i2).
      intros _ T; elim T; compute; auto.
      intros T _.
      rewrite Int.eq_true.
      destruct c; simpl in T.
      > intros; eapply gamma_backward_ne; eauto.
        rewrite T; auto.
      > generalize (Int.eq_spec i1 i2); destruct Int.eq; inv T; intros; subst.
        inj. split; eapply meet_correct; auto.
      > intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_le ab2 ab1); eauto.
        rewrite T; auto.
      > intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_lt ab2 ab1); eauto.
        destruct; inv T; auto.
      > intros. eapply gamma_backward_le; eauto.
        rewrite T; auto.
      > intros. eapply gamma_backward_lt; eauto.
        destruct; inv T; auto.

Definition backward_cmpu (c:comparison) (ab1 ab2 res:itv) : itvbot * itvbot :=
  match is_singleton res with
    | None => (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2)
    | Some i =>
      if Int.eq i then
        match c with
          | Ceq => let ab := meet ab1 (NotBot ab2) in (ab,ab)
          | Cne => backward_ne ab1 ab2
          | Clt => backward_ltu ab1 ab2
          | Cle => backward_leu ab1 ab2
          | Cgt => swap (backward_ltu ab2 ab1)
          | Cge => swap (backward_leu ab2 ab1)
        else if Int.eq i then
        match c with
          | Ceq => backward_ne ab1 ab2
          | Cne => let ab := meet ab1 (NotBot ab2) in (ab,ab)
          | Cge => backward_ltu ab1 ab2
          | Cgt => backward_leu ab1 ab2
          | Cle => swap (backward_ltu ab2 ab1)
          | Clt => swap (backward_leu ab2 ab1)
        else (NotBot ab1,NotBot ab2)

Lemma backward_cmpu_correct : forall c ab1 ab2 res i1 i2,
  γ ab1 i1 ->
  γ ab2 i2 ->
  γ res (of_bool (Int.cmpu c i1 i2)) ->
  let '(u,v) := backward_cmpu c ab1 ab2 res in
  γ u i1 /\ γ v i2.
    unfold backward_cmpu; intros.
    case_eq (is_singleton res); intros; auto.
    exploit is_singleton_correct; eauto; clear H2.
    intros; subst.
    generalize (Int.eq_spec (of_bool (Int.cmpu c i1 i2)); destruct Int.eq; intros.
    > revert H2; case_eq (Int.cmpu c i1 i2); try (unfold of_bool; intros _ T; inv T; fail).
      intros T _.
      destruct c; simpl in T.
      > generalize (Int.eq_spec i1 i2); rewrite T; intros; subst.
        split; apply meet_correct; auto.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_ne; eauto.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_ltu; eauto.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_leu; eauto.
      > pairs. intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_ltu ab2 ab1); eauto.
      > pairs. intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_leu ab2 ab1); eauto.
    > revert H2; case_eq (Int.cmpu c i1 i2).
      intros _ T; elim T; compute; auto.
      intros T _.
      rewrite Int.eq_true.
      destruct c; simpl in T.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_ne; eauto.
        rewrite T; auto.
      > generalize (Int.eq_spec i1 i2); destruct Int.eq; inv T; intros; subst.
        split; apply meet_correct; auto.
      > pairs. intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_leu ab2 ab1); eauto.
        rewrite T; auto.
      > pairs. intros Q. apply swap_inv in Q.
        exploit (gamma_backward_ltu ab2 ab1); eauto.
        destruct Int.ltu; inv T; auto.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_leu; eauto.
        rewrite T; auto.
      > pairs. intros; eapply gamma_backward_ltu; eauto.
        destruct Int.ltu; inv T; auto.

  Hint Resolve gamma_top signed_correct.

  Definition ugamma (i:itv) (v:int) : Prop :=
    min i <= Int.unsigned v <= max i.

  Definition reduc2signed (i:itv) : itv :=
    match i with
      | ITV m M =>
        if zlt M Int.half_modulus
        then i
        else if zle Int.half_modulus m
             then ITV (m - Int.modulus) (M - Int.modulus)
  Definition reduc2unsigned (i: itv) : itv :=
    match i with
      | ITV m M =>
        if zle 0 m
        then i
        else if zlt M 0
             then ITV (m + Int.modulus) (M + Int.modulus)
             else utop
  Lemma reduc2unsigned_correct: forall i v,
    gamma i v ->
    ugamma (reduc2unsigned i) v.
    intros (m & M) v (A & B). simpl in *.
    pose proof (Int.signed_range v).
    pose proof (Int.unsigned_range v).
    unfold ugamma, Int.signed in *.
    repeat destruct zlt; repeat destruct zle; simpl; intuition;
    unfold Int.max_unsigned; intuition.
  Lemma reduc2signed_correct: forall i v,
    ugamma i v ->
    gamma (reduc2signed i) v.
    intros (m & M) v (A & B). simpl in *. unfold gamma, Int.signed.
    pose proof (Int.min_signed_neg).
    pose proof (Int.unsigned_range v).
    repeat destruct zlt; repeat destruct zle; simpl; intuition.
    unfold Int.max_signed. intuition.
    unfold Int.min_signed, Int.half_modulus in *.
    assert (-(Int.modulus / 2) + Int.modulus <= Int.unsigned v); intuition.
    apply Zle_trans with (Int.modulus / 2); intuition.
    apply Zle_trans with 0. intuition.
    unfold Int.max_signed, Int.half_modulus in *. simpl. intuition.

Lemma ugamma_top: ∀ x, ugamma utop x.
  intros x. pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x). split; intuition.
  simpl. unfold Int.max_unsigned. intuition.

Lemma join_correctu : ∀ a b, ugamma augamma bugamma (ab).
  intros (a & A) (b & B) x [H|H]; simpl; apply Zmin_case_strong; apply Zmax_case_strong; auto;
  destruct H as (H & L); unfold ugamma; simpl in *;

Instance itvu_adom : adom itv int := Build_adom _ _
  order utop join widen
  ugamma _ ugamma_top join_correctu.
unfold ugamma, ugamma.
intros (a1,b1) (a2,b2) H a K. simpl in *.
rewrite andb_true_iff in H; repeat rewrite zle_true_iff in H.
Definition unsigned_itv_adom := itvu_adom.

Local Notation Γ := ugamma.

Transparent meet.
Lemma meet_correctu : forall x y,
  γ x ∩ γ ymatch xy with Bot => ∅ | NotBot z => Γ z end.
  Hint Resolve Zmax_lub Zmin_glb.
  intros (x & X) [|(y & Y)] i. intuition. simpl. unfold ugamma; simpl.
  unfold reduce. bif.
  simpl. intuition.
  assert (Zmax x y <= Int.unsigned i) by intuition.
  assert (Int.unsigned i <= Zmin X Y) by intuition.
Opaque meet.

End Interval.

Inductive sign_flag : Type := Signed | Unsigned.

Definition ints_in_range (r: sign_flag ->⊥) : int -> Prop :=
    botlift_prop Interval.gamma (r Signed)
  ∩ botlift_prop Interval.ugamma (r Unsigned).