Module Transcode

Require Import
  Coqlib Maps.

Require Import
  Utf8 Utils.

Section S.
Context {X: Type}.

Record state: Type := mkstate {
  st_nextnode: positive;
  st_code: PTree.t X;
  st_wf: forall (pc: positive), Plt pc st_nextnode \/ st_code!pc = None

Inductive state_incr: state -> state -> Prop :=
    forall (s1 s2: state),
    Ple s1.(st_nextnode) s2.(st_nextnode) ->
    (forall pc,
      s1.(st_code)!pc = None \/ s2.(st_code)!pc = s1.(st_code)!pc) ->
    state_incr s1 s2.

Lemma state_incr_refl:
  forall s, state_incr s s.
  intros. apply state_incr_intro.
  apply Ple_refl. intros; auto.

Lemma state_incr_trans:
  forall s1 s2 s3, state_incr s1 s2 -> state_incr s2 s3 -> state_incr s1 s3.
  intros. inv H; inv H0. apply state_incr_intro.
  apply Ple_trans with (st_nextnode s2); assumption.
  intros. generalize (H3 pc) (H2 pc). intuition congruence.

Lemma incr_some :
  ∀ s1 s2, state_incr s1 s2
  ∀ pc i, s1.(st_code) ! pc = Some is2.(st_code) ! pc = Some i.
  intros _ _ ( s1 & s2 ).
  intros _ H pc i H'.
  destruct (H pc); congruence.

Inductive res (A: Type) (s: state): Type :=
  | Error: Errors.errmsg -> res A s
  | OK: A -> forall (s': state), state_incr s s' -> res A s.

Implicit Arguments OK [A s].
Implicit Arguments Error [A s].

Definition mon (A: Type) : Type := forall (s: state), res A s.

Definition ret (A: Type) (x: A) : mon A :=
  fun (s: state) => OK x s (state_incr_refl s).

Implicit Arguments ret [A].

Definition error (A: Type) (msg: Errors.errmsg) : mon A := fun (s: state) => Error msg.

Implicit Arguments error [A].

Definition bind (A B: Type) (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B) : mon B :=
  fun (s: state) =>
    match f s with
    | Error msg => Error msg
    | OK a s' i =>
        match g a s' with
        | Error msg => Error msg
        | OK b s'' i' => OK b s'' (state_incr_trans s s' s'' i i')

Implicit Arguments bind [A B].

Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
   (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).

Remark bind_inversion:
  forall (A B: Type) (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B)
         (y: B) (s1 s3: state) (i: state_incr s1 s3),
  bind f g s1 = OK y s3 i ->
  exists x, exists s2, exists i1, exists i2,
  f s1 = OK x s2 i1 /\ g x s2 = OK y s3 i2.
  intros A B f g y s1 s3 i. unfold bind.
  destruct (f s1) as [| a s' i']. inversion 1.
  case_eq (g a s'). inversion 2.
  intros b s'' j EQ. inversion 1.
  subst. exists a; exists s'; exists i'; exists j; intuition.

Definition handle_error (A: Type) (f g: mon A) : mon A :=
  fun (s: state) =>
    match f s with
    | OK a s' i => OK a s' i
    | Error _ => g s

Implicit Arguments handle_error [A].

Operations on state

The initial state (empty CFG).

Remark init_state_wf (nextnode:positive):
  forall pc, Plt pc nextnode \/ (PTree.empty X)!pc = None.
intros; right; apply PTree.gempty. Qed.

Definition init_state (nextnode:positive) : state :=
  mkstate nextnode (PTree.empty _) (init_state_wf nextnode).

Adding a node with the given instruction to the CFG. Return the label of the new node.

Remark add_instr_wf:
  forall s i pc,
  let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
  Plt pc (Psucc n) \/ (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))!pc = None.
  intros. case (peq pc n); intro.
  subst pc; left; apply Plt_succ.
  rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
  elim (st_wf s pc); intro.
  left. apply Plt_trans_succ. exact H.
  right; assumption.

Remark add_instr_incr:
  forall s i,
  let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
  state_incr s (mkstate
                (Psucc n)
                (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))
                (add_instr_wf s i)).
  constructor; simpl.
  apply Ple_succ.
  intros. destruct (st_wf s pc). right. apply PTree.gso. apply Plt_ne; auto. auto.

Definition add_instr (i: X) : mon positive :=
  fun s =>
    let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
    OK n
       (mkstate (Psucc n) (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))
                (add_instr_wf s i))
       (add_instr_incr s i).

Remark reserve_instr_wf:
  forall s pc,
  Plt pc (Psucc s.(st_nextnode)) \/ s.(st_code)!pc = None.
  intros. elim (st_wf s pc); intro.
  left; apply Plt_trans_succ; auto.
  right; auto.

Remark reserve_instr_incr:
  forall s,
  let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
  state_incr s (mkstate
                (Psucc n)
                (reserve_instr_wf s)).
  intros; constructor; simpl.
  apply Ple_succ.

Definition reserve_instr: mon positive :=
  fun (s: state) =>
  let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
  OK n
     (mkstate (Psucc n) s.(st_code) (reserve_instr_wf s))
     (reserve_instr_incr s).

Remark update_instr_wf:
  forall s n i,
  Plt n s.(st_nextnode) ->
  forall pc,
  Plt pc s.(st_nextnode) \/ (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))!pc = None.
  case (peq pc n); intro.
  subst pc; left; assumption.
  rewrite PTree.gso; auto. exact (st_wf s pc).

Remark update_instr_incr:
  forall s n i (LT: Plt n s.(st_nextnode)),
  s.(st_code)!n = None ->
  state_incr s
             (mkstate s.(st_nextnode) (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))
                     (update_instr_wf s n i LT)).
  constructor; simpl; intros.
  apply Ple_refl.
  rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq pc n). left; congruence. right; auto.

Definition check_empty_node:
  forall (s: state) (n: positive), { s.(st_code)!n = None } + { True }.
  intros. case (s.(st_code)!n); intros. right; auto. left; auto.

Definition update_instr (n: positive) (i: X) : mon unit :=
  fun s =>
    match plt n s.(st_nextnode), check_empty_node s n with
    | left LT, left EMPTY =>
        OK tt
           (mkstate s.(st_nextnode) (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))
                    (update_instr_wf s n i LT))
           (update_instr_incr s n i LT EMPTY)
    | _, _ =>
        Error (Errors.msg "Transcode.update_instr")

Lemma update_instr_inv {n: positive} {i: X} {st: state} :
  forall {u st' p},
    update_instr n i st = OK u st' p
    u = tt
  ∧ st'.(st_nextnode) = st.(st_nextnode)
  ∧ st'.(st_code) = st.(st_code) ! n <- i.
  unfold update_instr.
  case (plt n st.(st_nextnode)). intros LT.
  case (check_empty_node st n). intros EMPTY.
  intros () st' p H. inv H. intuition.
  inversion 2.
  inversion 2.

End S.

Implicit Arguments OK [X A s].
Implicit Arguments Error [X A s].

Implicit Arguments ret [X A].
Implicit Arguments error [X A].
Implicit Arguments bind [X A B].
Implicit Arguments handle_error [X A].

Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
   (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).