Module MachIRTaintAnalysis

Require Import AssocList.
Import Util.
Require MachIR.
Require Import Registers.
Import String.
Import Coqlib.
Import AST.
Import Machregs.
Import Globalenvs.
Import Op.
Import Integers.
Import Values.
Import Memory.
Import Mach.
Import MachIR.
Import Maps.
Import Utf8.
Import RelationClasses.
Import Morphisms.
Import Annotations.
Import FSetAVL.
Require Import ToString.

Unset Elimination Schemes.

Module SetProp (A: FSetInterface.S).
  Lemma mem_In x s : reflect (A.In x s) (A.mem x s).
    generalize (@A.mem_1 s x), (@A.mem_2 s x).
    case A.mem. vauto.
    intros H _. constructor. intros X; specialize (H X); eq_some_inv.

  Instance string_of_t `(ToString A.elt) : ToString A.t := λ s,
  "{ " ++ A.foldx, String.append (to_string x ++ "; ")) s "}".

End SetProp.

Instance mreg_eq_dec : EqDec mreg := mreg_eq.

Definition register_names := Eval vm_compute in
      rev_mapx, let '(s, r) := x in (r, s)) register_names.

Instance string_of_mreg : ToString mreg := λ r,
  match assoc r register_names with
  | Some s => s
  | None => "?"

Inductive sec_level := Low | High.

Definition Low_not_High (P: Prop) (EQ: Low = High) : P :=
  let 'eq_refl := EQ in I.

Definition max_sec_level (l1 l2:sec_level) : sec_level :=
  match l1 with
    | High => l1
    | _ => l2

Notation "l1l2" := (max_sec_level l1 l2) (at level 19).

Lemma max_sec_level_comm x y : xy = yx.
case x; case y; reflexivity. Qed.

Module Type AB_REG_MAP.
  Axiom t : Type.
  Axiom eq : ttProp.
  Declare Instance equiv : Equivalence eq.
  Axiom t_dec : ∀ x x', { eq x x' } + { ¬ eq x x' }.
  Axiom empty : t.
  Axiom get : t -> mreg -> sec_level.
  Axiom set : t -> mreg -> sec_level -> t.
  Axiom union : ttt.

  Declare Instance get_m : Proper (eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) get.
  Axiom gempty : ∀ r, get empty r = Low.
  Axiom gs : ∀ x r v r', get (set x r v) r' = if mreg_eq r r' then v else get x r'.
  Axiom gunion : ∀ x y r, get (union x y) r = get x rget y r.

  Declare Instance string_of_t : ToString t.

Module MREG_ordered <: OrderedType.OrderedType.
  Definition t := mreg.
  Definition eq := @eq mreg.
  Definition eq_refl := @eq_refl mreg.
  Definition eq_sym := @eq_sym mreg.
  Definition eq_trans := @eq_trans mreg.
  Definition lt x y := Plt (IndexedMreg.index x) (IndexedMreg.index y).
  Definition lt_trans := fun x y z => Plt_trans (IndexedMreg.index x) (IndexedMreg.index y) (IndexedMreg.index z).
  Definition lt_not_eq : forall x y, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
intros. red; intros. inv H0. red in H. xomega. Defined.
  Definition eq_dec := mreg_eq.
  Definition compare : forall x y, OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y.
    intros. destruct (eq_dec x y).
    - constructor 2; auto.
    - destruct (plt (IndexedMreg.index x) (IndexedMreg.index y)).
      + constructor 1; auto.
      + constructor 3; auto. destruct (peq (IndexedMreg.index x) (IndexedMreg.index y)).
        * elim n. eapply IndexedMreg.index_inj; auto.
        * red. xomega. Defined.
End MREG_ordered.
Module AbRegMap : AB_REG_MAP.
  Module A := FSetAVL.Make MREG_ordered.
  Module AP := SetProp A.
  Definition t := A.t.
  Definition eq := A.eq.
  Instance equiv : Equivalence eq.
split. exact A.eq_refl. exact A.eq_sym. exact A.eq_trans. Defined.
  Definition t_dec := A.eq_dec.
  Definition empty := A.empty.
  Definition get (s: t) (r: mreg) : sec_level :=
    if A.mem r s then High else Low.
  Definition set (s: t) (r: mreg) (v: sec_level) : t :=
    match v with
    | Low => A.remove r s
    | High => A.add r s

  Definition union := A.union.

  Instance get_m : Proper (eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) get.
    intros s s' EQ r ? <-.
    unfold get. rewrite EQ. reflexivity.

  Definition gempty r : get empty r = Low := eq_refl.

  Lemma gs x r v r' : get (set x r v) r' = if mreg_eq r r' then v else get x r'.
    unfold get, set.
    case mreg_eq. intros <-.
    case v; case AP.mem_In; auto.
    intros H; elim (A.remove_1 eq_refl H).
    intros H; elim (H (A.add_1 _ eq_refl)).
    intros NE.
    case v; repeat case AP.mem_In; auto.
    intros K H. elim (K (A.remove_3 H)).
    intros H K. elim (K (A.remove_2 NE H)).
    intros K H. elim (K (A.add_3 NE H)).
    intros H K. elim (K (A.add_2 _ H)).

  Lemma gunion x y r : get (union x y) r = get x rget y r.
    unfold get, union.
    case AP.mem_In.
    intros H; apply A.union_1 in H; destruct H as [ H | H ]; rewrite (reflect_iff _ _ (AP.mem_In _ _)) in H; rewrite H.
    reflexivity. rewrite max_sec_level_comm. reflexivity.
    intros H.
    case AP.mem_In. intros K; elim (H (A.union_2 _ K)). intros _.
    case AP.mem_In. intros K; elim (H (A.union_3 _ K)). reflexivity.

  Instance string_of_t : ToString t := _.
End AbRegMap.

Local Coercion AbRegMap.get : AbRegMap.t >-> Funclass.

Inductive ab_cell : Type :=
| Global `(ident) `(Z)
| Stack `(nat) `(Z)

Instance ab_cell_dec : EqDec ab_cell.
  intros (); [ intros g o | intros d o ];
  (intros (); [ intros g' o' | intros d' o' ]).
  case (eq_dec g g'); intros Hg.
  case (eq_dec o o'); intros Ho.
  left; apply f_equal2; assumption.
  right; clear -Ho; abstract congruence.
  right; abstract congruence.
  right; abstract congruence.
  right; abstract congruence.
  case (eq_nat_dec d d'); intros Hd.
  case (eq_dec o o'); intros Ho.
  left; apply f_equal2; assumption.
  right; clear -Ho; abstract congruence.
  right; abstract congruence.

Module Type AB_MEM_MAP.
  Axiom t : Type.
  Axiom eq : ttProp.
  Declare Instance equiv : Equivalence eq.
  Axiom t_dec : ∀ x x', { eq x x' } + { ¬ eq x x' }.
  Axiom empty : t.
  Axiom get : t -> ab_cell -> sec_level.
  Axiom set : t -> ab_cell -> sec_level -> t.
  Axiom union : ttt.
  Axiom push : t -> t.
  Axiom pop : t -> t.

  Declare Instance get_m : Proper (eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) get.
  Axiom gempty : ∀ r, get empty r = Low.
  Axiom gunion : ∀ x y r, get (union x y) r = get x rget y r.

  Axiom gpush : ∀ x r, get (push x) r = match r with Global _ _ => get x r |
                                                Stack (S n) ofs => get x (Stack n ofs) |
                                                Stack O _ => Low end.
  Axiom gpop : ∀ x r, get (pop x) r = match r with Global _ _ => get x r |
                                              Stack n ofs => get x (Stack (S n) ofs) end.

  Declare Instance string_of_t : ToString t.

Module AbMemMap : AB_MEM_MAP.
  Module PZ_ordered := OrderedTypeEx.PairOrderedType (OrderedTypeEx.Positive_as_OT) (OrderedTypeEx.Z_as_OT).
  Module A := FSetAVL.Make PZ_ordered.
  Module B := FSetAVL.Make OrderedTypeEx.Z_as_OT.

  Definition t := (A.t * list B.t)%type.
  Definition eq := fun x y => A.eq (fst x) (fst y) /\ list_forall2 B.eq (snd x) (snd y).
  Lemma list_forall2_dec:
    forall A B (R: A -> B -> Prop ) (R_dec: forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y }) l1 l2,
      { list_forall2 R l1 l2 } + { ~ list_forall2 R l1 l2 }.
    induction l1; intros.
    - destruct l2.
      + left; constructor.
      + right; red; intros; inv H.
    - destruct l2.
      + right; red; intros; inv H.
      + destruct (IHl1 l2).
        * destruct (R_dec a b).
          { left; constructor; auto. }
          { right; red; intros; inv H; auto. }
        * right; red; intros; inv H; auto.
  Lemma t_dec : forall x y, { eq x y } + { ~ eq x y }.
    intros; destruct (A.eq_dec (fst x) (fst y)).
    - destruct (list_forall2_dec _ _ B.eq B.eq_dec (snd x) (snd y)).
      + left; split; auto.
      + right; red; intros; destruct H; auto.
    - right; red; intros; destruct H; auto.
  Lemma list_forall2_sym:
    forall A (R: A -> A -> Prop) (R_sym: forall a b, R a b -> R b a) l1 l2,
      list_forall2 R l1 l2 ->
      list_forall2 R l2 l1.
induction l1; intros; inv H; constructor; auto. Qed.
  Lemma list_forall2_trans:
    forall A (R: A -> A -> Prop) (R_trans: forall a b c, R a b -> R b c -> R a c) l1 l2 l3,
      list_forall2 R l1 l2 ->
      list_forall2 R l2 l3 ->
      list_forall2 R l1 l3.
induction l1; intros; inv H; inv H0; constructor; eauto. Qed.
  Instance equiv: Equivalence eq.
    - red; intros; split.
      + apply A.eq_refl.
      + induction (snd x); constructor; auto.
        apply B.eq_refl.
    - red; intros; destruct H; split.
      + apply A.eq_sym; auto.
      + apply list_forall2_sym; auto. exact B.eq_sym.
    - red; intros. destruct H; destruct H0; split.
      + eapply A.eq_trans; eauto.
      + eapply list_forall2_trans; eauto. exact B.eq_trans.
  Definition empty := (A.empty, @nil B.t).
  Definition get (s: t) (r: ab_cell): sec_level :=
    match r with
    | Global id ofs => if A.mem (id, ofs) (fst s) then High else Low
    | Stack n ofs => match nth_error (snd s) n with
                    | None => Low
                    | Some s => if B.mem ofs s then High else Low
  Fixpoint change_stack (k: Z -> B.t -> B.t) (n: nat) (ofs: Z) (l: list B.t): list B.t :=
    match l with
    | nil => nil
    | s::l => match n with
             | O => (k ofs s)::l
             | S n => s::(change_stack k n ofs l)
  Definition set (s: t) (r: ab_cell) (v: sec_level): t :=
    match v with
    | Low =>
      match r with
      | Global id ofs => (A.remove (id, ofs) (fst s), snd s)
      | Stack n ofs => (fst s, change_stack B.remove n ofs (snd s))
    | High =>
      match r with
      | Global id ofs => (A.add (id, ofs) (fst s), snd s)
      | Stack n ofs => (fst s, change_stack B.add n ofs (snd s))
  Fixpoint map2 { A } (f: A -> A -> A) (l1 l2: list A): list A :=
    match l1 with
    | nil => l2
    | a::l1 => match l2 with
              | nil => a::l1
              | b::l2 => (f a b)::(map2 f l1 l2)
  Definition union (x y: t): t := (A.union (fst x) (fst y), map2 B.union (snd x) (snd y)).
  Definition push (x: t): t := (fst x, B.empty::(snd x)).
  Definition pop (x: t): t :=
    match snd x with
    | nil => x
    | a::l => (fst x, l)
  Lemma list_forall2_nth_error:
    forall A B (R: A -> B -> Prop) l1 n l2,
      list_forall2 R l1 l2 ->
      match nth_error l1 n with
      | Some x => exists y, nth_error l2 n = Some y /\ R x y
      | None => nth_error l2 n = None
    induction l1; intros.
    - inv H. destruct n; simpl; auto.
    - inv H. destruct n; simpl; eauto.
      eapply IHl1; eauto.
  Instance get_m : Proper (eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) get.
    intros s s' EQ r ? <-.
    destruct s, s'; destruct EQ.
    unfold get; destruct r; simpl in *.
    - rewrite H; auto.
    - generalize (list_forall2_nth_error _ _ _ _ H1 _ H0).
      destruct (nth_error l H1); intros.
      + destruct H3 as [y [X Y]]. rewrite X; rewrite Y; auto.
      + rewrite H3; auto.
  Definition gempty : ∀ r, get empty r = Low.
    unfold empty, get; simpl; intros.
    destruct r; auto. destruct H; reflexivity.
  Lemma nth_error_map2:
    forall A (f: A -> A -> A) l1 n l2,
      match nth_error (map2 f l1 l2) n with
      | Some x => (exists a b, nth_error l1 n = Some a /\ nth_error l2 n = Some b /\ f a b = x) \/
                 (nth_error l1 n = None /\ nth_error l2 n = Some x) \/
                 (nth_error l1 n = Some x /\ nth_error l2 n = None)
      | None => nth_error l1 n = None /\ nth_error l2 n = None
    induction l1; simpl; intros.
    - destruct n; simpl; auto.
      + destruct l2; simpl; auto.
      + destruct l2; simpl; auto. destruct (nth_error l2 n); auto.
    - destruct l2; simpl; auto.
      + destruct n; simpl; auto.
        destruct (nth_error l1 n); auto.
      + destruct n; simpl; auto.
        * left; eauto.
        * eapply IHl1; eauto.
  Definition gunion : ∀ x y r, get (union x y) r = get x rget y r.
    unfold get, union; simpl; intros; destruct r.
    - case_eq (A.mem (H, H0) (fst x)); intros.
      + simpl. generalize (A.mem_2 H1); intros.
        generalize (A.union_2 (fst y) H2); intros.
        generalize (A.mem_1 H3); intros. rewrite H4; auto.
      + case_eq (A.mem (H, H0) (fst y)); intros.
        * simpl. generalize (A.mem_2 H2); intros.
          generalize (A.union_3 (fst x) H3); intros.
          generalize (A.mem_1 H4); intros. rewrite H5; auto.
        * simpl. case_eq (A.mem (H, H0) (A.union (fst x) (fst y))); intros; auto.
          apply A.mem_2 in H3. apply A.union_1 in H3.
          destruct H3; apply A.mem_1 in H3; congruence.
    - generalize (nth_error_map2 _ B.union (snd x) H (snd y)); intros.
      destruct (nth_error (map2 B.union (snd x) (snd y)) H).
      + destruct H1 as [H1 | [H1 | H1]].
        * destruct H1 as [a [b [H1 [H2 H3]]]]. rewrite H1, H2, <- H3.
          case_eq (B.mem H0 a); intros.
          { simpl. generalize (B.mem_2 H4); intros.
            generalize (B.union_2 b H5); intros.
            generalize (B.mem_1 H6); intros. rewrite H7; auto. }
          { simpl. case_eq (B.mem H0 b); intros.
            - simpl. generalize (B.mem_2 H5); intros.
              generalize (B.union_3 a H6); intros.
              generalize (B.mem_1 H7); intros. rewrite H8; auto.
            - simpl. case_eq (B.mem H0 (B.union a b)); intros; auto.
              apply B.mem_2 in H6. apply B.union_1 in H6.
              destruct H6; apply B.mem_1 in H6; congruence. }
        * destruct H1 as [H1 H2]; rewrite H1, H2. simpl; auto.
        * destruct H1 as [H1 H2]; rewrite H1, H2. simpl; auto.
          destruct (B.mem H0 t0); simpl; auto.
      + destruct H1 as [H1 H2]. rewrite H1, H2; simpl; auto.
  Definition gpush : ∀ x r, get (push x) r = match r with Global _ _ => get x r |
                                                     Stack (S n) ofs => get x (Stack n ofs) |
                                                     Stack O _ => Low end.
    unfold push; destruct r; intros; simpl; auto.
    destruct H; auto.
  Definition gpop : ∀ x r, get (pop x) r = match r with Global _ _ => get x r |
                                                   Stack n ofs => get x (Stack (S n) ofs) end.
    unfold pop; destruct r; intros; simpl; auto.
    - destruct x. destruct l; simpl; auto.
    - destruct x; simpl; auto. destruct l; simpl; auto.
      destruct H; auto.

  Module BP := SetProp B.
  Instance string_of_t : ToString t :=
    λ x, to_string (snd x).

End AbMemMap.
Definition stealth_var := Regset.t.

Definition sec_le (s1 s2:sec_level) : Prop :=
  s1=Low \/ s2=High.

Definition get_args_level (rm: AbRegMap.t) (args: list mreg) : sec_level :=
  fold_leftv r, vrm r) args Low.

Notation "vl '##t' x " := (get_args_level vl x) (at level 1).

Definition max_levels (l:list sec_level) : sec_level :=
  fold_left max_sec_level l Low.

Module Inference.

Require Import Lattice.
Require Import Kildall.

Record state : Type := State {
    reg: AbRegMap.t;
    mem: AbMemMap.t;
    context: list ident;
    alarms: list Errors.errmsg

Definition alarms_eq {X} (a a': list X) : Prop :=
  match a, a' with
  | nil, nil | _ :: _, _ :: _ => True
  | _, _ => False

Instance alarms_equiv {X} : Equivalence (@alarms_eq X).
  - intros (); vauto.
  - intros [ | a b ] [ | a' b' ]; exact id.
  - intros [ | a b ] [ | a' b' ] z (); destruct z as [ | ? ? ]; exact id.

Definition alarms_eqb {X} (a a': list X) : bool :=
  if a then if a' then true else false else if a' then false else true.

Remark alarmsP {X} (a a': list X) : reflect (alarms_eq a a') (alarms_eqb a a').
case a, a'; vauto. Defined.

Definition state_eq (s s': state) : Prop :=
  AbRegMap.eq (reg s) (reg s') ∧
  AbMemMap.eq (mem s) (mem s') ∧
  context s = context s' ∧
  alarms_eq (alarms s) (alarms s').

Instance state_equiv : Equivalence state_eq.
  - intros x. repeat split; reflexivity.
  - intros x y EQ. repeat split; symmetry; apply EQ.
  - intros x y z Hxy Hyz. repeat split; (etransitivity; [ apply Hxy | apply Hyz ]).

Definition state_eq_dec (s s': state) : { state_eq s s' } + { ¬ state_eq s s' }.
  refine (
  let 'State r m c a := s in
  let 'State r' m' c' a' := s' in
  unfold state_eq. simpl.
  case (AbRegMap.t_dec r r').
  2: clear; intros NE; right; abstract (intros (K & _); auto).
  intros EQr.
  case (AbMemMap.t_dec m m').
  2: clear; intros NE; right; abstract (intros (_ & K & _); auto).
  intros EQm.
  case (list_eq_dec Pos.eq_dec c c').
  2: clear; intros NE; right; abstract (intros (_ & _ & K & _); auto).
  intros EQc.
  generalize (reflect_iff _ _ (alarmsP a a')).
  case (alarms_eqb a a').
  2: clear; intros [NE _]; right; abstract (intros (_ & _ & _ & K); specialize (NE K); eq_some_inv).
  intros [_ EQa]. specialize (EQa eq_refl).

Definition state_ge (s s': state) : Prop :=
  (∀ r, reg s' r = Highreg s r = High) ∧
  (∀ c, AbMemMap.get (mem s') c = HighAbMemMap.get (mem s) c = High).

Definition empty_state : state :=
  {| reg := AbRegMap.empty;
     mem := AbMemMap.empty;
     context := nil;
     alarms := nil |}.

Definition upd_reg (s: state) (f: AbRegMap.tAbRegMap.t) : state :=
  {| reg := f (reg s); mem := mem s; context := context s; alarms := alarms s |}.

Definition upd_mem (s: state) (f: AbMemMap.tAbMemMap.t) : state :=
  {| reg := reg s; mem := f (mem s); context := context s; alarms := alarms s |}.

Definition upd_alarms (s: state) (f: list Errors.errmsglist Errors.errmsg) : state :=
  {| reg := reg s; mem := mem s; context := context s; alarms := f (alarms s) |}.

Definition push (f: ident) (s: state) : state :=
  {| reg := reg s; mem := AbMemMap.push (mem s); context := f :: context s; alarms := alarms s |}.

Definition pop (s s': state) : state :=
  {| reg := reg s'; mem := AbMemMap.pop (mem s'); context := context s; alarms := alarms s' |}.

                     with Definition t := state

  Definition t : Type := state.
  Definition eq := state_eq.

  Instance eq_refl : Reflexive eq := _.
  Instance eq_sym : Symmetric eq := _.
  Instance eq_trans : Transitive eq := _.

  Definition beq (s s': t) : bool := state_eq_dec s s'.

  Lemma beq_correct s s' : beq s s' = trueeq s s'.
    unfold beq. case state_eq_dec; simpl. auto.
    intros; eq_some_inv.

  Definition ge := state_ge.

  Lemma ge_refl s s' : eq s s' → ge s s'.
    intros (EQr & EQm & EQc). repeat split.
    - intros r H. rewrite EQr. exact H.
    - intros c H. rewrite EQm. exact H.

  Instance ge_trans : Transitive ge.
    intros x y z (Hr & Hm) (Hr' & Hm').
    repeat split; firstorder.

  Definition bot : state := empty_state.

  Lemma ge_bot x : ge x bot.
    unfold bot, empty_state.
    repeat split; simpl.
    - intros r. rewrite AbRegMap.gempty. apply Low_not_High.
    - intros c. rewrite AbMemMap.gempty. apply Low_not_High.

  Definition lub (s s': t) : t :=
    {| reg := AbRegMap.union (reg s) (reg s');
       mem := AbMemMap.union (mem s) (mem s');
       context := context s;
       alarms := rev_append (alarms s) (alarms s')

  Lemma ge_lub_left s s' : ge (lub s s') s.
    repeat split; simpl.
    - intros r H. rewrite AbRegMap.gunion, H; reflexivity.
    - intros r H. rewrite AbMemMap.gunion, H; reflexivity.

  Lemma ge_lub_right s s' : ge (lub s s') s'.
    repeat split; simpl.
    - intros r H. rewrite AbRegMap.gunion, H, max_sec_level_comm; reflexivity.
    - intros r H. rewrite AbMemMap.gunion, H, max_sec_level_comm; reflexivity.

End D0.

Module D : SEMILATTICE with Definition t := option state :=
  LOption D0.

Module DS := Dataflow_Solver(D)(NodeSetForward).

Definition annotation : Type := list Annotations.ablock.

Definition fold_annot (α: annotation) {X: Type} (cb: (Zab_cell) → ZZXX) : XX :=
    (λ x ab,
     let '(ab, (lo, hi)) :=
         match ab with
         | Annotations.ABlocal δ _ r => (Stack δ, r)
         | Annotations.ABglobal g r => (Global g, r)
         end in
     cb ab (Int.unsigned lo) (Int.unsigned hi) x
    ) α.

Section FOR_LOOP.
  Context {X : Type}
          (body : ZXX)
          (hi : Z).

  Function for_loop (lo: Z) (x: X) {measurelo, Z.to_nat (hi - lo)) lo} : X :=
    if lo <? hi
    then for_loop (Z.succ lo) (body lo x)
    else x.
    abstract (
    intros lo _;
    case Z.ltb_spec;
      [ intros LT _; apply Z2Nat.inj_lt; Psatz.lia
      | intros _ K; exact (let 'eq_refl := K in I) ]

Definition load_cells (mm: AbMemMap.t) (ϰ: memory_chunk) (c: Zab_cell) (lo hi: Z) (v: sec_level) : sec_level :=
    (λ ofs v,
     vAbMemMap.get mm (c ofs)
    ) (hi + size_chunk ϰ) lo v.

Definition load_all (mm: AbMemMap.t) (α: annotation) (ϰ: memory_chunk) : sec_level :=
  fold_annot α (load_cells mm ϰ) Low.

Definition set_cells (v: sec_level) (ϰ: memory_chunk) (c: Zab_cell) (lo hi: Z) (mm: AbMemMap.t) : AbMemMap.t :=
    (λ ofs mm,
     AbMemMap.set mm (c ofs) v
    ) (hi + size_chunk ϰ) lo mm.

Definition is_strong_update (α: annotation) : option ((Zab_cell) * Z) :=
  match α with
  | ab :: nil =>
    let '(c, (lo, hi)) :=
        match ab with
        | ABlocal d _ r => (Stack d, r)
        | ABglobal g r => (Global g, r)
        end in
    if Int.eq lo hi then Some (c, Int.unsigned lo) else None
  | _ => None

Definition store_all (mm: AbMemMap.t) (α: annotation) (ϰ: memory_chunk) (v: sec_level) :
  AbMemMap.t :=
  match v with
  | Low =>
    match is_strong_update α with
    | None => mm
    | Some (c, lo) => set_cells Low ϰ c lo lo mm
  | High => fold_annot α (set_cells High ϰ) mm

Definition resolve_function_symbol (ge: Genv.t _ unit) (f: ident) : option fundef :=
  match Genv.find_symbol ge f with
  | None => None
  | Some b => Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b

Fixpoint registers_of_builtin_res {R} (br: builtin_res R) (a: list R) : list R :=
  match br with
  | BR r => r :: a
  | BR_none => a
  | BR_splitlong x y => registers_of_builtin_res x (registers_of_builtin_res y a)

Definition set_builtin_res (s: state) (dst: builtin_res mreg) (v: sec_level) : state :=
  fold_lefts d, upd_reg srm, AbRegMap.set rm d v)) (registers_of_builtin_res dst nil) s.

  Variable fn : function.
  Variable rm : AbRegMap.t.
  Variable mm: AbMemMap.t.
  Fixpoint level_of_builtin_arg (ba: builtin_arg mreg) : sec_level :=
    match ba with
    | BA r => rm r
    | BA_splitlong x y => level_of_builtin_arg xlevel_of_builtin_arg y
    | BA_int _
    | BA_long _
    | BA_float _
    | BA_single _
    | BA_addrstack _
    | BA_addrglobal _ _
      => Low
    | BA_loadstack ϰ ofs =>
      let ofs := Int.sub ofs (Int.repr (fn_stackdata fn)) in
      let α := Annotations.ABlocal 0 xH (ofs, ofs) :: nil in
      load_all mm α ϰ
    | BA_loadglobal ϰ g ofs =>
      let α := Annotations.ABglobal g (ofs, ofs) :: nil in
      load_all mm α ϰ

  Definition level_of_builtin_args (args: list (builtin_arg mreg)) : sec_level :=
    fold_leftv a, vlevel_of_builtin_arg a) args Low.


Built-ins which preserve the memory. Derived from SelectLongproof.v.
Definition builtin_white_list : list string :=
:: "__i64_dtou"
:: "__i64_stod"
:: "__i64_utod"
:: "__i64_stof"
:: "__i64_utof"
:: "__builtin_negl"
:: "__builtin_addl"
:: "__builtin_subl"
:: "__builtin_mull"
:: "__i64_sdiv"
:: "__i64_udiv"
:: "__i64_smod"
:: "__i64_umod"
:: "__i64_shl"
:: "__i64_shr"
:: "__i64_sar"
:: nil)%string.

Section GE.

Variable prog : MachIR.program.
Variable ge: Genv.t fundef unit.

Definition is_volatile (g: ident) : bool :=
  match assoc g (prog_defs prog) with
  | Some (Gvar gv) => gvar_volatile gv
  | _ => false

Variable level_of_global : identsec_level.

Section ANALYZE.
Variable analyze : functionD.tD.t.

Definition transfer (f: function) (pc: node) (is: D.t) : D.t :=
  match is with None => is | Some s =>
  match (fn_code f)!pc with
  | None => is
  | Some i =>
    match i with
    | MIop op args dest _ => Some (upd_reg srm, AbRegMap.set rm dest (rm##t args)))
    | MIload (_, α) ϰ addr args dst _ =>
      let v := if α then High else load_all (mem s) α ϰ ∪ (reg s) ##t args in
      Some (upd_reg srm, AbRegMap.set rm dst v))
    | MIstore (_, α) ϰ addr args src _ =>
      match α with
      | nil => None
      | _ =>
        let rg := reg s in
        let v := rg srcrg ##t args in
        Some (upd_mem smm, store_all mm α ϰ v))
    | MIgetparam ofs ty dst _ =>
        match context s with
        | _ :: caller :: _ => resolve_function_symbol ge caller
        | _ => None
      | Some (Internal caller) =>
      let ofs := Int.sub ofs (Int.repr (fn_stackdata caller)) in
      let α := (Annotations.ABlocal 1 xH (ofs, ofs) :: nil) in
      let ϰ := chunk_of_type ty in
      let v := load_all (mem s) α ϰ in
      Some (upd_reg srm, AbRegMap.set rm dst v))
      | _ => None
    | MIcall sg callee_name _ =>
      match resolve_function_symbol ge callee_name with
      | None => is
      | Some (Internal callee) =>
        option_map (pop s) (analyze callee (Some (push callee_name s)))
      | Some (External ef) => None
    | MIbuiltin (EF_external _ _ | EF_malloc | EF_free | EF_memcpy _ _ | EF_inline_asm _ _ _) _ _ _
      => None
    | MIbuiltin (EF_builtin b _) args dst _ =>
      if List.in_dec string_dec b builtin_white_list
        let v := level_of_builtin_args f (reg s) (mem s) args in
        Some (set_builtin_res s dst v)
      else None
    | MIbuiltin (EF_annot _ _ | EF_debug _ _ _) _ _ _ => is
    | MIbuiltin (EF_vload _) (BA_addrglobal g _ :: nil) dst _ =>
      if is_volatile g
      then Some (set_builtin_res s dst (level_of_global g))
      else None
    | MIbuiltin (EF_vload _) _ _ _ => None
    | MIbuiltin (EF_vstore _) (BA_addrglobal g _ :: _) _ _ =>
      if is_volatile g then is else None
    | MIbuiltin (EF_vstore _) _ _ _ => None
    | MIbuiltin (EF_annot_val _ _) args dst _ =>
      let v := level_of_builtin_args f (reg s) (mem s) args in
      Some (set_builtin_res s dst v)
    | MIgoto _
    | MIcond _ _ _ _
    | MIreturn
      => is


Definition collect_result (fn: function) (res: PMap.t D.t) : D.t :=
    (λ vl pc i,
     match i with
     | MIreturn => D.lub vl (PMap.get pc res)
     | _ => vl
    (fn_code fn)
    (Some empty_state).

Variable sv : stealth_var.

Require Pun.

Definition is_stealth (α: annotation) : bool :=
  if α then false else
  Pun.forallbab, match ab with
                 | Annotations.ABlocal _ _ _ => false
                 | Annotations.ABglobal g _ => Regset.mem g sv
                 end) α.

Definition error pc ctx a :=
  (Errors.MSG "Not constant-time" :: Errors.POS pc :: (Errors.CTX ## ctx)) :: a.

Definition assert_low (pc: node) (ctx: list ident) (a: list Errors.errmsg) (v: sec_level) : list Errors.errmsg :=
  match v with
  | Low => a
  | High => error pc ctx a

Definition policy_check_one (res: D.t) (a: list Errors.errmsg) (pc: node) (i: instruction) : list Errors.errmsg :=
  let assert_low args :=
      match res with
      | None => error pc nil a
      | Some s =>
        let v := get_args_level (reg s) args in
        assert_low pc (context s) a v
  match i with
  | MIop _ _ _ _
  | MIgoto _
  | MIcall _ _ _
  | MIgetparam _ _ _ _
  | MIreturn
    => a
  | MIload (_, α) _ _ args _ _
  | MIstore (_, α) _ _ args _ _
    if is_stealth α
    then a
    else assert_low args
  | MIcond _ args _ _ => assert_low args
  | MIbuiltin _ args _ _ =>

Definition policy_check (fn: function) (res: PMap.t D.t) : list Errors.errmsg :=
  PTree.folda pc i,
              let s := PMap.get pc res in
              policy_check_one s a pc i)
             (fn_code fn)

Fixpoint iter (n: nat) {struct n} :
  functionD.tD.t :=
  match n with
  | O => λ _ _, None
  | S n' =>
    λ fn init,
    match DS.fixpoint (fn_code fn) successors (transfer (iter n') fn) (fn_entrypoint fn) init with
    | None => None
    | Some flow_sensitive_result =>
      let a := policy_check fn flow_sensitive_result in
      let s := collect_result fn flow_sensitive_result in
      match a with
      | nil => s
      | _ => option_maps, upd_alarms s (app a)) s

End GE.

Definition sizeof (p: program) (g: AST.ident) : Z :=
  match assoc g (AST.prog_defs p) with
  | Some (AST.Gvar gv) => Genv.init_data_list_size (AST.gvar_init gv)
  | _ => 1

Definition full_range p g :=
  (, Int.repr (Z.max 0 (Z.min (sizeof p g - 1) Int.max_unsigned))).

Definition init_ab_mem (p: program) (secret: list ident) :=
  List.fold_leftmm g, store_all mm (Annotations.ABglobal g (full_range p g) :: nil) Mint8unsigned High)
                 secret AbMemMap.empty.

Definition init_state (p: program) (secret: list ident) : D.t :=
  {| reg := AbRegMap.empty;
     mem := AbMemMap.push (init_ab_mem p secret);
     context := prog_main p :: nil;
     alarms := nil |}.

Definition run (p: program) (sv: stealth_var) (secret: list ident) (fuel: nat) : D.t :=
  let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
  match resolve_function_symbol ge (prog_main p) with
  | Some (Internal main) =>
    let level_of_global g :=
        if In_dec eq_dec g secret then High else Low
    iter p ge level_of_global sv fuel main (init_state p secret)
  | _ => None

End Inference.