Module Impure

Impure monad for interface with impure code Little reasoning support is provided in ltac (similar to OptionMonad).

Require Import String.
Require Import Debugging.
Require Export Setoid.
Require Export OptionMonad.

Module Type ImpureMonad.

  Axiom imp: Type -> Type.
  Axiom pure: forall {A}, A -> imp A.
  Axiom bind: forall {A B}, imp A -> (A -> imp B) -> imp B.

  Axiom mayReturn: forall {A:Type}, imp A -> A -> Prop.

  Axiom mayReturn_pure: forall (A:Type) (a b:A),
     mayReturn (pure a) b -> a=b.

  Axiom mayReturn_bind: forall (A B:Type) (k1:imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (b:B),
     mayReturn (bind k1 k2) b -> exists a:A, mayReturn k1 a /\ mayReturn (k2 a) b.

  Axiom impeq: forall {A}, imp A -> imp A -> Prop.

  Declare Instance impeq_equiv A: Equivalence (@impeq A).
  Declare Instance bind_eq_compat A B: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> (pointwise_relation A (@impeq B)) ==> (@impeq B)) (@bind A B).
  Declare Instance mayReturn_eq_compat A: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) (@mayReturn A).

  Axiom impeq_bind_pure_l: forall (A B:Type) (k: A -> imp B) (a:A),
     (impeq (bind (pure a) k) (k a)).

  Axiom impeq_bind_pure_r: forall (A:Type) (k: imp A),
     (impeq (bind k (fun b => pure b)) k).

  Axiom impeq_bind_assoc: forall (A B C:Type) (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (k3: B -> imp C),
     (impeq (bind (bind k1 k2) (fun b => k3 b)) (bind k1 (fun a => bind (k2 a) (fun b => k3 b)))).

End ImpureMonad.

Module Type TYPE.
   Axiom t: Type.

model of state-monad computations
Module StateImpureMonad(State:TYPE)<: ImpureMonad.
   Definition imp (A:Type) := State.t -> A * State.t.

   Definition mayReturn {A:Type} (k: imp A) (a:A): Prop :=
     exists s, fst (k s)=a.

  Definition impeq {A} (k1 k2: imp A) := forall s, (k1 s)=(k2 s).

   Definition pure {A:Type} (a:A) := fun (s:State.t) => (a,s).

   Definition bind {A B:Type} (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) :=
     fun s0 => let r := k1 s0 in k2 (fst r) (snd r).

   Lemma mayReturn_pure (A:Type) (a b:A): (mayReturn (pure a) b) -> a=b.
     unfold mayReturn, pure. simpl.

   Lemma mayReturn_bind (A B:Type) (k1:imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (b:B):
         (mayReturn (bind k1 k2) b) -> exists (a:A), (mayReturn k1 a) /\ (mayReturn (k2 a) b).
     unfold mayReturn, bind.
     firstorder eauto.

  Instance impeq_equiv A: Equivalence (@impeq A).
    unfold impeq; constructor 1; intro x; congruence.

  Instance bind_eq_compat A B: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> (pointwise_relation A (@impeq B)) ==> (@impeq B)) (@bind A B).
    unfold impeq, bind; intros x y; congruence.

  Instance mayReturn_eq_compat A: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) (@mayReturn A).
    unfold impeq, mayReturn, iff; intros k1 k2 H x y H0.
    subst; firstorder subst;
    eapply ex_intro; rewrite H; eauto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_l (A B:Type) (k: A -> imp B) (a:A):
     (impeq (bind (pure a) k) (k a)).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind; simpl; auto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_r (A:Type) (k: imp A):
     (impeq (bind k (fun b => pure b)) k).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind. intros s; destruct (k s); simpl; auto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_assoc (A B C:Type) (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (k3: B -> imp C):
     (impeq (bind (bind k1 k2) (fun b => k3 b)) (bind k1 (fun a => bind (k2 a) (fun b => k3 b)))).
    unfold impeq, bind. intros s; simpl; auto.

End StateImpureMonad.

Model of impure computation as predicate
Module StandardImpureMonad<: ImpureMonad.
   Definition imp (A:Type) := A -> Prop.

   Definition mayReturn {A:Type} (k: imp A) (a:A): Prop := k a.

   Definition impeq {A} (k1 k2: imp A) := forall a, (k1 a) <-> (k2 a).

   Definition pure {A:Type} (a:A) := eq a.

   Definition bind {A B:Type} (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) :=
     fun b => exists a, k1 a /\ k2 a b.

   Lemma mayReturn_pure {A:Type} (a b:A): (mayReturn (pure a) b) -> a=b.
     unfold mayReturn, pure. firstorder.

   Lemma mayReturn_bind {A B:Type} (k1:imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (b:B):
         (mayReturn (bind k1 k2) b) -> exists (a:A), (mayReturn k1 a) /\ (mayReturn (k2 a) b).
     unfold mayReturn, bind.

  Instance impeq_equiv A: Equivalence (@impeq A).
    unfold impeq; constructor 1; intro x.
    - intuition.
    - firstorder.
    - intros y z H H0 a. rewrite H. auto.

  Instance bind_eq_compat A B: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> (pointwise_relation A (@impeq B)) ==> (@impeq B)) (@bind A B).
    unfold impeq, bind; intros x y H; unfold pointwise_relation; simpl.
    intros f. firstorder.

  Instance mayReturn_eq_compat A: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) (@mayReturn A).
    unfold impeq, mayReturn; intros k1 k2 H x y H0.
    subst; firstorder subst.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_l (A B:Type) (k: A -> imp B) (a:A):
     (impeq (bind (pure a) k) (k a)).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind; firstorder subst; auto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_r (A:Type) (k: imp A):
     (impeq (bind k (fun b => pure b)) k).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind; firstorder subst; auto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_assoc (A B C:Type) (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (k3: B -> imp C):
     (impeq (bind (bind k1 k2) (fun b => k3 b)) (bind k1 (fun a => bind (k2 a) (fun b => k3 b)))).
    unfold impeq, bind; firstorder subst;
    repeat (eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto).

End StandardImpureMonad.

Module PureImpureMonad<: ImpureMonad.
   Definition imp (A:Type) := A.

   Definition mayReturn {A:Type} (a b:A): Prop := a=b.

   Definition impeq {A} := @eq A.

   Definition pure {A:Type} (a:A) := a.
   Definition bind {A B:Type} (k1: A) (k2: A -> B) := k2 k1.

   Lemma mayReturn_pure (A:Type) (a b:A): (mayReturn (pure a) b) -> a=b.

   Lemma mayReturn_bind (A B:Type) (k1:imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (b:B):
         (mayReturn (bind k1 k2) b) -> exists (a:A), (mayReturn k1 a) /\ (mayReturn (k2 a) b).

  Instance impeq_equiv A: Equivalence (@impeq A).
    unfold impeq; constructor 1; intro x; congruence.

  Instance bind_eq_compat A B: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> (pointwise_relation A (@impeq B)) ==> (@impeq B)) (@bind A B).
    unfold impeq, bind; intros x y; congruence.

  Instance mayReturn_eq_compat A: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) (@mayReturn A).
    unfold impeq, mayReturn, iff; intros k1 k2 H x y H0; firstorder congruence.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_l (A B:Type) (k: A -> imp B) (a:A):
     (impeq (bind (pure a) k) (k a)).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind; simpl; auto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_r (A:Type) (k: imp A):
     (impeq (bind k (fun b => pure b)) k).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind. simpl; auto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_assoc (A B C:Type) (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (k3: B -> imp C):
     (impeq (bind (bind k1 k2) (fun b => k3 b)) (bind k1 (fun a => bind (k2 a) (fun b => k3 b)))).
    unfold impeq, bind. simpl; auto.

End PureImpureMonad.

Module ImpureMonadTheory(Export M: ImpureMonad).

  Definition impeq_bind_pure_l:=impeq_bind_pure_l.
  Definition impeq_bind_pure_r:=impeq_bind_pure_r.
  Definition impeq_bind_assoc:=impeq_bind_assoc.

  Hint Rewrite @impeq_bind_pure_l @impeq_bind_pure_r @impeq_bind_assoc: impeq.
  Hint Immediate (fun A x => @Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ (@impeq_equiv A) x).

  Definition wlp {A:Type} (k: imp A) (P: A -> Prop): Prop
    := forall a, mayReturn k a -> P a.

  Add Parametric Morphism (A:Type): (@wlp A) with
    signature (@impeq A) ==> (pointwise_relation A iff) ==> iff
    as wlp_compat.
    intros k1 k2 H P Q H0. unfold pointwise_relation, iff in H.
    constructor 1; unfold wlp; intros.
    rewrite <- H in * |- ; firstorder.
    rewrite H in * |-; firstorder.

  Lemma wlp_unfold A (k:imp A)(P: A -> Prop):
    (forall a, mayReturn k a -> P a)
    -> wlp k P.

  Lemma wlp_monotone A (k:imp A) (P1 P2: A -> Prop):
    wlp k P1
    -> (forall a, mayReturn k a -> P1 a -> P2 a)
    -> wlp k P2.
    unfold wlp; eauto.

  Lemma wlp_forall A B (k:imp A) (P: B -> A -> Prop):
    (forall x, wlp k (P x))
    -> wlp k (fun a => forall x, P x a).
    unfold wlp; auto.

  Lemma wlp_pure A (P: A -> Prop) a:
    P a -> wlp (pure a) P.
    unfold wlp.
    intros H b H0;
      rewrite <- (mayReturn_pure _ _ _ H0).

  Lemma wlp_bind: forall A B (k1:imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (P: B -> Prop),
    wlp k1 (fun a => wlp (k2 a) P) -> wlp (bind k1 k2) P.
    unfold wlp.
    intros A B k1 k2 P H a H0.
    case (mayReturn_bind _ _ _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
    intuition eauto.

Example of Higher-order reasoning
  Lemma List_fold_left_impeq_run (A B:Type) (f: B -> A -> imp A) (l:list B) (i: imp A):
   impeq (List.fold_left (fun k x => bind k (f x)) l i)
         (bind i (fun a => List.fold_left (fun k x => bind k (f x)) l (pure a))).
    generalize i.
    induction l as [| a0 l IHl]; simpl.
    - intros; autorewrite with impeq; auto.
    - intros; rewrite IHl.
      autorewrite with impeq.
      apply bind_eq_compat.
      + auto.
      + intros a. rewrite IHl; auto;
           autorewrite with impeq; auto.

  Lemma wlp_List_fold_left (A B:Type) (f: B -> A -> imp A) (l:list B) (i: imp A) (P: A -> Prop):
    wlp i (fun a => wlp (List.fold_left (fun k x => bind k (f x)) l (pure a)) P)
     -> wlp (List.fold_left (fun k x => bind k (f x)) l i) P.
    intros H; rewrite List_fold_left_impeq_run.
    apply wlp_bind. auto.

  Ltac introcomp :=
    let a:= fresh "exta" in
      let H:= fresh "Hexta" in
        intros a H.

  Ltac wlp_decompose :=
    apply wlp_pure
 || apply wlp_bind.

  Ltac apply_wlp_hint hint :=
    eapply wlp_monotone;
      [ hint; fail | idtac ] ;
      simpl; introcomp.

  Ltac xtstep hint :=
    match goal with
      | |- (wlp _ _) => wlp_decompose
        || apply_wlp_hint ltac:hint
          || (apply wlp_unfold;

  Ltac xtsimplify hint :=
    repeat (intros; xtstep ltac:hint ; simpl; (tauto || hint)).

  Ltac xastep hint :=
    match goal with
      | |- (wlp _ _) => wlp_decompose
        || apply_wlp_hint ltac:hint
      | |- (wte _ _ _) => wte_decompose
        || apply_wte_hint ltac:hint
          || (apply wte_decomp; [ intro | idtac]; intro_rewrite)
      | |- (ifprop _ _ _) => ifprop_decompose
        || apply_ifprop_hint ltac:hint
          || (apply ifprop_decomp; intro_rewrite)
      | |- _ => default_simplify
        || (apply wlp_unfold;

  Ltac xasimplify hint:=
    repeat (intros; xastep ltac:hint; simpl; (tauto || hint)).

  Bind Scope impure_scope with imp.
  Delimit Scope impure_scope with impure.
  Open Scope impure.

  Notation "'BIND' x '<-' k1 '-;' k2" := (bind k1 (fun x => k2))
    (at level 55, k1 at level 53, x at level 99, right associativity): impure_scope.

  Notation "'SOME' x '<-' k1 '-;' k2" := (TRY x <- k1 IN k2 CATCH (pure None))
    (at level 55, k1 at level 53, right associativity): impure_scope.

  Notation "k1 '-;' k2" := (bind k1 (fun x:unit => k2))
    (at level 55, right associativity): impure_scope.

  Notation "'WHEN' a '<-' k 'THEN' R" := (wlp k (fun a => R))
    (at level 73, R at level 95, right associativity): impure_scope.

  Notation "'If' k 'THEN' R" := (wlp k (fun b => ifprop b R True))
    (at level 73, R at level 95, right associativity): impure_scope.
End ImpureMonadTheory.

Module Type FullImpureMonad.

  Declare Module Base: ImpureMonad.

  Include ImpureMonadTheory Base.

End FullImpureMonad.

Module MkFullImpureMonad(M: ImpureMonad) <: FullImpureMonad.

  Module Base.
    Include M.
  End Base.

  Include ImpureMonadTheory Base.

End MkFullImpureMonad.

Module Type FullAlarmedMonad.

  Include FullImpureMonad.

  Axiom alarm: forall {A:Type}, string -> A -> imp A.

  Axiom mayReturn_alarm: forall (A:Type) msg (a b:A),
     (mayReturn (alarm msg a) b) -> False.

End FullAlarmedMonad.

Lift an impure monad into an alarmed monad.
Module AlarmImpureMonad(Import M: FullImpureMonad) <: FullAlarmedMonad.

   Module Base.

   Definition imp (A:Type) := Base.imp (A*bool).

   Definition mayReturn {A:Type} (k: imp A) (a:A): Prop :=
       M.Base.mayReturn k (a,true).

   Definition impeq {A} := @Base.impeq (A*bool).

   Definition pure {A:Type} (a:A) := M.Base.pure (a,true).

   Definition bind {A B:Type} (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) :=
     BIND r1 <- k1 -;
     let (a1,b1):=r1 in
     BIND r2 <- k2 a1 -;
     let (a2,b2):=r2 in
     M.Base.pure (a2,b1 &&& b2).

   Definition lift {A:Type} (k: M.Base.imp A) : imp A :=
     BIND a <- k -; M.Base.pure (a,true).

   Lemma mayReturn_pure (A:Type) (a b:A): (mayReturn (pure a) b) -> a=b.
     unfold mayReturn, pure.
     intro H; generalize (Base.mayReturn_pure _ _ _ H).

   Lemma mayReturn_lift (A:Type) (k: M.Base.imp A) (a:A): (mayReturn (lift k) a) -> (M.Base.mayReturn k a).
     unfold mayReturn, lift. intuition.
     destruct (Base.mayReturn_bind _ _ _ _ _ H) as [x H0]; clear H.
     destruct H0 as [H H0].
     generalize (Base.mayReturn_pure _ _ _ H0).
     intros H1; inversion H1; subst; auto.

   Lemma bool_and_eq_true (b1 b2: bool): b1 &&& b2 = true -> b1=true /\ b2=true.
     destruct b1; simpl; auto.

   Lemma mayReturn_bind (A B:Type) (k1:imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (b:B):
         (mayReturn (bind k1 k2) b) -> exists (a:A), (mayReturn k1 a) /\ (mayReturn (k2 a) b).
     unfold mayReturn, bind.
     intro H; destruct (M.Base.mayReturn_bind _ _ _ _ _ H) as [x H0]; clear H.
     destruct x as [a1 b1].
     destruct H0 as [H H0].
     destruct (M.Base.mayReturn_bind _ _ _ _ _ H0) as [x H1]; clear H0.
     destruct x as [a2 b2].
     destruct H1 as [H0 H1].
     generalize (M.Base.mayReturn_pure _ _ _ H1).
     intros H2; inversion H2.
     destruct (bool_and_eq_true _ _ H5); subst; eauto.

  Instance impeq_equiv A: Equivalence (@impeq A).
    unfold impeq. apply Base.impeq_equiv.

  Instance bind_eq_compat A B: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> (pointwise_relation A (@impeq B)) ==> (@impeq B)) (@bind A B).
    unfold impeq, bind; intros x y H k1 k2 H0.
    apply Base.bind_eq_compat; auto.
    intros r. destruct r. rewrite H0; auto.

  Instance mayReturn_eq_compat A: Proper ((@impeq A) ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) (@mayReturn A).
    unfold impeq, mayReturn, iff; intros k1 k2 H x y H0.
    subst. rewrite H. intuition.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_l (A B:Type) (k: A -> imp B) (a:A):
     (impeq (bind (pure a) k) (k a)).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind; simpl.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    apply Base.impeq_bind_pure_l.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    2: apply Base.impeq_bind_pure_r.
    eapply M.Base.bind_eq_compat;eauto.
    intros x; destruct x; simpl; auto.

  Lemma impeq_bind_pure_r (A:Type) (k: imp A):
     (impeq (bind k (fun b => pure b)) k).
    unfold impeq, pure, bind.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    2: apply Base.impeq_bind_pure_r.
    eapply M.Base.bind_eq_compat;eauto.
    intros x; destruct x; simpl; auto.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    apply M.Base.impeq_bind_pure_l.
    destruct b; simpl; auto.

   Definition bindx {A B:Type} (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) :=
     BIND r1 <- k1 -;
     BIND r2 <- k2 (fst r1) -;
     M.Base.pure ((fst r2),(snd r1) &&& (snd r2)).

  Lemma bind_bindx_eq A B (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B):
    impeq (bind k1 k2) (bindx k1 k2).
    unfold impeq, bind, bindx.
    eapply M.Base.bind_eq_compat; eauto.
    intros x; destruct x; simpl.
    eapply M.Base.bind_eq_compat; eauto.
    intros x; destruct x; simpl.

  Lemma impeq_bind_assoc (A B C:Type) (k1: imp A) (k2: A -> imp B) (k3: B -> imp C):
     (impeq (bind (bind k1 k2) (fun b => k3 b)) (bind k1 (fun a => bind (k2 a) (fun b => k3 b)))).
    unfold impeq.
    repeat (rewrite bind_bindx_eq; unfold bindx).
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    eapply Base.impeq_bind_assoc.
    eapply M.Base.bind_eq_compat; eauto.
    intros x; destruct x; simpl.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    eapply Base.impeq_bind_assoc.
    rewrite bind_bindx_eq; unfold bindx.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    2: symmetry; eapply Base.impeq_bind_assoc.
    eapply M.Base.bind_eq_compat; eauto.
    intros x; destruct x; simpl.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    apply M.Base.impeq_bind_pure_l.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    2: symmetry; eapply Base.impeq_bind_assoc.
    eapply M.Base.bind_eq_compat; eauto.
    intros x; destruct x; simpl.
    eapply Equivalence_Transitive.
    2: symmetry; apply M.Base.impeq_bind_pure_l.
    simpl; destruct b; simpl; auto.

  End Base.

  Include ImpureMonadTheory Base.

  Definition alarm {A:Type} (msg: string) (a:A) :=
     let a:=trace INFO msg a in
     M.Base.pure (a,false).

   Lemma mayReturn_alarm (A:Type) msg (a b:A): (Base.mayReturn (alarm msg a) b) -> False.
     unfold Base.mayReturn, alarm.
     unfold trace; simpl; intro H.
     generalize (M.Base.mayReturn_pure _ _ _ H).

End AlarmImpureMonad.