SCRIPT SelectGraph() // Create the dialog window win := Dialog:Start("TSFMATLAB","1D Graphic","Ok|Cancel") // The type of available graphics names := "Function Plot|Stairs|Bars" // Add the instructions for the user. mesg := "Please, select a graphic type" foo:= Dialog:InsertText(win,mesg,0) // Add the menu f_sel := Dialog:InsertMenuField(win, "types : ",names,1) // Add an empty line foo:= Dialog:InsertText(win," ",0) // Open the window and wait for the answer res := Dialog:Run(win) IF (res==0) THEN num := Dialog:GetFieldAsInteger(win,f_sel) IF (num==0) THEN PRINT "You have selected the Function Plot graph" ELSEIF (num==1) THEN PRINT "You have selected the Stairs graph" ELSEIF (num==2) THEN PRINT "You have selected the Bars graph" ENDIF ENDIF // And close the window foo := Dialog:Close(win) ENDSCRIPT