Next: Reading the fields
Up: Dialog boxes
Previous: Custom dialogue boxes
Each of the functions described in this section inserts an input or an output field in a dialog box.
Dialog:InsertText(WIN MESG ALIGN)
The output field inserted by this function displays a message.
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRINGLIST) is the message to be displayed.
- ALIGN (input INT) is the alignment (<0:left, 0:centered, >0:right)
- The function returns nothing
Dialog:InsertText(WIN MESG ALIGN ICON)
The output field inserted by this function displays a message associated to an icon.
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRINGLIST) is the message to be displayed.
- ALIGN (input INT) is the alignment (<0:left, 0:centered, >0:right)
- ICON (input INT) is the icon to be displayed:
0:none 1:information 2:warning 3:working 4:question 5:error
- The function returns nothing
Dialog:InsertMultiText(WIN MESG LINES)
The output field inserted by this function displays a message in a scrolling zone.
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRINGLIST) is the message to be displayed.
- LINES (input INT) is the number of visible lines in the scrolling zone.
- The function returns nothing
The input field inserted by this function reads a short text (one line). A
list of predefined texts is proposed to the user. The value associated to
the field is a text.
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRING) is the label associated to the input field (one line).
- DEFAULT (input STRING) is the default value of the input field.
- CHOICES (input STRINGLIST) is the list of predefined texts.
- The function returns the field identifier (return INT).
Dialog:InsertMultiTextField(WIN START LINES)
The input field inserted by this function reads a long text (many lines). The field can be scrolled.
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- DEFAULT (input STRING) is the default value of the input field.
- LINES (input INT) is the number of visible lines in the scrolling zone.
- The function returns the field identifier (return INT).
Dialog:InsertIntegerField(WIN MESG DEFAULT )
The input field inserted by this function reads an integer value. The value associated to the field is an integer.
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRING) is the label associated to the input field (one line).
- DEFAULT (input INT) is the default value of the input field.
- The function returns the field identifier (return INT).
Dialog:InsertRangeField(WIN MESG DEFAULT MIN MAX)
The input field inserted by this function reads an integer value in a
specified range. The value associated to the field is an integer.
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRING) is the label associated to the input field (one line).
- DEFAULT (input INT) is the default value of the input field.
- MIN (input INT) is the lower possible value of the input field.
- MAX (input INT) is the greater possible value of the input field.
- The function returns the field identifier (return INT).
Dialog:InsertMenuField(WIN MESG ITEMS DEFAULT)
The input field inserted by this function allows to select an item into a
menu. The value associated to the field can be an integer (the index of the
selected item) or a text (the selected item).
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRING) is the label associated to the menu (one line).
- ITEMS (input STRINGLIST) is the list of possibles items
- DEFAULT (input INT) is the index (in ITEMS) of the default item.
- The function returns the field identifier (return INT).
Dialog:InsertBooleanField( WIN MESG START)
The input field inserted by this function reads a boolean value. The value associated to the field is an integer (0 for false and 1 for true).
- WIN (input INT) is the dialog box identifier.
- MESG (input STRING) is the label associated to the input field (one line).
- DEFAULT (input INT) is the default value of the input field.
- The function returns the field identifier (return INT).
Next: Reading the fields
Up: Dialog boxes
Previous: Custom dialogue boxes
Yann Mevel