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SALTO is composed of three parts: a kernel, a machine description file
and an optimization or instrumentation module provided by the user.
Figure 1.1 illustrates the organization of these three

Figure 1.1: System Overview
- The kernel performs common house-keeping tasks the user doesn't want
to worry about. The parsing of the machine description file and the
assembly code, and the construction of the internal
representation are done automatically. The internal representation is
then available via the kernel's user interface.
- The machine description file provides a model of hardware
configuration and the complete description of the instruction set,
including per-instruction resource reservation tables.
- The optimization or instrumentation module is supplied by the user,
and provides two entry points: the main function Salto_hook,
and (optionally) the initialization function Salto_init_hook.
If supplied, the initialization function is called immediately after
parsing command line arguments. The system then reads the machine
description file and the assembly code. Once the internal representation
is successfully built, the control is passed to
the user by calling Salto_hook.
Erven Rohou
Fri Oct 17 09:15:29 MET DST 1997