Mary-Luc Champel†, Kévin Huguenin‡, Anne-Marie Kermarrec⁰ and Nicolas Le Scouarnec† have received the best paper award at ICDCS’10 for their work on network coding.

Network coding is a communication paradigm that can be applied to numerous fields since it can enhance wireless networking, content distribution, distributed storage… However, the main pitfall that prevents the use of network coding today is its high decoding cost. The awarded paper describes LT Network Codes, a new kind of network coding that offers a low complexity decoding procedure. LT Network Codes significantly broaden the application spectrum for network codes : computationally limited devices may now run applications relying on network coding while they could not afford the decoding cost with previously existing randomized network codes.

Mary-Luc Champel, Kévin Huguenin, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, and Nicolas Le Scouarnec. LT Network Codes. In 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Jun. 21, 2010, Genoa, Italy

† Technicolor
‡ IRISA / Université Rennes 1
⁰ INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique