Resource provisioning for complex Web applications

Dynamic resource provisioning aims at maintaining the end-to-end response time of a web application within a pre-defined range (Service Level Objective, SLO). Provisioning resources for applications composed of multiple services remains a challenge. When the SLO is violated, one must decide /which/ service(s) should be re-provisioned for optimal effect. We propose to assign an SLO only to the front-end service. Other services are not given any particular response time objectives. Services are autonomously responsible for their own provisioning operations and collaboratively negotiate performance objectives with each other to decide the provisioning service(s). After presenting the resource provisioning techniques themselves, I will discuss their application and implementation in the context of the ConPaaS runtime environment for elastic Cloud applications.

Guillaume Pierre is an associate professor at VU University Amsterdam. His research focuses on the management of very large-scale distributed systems. He particularly studied Web applications as a good example of demanding large-scale systems and Cloud computing platforms. His research addresses a variety of questions such as how to make applications scale, how to control their non-functional properties, and how to design large-scale decentralized infrastructures where they can be deployed.