Heverson Borba Ribeiro started  as an  Engineer from February.

He received his undergraduate Degree in Bachelor of Informatics from the Positivo University in Brazil in 2001. In 2003, he received a graduate “Lato sensu” Degree in Distributed Systems and Computer Networks, from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-PR) in Brazil, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Carlos Maziero. In the beginning of 2007, he received a Master Degree in Applied Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-PR) in Brazil, working in the Distributed Systems group at PPGIA (Graduate Program in Computer Science at PUC-PR), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Lau Cheuk Lung and sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Education Agency for graduate studies (CAPES). Concurrently to that, he has spent about 10 years in the industry in Brazil, working for companies such as IBM, EMC, among others. He joined the INRIA/IRISA in Rennes in 2007 as PhD Candidate in Computer Science, working in the ADEPT research group under the supervision of Dr. Emmanuelle Anceaume, where he is currently finishing his thesis.

His research interests lie primarily on large scale, distributed, fault tolerant and storage systems, particularly on peer-to-peer overlays .

He will be working on Gossple project.