Publications de Jean-Marie Bonnin
Articles de Journaux
  1. Y. Seok, Y. Choi, T. Kwon, J.-M. Bonnin. Temporal Fairness Guarantee in Multi-rate Wireless LANs for Per-Flow Protection.  Wireless Networks (To appear), 2005.
  2. J.-M. Bonnin, G. Rubino, M. Varela. Controlling Multimedia QoS in the Future Home Network Using the PSQA Metric.  The Computer Journal (To appear), 2005.
  3. G. Guillouard, P. Bertin, K. Khouaja, J.-C. Rault, J.-M. Bonnin. Network-controlled mobility within radio access networks based on WLAN technologies.  Annals of telecommunications, 58(3), March 2003.
  4. J.-M. Bonnin. MPLS.  Techniques de l'ingénieur, Réseaux(IP)(2905), May 2002.
  5. J.-M. Bonnin. LDP, CR-LDP.  Techniques de l'ingénieur, Réseaux(IP)(2910), May 2002.
Chapitres de livres
  1. J.-M. Bonnin. Le coeur de réseau UMTS.  in Principes et évolutions de l'UMTS, Editions Hermès, May 2005.
  2. P. Bereski, J.-M. Bonnin, T. Ernst, A. Petrescu. La mobilité IPv6.  in IPv6 : Théorie et pratique, 4ème Edition, Editions O'Reilly, Gisèle Cizault, 2005.
Conférences Internationales
  1. M. Kassab, A. Belghith, J.-M. Bonnin, S. Sassi. Fast and secure handoffs for 802.11 infrastructure networks.  NetCon'05, Lannion, France, November 2005.
  2. M. Kassab, A. Belghith, J.-M. Bonnin, S. Sassi. Fast Pre-Authentication Based on Proactive Key Distribution for 802.11 Infrastructure Networks.  1st Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling (WMuNeP 2005), Montreal, Canada, October 2005.
  3. J. Ryu, Y. Seok, Y. Choi, T. Kwon, J.-M. Bonnin. S-EDCF: EDCF based on SuperSlot and Pseudo Collision.  11th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2005), Cologne, Allemagne, September 2005.
  4. L. Suciu, J.-M. Bonnin, K. Guillouard, T. Ernst. Multiple Network Interfaces Management for Mobile Routers.  5th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2005), Brest, France, June 2005.
  5. J.-M. Bonnin, G. Rubino, M. Varela. Wireless VoIP at Home: Are We There Yet?.  Proceedings of the Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks Workshop (MESAQIN'05), Prague, Tchéquie, June 2005.
  6. K. Maalaoui, A. Belghith, J.-M. Bonnin, M. Tezeghdanti. Performance evaluation of QoS routing algorithms.  3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA'05), Cairo, Egypt, January 2005.
  7. S. Lucian, J.-M. Bonnin. A Survey of Multi-Criteria Network Selection Algorithms.  Global Mobile Congress (GMC'04), Shanghai, China, October 2004.
  8. S. Lucian, J.-M. Bonnin, K. Guillouard, B. Stévant. Achieving "Always Best Connectec" Through Extensive Profile Management.  9th International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC'04), Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Delft, Netherland, September 2004.
  9. S. Lucian, J.-M. Bonnin, K. Guillouard, B. Stévant. Towards a Highly Adaptable User-Centric Terminal Architecture.  7th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'04), Abano Terme, Italy, September 2004.
  10. B. Gaabab, J.-M. Bonnin, A. Belghith, M. Watari. IPv6 deployment over IPv4-only cellular networks.  2nd International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed and mobile networks (ISIVC'04), Brest, France, July 2004.
  11. R. Zagrouba, P. Bertin, J.-M. Bonnin. QoS Management in Micro-Mobility Domains, Integrating HMIPv6 and IntServ/DiffServ Schemes.  6th World Wireless Congress (WWC'04), San Francisco, USA, May 2004.
  12. I. Gouta, A. Belghith, J.-M. Bonnin. Qualité de service Wi-Fi : Algorithme pour le support de DiffServ.  8th Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MCSEAI'04), Susa, Tunisia, May 2004.
  13. M. Kassab, A. Belghith, H. Idoudi, J.-M. Bonnin. Réalisation d'un point d'accès logiciel 802.11.  3rd International Conference Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT'2004), Susa, Tunisia, March 2004.
  14. A. Boudani, B. Cousin, J. Bonnin. MPLS Multicast Traffic Engineering.  IEEE ROC&C'2003, Reunión de Otoño Comunicaciones, Computación, Acapulco, Mexique, November 2003.
  15. F. André, J.-M. Bonnin, B. Deniaud, K. Guillouard, N. Montavont, T. Noël, L. Suciu. Optimized Support of Multiple Wireless Interfaces within an IPv6 End-Terminal.  Smart Object Conference (SOC), Grenoble, France, May 2003.
  16. Y. Khouaja, K. Guillouard, J.-M. Bonnin, P. Bertin. Hierarchical mobility controlled by the network.  Workshop on Multiacces, Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications (MMT), Rennes, France, June 2002.
  17. J.-M. Bonnin, J. Feng, G. Rubino. A QoS Routing Algorithm to Support Different Classes of Service.  Proceedings of ICII, Benjin, China, October 2001.
  18. J.-M. Bonnin, O. Medina, L. Toutain. Services DiffServ pour les flux audio et vidéo.  8ème Colloque francophone sur l'ingénierie des protocoles (CFIP), pages 81-96, Toulouse, France, October 2000.
Conférences Nationales
  1. Y. Khouaja, K. Guillouard, P. Bertin, J.-M. Bonnin. La gestion hiérarchique de la mobilité IPv6 controlée par le réseau.  De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications (DNAC), Paris, France, December 2002.
  2. Y. Khouaja, K. Guillouard, J.-M. Bonnin, P. Bertin. La gestion hiérarchique de la mobilité controlée par le réseau.  Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP), Toronto, Canada, May 2002.
  3. J.-M. Bonnin, O. Medina, L. Toutain. Internet et la qualité de service (invited paper).  2èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (ALGOTEL), La Rochelle, France, May 2000.
  4. M. Tezeghdanti, J.-M. Bonnin, B. Cousin, L. Toutain. Agrégation dans les réseaux MPLS.  Conférence sur De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications (DNAC), Paris, France, December 1999.
  1. A. Minaburo, E.-K. Paik, L. Toutain, J.-M. Bonnin. ROHC (Robust Header Compression) in NEMO network.  draft IETF: draft-minaburo-rohc-nemo-01.txt, 2005.
  2. R. Zagrouba, J.-M. Bonnin, F. Kamoun. Architecture de gestion de la QoS dans les coeurs des réseaux UMTS.  Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs STIC (Majecstic), October 2003.
  3. J.-M. Bonnin, D. Ros, P. Vi. Conformance Test Methodology for the DiffServ Architecture.  rapport de la convention de recherche RTIPA 2 99 C 1702, November 2000.

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