A. Desmoulin. Test d'interopérabilité de protocoles : de la formalisation des critères d'interopérabilité à la génération des tests. Thèse de l'Université de Rennes 1, December 2007.
Conférences Internationales
A. Desmoulin, C. Viho. Automatic Interoperability Test Case Generation based on Formal Definitions.12th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS), Berlin, Germany, July 2007.
A. Desmoulin, C. Viho. A New Method for Interoperability Test Generation.19th IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems (Testcom) and 7th International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software (Fates), Tallinn, Estonia, June 2007.
A. Desmoulin, C. Viho. Interoperability test generation: formal definitions and algorithms.8 ème Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI'2006), Cotonou, Benin, November 2006.
A. Sabiguero, A. Baire, A. Desmoulin, A. Floch, F. Roudaut, C. Viho. Towards an IP-oriented testing framework - The IPv6 Testing Toolkit.TTCN-3 User Conference 2006, Berlin, Germany, May 2006.
A. Desmoulin, C. Viho. Formalizing Interoperability testing: Quiescence Management and Test Generation.25th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE), Taipei, Taiwan, October 2005.
A. Desmoulin, C. Viho. Formalizing Interoperability for Test Case Generation Purpose.IEEE Nasa ISoLA Workshop on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, an Validation, Columbia, MD, USA, September 2005.
A. Desmoulin, C. Viho. Quiescence Management Improves Interoperability Testing.17th IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems (Testcom), Montreal, Canada, May 2005.
Rapports de recherche
A. Desmoulin, C. Viho. Quiescence Management Improves Interoperability Testing. Rapport de Recherche IRISA, No1702, March 2005.
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