last modified
25.10.2011 02:54 PM
All publications will be available online on ACES HAL page. Technical reports are available on-line from the IRISA ftp server.
- Towards a System Architecture for Recognizing Domestic Activity by Leveraging a Naturalistic Human Activity Model; M. Dominici, M. Fréjus, J. Guibourdenche, B. Pietropaoli, F. Weis; Workshop on Goal, Activity and Plan Recognition (Gaprec) at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2011, Freibug, Germany, June 2011.
- Multi-sensor data fusion within the belief functions framework - Application to Smart Home services; B. Pietropaoli, M. Dominici, F. Weis; in 4rd Conference on smart space and community (RuSMART'10), St Peterburg, Russia, IEEE (editor), August 2011.
- Towards a Feasibility-Driven Uncertainty-Aware Layered Architecture for Recognizing Complex Domestic Activity; M. Dominici, B. Pietropaoli, F. Weis.; International Workshop on Situation, Activity and Goal Awareness (SAGAware 2011) at the 13th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp2011), September 17-21, 2011, Beijing, China.
- Physical aggregated objects and dependabilityAllard Fabien
; Banâtre Michel
; Ben Hamouda Fabrice; Couderc Paul
; Verdonck Jean-François
[Research Report], 2011, pp. 33. RR-7512
- Pervasive integrity checking with coupled objectsCouderc Paul; Banâtre Michel; Allard Fabien; 7th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (Mobiquitous'2010), Dec 2010, Sydney, Australia.
- Design of an indoor location service in museums using RFIDs and WLAN connectivity Ho Minh Tuan; Roche Sylvain; Weis Frédéric 4th Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UcamI 2010), Sep 2010, Valence, Spain.
- Design of a smart information diffusion service for museums using RFID-Based location systemWeis Frédéric; Couderc Paul; Roche Sylvain; Ho Minh Tuan6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (Wicom 2010), Sep 2010, Chengdu, China.
- Customized contents cervice over a DVB-SH/3G NetworkJedidi Azza; Weis Frédéric2nd ICST International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (mobilight 2010), May 2010, Barcelone, Spain. Springer
- Efficient scheduling of low cost popular services over a DVB-SH/3G networkJedidi Azza; Weis FrédéricSecond AIRCC International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiMo 2010), Jun 2010, Ankara, Turkey. Springer
- Physical approach in smart homes, a proposition and a prototype; Dominici Michele; Zecca Giulio; Weis Frédéric; Banâtre Michel; 3rd Conference on smart space and community (RuSMART'10), Aug 2010, St Petersburg, Russian Federation. Springer
- Design of a Smart Information Diffusion Service using RFID-based location System; Ho Minh Tuan; Roche Sylvain; Weis Frédéric[Research Report], 2010, pp. 12. PI 1951
- Automatic guidance of robotized 2D ultrasound probes with visual servoing based on image moments.Mebarki Rafiksignal, image, parole, télécoms. Université Européenne de Bretagne, Mar. 2010. English
2011 |
Communication avec actes
2010 |
Communication avec actes
2009 |
Communication avec actes
- A. Kuusik, S. Roche et F. Weis. SMARTMUSEUM: Cultural Content Recommendation System for Mobile Users. in ICCIT2009 (IEEE/ACM) Int. Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, Seoul, Korea, November 2009.
- T. Kaupinnen, T. Ruotsalo, F. Weis, S. Roche, M. Berni, N. Dokoohaki, E. Hyvnen. SmartMuseum: Knowledge Exchange Platform for Cross-European Cultural Content Integration and Mobile Publication. in 2nd Conference of Cultural Heritage on line Empowering users: an active role for user communities, Florence, Italy, M. P. I. B. E. L. A. C. FONDAZIONE RINASCIMENTO DIGITALE, T. L. OF CONGRESS (editors), December 2009.
- Giulio Zecca, Paul Couderc, Michel Banâtre, and Roberto Beraldi. Swarm Robot Synchronization Using RFID Tags. Seventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). IEEE, Mar. 2009. (PDF)
- G. Zecca, P. Couderc, M. Banatre and R. Beraldi. Cooperation in a Swarm of Robots using RFID Landmarks. IEEE International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. October 2008. (PDF)
- M. Tlais, F. Weis and S. Kerboeuf. Enhancing the Users’ Experience in a Discontinuous Coverage Architecture. IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). Crete Island, Greece. 2008.
- Frédéric Weis, Fabien Allard, Antoine Luu, Mazen Tlais, Marie Line Alberi-Morel and Sylvaine Kerboeuf. Improving Wireless Network Capacity by Logical Discontinuous Coverage. IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). Island. 2008.
- Pierre Duquesne, Ciarán Bryce. Meaningful Updates to Executing Programs, in 4th ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution and Evolability, September 2008, L’Aquilia, Italy.
- Ciarán Bryce. Message Quality for Ambient System Security, in 7th International Conference on Adhoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW 2008), September 2008.
- Damien Martin-Guillerez, Michel Banâtre and Paul Couderc. Recovery In Autonomous Robot Swarms. in European Robotics Symposium 2008 (EUROS 2008), March 2008. (PDF)
- Mazen Tlais, Discontinuous Network Architectures: Challenges, Design and Evaluation, PhD Thesis, University of Rennes I, February 2008.
- Olivier Abdoun, Ciarán Bryce, Adrian Mos, Service-Oriented Forge, Free and Open Source Software Developer’s European Meeting, Brussels, February 2008.
- Michel Banâte, Ciarán Bryce, Paul Couderc, Frédéric Weis, Informatique diffuse, des concepts à la réalité, Hermes.
- Julien Pauty, Paul Couderc, Michel Banâtre and Yolande Berbers, Geo-Linda: a Geometry Aware Distributed Tuple Space, in IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications (AINA ’07), Canada, May 2007.
- Xavier le Bourdon, Paul Couderc, A protocol for distributed multimedia capture for personal communicating devices, in ACM Autonomics, Rome, Italy, October 2007.
- C. Bryce, M. Dekker, S. Etalle, D. Le Metayer and S. Minier, Ubiquitous Privacy Protection, in 1st IEEE International Workshop on Privacy in Ubiquitous Systems, Salzburg, Austria, August 2007.
- M. Pawlak, C. Bryce, A Reference Model for F/OSS Process Management, in Proceedings of Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation, Springer, 2007.
- M. Pawlak, C. Bryce, A Reference Model for F/OSS Process Management, Free and Open Source Software Developer’s European Meeting, Brussels, February 2007.
- Michel Banâtre, Anibal Ollero, Adam Wolisz, Pedro Jose Marron, Cooperating embedded systems and wireless sensor networks, John Wiley and Hermes Publishing, December 2007.
- M. Tlais, F. Weis, Data Exchanging in Hierarchical Infostation Systems, 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Distributed and Parallel Network Applications (ADPNA 2007), Xian, China, September 2007.
- M. Tlais, F. Weis, Distributed communication model in hierarchical infostations systems, in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, June 1007, 19(2), pp:1183-1192.
- Cedric Motsch, Mécanismes de gestion des flots d’exécution dans un système d’exploitation écrit en langage Java, Phd Thesis, Rennes University, October 2007.
- Anibal Ollero, Adam Wolisz, Michel Banatre, An introduction to cooperating objects and wireless sensor networks, in Cooperating objects and wireless sensor networks, December 2007, John Wiley / Hermes.
- S. Santini, K. Roemer, P. Couderc, P. Marron, D. Minder, T. Voigt and A. Vitaletti, System Architectures and Programming Models, in Cooperating objects and wireless sensor networks, December 2007, John Wiley / Hermes.
- Damien Martin-Guillerez. Increasing Data Resilience of Mobile Devices with a Collaborative Backup. International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’06), June 2006.
- A. Guiton. Memory Management in a Java-written Operating System. EuroSys 2006 poster session, Leuven, Belgium, April 2006. Abstract, poster.
- Xavier Le Bourdon, Paul Couderc, Michel Banâtre, Spontaneous Hotspots: Sharing Context-Dependant Resources Using Bluetooth, International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS’06), 2006.
- Damien Martin-Guillerez, Michel Banâtre, Paul Couderc, Increasing Data Resilience of Mobile Devices with a Collaborative Backup Service, IRISA Research Report, Number 1825, November 2006. (PDF)
- J. Pauty, P. Couderc, M. Banâtre. Using Context to Navigate through a Photo Collection. Proc. of the International Symposium on Mobile Human-Computer Interactions (Mobile HCI ’05), Salzburg, Austria, September 2005.
- J. Pauty, P. Couderc, M. Banâtre. Atomic Token Passing in the Context of Spontaneous Communications. Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN’05), Paris, France, June 2005. (To appear)
- J. Pauty, P. Couderc, M. Banâtre. Using Context to Combine Virtual and Physical Navigation. Technical report, IRISA publication 1693 , INRIA report 5496, February 2005.
- J. Pauty, P. Couderc, M. Banâtre. Atomic Token Passing in the Context of Spontaneous Communications. Technical report, IRISA publication 1679 , INRIA report 5445, January 2005.
- A. Guiton, M. Banâtre. An experimental study of Java objects behaviour for mobile architectures. Research report, IRISA publication 1680, INRIA report 5452, January 2005.
- M. Banâtre, P. Couderc, J. Pauty, M. Becus. Ubibus: Ubiquitous computing to Help Blind People in Public Transport. Proc. of the International Symposium on Mobile Human-Computer Interactions (Mobile HCI ’04), pp 310-314, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2004. (article)
- J. Pauty, G. Cabillic. A Checkpoints Mechanism for Mobile Java Applications. Proc. of the Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN’04), Innsbruck, Austria, February 2004. (article)
- J. Pauty, P. Couderc, M. Banâtre. Synthèse des Méthodes de Programmation en Informatique Contextuelle. Technical report, IRISA publication 1595, INRIA report 5094, January 2004.
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
A complete list of previous publications can be browsed here.