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Past projects

by fweis last modified 02.11.2011 10:46 AM

We were involved in four research projects funded by the European Union:

  • SmartMuseum is an FP7 project whose aim is to develop a platform for innovative services enhancing on-site museum access to heritage content.
  • ROBOSWARM is project whose aim is to develop an open knowledge environment for self-configurable, self-learning and robust robot swarms usable in everyday applications.
  • ReSIST project is a network of excellence that brings together research institutes from all over Europe to work on scalable security and dependability techniques for large-scale ubiquitous systems.

ERCIM Working Group on Software Evolution was studying various aspects of the management of the evolution of software systems.

PRIAM - Privacy Issues and Ambient Intelligence. An INRIA funded cooperative research action whose aim is to study the modeling of privacy law in information systems.

In collaboration with Alcatel, we have designed an architectural model for representing the different components of a mobile heterogeneous network (mobile terminals, access controllers, legacy network, etc.).

TVMSL - In this project, we were studying DVB-SH communication coupled with 3G networks.



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