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by fweis last modified 02.11.2011 10:33 AM

Partner : EDF - DER

Starting: 01/06/2010, ending : 01/06/2013

The objective of this new 3 year project is to study the use of ambient computing principles for the management of electricity consumption in residential habitat. The objective is (1) to define scenarios based on home people activities, and (2) to propose an implementation of these scenarios using ambient computing mechanisms studied in the ACES project.

Bin That Thinks

Partners: ACES (INRIA Rennes) and POPS (INRIA Lilles), Veolia PropreteĢ, and Etineo (a start up company focused on M2M communications and ambient networking)

Starting: November 2010; ending: November 2013

Bin That Think is a research project funded by the ANR Ecotech program, which aims at sorting domestic waste at early stage in order to reduce costs and risks in waste sorting center, as well as helping citizens to adopt environment respectful. To this end, Bin That Think introduces a new system for (1) identifying the waste which involve a reject during waste collection, (2) detecting incompatible products and (3) implementing a reporting infrastructure enabling an efficient management/planning of the waste collecting process. Bin That Think will use RFID and embedded sensors to enable waste containers as an intelligent waste infrastructure and a network of smart sensors.


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