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I. Pratikakis, C. Barillot, P. Darnault. Towards Free-Hand 3-D Ultrasound. Research Report INRIA, No 4399, March 2002.

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Motivated by a long term goal to develop a freehand 3-D ultrasound system which will be set up as a basic module in a neurosurgical environment we combined an existing tool which is dedicated to acquisition and visualization of 3-D Ultrasound, the so-called StradX with an optical tracker which is the most appropriate position tracker for such an environment. This report aims to transfer the experience that has been achieved during the construction of the freehand 3-D ultrasound set up and pinpoint crucial aspects which have been emerged during the period of experimenting in a clinical environment with cases which can be met in a daily routine. Our experimental results concern the examination of the transfontanelle of the brain and the carotid

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Pratikakis, I. and Barillot, C. and Darnault, P.},
   Title = {Towards Free-Hand 3-D Ultrasound},
   Number = {4399},
   Institution = {INRIA},
   Month = {March},
   Year = {2002}

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