C. Papin, P. Bouthemy, G. Rochard. Segmentation of low clouds in Meteosat IR night-time images based on a contextual spatio-temporal labeling approach. In 1998 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Data User's Conference, Volume 2, Pages 370-373, Paris, France, May 1998.
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Author = {Papin, C. and Bouthemy, P. and Rochard, G.},
Title = {Segmentation of low clouds in Meteosat IR night-time images based on a contextual spatio-temporal labeling approach},
BookTitle = {1998 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Data User's Conference},
Volume = {2},
Pages = {370--373},
Address = {Paris, France},
Month = {May},
Year = {1998}
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